Reverend Insanity: Version 447: A little weak


A sound of thunder, like a thunder, exploded suddenly in Mao Min’s ears.

At the same time, a huge dragon-head, like a small hill, is coming across.

Huge shadows cast over the immortals. Before they hit, the waves were flying and the momentum was fierce. It made two wars difficult to resist.

“It’s over!” The three Mao Minxian all sweated heavily, and one of them even collapsed to the ground.

Seeing that the three of them are about to fall here, at this time, suddenly, the ears of the three Mao Min heard a cold voice “waste.”

Such abusiveness, these three Mao Minsong immortals were overjoyed, shouting in unison: “We are here, Ningbing Fairy, come and save us!”

At the time of the crisis, a white Jiaoying radiographed from the dragon girl Bai Ningbing.

She snorted and raised her hands.


The next moment, the huge wall of ice suddenly rises, blocking in front of the three Mao Minyuxian.


It’s just a breath, and the giant faucet hits the ice wall severely.

The ice wall was overwhelmed and shattered.

But Bai Ningbing has pulled the three Mao Minsongs, quickly backed away, widening the distance, and at the same time, his eyes projected the cold light, directly shining on the dragon head.

Yu’s faucet soon covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost, and the speed suddenly decreased a lot.

Bai Ningbing was relieved.

During the battle between Dianguang and Flint, she has measured that the faucet in front of her is just a seven-turn merchandise. Depending on her combat power, it is more than enough to cope.


“Taiwan wild beasts have ten thousand dragons, with tens of thousands of dragon heads. I can deal with one dragon dragon in front of me. If I let other dragons enter the battle, I will always be unable to catch it, and my two fists will be hard to beat. /

Bai Ningbing looks up at the sky, frowning.

This is not the normal Taiqiu heaven and earth, but a dark battlefield space.

Wanshoupanlong is an ancient beast in the front, which can create the space of the front, just like the extreme skyhawk can go in and out of Xianqiao Cave. This is the natural instinct of the ancient beast.

“You must break through here as soon as possible and return to the outside world.”

“I hope they can hold back!”

At this time, Taiqiu outside.

Hei Loulan and others, each hovering at high altitudes, faced hundreds of long dragons standing upright on the ground, each exhibiting their abilities and continuously bombarding various attacking and killing methods.

The scene is spectacular.

The green giant grass on Taiqiu is as tall as trees, and they grow densely like a jungle.

Hundreds of dragons in the giant grass, either wearing gold scales or horns on the forehead, or three dragon pupils, or sharp teeth, have different shapes. The body was swaying, with his head upright, much higher than the giant grass.

These are some of the dragon heads of Wanshou Panlong. Their dragon tails penetrate deep into the ground and protrude.

And Hei Loulan and other circles in the air, like a goshawk, constantly throw various killing tricks, gorgeous and dazzling, like fireworks blooming.

The dragons roar, instead of being beaten passively, they are constantly fighting back. Most of them spit dragon breath, and some spit out poisonous mist or dragon pupils shot light.

“Not counting the faucet that Bai Ningbing went to, there are three seven-turn faucets! The others are six-turn.”

“No wild pheasants have been found, but be careful.”

“Do n’t approach, just in case you are dragged into the world of Wanshou Panlong!”

Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie and others are constantly communicating while fighting.

Langya Diling asked Fang Yuan for help, and Fang Yuan couldn’t help it. In the meantime, there were many rewards in the martial mission for this rescue, which made him very enthusiastic. In the second place, I am the elder of the Langya group and can’t sit idly by, otherwise, I violate the covenant on my body.

So, Fang Yuan rushed to the rescue while others came to the rescue, dragging the scene.

The fighting is getting fiercer, and the time does not last long, but Ying Wuxie and others feel more and more pressure.

“Not good! More and more faucets are awake.”

“Follow this, Swire Dragons wakes up, we can’t save people, and we will take our lives for this!”

“When will the overlord arrive?”

