Reverend Insanity: : Write patiently, read patiently

Hello everyone, readers.

This is a rare single chapter that talks about a few things.

This concludes the fifth volume of the Demon King. This volume is indeed long, and it will be the longest volume in the entire book. But there is no way, this volume of Fang Yuan’s strength spans the largest, truly growing from a chess piece to a chess player. I believe that when you see this, you will understand.

To be honest, the writing pressure of the fifth volume is very heavy. Compared with the previous volumes, and even the final volume coming soon, it is the heaviest.

Too much to describe.

This battle involves the entire Five Realms, as well as individual cave worlds. It can be said that the map of the entire novel is covered.

There are at least 60 forces involved. The characters involved are Wu Yong, Chi Quyou, Song Qiyuan, Shen Congsheng, Shen Weng, Zhang Yin, Rong Po, Master of the Five Elements, Bingsaichuan, Mauriball, and Fang Wu Chang, Long Gong, Qin Dingling, Ziwei Fairy, Yuan Qiongdu, Fang Yuan, Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie, Emperor Zangsheng, Demon Ghost, Xingsu, Honglian, Yuanlian, Wild, Ye Fan, Hong Yi, Feng Jinhuang, Fengjiuge and so on.

There are too many characters!

These characters each have their own practices, and some are just mortal masters, such as Feng Jinhuang. Some have outstanding strength, such as Fang Yuan, Feng Jiu Ge, and Long Gong.

They have their own kills. For example, Long Gong’s two combat systems and more than a dozen killing moves all fit his image design. Wu Yong’s killing moves, infinite wind and sending friends, these two are positive and evil complement each other. Fang Yuan’s killing tricks are more, Honglian’s tricks, Song Qiyuan’s killing tricks, and wounding tricks. All need to be described in detail.

These characters have their own plans. For example, the Bingsai River who wants to complete Juyang’s legacy, Wu Yong with ambition, Long Gong who paid everything for heaven, Fang Yuan for eternal life, and overthrowing the fateful Red Lotus.

These characters are not only present but also ancient. Such as His Holiness the past, such as Wu Yong’s mother Wu Duxiu.

These characters should be as flesh and blood as possible. Such as Red Lotus Demon, such as Longgong, and Fang Yuan. All three focus on description, and believe that readers can make a deep impression. What I want to do is some small people, and they must have their signature. For example, Yuan Qiongdu, the key figure responsible for repairing the fatal fate, chose to sacrifice himself at critical moments, and I believe it should leave many impressions to readers. The memory of the character’s last life and the two wars of this life can be combined to form his own story. What underlines a concept of responsibility. In this respect, it also echoes the burden of responsibility brought about by the freedom in the Book of Ancestors. Other little people, such as Ye Fan and Hong Yi, also have their adventures. Regarding Qin Song, this character is a member of the Celestial Tomb of Tianting. There was very little drama in the previous life, but this life has shown his power. The heavenly teleportation array also depends on him to complete.

These characters all have dramatic changes in their lives. For example, Feng Jiu Ge changed from the right path to the demon path, and blatantly betrayed the heaven. Regarding his change, there are actually many foreshadowings. For example, he himself is a hermitage, and has been opposed to the ten ancient schools. For another example, Longgong once asked Feng Jinhuang whether he was obedient, and Feng Jinhuang said that he did not believe it. Longgong had reflected on the reason and felt that part of the problem was due to Feng Jiuge. This is a question of tutoring. These foreshadowing brushes are clear to everyone. Another example is Feng Jinhuang. She is the seed of Damenxianzun, but her fate is destroyed, her fate is gone, and her father has betrayed again. What should she do? Another example is Fang Yuan’s avatar, Chang Fang, who will be trapped in the emperor’s palace?

So many characters are focusing on fate, and they are fighting an unprecedented chaos.

I believe that this is not only the most unprecedented battle in this book, but it is also a rare and extremely large-scale battle.

Because it involves so many characters and a wide map, it is very rare. What is more difficult is that this battle will be fought twice, once before Fang Yuan’s rebirth, and once after Fang Yuan’s rebirth.

These two wars need to be compared before and after. They need to be progressive. There must not be too many bugs. You also need to foreclose.

