Rise Chapter 128: Not a team?

Although it’s a bit regretful that the opponents encountered in two consecutive games are not strong enough in terms of strength and not having a good time, but after all, it is a good start to win two consecutive victories, which is still worth it. Just a little celebration.

At noon, Lin Feng and several people walked out of the competition venue and went to the next shopping mall to find a restaurant for lunch.

After ordering and waiting for the waiter to serve the food, Zeng Rui suggested:

“Why don’t you do a brief replay for the morning game?”

This is also the process that regular teams should always have after the game, reviewing, analyzing, reviewing gains and losses, and summarizing.

So everyone nodded in agreement.

Tang Bingyao has some doubts:

“So… how do I re-run the game?”

One question directly embarrassed several people at the dinner table.

Even Zeng Rui, who made the suggestion, shook his head with a wry smile after thinking hard:

“It seems…there is nothing to recover.”

It’s not that they wanted to be lazy after playing the morning game, but to be honest, the two teams we met this morning were indeed too weak, too weak to be a case of replays, and none at all. What is worth analyzing and summarizing the value.

It’s like you, the strongest king who went to the Bronze Bureau and had two bloodbaths. If you want to say what the harvest is, then there is probably no other testimonial except for “killing very well”.

Lin Feng touched his chin:

“Then anyway–“

“Let’s keep going.”

There was nothing to talk about on business, and a few people turned to the topic and chatted casually. They said casually on the God club base. I don’t know if the three LPL teams are still training as usual today. Just then, a phone call reached Lin Feng. on the phone.

Lin Feng picked it up:


The enthusiastic voice of Huangxueyege came from the other end of the phone:

“How is it, finished? How many games in the morning? Have you won or lost? Have you met a great opponent?”

The upswing is a series of problems.

Obviously gossip is too impatient to wait.

Besides the Song of Huangxue Night, it seems that Shi Hang, Tian Tian, ​​Shadow Puppet and Dawn Morning Star are also there. Although they are restricted from coming to watch the game, they are all about the progress of Lin Feng’s side of the game. Very concerned.

Lin Feng scratched his head:

“Oh, it’s over.”

“Both games were won, but I didn’t meet the great ones, they were all pretty good.”

“That’s it, it’s a pity…” The Huangxue Yege on the other end of the phone was obviously very regretful. It meant that I wished that Lin Feng’s decisive team would encounter a few tricky hard ideas and suffer a big loss.

Then the phone seems to be snatched by Shi Hang:

“Hey, two wins in the morning? All right! Is there any game in the afternoon? No, I said you don’t have a better team in the sub-venue, so lucky?”

Lin Feng replied: “There is a man named Tigers, he seems to be okay, I don’t know if I will meet him.”

The voice of shadow puppets faintly came from the other end of the phone:

“Team Tigers?”

“Is it a team that has been selected by LSPL in the past two years? I have encountered it when I was not playing professionally. I have a good strength, but I have a very arrogant temper.”

You have an arrogant temper?

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and was a little confused:

“It’s okay, I saw them when I finished the game just now, and I said hello, I felt very polite.”

Hearing this sentence, the shadow puppet on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned:


“Then maybe we are not talking about a team…”


Time came to the afternoon.

After lunch, Lin Feng had nothing else to do, so they went straight back to the competition venue.

After waiting for another half an hour, the afternoon game officially started.

Lin Feng and others are queued to the third round in the afternoon, so there is still time for the first two rounds. They still go around and take a look around, observe and observe the competition of other teams, try to learn from this Try to find a few reliable opponents in the ticket team.

As a result, while wandering around in the stadium, I met the members of the Tigers again.

They just nodded and smiled at each other.

Then each turned and left.

Initially, each other is a competitor relationship, maybe we will see each other on the court later, and there is no need to talk about it.

Of course–

For the current members of the Tigers, they don’t want to meet with the decisive team in the next game.

Even to be more precise.

It should be the entire LSPL trial schedule. If they can, they all want to go around the road and avoid this team called Decisive Battle.

The stiff smile on his face watched Lin Feng and the others walk away, and the several Tigers let out a sigh of relief:

It’s gone…

“Our side… how come we have such a terrible guy.”

The jungler of the Tigers murmured.

Next to the ADC team member is answering the conversation, with a lingering heart:

“Fortunately, I didn’t meet them in the morning, shit, I have never seen such a fierce and sturdy team, the upper, middle and lower fields…are you too abnormal?”

At this moment, he didn’t even think about going to “discuss” with the ADC girl from the decisive team.

It’s not self-defeating, it’s no different from looking for death.

The mid-lane captain of the Tigers also took a deep breath. Thinking back to the game they watched in the morning when the decisive team played against the Tianfeng team, their scalp was still tingling:

“This strength, compared to the top three Nine Days, Meizu Blue and TO in our region, feels not bad at all, right?”

The coach of the team shook his head and smiled bitterly:

“Whether it is bad or not.”

“Anyway… it’s not something we can handle.”

“Pray, don’t run into them in the game later.”


Probably it was the prayers of the Tigers that really worked. Their game did not meet the decisive team in the afternoon.

But for Lin Feng and others, this is quite a pity.

After all, always abusive food, it is indeed still a bit boring.

Slightly worthy of comfort is that although the opponents assigned to them in the afternoon are not as strong as the Tigers, they are at least a bit stronger than the two teams of Dragon and Tianfeng in the morning——

Feixing team.

Madu is ranked 51st in the power list of the division.

Two drills~IndoMTL.com~Two drills1, one master.

It’s considered to be very strong, and this flying star team also won the two games in the morning. The current record is on the same level as the decisive team of Lin Feng and others.

So in this match, the decisive team took a little more effort than in the morning.

The victory was won after 28 minutes.

Then there was another silent silence among the surrounding crowd watching the battle, and there was more awe in the eyes of Lin Feng and others who got up from the computer seat–

This one…

It’s still crushing.

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The update is on. Two more updates are done. Good night, good night, see you tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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