Reverend Insanity: Version 906: Flames of Fire

The Zhongzhou Refining Conference was held in full swing, but Fang Yuan’s group has disappeared.

Fang Yuan’s order to retreat was so thorough that even the Five Realms Xianxian had an illusion, as if Fang Yuan had destroyed the slaughter before, it was just an illusion.

“What is Fang Yuan doing?”

“The Zhongzhou Refining Conference is still being held, you shot it!”

“You are a little devil, don’t weaken your reputation.”

The four realms of super powers are defamatory, and they are very anxious, and look forward to Fang Yuan’s shot, so as to give them a head start.

But Fang Yuan, who has always been like the water and fire in the heavenly court, unexpectedly shrinks, without a trace of movement.

Four domain forces are almost resentful, watching the days pass by, the Zhongzhou Refining Conference is being selected at various levels, and the elites of each channel start a higher level of competition.

The number of major test venues in Zhongzhou has also been greatly reduced. At each site, a number of Zhongzhou Shuxian were placed in the court to guard against death.

In this case, Fang Yuan ordered another order, and Bai Ningbing, Bing Yuan, and the various maggots in the beast disaster cave sky were dispatched one after another.

Nakasu, the Xuanwu Mountains.

“Bai Ningbing, you will be punished for the tiger, and you will get retribution in the end!” There is a Lingyuanzhai fairy who is staying here.

Bai Ning hummed coldly: “Escape very quickly.”

Xuanwu Mountain is a super resource point of Lingyuanzhai. It covers a wide area and is a well-known treasure house of immortals.

“It may be too long night dreams, I have to move quickly.” Bai Ningbing began to search.

Nakasu, Prison Valley.

“This is it.” Gang Ben warriors watched from side to side.

Frostblade Warrior with him: “On!”

The killings urged, and a large array suddenly appeared in front of them.


The two Qizhuanxian from the beast disaster cave sky, without any hesitation, directly used the best means. A man turned into a giant, a tauren, and a villain turned into a butterfly, surrounded by cold.

A note of immortal killing was urged, and after a large support for a while, it collapsed.

“Nanhua Jing, the whole valley is immortal.” The steel Ben warrior was pleasantly surprised.

The Frosty Butterfly Warrior is even more straightforward. He shot it directly, frozen the South China Jing, and then picked it frantically.

Zhongzhou, Honghe Beach.

Nakasu’s immortal rushed to the ground.

They came late and saw only a piece of ruin.

A lot of red firestones hoarded in the beach.

It’s so clean!

Fang Yuan did not take any action, and once he shot, he shook the world again.

His Majesty and His Immortal sent almost all of them, even Mao Min and His Immortal.

Following Fang Yuan’s orders, these people did not attack the test venues of the defensively-defeated Lianhua Conference, but shot at those resources with weak defenses.

Every time a resource point was breached, the group carried out inhumane looting. After looting, they also used killing moves to carry out devastating destruction!

For a time, the entire Zhongzhou ignited a beacon, and major resource sites were robbed and destroyed.

Every time Fang Yuan succeeds, he will announce the impact of that place on Baohuangtian.

The Wuxian 蛊 xian was all uproar.

“Why are there so many Fang Yuan’s men!”

“So many magpies have far surpassed a normal super power.”

“How much power does he have!?”

After the immortals were shocked, they were jealous and envious.

Fang Yuan’s subordinates have varying combat effectiveness, but even the weakest Wuxian can succeed. The defense of these resource points is too weak for Nakasu to refining the conference.

Many powerful magpies can’t help thinking: “These alien magpies can rob success, why can’t I?”

More inferior Wuxian are also imaginative: “Bone and meat have been eaten by the strong, I can always have some soup?”

So, the situation in the last life is the same, the four celestial princes can no longer bear it, especially those magic deities and sanshou.

These people took the lead and started at various Zhongzhou resource points.

The situation in Nakasu has completely collapsed.


The Lagerstroemia indica complexion is blue.

Even if she keeps deepening, she is furious as she looks at the resources around the place being attacked and looted.

“Fang Yuan …” She grinds her teeth and can’t help emitting strong killings.

It is this culprit that has triggered a change of heart, making Zhongzhou into the prey of the other four domains, being deliberately looted, and causing heavy losses.

But there is no way for Ziwei Fairy, Longgong, Qin Dingling.

Nakasu is too big and is in the most central place, surrounded by the other four realms.

And there are too few magpies, and it is impossible to allocate them to a large number of resource points one by one, and the gap is too large.

