Rise Chapter 1239: Return the number!

Give Vayne another ten minutes, and maybe it will reach the point where an equipment level develops.

But for the same reason, if it only develops steadily for ten minutes…Wayne’s equipment can be picked up, but in the same ten minutes, the opponent’s purple legion can do too much.

Ten minutes later…

Even if it is a well-developed Vayne, the situation that will be faced by then will only be several times worse than it is now.

So Qiu Yijie’s conclusion is not wrong. If the blue side of the Shangcai team still wants to make a comeback, or if someone wants to make a comeback, then they must do more in these ten minutes. The thing is more than just controlling the development of the line.

But then again–

What else can Vayne do?

The old team leader of the Tongji jungler looked at each other. In the end, Qiu Yijie himself had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

The two of them… one is the mid laner and the other is the jungler. If you stand in these two positions, you can take the initiative to seek more opportunities and do more when your teammates are disadvantaged. .

But an ADC hero.

In the negative and passive situation in the early stage, there is really not much that can be done.

“Look at–“

The old Tongji jungler sighed and looked up in the direction of the blue Fang Shangcai team’s arena on the stage. The light in his eyes dimmed and flickered:

“The others are hopeless, but… after all, it’s the one—”

Qiu Yijie showed a sincere expression of approval.


In any other routine situation, he felt that he could basically determine that the blue side was dead.

But it’s because the blue ADC Vayne on the stage is the one who is operating.


Everything may be possible, it’s just that they are not strong enough in the audience to think of it.


Although there are still people who are still trying to stand on the side of the Blue Army and want to help figure out a way to break the game, most of the people in the stadium at this time are actually on the balance of the game. Tend to this side of the Shangwai team.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The advantage of this purple side is really too great.

For this point, compared to the on-stage audience, the members of the purple team on the field have the most thorough understanding of their current advantages.


At this time, the atmosphere on the purple side and the outside team on the stage was almost exhilarating or even excitement.

At the end of the first one…there was still a silent and heavy depression, each of them looked very ugly, but by now almost every team member’s face was almost glowing red.

This one is going to win!

Even if it’s only just ten minutes, the current advantage of their purple side is almost unstoppable!

The development of the top order suppresses the opposite Rambo!

The mid laner has the right to push the line, so that the cards can’t find a chance to move around.

Junglers invade various anti-wild monster resources in the opponent’s jungle.

The two outer towers are economically in hand.

And their ADC rats, they have not yet waited for the stage to really start to exert their strength. At this time, the two heads and the audience are close to the highest number of hits——

Speaking of which, this is also the only thing that makes the current members of the Shanghai Foreign Team a little bit regretful. Obviously with such a big advantage, their own captain’s ADC mouse economic development should also be the highest in the game, but it is actually in the number of hits… …Still a bit behind the opponent Wei En.

In ten minutes, 90 dollars for a mouse.

It’s already a perfect data.

The opposite of Wei En, turned out to be a more perverted 102!

God knows how the guy opposite managed to stabilize this kind of perverted data in such a totally suppressed situation.


“What’s the use of making up knives, and now it’s not just a tortoise to grow under the tower?” The jungler of the Shangwai team sneered, expressing his contempt for the opposite blue ADC Wayne.

The mid-single fan fan member on the side also nodded in agreement:

“Yes, our Zou team now has two mice heads, so we can switch back to the regular line and directly pressure Wei En to not come out of the tower, okay!”

The Twilight Eyes team member on the top laner let out two laughs:

“And waiting for the next time is the time for us to exert our strength-the mid-term is the period when our lineup is strong. Even if he has some equipment, Wei En can kill whoever he kills. I will give it to whom. It’s too big, just ridicule and control it and kill it immediately!”

There was a bit of viciousness in his tone.

After all, when she was on the bottom lane, she was given a blood by the opposing woman, Viengjari, for the strong killing of the tower. The loss of face made the top single player of the Shangwai team still hold a grudge, thinking about waiting for himself in the mid-term. After Shen’s development, he retaliated fiercely.

“In the final analysis, our line-swap tactic is indeed a success~ Team Zou commanded well!” The auxiliary Feng female team flattered.

Immediately, several other members of the Shangwai team also enthusiastically agreed.

Surrounded by the praises of his team members, Zou Siyuan at this moment seems a little reserved:

“Okay, let’s just say a few words.”

“This hand hasn’t reached a stable win yet–“

Speaking, he paused, his gaze fell on ADC Wayne who was in front of the second tower on the blue Fangxialu not far from the opposite side. The corner of his mouth still couldn’t help but evoke a proud arc:


“But this…this Vayne is really out of play.”

Exit this sentence.

The tone was full of spirits like suffering and willingness.

Although it still seems to have not forgotten to remind a few teammates to be cautious, in fact Zou Siyuan at this time can’t hide the glory on his face.

The more you hit…

The more the dominant rhythm is established…

The more his exuberant emotions can’t be concealed.

The fear and negative emotions of the shadow brought about by the previous matchup are all disappearing and retreating little by little with the advantage that this game has rapidly and continuously built up from the beginning of the game.

Instead, it is to rediscover the confidence and confidence!

Sure enough–

He thinks too much. How does that guy on the opposite side compare with other LPL’s top **** Huang Xue Ye Ge?

Also even if the ADC Wei En on the opposite side is operated by a powerhouse like Huang Xue Ye Ge, their purple side and the huge advantage that his ADC mouse has now achieved are all the same enough to make the opponent thorough. There is nothing to do!

This one…

It’s going to win.

The more you think like this, the more determined you are, the more intense the hot emotions in your heart, almost making Zou Siyuan feel so excited that the right hand holding the mouse is trembling slightly, and he looks at the opposite side again not far away. The blue party ADC Wei Enshi~IndoMTL.com~The hideous color in his eyes finally slowly emerged again——

Last hand the huge humiliation Obama brought him.

This round…

He wants to use his most destined source of plague, Tuqi, to return all of it.

The last one was that Obama had established an advantage in the early stage, and he matched Bron to play such a bottling rhythm; but in this round, the advantage he established in the early stage of the ADC mouse is even greater.


This time.

It’s also his turn to let the opposite Wayne be shrouded in the shadow of his own rule–

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The update is sent, and the time for the next chapter is difficult to determine. Try to get before twelve o’clock.

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