Rise Chapter 1047: Wait

The members of the three clubs also came out of their rest areas one after another, gathered around the No.1, No.5 and their own team leader coaches.

The chief leader of Team God clapped his hands:

“Okay, everyone should be here.”

“Next… please coach #1 to say a few words for tonight’s training camp.”

While speaking, he looked at No.1, and all the members of the surrounding three clubs, including the team leader and coach, clapped enthusiastically, looking at No.1, No.3 and No.5. With undisguised respect and admiration.

In this short period of time, the emergence of several specially-appointed coaches has brought too many gains to their three teams and clubs.

If it is said that several of them had some hesitation and anxiety about the upcoming S6 finals before this, then now…not to mention, at least the upper and lower sides have been completely twisted into a rope, full of The fighting spirit and enthusiasm of a world finals.

They may not be the strongest among the major divisions.

But at least…

Their specially-appointed coaches are legends who have ever been to the top of the world’s professional e-sports circle!

At this juncture, several seniors who have won the world’s highest e-sports honor can guide them, then perhaps the new generation of them… also have the qualifications and the ability to attack the summit. opportunity.

I didn’t push back the invitation of the chief leader of the God club too much. No.1 nodded slightly, and then his gaze slowly swept across the faces of all the members of the three team clubs in the circle around him, smiling and suddenly speaking:

“This should be…a special case.”

“Before the arrival of the finals, let all the participating teams in the national service area gather together and prepare for the finals together.”

“It’s not easy.”

Remarks casually like an understatement, like the players of the three teams clubs do not have much strong perceptions, but the executives, team leaders and coaches of several clubs can’t help but sigh subconsciously. Showing a look of approval and emotion.


It’s really not easy, and it’s really a special case.

For well-known reasons, even in the World Finals, all teams and clubs need to fight for their own interests. Even if they are from the same region, they are still in a competitive relationship with each other.

So at least in any of the past seasons, when the S series league came, although the various teams and clubs of the national service LPL were not “closed-door”, they have never been so honest as they are today. Gathering together publicly and actively to come up with such a lineup is a grand and grand training camp.

This is…

We really want to put aside the rivalry and hostility towards each other, and let go of the subconscious prejudice like shutting down.

Before the arrival of the finals, the three teams and clubs will be temporarily and powerfully gathered together, and they will communicate and share with each other without reservation.

Is it a good thing?

No one dared to give a clear and decisive answer, and even in order to make such a decision, any club absolutely took a lot of risk and paid great decisive courage.

But at least…

“This should be a good start.”

The voice of No. 1 echoed in the empty lobby of the e-sports arena, and the tone was still calm and calm, but when the eyes swept across the faces of every member of the three clubs, it made every player who was watched subconsciously stood up. The straight waist is solemn and solemn:

“This year’s finals, for the national service LPL division, no one can be sure about the results.”

“But…you should all know how much effort and effort we, you, everyone present and even not present have put in for this challenge.”


Speaking of this, Number One paused for a while, and said the last sentence in a flat tone:

“Easily, don’t disappoint these efforts.”

The voice fell.

Almost everyone in the entire hall, all the members of the three teams and clubs suddenly looked horrified, and then they responded with a crash.

Many of the team members… their eyes sparkled with excitement.


In fact, many times or even now, there is no need to have too many so-called inspirational declarations of chicken soup or dog blood, because from the most practical point of view… you just need to ask yourself.

How long did they wait for this day.

How long have their respective clubs been preparing for this day.

How much effort they have put in, there is no need for others to comment, and they see it most clearly.


It’s very simple.

It is naturally their responsibility to live up to the expectations of others and the national service, but more importantly… not to fail oneself.

Huang Xue Ye Ge grinned, trying to laugh, but the flame in his eyes couldn’t stop burning vigorously:


“Senior number one made me get goose bumps with a few words!”

Xu Xiaochenxing took a deep breath: “This year… it’s time to make something different from the past.”

Shi Hang’s eyes narrowed slightly, but the hands that fell on his side were suddenly clenched into fists: “We Hayami, we won’t be behind.”

Tian Tian’s face was filled with unstoppable excitement, excitement and even flushing:

“This year…”

“Go for a wave!”

Several star-rated professional players who are now the top star players in the national service LPL game looked at each other, as if they only needed to look at each other to perceive each other’s feelings, and they all smiled, and then The smile faded, and the solemn face stood shoulder to shoulder again with back hands.

Behind a few of them.

God, Hayami, and KG are the other first team, second team and even the substitutes of the three clubs, and everyone seems to be exuding an awe-inspiring aura that can’t help but shake slightly at this moment. .

Coming together.

It is the most awe-inspiring edge that makes the top teams in the whole world and in any strong division easily dare not to have the slightest neglect.


The blade is out of its sheath!

War spirit, high!

Lin Feng, who stood on the side, watched this scene quietly, his expression on his face did not change much, but he also did not know when he had clenched his fists slightly, and there seemed to be an inexplicable flame in his chest… Resume beating and burning until it becomes more and more hot and hot enough to be hard to control.

This is different from any previous time.

This emotion…

Only from the earliest years, it is the purest passion that only belongs to a professional e-sports player when he strikes and pursues his dream.

“How do you feel?”

A playful voice sounded behind him. I don’t know when No.3 walked to Lin Feng’s side. Through the shoulder of the latter, he also looked at the scene in front of him as if he were solemnly swearing.

Lin Feng pursed his mouth and spoke softly:


“I can’t wait~IndoMTL.com~ It’s just a few words, but the almost agitated and unbearable fighting spirit revealed by the listener can be easily detected and grasped by the listener. The eyebrows of No. 3 are raised slightly, revealing A somewhat satisfied look:

“It’s good not to wait.”

“Then… wait a minute.”

Speaking, he paused. The legend who once fought side by side with No.1, No.5 and two other previous generations, and even the strongest and most aggressive style of the team that year, squinted slightly. Slowly speak:

“Wait until the day when you really can’t wait…”

“It’s your turn to break out.”

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The update was delivered. Although it was a bit late, this chapter is still very comfortable.

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