Reverend Insanity: Version 886: Zhenping sea area

Five clusters of white light suddenly flashed in the sky, bringing five people, including Fang Yuan and Miao Mingshen, from the merit monument.

Five people are familiar with the task, and they have a bird’s eye view, and each urges investigation and killing.

Fang Yuan was the first to look at the overall situation and scrutinized it.

Although he has always been shortcomings in investigating this area, it is only for himself. Compared with people such as Miao Mingshen, his shortcomings are not comparable to those of Miao Mingshen.

This is a vast sea.

The sea is turbulent, setting off thousands of waves, and the waves are surging. Numerous sea beasts are informed in the waves.

On this sea, there are five small islands.

A Yuyao Island, with numerous jade pillars on the island, the wind blows drums and clangs.

A bony island, pale and sporadic.

An empty island, looming, seems to be nothing.

A sword wind island with three tornadoes on the island that lasts all year round.

A treasure moon island, the island is in the shape of a crescent. There is always a night sky over the island, and every inch of sand on the island shines with a faint moonlight.

Three of the five islands have begun to drift with the current and drift slowly. The speed of Jianfeng Island is the fastest and the direction is chaotic.

The remaining two islands, Yuyao Island are in danger, and the pillars under the island have been damaged. After a period of time, like the three islands, they will begin to drift on the sea.

As for the Hidden Island, it is very stable and stays firmly in the distance. This is because the island is full of stale marks.

The culprit that caused the drifting of the islands was the impacting currents that spread across the ocean floor.

This current has reached the point where the ocean floor is imminent. Suppressing the currents, restoring the ecology of this area, and restoring the former Goto Island chain are the contents of this large-scale mission.

Fang Yuan started to calculate and kept deducing in his heart.

Every indication shows that this sea area was originally a clever ecology formed by the Five Islands chain. It did not exist before the impact of the current, but now it is like a shark in a calm lotus pond suddenly invading the ocean, causing very severe damage to the ecological environment.

At the time of Fang Yuan’s calculation, Miao Mingshen and others gradually included the entire sea area into the investigation.

They frowned, looking dumb.

“This is a large task? The difficulty is several times higher than the medium task!”

The bee face is ugly, and thought to myself, “I balanced the ecology of the hive island before, I tried my best, and it was not perfect. This large task was not to balance the ecology, but to reform the ecology. The situation of each island is It ’s more serious than Hive Island. And the five islands are only part of the mission. Next, there are large areas of sea, and the currents hitting the ocean floor! “

“It is intricately rooted. To reorganize this area of ​​the sea, we need to pull the silk and cocoon one by one. Without wisdom and wisdom, we must continue to practice and improve step by step. Among them, there will be no fewer mistakes. Yes. “Qi Qiye sighed in his heart.

Miao Mingshen is calculating inputs and outputs: “The medium-sized task I just completed consumed me a lot of seven cents of immortality. To reorganize the ecology here, the resources invested, the cents spent, and energy, I am afraid it is an extremely large number! “

The closer the temple and other gods observe, the faster the fighting spirit in their hearts slips.

The difficulty of large tasks keeps them off.

In fact, they have begun to regret it. It would not seem wise to follow Fang Yuan blindly to take over large tasks.

“Brother Chu, let’s add up together.” At this point, the temple **** had to smile bitterly and talk to Fang Yuan.

He doesn’t intend to give up on this. Taking the task does not mean that they can give up the task. In fact, to give up the task, you need to get another name.

Fang Yuan’s eyes flickered. With the help of Zhou Tao’s avatar and his own body, he had a perfect plan.

He waved his hand to the **** of the temple: “Brother, I have made a deal. I will do it as planned, and I will definitely complete this task.”

The temple **** was stunned. Although he didn’t believe it, he didn’t refute it, and nodded: “Please also ask Brother Chu to order that the next class must do their best.”

Fang Yuan laughed with a smile: “Brother Temple is polite. We work together to complete this task, which is good for you and me. Large-scale tasks are completed well, and the benefits are several times that of medium-sized tasks!”

“I’m afraid it’s not easy to complete.” Miao Ming Shen sighed in his heart, but he didn’t say it. He didn’t have much confidence, and the hope now could only rest on Fang Yuan.

However, Fang Yuan’s words made him comfortable.

Fang Yuan is not high above him, but an attitude of equality and cooperation. This is not like Shen Congsheng.

