Rise Chapter 1009: Flash to show

Although it is said that it was a shot later than the opponent’s blue top laner, but at this moment, the purple top laner Sangdro cut into the back row of the battlefield. The speed of the operation is not unpleasant, nor Can be described as not decisive.

Strong cutting is directly flashed to narrow the distance.

The “Frozen Tomb”, which took the big move in seconds, froze the opponent’s blue team’s core adc, Wei En, in an instant.


The ice girl’s reaction is fast, but the adc Wei En under the control of Huang Xue Yege’s reaction speed is even faster.

Almost at the moment when Lisangzhuo’s ultimate move was frozen and controlled, the night hunter opened the mercury ribbon in an instant to get rid of the control and directly broke the ice, as if his body movement speed was so smooth that he had never been controlled at all. general.

This kind of reaction speed is precisely the signature ability of Huang Xue Ye Ge as the top professional adc player in the national service.

It can be said that among all the top players in the national server, there is basically no one who can react faster than him.

That is the adc powerhouse who can really implement the reaction speed to the operating speed to give people a sense of art like flowing water.

And at this moment…

The night hunter who broke out of the ice will once again become a nightmare that the opponent’s purple legion is extremely fearful and even fearful!

The purple jungle mantis not far away finally found the opportunity at this moment to cooperate with the teammate Li Sandra who cut into the back row with an e-skill “leap strike” and flew towards Vayne fiercely, but The moment she landed, she was blown away by the blue assisted wind girl with a q skill just after the q skill was shot.

Next second.

Jana, the wind girl, opens up.

The mighty wind elemental force set off by the “Recovery Monsoon” swept in all directions, and the two purple singles wild heroes who suddenly faced their teammate Vayne blew away.

The adc Wei En under the control of Huang Xue Ye Ge quickly walked forward.

Raise the crossbow like lightning.

Ping a.

A crossbow bolt was nailed into the body of the target ice girl.

A small step of the move instantly canceled the attack and then Shake followed the second ping a shot. The purple side jungle mantis decisively surrendered [Flashing] once again forcibly cut his face but was cooled by Wei En again. The q skill “Dodge Assault” quickly rolls and moves away from the distance.

Rolling to the ground, lifting the crossbow, the third crossbow arrow soaked in the holy silver nailed into the ice woman’s chest!


The passive real damage of the w skill “Silver Crossbow Arrow” exploded, and the three silver-white apertures stacked up to three bursts detonated at the feet of Lisandro!

Cooperating with teammate Sindra’s Q skill “Dark Orb”, the damage output that Vayne exploded in the blink of an eye has already cut the ice girl Li Sandra’s health bar to the bottom!

Even if Vayne at this moment is the wind shield with the teammate’s assisting wind girl e skills, which has added the panel attack power, and is in the hunting state of the ultimate “ultimate moment”, the output can be poured out in the blink of an eye. The firepower… still makes all the **** players off the court look shocked and exclaimed!

What’s more, almost hold your breath!

This hurts!

No one would have thought that an adc Wei En, who played continuous output, could have such a terrifying outbreak!

When the target prey is not big meat but ice girl, when the output type is crispy, the night hunter’s flat crossbow arrow can almost easily pierce through all the defenses of Lisandro, it is simply… Cut melons and vegetables like Delevingne’s two throwing axes in his hand!


A small step to the side to avoid the ice fragments of the Q skill of the ice girl’s backhand, instantly lift the crossbow and then a!

Another q skill initiative rolls forward to get closer.

Don’t even wait for the second three-ring trigger, just relying on the Q skill and the passive re-damage bonus of the electric knife, between the sudden explosion of the golden yellow lightning bolt, the blood bar on the top of the ice girl’s head The blood volume was directly emptied and returned to zero by Wei En!

“an-enemy-has-been- (an enemy hero was killed)!”

The next moment the female voice of the system sounded in front of the Dalong Fjord in the river, followed by another kill announcement that instantly caught everyone’s attention:


A flying axe with a gleaming icy edge catapulted and revolved rapidly into the air.