In the three sections of 943-945, everyone should be able to see the foreshadowing I laid carefully before. These foreshadowings began to be laid more than half a year ago, and have not been used until now. On the surface of these foreshadowings, there are only irrelevant stories, they must disguise well. Then when they appear together, the author’s true intentions can be revealed. Fortunately, no reader has seen this.

In order to achieve my writing goals, I need to refine the characters. Besides starting layout more than half a year ago, I also need a collision of ideas.

In the last world war, I mainly wrote about the concept of heaven, and many people were moved by it. In this world war, I mainly wrote about the concepts of Fang Yuan and Hong Lian. Many people are also passionate about this.

This is exactly what I want to achieve.

Only collisions and defeats at the level of ideas can manifest their respective greatness and help to understand the motivation and behavior of these characters.

The reason I write these arguments is to deepen the dispute between the devil and the enemies discussed in this book.

What is the right way light and what is the magic way darkness?

Mature people know: this world is not black and white. The boundaries between the right way and the magic way, darkness and light, are actually very blurred.

The first half of the book focuses on the differences between the true demon. The second half begins to describe the commonalities between positive and evil.

Sometimes the right way is the magic way. Changing the angle, the magic way is the right way.

This is not the shallowest idea of ​​”king and defeating the king.”

Take an example: the greatness of heaven, the justice of sacrifice, is indeed well-known. However, Liu Shuxian’s willingness to sacrifice herself and help Honglian to become respected is actually contrary to human nature. Isn’t this magical? Honglian first loved her and was born again, but eventually killed Liu Shuxian herself. It was more a human choice.

Another example: Fang Yuan’s big devil has become the biggest contributor to the destruction of the fateful fate. We all know that his devil is so powerful that the starting point is just to chase eternal life, very selfish. But in terms of his actions and results alone, he liberated the entire human race, freeing them from the fetters of fate. Isn’t this a kind of justice?

After writing this large volume, I was really relieved.

Expected goals: 1 character creation, 2 layout foreshadowing, 3 idea collision, 4 deepening of the concept of positive magic.

I’m almost done.

In order to achieve this goal, I changed the outline for more than ten times. When I conceived foreshadowing, I abandoned most of the foreshadowing that seemed very obvious. Often when I think of it, I sit at the table all day, all day, writing drafts, and throwing them. There are too many characters involved, so I have described the descriptions of these characters, as well as their moves, and so on. There are hundreds of pieces of paper in total. When writing, I covered my desk.

I explain these facts, not to praise myself, but to explain: I wrote this book with my heart!

I admit that I write slowly, but there is no way to write faster. I am not strong enough and prone to errors.

I know, I’ve written this book for about five or six years, and it’s been a long time. But I have to be patient, and the more patient I am in the later stages, the more calm I am!

So, I would like to call on all my dear readers and friends:

I write patiently, and urge you to read it patiently!

This book is different from most web articles. The differences in writing, layout, subject matter, and plot construction require everyone to be more forgiving, understanding, and expecting when reading!

I’m confident to say: As long as you see the end, this book will satisfy most readers.

First, I ask everyone to be patient

Second, I hope everyone supports you!

Please support genuine

A bar is about three thousand words, just a few cents. But I need to code it, it takes about two hours.

My novel chapters are also different from most web articles. I need to conceive more and spend more effort before I write.

The energy and effort involved in writing 3000 words is different from the energy and effort involved in writing 3000 words. But our pricing is the same and we get the same money.

But I’m willing to spend more time and energy to show everyone a living world and a different reading experience.

In fact, because of the dark text and the surprise in the writing of this book, I have always been blamed and misunderstood. Let this work be niche.

This book is about to reach its final volume.

The fate of everyone will come to an end. Such as Fang Yuan, such as Founder, such as Shang Xinci, such as Bai Ningbing. The defeat of the heavenly courts brought about different chaos in the Five Realms. The shadows of the great lords, such as Honglian and Ghost, will also become more and more heavy, becoming a hindrance to Fang Yuan’s journey. The secrets of the blue dragon whale, the crazy monster cave, and the mysterious black fire will also be unlocked one by one. “Ancestors of People” will also be updated. Regarding the concept of this book, it will really sublimate to the level I want to write. The subject matter of this book will also be truly revealed.

Please support genuine reading, please be patient

Stay tuned: The last large volume of “Live Reality” is the eternal life!

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