“Please ask the temple brother to occupy Yuyao Island to prevent it from hitting the current. Please ask the Seven Lords to settle on Jianfeng Island and make sure that it does not drift freely. Please beekeeper and flower butterfly fairy to guard Yuyao Island and Baigu Island separately to prevent currents. . I’ll deal with the hidden island first. “

Fang Yuan made arrangements. The group of temple gods had no clue, and they acted according to Fang Yuan’s instructions.

With the help of Four Immortals, the situation on the island was quickly alleviated, no longer following the current, the drifting speed dropped sharply, and was confined to a certain range.

Since Fang Yuan fell into the empty island, Si Xian couldn’t help wondering.

“Hidden islands are small islands with virtual roads. They are the most stable corner of the entire sea ecosystem, and the easiest part of the entire mission.”

“Why does Chu Xi deal with this small island first? You should deal with all the other small islands before solving the hidden island. After all, this small island is almost non-existent, you must deal with this small island first. It will hinder the next few islands.

“In my opinion, we should still deal with the impact of the current. This is the culprit that caused the collapse of the Goto Island chain. To rebuild the ecology here, we must solve it step by step from the source.”

Fang Yuan fell into the empty hidden island and soon flew out. The speed was so high that the temple gods and other people were surprised again.

Fang Yuan enters Bone Island.

Under the watchful eyes of the flower and butterfly fairy, Fang Yuan took out a portion of the fairy material from the fairy tale, and spattered it at will.

“He’s actually in a battle array!” The flower butterfly fairy saw Fang Yuan in a battle array for the first time.

Fang Yuan’s array of skills is extremely sophisticated and sophisticated. The whole process is like flowing clouds, letting the flowers and butterflies fairy look, there is a pleasing feeling from the heart.

Soon, Fang Yuan’s array is properly arranged.

The Flower Butterfly Fairy opened her cherry mouth in shock and couldn’t close it.

“Chu Xi could actually use the immortal cloth to form a team! Doesn’t this mean that he has a master-level accomplishment in front?”

“It turned out that he wasn’t changing the Taoxian, but was going through the line.”

“No, that’s wrong. He defeated Ge Wen and rescued me. It was a means of change.”

“Is he doing both?”

Xun Xian is rare, but not impossible. But two schools, like Fang Yuan, are so proficient and so accomplished, it is very rare.

The array of White Bone Island has been arranged, and Fang Yuan will mobilize this array to connect with the main array on the empty hidden track.

Under the action of Xian Zhen, Baigu Island took a moment to shake, and it shook fiercely, and it was immediately fixed on the seawater without any sign of drifting.

The flower and butterfly fairy then understands Fang Yuan’s deep meaning: “It turned out that he used the empty hidden island as the foundation, towing other small islands, and let them all be fixed.”

“Wonderful, the empty hidden island as the foundation can not be more suitable. Because the impact of the current can not take this island. Just …”

The flower butterfly fairy once again thought of the shortcomings of this method: “It’s just that the other islands rely on the traction of the empty island. This is the work of the formation method, and these islands will still be hit by the currents. Island The battlefields on the island are constantly damaged and wounded. Over time, the battlefields are destroyed. These islands will still go with the waves. “

Fang Yuan did not intend to solve the doubts of the flower and butterfly fairy. Then, he landed on the three remaining islands, and arranged them one by one, temporarily fixing the islands.

Miao Mingshen and others looked at Fang Yuan with some complexities.

Fang Yuanzhan’s accomplishments revealed shocked them.

Grandmaster, it’s rare!

Fang Yuan’s accomplishments in the past are obviously extraordinary.

This strength makes Fang Yuan’s mystery in the hearts of the immortals a lot more.

“However, five islands have been temporarily fixed, just a good start.”

“The real trouble is the impact of the current on the island.”

“How do you handle such currents without a channel?”

Miao Mingshen and others communicated. In the Dragon Whale Land, they can’t directly communicate with each other, but it is still possible to use channels such as carrier pigeons and magpies.

The impact of the currents in this area is very large. The only way that people can think of is to use the Immortal method to continuously bombard the currents and disintegrate them.

This method is very stupid, and it takes a lot of time, cents, and so on. There is also a big disadvantage, that is, the impact of the collapsing currents on the surrounding seas will cause very serious damage.

Besides that, there is no good way for the temple gods and others.


At this moment, Fang Yuan levitated high above the ground.

