Reverend Insanity: Version 785: I take your life

At a critical moment, Fang Yuan suddenly turned to attack and hit Wanjia Sanxian with a severe surprise.

“Damn!” Wan Xiao gritted his teeth and yelled, “Quickly save the Marriott Light, his light armor is a killing trick that won’t last long.”

Wang Lianghan was all cold, Fang Yuan kept his guard for a long time, and once dispatched, he pointed at the key point of Wanjia Sanxian.

This fierceness and sharpness made Wan Lianghan regret for the first time: “Should investigate a lot in advance. It is a blessing or a curse for Wanjia to provoke such a person!”

The army of soul beasts struck like a tide, flooding Wanjia Sanxian with ease.

A squadron of four archaic souls and beasts stood up like a mountain. With an unstoppable monstrous power, it advanced steadily and crushed past Wan Xiao.

“Want to withdraw!” Wan Lianghan noticed Fang Yuan’s sinister killing intentions and quickly reminded him.

Wan Xiao’s face was anxious: “No, I have to rescue Haoguang! He got trapped, the light armor killing has been revoked, and only the light armor fairy is used.”

Wanjia Sanxian’s mind is full of thoughts. At this moment, it is extremely difficult to use any killing tricks, it is extremely easy to fail, and you will be injured before you kill the enemy.

Marriott Light realized this and had to take the initiative to revoke the killing of Light Armor and only urged Light Armor.

This immortal is the core of the light armor killing trick, but it is only a seven-turn immortal creep. The defense power is far less than the previous light armor killing trick.

So, in a short time, Marriott Light is already in danger, and is in danger.

Wan Xiao and he usually have a close relationship and a very thick friendship. In this kind of danger, they want to go up against the current and want to rescue Marriott Light.

“Damn!” At the time of the crisis, Wan Lianghan had to cooperate with Wan Xiao and repeatedly urged a mentor with a mental retardation.

The mentally impaired immortals around Wan Xiao and Wan Lianghan frequently create obstacles, protect both, and bring them tremendous help.

Wan Xiao and Marriott Light demonstrated their solid and powerful combat skills at the moment of crisis, and the two finally converged under the tide of souls and beasts.

“Okay! Together, with my cooperation, there is great hope of rushing out.” As soon as Wan Lianghan’s face showed a smile, he heard a sneer from behind.

“Don’t you want to think about yourself? Really deny yourself.” Fang Yuan had come behind him!

At this moment, Wan Lianghan is like a falling ice cave!

Before dying, he finally understood that everything turned out to be an endless conspiracy.

He deliberately put pressure on him to show his intention to kill Wan Xiao and Marriott Light. In fact, the real primary goal is Wan Lianghan!

The four ancient soul beasts are still in the distance, but they can’t come to Wan Lianghan alone. It turned out that the four ancient soul beasts were just used as a bait by him.

This is a combat power that is comparable to eight turns with four heads. Who can think of it? All the time, under the protection of these four ancient soul beasts, he constantly gave many psychological implication to Wanjia Sanxian, which gradually formed some kind of thinking inertia.

Perhaps, Wan Lianghan was able to break through this trap in his normal state, but now he is also recruiting. While suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he must also take into consideration the safety of Wanguang and Wanxiao.

“It’s not exhaustive. This person is never a greedy and afraid of death. He can take risks and assaults at critical moments! The previous scenes are all his performances …” Fight back desperately in exchange for a glimmer of hope.

But everything is late.

How could Fang Yuan leave him a chance to struggle?

Xiandao kills wisdom!

Fang Yuan’s palm fluttered gently, and a “Thief Ghost’s Hand” flew out and penetrated directly into Wan Lianghan’s body.

Then “The Thief’s Hand” flew back again, his fists clenched, as if pinching something.

Fang Yuan smiled lightly and announced, “I take your life.”

Wang Lianghan stared, he was dead!

“Brother Lianghan !!!” Seeing this scene, Wan Xiao and Marriott Guang exclaimed in unison, hissing exhausted, extremely sad.

Wan Xiao is in tears, and Marriott Light is tearful.

It is not easy to cultivate an intelligent Taoist god. The death of Wan Lianghan is a great loss for Wanjia!

Fang Yuan killed Wan Lianghan and has already completed half of his goal. The next half will depend on the follow-up of these two Wanjia sages.

From now to now, these two seven-turned twirling trophies have not been greatly regarded by Fang Yuan.

He’s plotting the situation in the Ximo’s fairyland.

So, next, he used the means to urge change lanes, and his momentum dropped sharply.

“Suddenly this guy has weakened! It turns out he is not so strong.”

“Maybe it was the trick he just killed Brother Liang Han, the sequelae are quite big!”

Wan Xiao and Wanhaoguang were surprised to find that Fang Yuan’s breath had weakened, and the soul and beast army under his control was no longer closely united, but became scattered and sparse.

But then, Fang Yuan stowed Wan Lianghan’s body and hid under the protection of the four ancient soul beasts.

