Rise Chapter 100: Count me 1

Lin Feng left.

Following the words of former partners and friends.

Now that I’m finished, there is no need to continue to stalker.

It’s just that the back of someone leaving looks rather bleak and heavy.

Getting in the taxi, on the way back to the hotel, Lin Feng in the back seat looked tired and weak.

Such a result…

In advance, it was not unexpected.

It can even be said that based on his familiarity with that former partner, he has long guessed that this will end in all likelihood in the end.

It’s just that he did have such a trace of fluke expectations.


These fluke expectations have been completely shattered and disappeared.

And now–

Actually, there is nothing more to do.

He plucked up the courage and made up his mind to come to Xiamen City. After waiting for three full days, he finally talked to Mu Qiu, and then in ten minutes, he said all the things he hadn’t thought of. Came out.

But the final decision and trial power were not in his hands from the beginning.

His old friend still sentenced him to “death penalty.”

Even in the end he hoped to get news about Amer from the other party, and he was not surprised to run into a cold wall.


It’s probably just that.

A wry smile appeared on Lin Feng’s face.

At this moment, the phone rang, and a push WeChat message popped up on the screen. It was unexpected and reasonable, and it was sent by An Xin.

In the past three days, the childhood sweetheart on the other side of the ocean never asked him about his situation in Xiamen City, but just at the end of everything tonight, she sent an inquiry like a spirit:

“How is it?”

Looking at the message from An Xin, Lin Feng was silent for a while, and slowly typed his reply:

“Not so good.”

I don’t want to spread my heavy depression at the moment to the other party, so I just answered in three simple words.

But the girl at the other end of the chat window seemed to have guessed the truth of everything with this reply effortlessly. After a while, another message came back:

“Don’t be sad.”

“You have done what you should do.”

Done…what should I do?

Lin Feng couldn’t help but smiled again, probably only using these words to comfort himself.

Then he took a breath, shook his head, and continued typing on the screen:

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“Tomorrow we are going to return to the magic capital, Zeng and Tangtang are still waiting for me.”

When this message was sent over, the expression on Lin Feng’s face also returned to calm.


If he changes to the past and responds to the attitude of his former partner and old friend, perhaps he will really be depressed for a long time.

But now…it’s different.

It’s not how much he has grown.

It’s that he now knows his responsibility.

Next year’s new season will be too critical and too important for the entire national service, even several seniors and everyone in their LPL division.

It is so important that no deviation is allowed.

Everyone must put all their minds and energy into it without reservation.

Among them.

The role he played was even more expected.

Otherwise, it is true that there may not be a press release that shocked the entire national server a few days ago, and there will not be such a bold and decisive adjustment of the game system.

I don’t know how many people’s efforts were spent.

Only such a road was paved.

This allowed him, the “newcomer” who was just about to re-form the team and return to the professional arena, and got a chance to play against the world’s top old friends and opponents in the new season next year.

So, I dare not let it down easily.

Perhaps neither Ah Qiu nor Ah Mo will forgive him for a long time to come.

But now he is not qualified to spend more time and energy arbitrarily, begging for forgiveness from two former partners.

No matter how heavy the mood is, I can only hold it back forcibly.

Clean up your mind and energy.

Meet the first challenge that is coming in more than a month.

“Regional trials, right?”

In the chat window, the girl sent a message again, with a smiling expression:

“Cross this level, we are closer to our agreement.”

“Come on.”


After Lin Feng left, Mu Qiu sat alone at the supper for a long time.

Hold your head down, and say nothing.

Seems to be thinking about something.

Finally, he got up, said hello to the boss of the barbecue stall, then turned around and walked back to the Internet cafe.

As soon as I came to the door of my own Internet cafe, I saw Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others coming out from inside. The people who saw Mu Qiu were a little startled, and then they all greeted:

“Brother Mu!”

“Brother Mu is finished?”

“We have just finished training and are ready to go back.”

Mu Qiu nodded and looked at Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng:

“Have you reported the list of players for the trials?”

Several people were taken aback.

Xia Ziyou and Sun Zheng looked at each other, and then the latter replied: “No, I will report it online when I plan to go back to school tonight.”

Mu Qiu let out an “um”, and then said calmly:

“On the list of players, count me.”

After speaking, despite the dumbfounded expressions of the five people who heard this, they walked into the Internet cafe.

As if just saying a trivial thing that couldn’t be more common.

People are gone.

The remaining five people, Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng, Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming, and Zhou Yang, were still stupid in the same place.

In the afternoon…

A few of them finally made up their minds, no longer thinking about begging Mu Qiu to join the team.

Can now?

Suddenly the plot was rewritten?

What’s so special… Did the unexpected surprise come too fast, too violently! ?

Zhu Ming still has a dull expression:

“Just…I heard Brother Mu right, right?”

Zhou Yang also subconsciously pinched himself severely, and then sucked in pain:

“Rush! It doesn’t seem to be a dream!”

Wu Tian showed a look of ecstasy on his face: “Fuck! Then let’s take off now!? With Brother Mu joining, we can hit the LSPL quota in this trial!!”

It may be a bit exaggerated, or it may be too early.

But it’s true. Several people undoubtedly believe that if they can join Mu Qiu, their team’s combat effectiveness… at least can raise a whole big step!

At least.

The trials of Xiamen City, and even the sub-divisions of Fujian Province…

They already have the ability to compete with the top semi-professional teams~IndoMTL.com~!

Although Sun Zheng is as happy as his companions, he still has some doubts:

“Why did the coach suddenly change his mind?”

Xia Ziyou looked into the internet cafe, frowning slightly:


“Have you talked with that person?”

*********************************************** *****************

The update was sent, and I was so busy that I couldn’t even watch the game between IG and FPX. . . If you finish early tonight, try to continue the codeword.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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