The five islands burst out into the sky with various colored beams of light, and the power of the array has skyrocketed, breaking the original limit.

“It turns out that this is the real power of the big array!” The temple gods and other people changed their faces, their eyes were horrified.

The five islands have strong track marks and can also be regarded as a huge immortal. The fairy arrays arranged by Fang Yuan naturally included them in the available range.

“I’m going to pick up the impact of the current. You guys are also asked to guard the island. During this time, there are any sea beasts invading or huge waves. Anyone who endangers the island needs you to take a shot.” Fang Yuan roared, a voice passed All over the sea.

Miao Mingshen and other people responded quickly, saying that they must do their best.

Buzz burst, the five beams of light gradually dissipated, and turned into white snow.

The light and snow immersed in the seawater, and the seawater around the island was stained with white light phantoms, beautiful.

In this white light phantom, the impacting current is like a blue whale caught by fish and shrimp, slowly moving its body, and then swims faster and faster, hitting the forefront of Yuyao Island.

The temple **** on Yuyao Island bites the teeth, and bears tremendous pressure in his heart.

If the immortal array is not adequately protected, such an ocean current directly hits it and it can completely smash Yuyao Island!


The impact of the ocean current touched the large array, and a shocking explosion occurred.

A huge wave, ten feet high, rushed towards Yuyao Island.

The temple **** immediately flew up, screamed, and urged Shazhao to stand still.

The collision of the current caused the collision to slowly turn to the left of Yuyao Island. But before it was far away, it was pulled back by the second array of white bone islands.

It’s the flower and butterfly fairy guarding the White Bone Island. She saw the current coming towards her and almost couldn’t help groaning.

In the discussion of the group of temple gods, the impact of the current is to be repelled and weakened. The best result is to completely break it down.

But Fang Yuan’s move was to actively seduce the impact of the current and hit the island.

This is exactly what the temple gods and others are trying to avoid.

“This guy Chu is too crazy!” The Butterfly Fairy was too late to think. After hitting the current and hitting the Bone Island, the whole array sounded a heartbreaking squeak, and then raised Huge waves.

A lot of sea beasts were caught in the waves. The flower and butterfly fairy stood up and resisted.

In this way, under the constant traction of Fang Yuan, the impacting currents successively hit five islands.

Each impact reduces the power of the current by one layer, then bypasses the island and is towed to the next place.

After the current hits the last island, it has less than half its power and charge.

At this time, Fang Yuan once again triggered a large array, letting the impacting current bypass the island, dropped his head, and hit the penultimate island again.

Then, the fairy goddess guarding the island was beating again and again.

When the current hit five times and returned to Yuyao Island, the power of the current crash almost disappeared, and it almost turned into an ordinary current.

The five islands trembled slightly, and the fairy array completely stabilized. The impacting current leveled off quickly, with a uniform flow rate from beginning to end.

But the four fairy gods on the island set off a stormy sea!

They never expected it, and Fang Yuan actually dealt with the impact of the current.

The impacting ocean current, although still present, has become a protective layer around the island. Around the five islands, the impinging currents flowed at a rapid speed, which was much larger than that of ordinary seawater. They firmly protected the five islands, and in turn helped the Xian array to fix the positions of the five islands.

If the scheme of the temple gods and other people is used to destroy the impacting current, this sea area will certainly be destroyed.

Fang Yuan’s move cleverly avoided this disadvantage. In turn, he made full use of the impacting ocean current, and the original disaster became a blessing, which greatly enhanced the natural heritage of this area.

This is a godsend!

Miao Mingshen and others all admire.

To achieve this, it is really too difficult.

Not to mention the arrangement of the fairy array, the water channel has no such ability when it comes to the impact of the current. To achieve the perfect attenuation of the impacting ocean current, strict calculation and derivation are needed. When the impact current revolves back to Yuyao Island, its power must be weakened to almost no extent. One more point and one less point will greatly affect the overall situation, and will not get the nearly artistic perfect balance today.

“The overall situation is set. Next, you will be asked to repair the fairy array, and at the same time to repair the ecology of the island, and hit things other than the current, you can leave it alone.” Fang Yuan laughed.

He is also quite satisfied with this result.

If there is another impacting current in the future, if this current hits an island, it will be swallowed up by the surrounding protective current under the action of the fairy array.

Fang Yuan will leave will and a lot of fairy yuan in the fairy array. As long as these are not lacking, the five island sea chain will be very safe.

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