This gives the robbers and Xiao Xiao a chance.

“Human heart is not ancient.” Qin Dingling sighed.

Longgong looked indifferent: “For the sake of the great cause, sacrifice is inevitable. Everything is dominated by the puppet refining conference, and all the fairies are given up. As long as this puppet is repaired, they will spit it back a thousand times in the future. “

Nakasu is being beaten passively.

Fang Yuan’s timing is too good, and this is the point where it is not too close. The heaven court has to double the defense of the refining field. These are elites. If they lose more, they will reduce the potential of war in Zhongzhou. In front of the eyes, it will also have a great impact on the repair of the fate.

Fang Yuan’s goal is also very clever.

For example, the terrain of the Xuanwu Mountains is too broad, and it is inherently weak. There are also prison valleys and red river beaches. They were looted in the previous life of Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan knows the truth of these places.

In addition to careful planning, Fang Yuan’s subordinates have a high success rate, plundering is so easy, and the harvest is so rich, which greatly stimulated the Four Realms.

The celestial beings of the Four Realms are dispatching one after another, and start from various resources.

The Nakasu side did not completely abandon the defense of resource points. In fact, many resources are heavily guarded by the strong.

For a time, large and small battles broke out, and the sages fought quickly. Once they found that this resource point had a strong defense, the attacking side gave up wisely and chose to attack another place.

Anyway, there are so many resource points in Zhongzhou, why die in one place?

The Xixian soil road Xixian stone dared to act, destroy the earth gas stone forest, and seize a large number of round Kun stone.

The forgotten man successfully stole the Lingquan spring water, even if this resource point has the ancient soul gate strongman Yang Feng guarding himself.

Xiao Huzhi, Xiao Shirang, and Pi Shuihan joined forces to succeed in plundering, but they were not evenly divided and they fought with each other.

Zhongzhou is in turmoil.

The Lagerstroemia in the heavenly court is just like the years.

Finally, the elderly Zhengyuan said, “People’s will have been initially saved, and they can use their first trick.”

Lady’s Fairy is overjoyed, and the old man is quickly asked.

The elderly Zhengyuan nodded, stood up tremblingly, and then a majestic momentum burst out from him!

Xiandao kills everyone!

The savings are quickly consumed, and very little is left.

At the same time, a halo appeared over all the immortals, masters, and mortals in Zhongzhou.

The halo is fleeting, as if an illusion.

But people in Nakasu quickly discovered the wonders.

Their minds communicate with each other, and they can detect the truest tendencies and ideas.

The panic of being attacked, the pain and hatred caused by the death of relatives and friends, the fear of their lives, and the hope for the future …

It’s never been this moment that the hearts of people in Zhongzhou are closely linked.

The free scholar who was lurking in the refining area was found, but he still managed to avenge his revenge, killing the defending Zhongzhou Wuxian.

Zheng Qing, the hidden fairy of the southern Xinjiang, also revealed his identity, but he was not hostile to Zhongzhou and Tianting and was sent away as a gift.

“It’s wonderful to be a humane killer, and it’s amazing.” Shen Wing used Bao Huangtian to communicate with Fang Yuan. His exact location is unknown for the time being, Fang Yuan only knows that he has left the East China Sea, maybe somewhere in Zhongzhou at this moment.

“What did you learn? Can we restrain these humane killings?” Fang Yuan inquired, and he had already informed the other humane killings in his memory and told Shen Shen.

Shen hurt and sigh: “The quickest way to solve these killings is to destroy people’s will. Without people’s will as a basis, humane killings cannot be performed. But I figured out that these people’s will should be kept in heaven. Medium. “

“What about this method?” Fang Yuan asked again.

Shen hurt again and sigh: “The only way to crack the killing front is very difficult. I need a lot of time. Rest assured, since I promised you, I will do my best. I would never want to see the heavens restored. Destiny. “

Fang Yuan continues to wait patiently.

Wu Yong led the Southern Union Zhuxian and suddenly appeared in front of Maojiao Mountain.

“Follow me, let us destroy the undefeated land, take away all traces of success, and let the heavens fail!” Wu Yong took the lead.

“I will follow the leader of the Alliance !!” The immortals of the Southern Alliance responded in unison, and their morale rushed into the sky.

The court immediately received information.

The Lagerstroemia indica face is sinking in water, and the eyes are cold: “A good martial art.”

“Wu Yong has started. Changshengtian is estimated to be coming soon, so I will start to do it myself.” After receiving this information, Fang Yuan smiled and appeared near Yitian Mountain in southern Xinjiang.

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