Rise Chapter 13: No delays

For the professional e-sports players of the National Service LPL, the first thing that needs to be cultivated in a career is their personal psychological quality and ability to withstand stress.

Learn to block those negative information, and get used to malicious and mean ridicule on the Internet.

A truly mature old player, who has actually seen and experienced any big storms, can see a lot of things lightly, as long as he concentrates on his own training and competition.

So, in fact, they don’t care about the so-called trolls and sunspots, and they don’t really care about them.

Because you know those people are just black for black, spray for spray.

Competing with such a person is just a waste of your time.


True fans are different.

If you can choose, the professional players of the national service would rather accept the endless ridicule and abuse from the online navy spouts, rather than face the disappointed eyes from real fans.

Because those are the people who really support you, they will accompany you all the way with your sorrows and joys, always full of expectation and hope for you.

And you are letting them down again and again.


Unable to give a firm promise, unable to resolutely and confidently tell them when they will be able to see the dawn of victory.

This is the most uncomfortable.

Coming out of the airport, the members of the God Club and Lin Feng and others boarded the bus again and set off to return to the club’s training base.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the car is quiet.

No one spoke.

When they returned to the training base of the God club, everyone got out of the car and walked into the lobby of the base, sitting in twos and threes on the sofa and carpet in the living room. They all just bowed their heads and played with their phones, without the desire to talk and chat. .

Leader Zhang, the chief of the club, came over and looked at his team members, smiling:

“It’s been hard all the way.”

“Let’s take a short break in the morning. Let’s start the formal resumption meeting in the afternoon.”

In exchange, there were only scattered responses.

More team members are holding their mobile phones tossing and looking at something. With a little sharp-eyed, they can capture the screen of these team members’ mobile phones. It is vaguely visible that it seems to be the post made by the passerby poster.

Leader Zhang and the coaches of his own coaching team looked at each other, both showing a somewhat helpless look.

It’s still the same reason——

The water army sprays, their club can come forward to fight back and resolve it decisively, so that their players will not be affected by the malicious network.

But for the real fans, the club can’t intervene and can only let the players face it.


The atmosphere is still silent in the living room.

All the members of Team God didn’t mean to get up and go back to the house to rest, but just sat there silently with their heads down.

Zeng Rui frowned slightly, showing a worried look.

Li Shiyi glanced at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng just shook his head.

In this situation, it is not his few comforting words that can be effective. This kind of thing is not what he is good at. If he knows how to deal with it, then as early as the S1 season that year, there would be no Those things happened later.


The door outside the living room was opened.

Number three walked in.

This finally made the God team members sitting in the living room react slightly and got up:


“Senior number three.”

No. 3 gave a “um”, stood in front of the living room, looked at the God players who were obviously depressed, quickly guessed the situation, raised his eyebrows slightly:

“Is this wilting again?”

God players looked at each other, then shook their heads:


“The coach let us rest, and we will resume the game this afternoon–“

But such an answer does not seem to satisfy No.3: “Resume? Go back to the house and sleep on the bed, adjust your jet lag and mental state, and what are you doing in the living room half-dead now? “

A God player mustered up his courage and explained in a low voice:

“Can’t sleep now.”

No. 3 looked at the player, then circled the customer hall, and glanced over the mobile phones in the hands of several God players:

“Oh, just that two article post made you like this?”

“Before co-authoring, what did your seniors say in vain?”

Another God second team member argued:


“Those navy guns, it doesn’t matter, but there are more messages from real fans…I look so heartbroken and uncomfortable.”

Many other team members couldn’t help nodding their heads. This is what they think.

No. 3 heard a bit of sneer: “Oh, co-operating with the squirt and the water army didn’t get you down, but the real fans smashed you all, right?”

A group of God players opened their mouths, but couldn’t refute them.

And No. 3 doesn’t seem to give these God players a chance to continue to refute and argue, and glances over the faces in front of them:

“I’m not like your number one senior. I can’t say so much about the high-rise building, and I’m too lazy to talk nonsense.”

“So I only say one sentence, and only once.”

“You all know what is going on in the new season next year. You also know how tight the time is. Now you are all lost and confused and frustrated, but if one more minute is spent, one more minute is wasted.”

“This year’s finals is a foregone conclusion, and those who are disappointed are already disappointed. Some people say that you are what sinners are. It is really important to take every battle in the new season next year as your atonement. War.”

“Put yourself clearly and want to understand what you should do.”

“Next year, you can’t lose a game in the LPL competition. In your current state…how many games do you think you can win?”

Number three speaks extremely fast.

The tone is sharp and merciless.

After speaking, without even giving time to the many God players in the living room to react, he has already made a categorical conclusion:

“Okay, that’s it.”

“If you can’t sleep, then don’t sleep, don’t wait for any afternoon, start the replay now!”

Immediately, he ignored the people in front of him, and walked directly toward the meeting room of the God club base.

Leaving a group of God players to look at each other, Dawn Morning Star took a deep breath, got up and walked quickly to follow the back of Number Three, Huang Xue Ye Ge gritted his teeth and looked at his other team members:

“Why are you still stunned, let’s go!”

So hula la a vote of people hurried to keep up~IndoMTL.com~ At this time, the previous low and heavy atmosphere was swept away.

Zeng Rui looked at the back of No.3 and couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“As expected of Senior No. 3…”

Li Shiyi nodded and sighed: “It has a completely different style from the predecessor No. 1, but…the same works and easy to use.”

Tang Bingyao looked at Lin Feng:

“Does Fengzi stay here?”

Lin Feng thought for a while and shook his head: “It doesn’t matter if I participate in the reruns, I will go next door first.”

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