Wan Xiao and Marriott are so annoyed that they have to bite their teeth and understand that Fang Yuan cannot be killed. If they drag on, they will fold here.

So they put away the battlefield of Xiandao and chose to evacuate.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to beat Wan Xiao into a coma, and Marriott lightly held Wan Xiao and ran away.

Fang Yuan drove the army of souls and beasts, pretending to chase for a distance, and then contently looked at the back of Marriott Light, submerged into the clouds.

“I should go too.” Fang Yuan didn’t stay. He looked at the direction of Wanjia Base Camp, smiled slightly, put away the army, disappeared without a trace.

Fang Jia too, when the elder Fang came to work hard, he had to look at the desert deserted.

The traces left on the scene indicate that there must be a war before.

Fang Gong’s face was a bit unsightly, and he thought to himself, “This is not enough! It seems I’m going to take a step late to make the enemy succeed.”

I was thinking, but Bao Huangtianzhong caused waves.

Fang Yuan’s old skills are repeated, and the process of this battle is announced to the public in an endless capacity.

Yunxian is hotly debated.

“What kind of character is this?” There are four archaic soul guards, and the wisdom and wisdom are strange.

“It’s no wonder that the house family recruited him, and another seven-turn peak powerhouse appeared in Ximo Zhengdao!”

“The big era is really coming. Not only are trenches frequent, but now various monsters are beginning to emerge.”

Fang Gong still had to be reminded by Mr. Fang, before he noticed these abnormalities in Bao Huangtian.

Fang Gong was relieved, and he was a little confused: “The original winner is not enough! But why is he so late?”

Fang Yan laughed a long time: “He is a Sanxian and just joined my clan. Now he beheaded Wan Lianghan. This is Xixian Zhengdao Zhengxian, a member of the super power. Plus my room His family is in this situation, and he is worried that my house family will give him up in order to embrace himself. That ’s why he stayed away and took the initiative to announce this battle to the public.

After this, Fang Gong’s heart suddenly disappeared, and he came to understand: “Well, you have so many flowers and bowels. You ca n’t think of this as trying to beat my house, but he is worried. There was nothing wrong with it. This time Wan Lianghan was killed by him, and the relationship between my family and the family was almost broken! Alas, the situation that has just stabilized will collapse, and the situation of my family will become more difficult. “

“In your opinion, how should we choose? Is it not enough to give up and maintain ten thousand relationships? Or is it a lot to give up ten thousand and keep insurance? Now, I have seen it: I ca n’t count on this person He didn’t really want to be integrated into my house. He could fight against our own for his own selfishness. However, Wanjia is not a good thing. This time, he took the initiative to make a loss, and then there must be stronger revenge. “

Fang Yanchang groaned, “I think it’s more favorable to keep the guarantee.”

“It’s not arrogant, it’s normal to not be in harmony with us. It’s normal because he has enough strength to support his pride. The four ancient soul beasts alone are beyond imagination. In this battle, he also Two tricks were revealed, each of them weird and dangerous, and the enemy’s slightest intention would be hit by his poisonous hand.

“This time, indeed, Wanjia came to our trouble first. If we show weakness, we will let the major families think that our strength is vacant and even more tempted! The results of our previous use of killing tricks will also dissipate. All empty. “

“At this critical moment, my housekeeper should remain strong and keep countless. Although not always with us, he is a qualified ally. We have a successful experience in cooperation and a basis for cooperation. , My family still owes him a reward, this is all that can use his capital. With him to reinforce my family, this is what other upright forces do not want to see.

Fang Yichang is indeed the master of Zhidao. After some analysis, Fang Gong immediately saw the situation clearly.

Fang Gong nodded and said in a heavy tone: “You’re right. Keeping is not endless. It is indeed more beneficial to my family than easing the relationship between Wanjia. But if we do this, Wanjia will surely double his revenge. Next, The pressure on our house will be even greater! “

Fang Yichang sighed helplessly: “There is no way. The news of Dou Jingu leaked out. We haven’t foreseen this situation for a long time now. For this purpose, we still need to step up refining Dou Jingu. With our house in hand, our house owner can completely resolve the current crisis situation. “

Green Ghost Desert.

A Taigu soul beast has no power to fight back under the attack of Fang Yuan.

After a while, he lowered his head and was conquered by Fang Yuan for his own use.

Ying Wuxie stands beside Fang Yuan.

Recently, thanks to his responsibility here, there is a steady supply of soul beasts.

After sending Wanjia Sanxian, Fang Yuan did not return to the house, but came here directly to help Ying Wuxie.

In the process of collecting soul beasts, Ying Wuxie encountered hard stubble such as the ancient soul beasts, which is not easy to start. Fang Yuan came to help him clear the obstacles.

“Okay, go to the next place.” Fang Yuanzheng said, his expression moved slightly.

It’s a message from the house.

“Master Sovereign, how is the house’s response?” Ying Wuxie was keen and asked immediately with concern. Fangjia’s response is also related to the development of Qinggui Desert.

“Everything is expected.” Fang Yuan smiled slightly. He looked at the direction of Fang’s base camp, his eyes were dark.


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