At the same time.

The dazzling golden light beam once again soared from the purple adc Delevingne!

Delavin double kill!

Before the place where the throwing axe fell, the cold body of Shan Syndra in the blue square was already lying down on the surface of the water.

It turned out that the adc Wei En controlled by Huang Xue Ye Ge on the blue side killed and took away the single ice **** the purple side. At the same time, the Honor Executioner who was forced back by Wei En was under the control of Tang Bingyao. After finding the cell phone, it would turn back again, and a flying axe that walked up to the point where it was too fast to react. After a damage that triggered a critical strike, it took the life of the Dark Führer.

The blue and purple sides on the field, once again each has a hero killed at the same time!

Number of people……

Only 3v3 left!


As everyone expected, the team battle in front of the Dalong Fjord on the river has entered the most intense stage from the very beginning.

But also no one thought that this wave of team battles from the beginning…

It is the two adc heroes who have performed their operations to the fullest and occupy the stage of absolute dominance.

It’s really shocking to see!

A Wayne, single-handedly found the sharpest entry point in the fierce and chaotic battle, and pointed directly at the opponent adc Delevingne.

A Glory Execution Officer, yet he was always in a state of extreme danger, abruptly and constantly forcibly looking for opportunities and capturing two heads in succession!

Finally at this moment–

On the spot, there were only three people left on each side of the blue and purple.

The dominance at the core of the team battle seems to have officially fallen into the hands of the two adc heroes.

The eyes of Tang Bingyao in front of the computer screen were sharper and brighter than ever before. Behind him, the opponent’s top single tree has once again passed her auxiliary teammate Rinv and pounced on it, and the girl at this moment still seems to have no intention of retreating. …


Mouse and keyboard movement and percussion sounds are connected again!

The mouse under the control of the slender and white right hand moves forward at a speed that is hard to catch with the naked eye!

Press the e key!

A “clear axe” suddenly shot towards the opponent blue adc Wayne not far away!

The icy giant axe pierced through the air and pointed directly at the night hunter, and as long as e reached the target, Draven could be given more than one second of soft control time. In this time period, the output of both adc heroes is already available. Burst the watch, even if it’s just a second… it’s enough to decide the outcome of life and death!

The shock and exclamation in the crowd spread~IndoMTL.com~Dawn Chenxing suddenly clenched his fists.

In the back row of the spectators, Number One’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Next moment.

On the side of the blue legion on the field, facing the huge axe that has already swept in front of you like lightning, Huang Xue Ye Ge moved suddenly and controlled the mouse with heavy taps on the keyboard. The Summoner skill key was pressed down. Point forward!


Vayne’s figure moved forward and dashed forward in the exploded golden light!

Dodge the Delevingne e skills in a straight line and clear the axe!

Sweep to the diagonal front of the Glory Executioner!

Raise the crossbow like lightning.

The e key on the keyboard was tapped and pressed again in an instant, and the thick and heavy crossbow arrows shot out with a screaming and screaming out of the air-“Devil Judgment”!

According to the position angle that Huang Xue Ye Ge found with this flashing face… Tang Bingyao’s adc is almost inevitable, and he is destined to be repelled in the next second. He Dao Gorge is stunned behind him. On the cliffs of the bay.

That is control for more than one second.

It is doomed defeat.

Almost in the crowd watching the game, there are already **** players who couldn’t help but yelled “nice” in excitement and surprise. They determined that this wave was ultimately to be decided by the flashing face of the wild snow night song and the e operation. Negative, but it is precisely at this moment——

In the most urgent moment of lightning.

As if relying on the purest intuition and physical reaction, Tang Bingyao instantly tapped and pressed the summoner skill button!

The flashing golden light…

Suddenly sting everyone’s eyeballs!

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The update is sent. The next chapter will be at 11 o’clock in the evening, and continue with the codewords.

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