“Here is the depth of Taiqiu, which is quite far from the teleportation of the fairy circle. It will take some time to communicate. Be careful!”

In the communication room, another seven-turn dragon head woke up and broke through the ground from the bottom of the ground. He screamed and spit out a silver dragon breath.

Hei Loulan avoided the danger and dangerously, and Yingwuxue thought for a moment, and said to the white rabbit girl and Xueer, “You can step back and assist with remote strike.”

Xueer is just a six-pass cultivation practice, and his heart has been shaken for a long time.

Although she is the arrogant daughter of the Xuemin tribe, naturally she can’t be compared with Hei Loulan and others, and she is not stubborn when she hears the words, she pulls the White Rabbit girl away.

“Are we not good enough to withdraw like this?” The White Rabbit girl was worried.

Xue Er gave her a white look: “Let’s listen to the immortal fairy. With our fighting power, we can only hinder them in the past.”

Qunxian supports for a moment, more and more dragon heads wake up and participate in the battle.

Shang Qianlong is swaying, the head of the dragon is roaring, and Hei Loulan and others are completely at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Wanshou Panlong, an ancient beast, is very strange. Once born, it cannot be moved. Although the number of dragon heads is large, it can only be guarded here and cannot be pursued.

Rao is so. Thousands of dragons spit out and the offensive was amazing. Hei Loulan and others retreated and couldn’t resist.

“Oops, the situation is getting worse for us.”

“Bai Ningbing hasn’t come out yet, I’m afraid it’s caught in the enemy line and it’s hard to get out!”

Hei Loulan and others did not guess wrong. Bai Ningbing was in a hard battle in the formation space. In order to protect the lives of the three Mao Minxian immortals, there are a lot of scruples.

At this moment, an unspeakable breath spreads throughout the audience.

A huge faucet far surpassing the same, slowly rising.

The Swire Dragon Head is here!

It has dim sleepy eyes, its eyelids are draped, and it has not been fully awake yet, but it has brought tremendous pressure to Qunxian.

“Hateful …”

“What should I do?”

While the immortals were hesitating, Ying Wuxie categorically ordered: “We will withdraw.”

They are only six turns and seven turns. Can only retreat, abandoning Bai Ningbing and the three Mao Minyuxian.

Speaking slowly and quickly, Swire’s faucet suddenly opened its mouth wide and sucked suddenly.

In an instant, heaven and earth changed, Ying Wuxie and others had no ability to resist, and all of them were dragged into the front space.

“Taikoo Dragon Head !!!” Bai Ningbing’s expression shook, and then she looked at Ying Wuxie and others, frowning and asked, “Where is Fang Yuanren?”

Ying Wuxie and others only smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, after the Taikoo dragon head trapped the shadow ancestors, there was no more action, but the dragon shadow faded away, and a few breathing efforts disappeared into the frontal space.

It is an eight-turn combat power. In its eyes, the six-turn and seven-turn Xunxian are trivial, and it is not worth it.

It will leave this battle to other dragons to handle.

So, more than a thousand dragon heads appeared in all directions of the Shadow Sect.

Ying Wuxie and others suddenly fell into a hard battle.

The current situation is different from the previous one. These dragons are advancing and retreating freely in the battlefield space, suddenly disappearing suddenly, and they can only stay in place before the sweep.

Qunxian tried for a round and found that he couldn’t break through this space. They had to unite together to help each other and fight desperately.

In the difficult battle, everyone was injured soon. The three Mao Minshenxian, Xueer, and White Rabbit were even more dangerous.

Gradually, it is difficult for Shadow Sects to take care of other weak people.

A Mao Minxian fell first.

Xueer exclaimed, the retreat was not timely, and was surrounded by several leading groups.

“I didn’t expect me to die here!” Xueer was powerless and had to close his eyes to die, just then, a black figure dragged her and rushed out of the siege.

“How did you do that? The old lady is going to come out to save the scene again!” The pressure of extinction made the White Rabbit girl into a blackbird, and it was her shot that saved Xueer.

