Reverend Insanity: Version 428: Lost and Regained

Fang Yuanpan sat on the ground, opened Xianqiao, and took out the eight-armed fairy zombie body.

Then, under the gaze of Langya Earth Spirit, he burst out of his soul and got into this immortal body.

Xian Zhe flesh slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

Fang Yuan glanced at the Supreme Fairy, and then turned to face the magpie.

“Wisdom,” he said, his voice hoarse and very unpleasant, “Do you remember the agreement between us?”

Wizhan was originally playing, and when he heard this, he stopped moving, hovering in the air, watching Fang Yuan quietly, motionless.

Time passes slowly, Fang Yuan can’t help holding his breath involuntarily.

Although he is immortal at the moment, he no longer needs to breathe.

Wisdom seems to have doubts, it starts to circle around Fang Yuan.

After turning round and round, it constantly observes Fang Yuan. After a moment, it stopped and rested on the huge leaves beside it.

Then …

A colorful halo, from small to large, gradually spreads outward from the body of wisdom.

Halo of Wisdom!

“It’s done. It finally succeeded!” Fang Yuan was overjoyed and couldn’t help laughing.

Langlang Diling beside him was startled, he was the first time he had seen such a scene.

“The halo of wisdom! This is really the halo of wisdom …” Langya Earth Spirit walked into the halo and suddenly felt that his thinking had become extremely sensitive.

In a flash, he became very smart.

But soon, he carefully exited the halo-covered area, and then stared at Fang Yuan in the halo with envy.

“Fang Yuan really succeeded in calling out the halo of wisdom. Amazing, this kid, this one is really amazing!”

After being shocked, Langya Diling looked at Fang Yuan with a complex look, his eyes were stunned.

Although it is a double earth spirit, the memory is shared.

Langya Diling still remembers that just a few years ago, Fang Yuan was just a puppet master. As a mortal, he was almost insignificant and came to Langya Fudi for the first time.

It’s these years that Fang Yuan has not only become a fairy, but has also become famous all over the world and can resist eight turns!

Now he can even summon the wisdom halo and use it! !!

Soaring into the sky, this is really soaring into the sky.

If Fang Yuan has not inherited the Shadow Sect’s lineage, he will regain the wisdom halo, which can only be regarded as a powerful addition. However, the Fangyuan source has the inheritance of the Shadow Sect. In this way, the benefit of the wisdom halo to Fangyuan is so unimaginable.

Langya Diling has gone through countless years and has seen various characters, but now, he has no ability to predict others.


He can’t predict Fang Yuan’s next practice and development scenario!

Fang Yuan’s future achievements are understandably acceptable.

Fang Yuan quickly converged and laughed.

He calmed down again and shouted to Wisdom: “Well, Wisdom, please stop first and let me rest.”

The halo of wisdom slowly diminishes until it disappears.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and said, “Well, let’s go on.”

The next moment, the halo of wisdom spreads again.

Fang Yuan fisted his hands fiercely, exhilarating.

The facts in front of me have fully proved that the wisdom halo has been lost and recovered. From now on, if nothing unexpected happens, he can continue to use the wisdom halo forever.

Fang Yuan quickly turned around and smiled at the Langlang Diling on the side: “Too elder, let’s exchange the inheritance.”

Langya Diling couldn’t help praising in his heart: Fang Yuan’s thinking was so clear.

“Okay.” He agreed in one sip, without rejection, without even a hint of hesitation.

If it was the previous Langya Earth Spirit, I am afraid that most of them refused, because the previous Earth Spirit only likes to refining the lotus. However, today’s Langya Earth Spirit wants to let the Maomin family dominate the world. Therefore, it has promulgated a hard-line policy, vigorously selected talents, and made every effort to make the entire Langya faction into a martial art with strong strength.

Such a martial art naturally needs to be involved in a wide range of schools, but Taoism alone is definitely not possible. After all, the fighting power of the Taoism schools is much worse than other schools.

So Langya Diling is eager for many inheritances from Fang Yuan.

Especially Ghost Story.

In the beginning, Ghost Demon was slaughtering the world, but it was the most murderous of all His Holiness. His soul is true, and his natural combat power is extraordinary. Langya sent it, which can make up for the shortcomings of martial arts.

The transfer was completed quickly.

Fang Yuan has obtained almost all the inheritance of the Langya School, including the complete true biography of Jiyun and the true Taoist practice of the long-haired ancestors.

The Langya Diling has obtained the true story of the ghost, the true story of the Promise, the true story of the Red Lotus, the true story of the happy land, and countless others.

It can be included by Yingzong and the inheritance in the eyes is naturally excellent.

Therefore, the value of the source of value should be paid more than the Langya school.

So in order to make up for the difference, Langya Diling transferred Luo Valley to Fang Yuan again.

Fang Yuan’s situation at this time is already a public enemy of the world. In addition to his previous performance, Langya Diling has added a lot of trust to him.

“Fang Yuan is his own person. Anyway, he can still use it if he falls down to the valley.” This is a small abacus played by Langya Diling in secret.

As far as Fang Yuan is concerned, Ji Yun’s true biography is one of the three true stories of Juyang Xianzun. Fang Yuan has already acquired part of the essence before, and now Fang Yuan has been informed.

Most of the pilgrimages of the hairy ancestors are talking about the practice methods of the Taoist world, which are not directly helpful to Fang Yuan.

This time, both parties sold and inherited the inheritance, which did not involve any fairytale transaction.

Of course, Fang Yuan really wanted to include some of the fairy tales of the Langya faction into his own hands. For example, Tianyuanbao Huanglian.

Unfortunately, Langya Diling has become conservative and unwilling to sell.

Fang Yuan did not leave, but stayed here directly.

He was bathed in the halo of wisdom and began to think about various problems.

Langya Diling is booing away.

Fang Yuan is assisted again by the wisdom halo.

The combination and use of various methods of wisdom and morality made his thoughts flow one after another. The immortal killing tricks of the love of the fairy goddess and the self-love fairy goddess have made Fang Yuan seem to have the fairy-like self-consciousness, and there is no shortage of will.

In this way, Wisdom Halo gave full play to its wonderful effect, and soon, Fang Yuan obtained his satisfactory answer.

Xiandao killing move-ghost official clothes!

This is a whole set of immortal killing tricks, which are derived from the true story of ghosts. The utility is to prevent the calculation of God’s will and even other immortals.

is a defensive killing move.

It is subdivided into four levels, which correspond to the four levels of six, seven, eight and nine.

Fang Yuan improved the immortal killing trick on the basis of the original, so that even if he lacks the core immortal, he can replace it with other immortals!

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