Xue Er shivered: “You, are you a white rabbit girl?”

“The old lady is not that weak guy like you.” Hei Xu sneered, glancing at Xueer dismissively.

Xue Er was speechless.

She finally understood completely: these subordinates of Fang Yuan and members of Yingzong were all freaks. Compared to them, they are the weakest.

With the help of the blackbird, the scene finally stabilized.

But the good times are not long, and the dragon head appears more and more. The archaic beast Wanshoupanlong began to truly show its horrific combat power.

Qunxian can only support, there is no possibility of escape.

They can only hope in Fang Yuan.

But when will Fang Yuan arrive?

According to the time of the battle, Fang Yuan should have arrived long ago. However, Yingzong Yingxian soon discovered that the space of this front contains the components of the Tao, so there is a time gap between the flow of time and the outside world. This discovery was like a huge rock, which was heavily pressed on the hearts of the gods.

However, gradually, Ying Wuxie and others discovered that the number of dragon heads in the front space began to decrease.

They became less stressed and stabilized their precarious position.

“Fang Yuan must be here!” Ming Wu’s morale was boosted.

But Xue’er couldn’t help worrying: “I don’t know what the outside battle is like. Although Fang Yuan has eight rounds of combat power, can he resist this million dragons?”

Thinking about this problem, suddenly the space of the front was broken, and everyone returned to Taiqiu heaven and earth.

“Ah!” Xue Er couldn’t help exclaiming at the scene.

I saw blood flowing into the river from the ground, countless dragons fell to the ground weakly, and the area of ​​100 acres turned out to be a **** sea of ​​corpses.

The Taikoo dragon is constantly miserable, without any trace of its former glory.

And Fang Yuan … everywhere.

“Thousands of thoughts melt.” Ying Wuxie sighed, recognizing the immortal ways used by Fang Yuan at this time.

Fang Yuan hides his real body in thousands of phantoms, but the archaic dragon head has no clever way to pierce the source of Fang Yuan.

Ignite flying stones!

Countless flame boulders smashed into the body of Wanshou Panlong, smashing a large number of dragon heads directly.

They think of it, but as soon as the thought comes out, it will burn out.

A thought blooms!

Fang Yuan’s heart moved, and the dragon head dragon who fell to the ground suddenly covered with all kinds of colorful flowers.

I just felt that my strength was being taken away, and the originally strong and ferocious dragon head fell into weakness. The blooming of the flowers seemed to fuel the fire in my mind.

These offensives broke up the fighting powers of the six-turn, seven-turn level leaders. They lie on the ground, like fat earthworms.

Only the Taikoo dragon head is aggressive, but Fang Yuan’s body cannot be found, and his combat power cannot be exerted.

“This is the power of Zhidao’s killing tricks. From this we can see how powerful the former Zishan Zhenjun is.” Fang Yuan secretly said.

At this time, the shadowless innocence and other people who saw the Taikoo dragon head immediately had a target and rushed at them.

The two remaining Mao Minxianxian couldn’t help screaming.

Fang Yuan appeared in the body, blocking in the direction of the faucet.

“Be careful!” Xueer blurted out, watching in horror that Taikoo’s dragon head hit Fang Yuan’s body.

Furiously, Fang Yuan flew out, but then flew back again.

On the contrary, Swire Dragon’s head was smashed and bloody.

The mark of the countercurrent protector makes the heavenly court immortal helpless. Xuan Miaowei is not a joke.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the shadow ancestors smoothly retreated to a safe distance.

Without any concerns, Fang Yuan and Swire Dragons fought.

“Okay, strong!” Xueer was so excited that she witnessed how Fang Yuan had the upper hand and eventually killed Swire Dragons.

“This ancient beast is a bit weak.” After the battle ended, Fang Yuan lay high, overlooking the severed Taikoo dragon head, and the thousands of dragon heads that had collapsed to the ground, sighing in his mouth. (To be continued.)

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