Reverend Insanity: Version 239: Black Fire

The first news of the severely wounded and dying Wuxian came over.

The last War Beastmaster suddenly felt tight: “So fast?”

He was even heavier.

The more injuries and deaths of Wuxian, the less resistance there is in the Supreme Fairy. If it reaches a certain limit, an avalanche situation will be formed, and the situation can no longer be cleaned up.

The last war beastmaster gritted his teeth: “When the news goes on, Xiao Hei Tian doesn’t have to rescue. Any wild beast, ancient beast, or even ancient beast, all give up rescue! First, make every effort to ensure the major cities, and secondly, the key resources. What results did the Xianxian figure out? “

Of course, there are also Zhidao Yanxian in Xingluo City.

“Hasn’t calculated half yet. After all, there are too many disasters.” Youzhi said that Xian was sweating.

“Take the fruits out first!” The last War Beastmaster almost stomped.

Achievements soon arrived, and the last War Beastmaster immediately made a choice, and Xingluo City began to mobilize all the immortals.

“Oh?” Wu Shuai first received the order.

He showed a strange color, even though he retreated slowly.

In just a short time, in the course of his fight with Yanguai, Taize Flower Mist has been completely destroyed. Most of the blame still exist.

The number of them is too large, even if Wu Shuai shots with all his strength, it only eliminated a small part.

These strange targets have been destroyed, so all hostility is concentrated on Wu Shuai.

Seeing Wu Shuai’s retreat, the Yanguai would spare him and flew to kill him.

Wu Shuai leads all the way to the west, and meets another Wuxian halfway. Behind this Wuxian was an army of blame.

The two magpies are in the center round, while the Yan and Qi monsters are strangled together.

“It works!”

“These disasters did not occur naturally, but were caused by the killing of Juyang Xianzun in the body.”

“Because it’s just a change of fortune and no unified command of heaven, we will wait for billions of troops but no marshal leader. We can use disaster disaster to deal with disaster.”

Wu Shuai was slightly happy.

This is the result of the deduction of the wise gods.

Some Xianxian collected acid rain, and some Xianxian introduced inverted Tianhe into the desert …

In this way, the situation of Supreme Xianqiao has finally eased.

“Stop your feet!” The last War Beastmaster exhaled a spit, and for a short time, he was already sweaty.

The calamity came too violently, and the reaction was slightly slower, I am afraid it was the result of the crash. Fortunately, they race against time and seize the opportunity with disaster robberies.

But this step is not enough.

Disasters are still happening everywhere, and disasters that can consume each other are just a few of them.

The entire Supreme Sovereign is still under the scourge of calamity, and every breath you take, the loss is huge.

“The cloud of Taize flower fog completely dissipates from high altitude.

“Most clouds dissipated in the sky over the Needle Forest!”

“Wuqing graphite veins were completely destroyed, and Jieyun has been defeated!”

“That’s wrong !!! There is something abnormal.”

“Report! There are more than twenty robber clouds in the five small domains at the same time.

“This is … shaking the sky!”

The last war beast king just breathed a sigh of relief and heard the bad news.

“Oops!” His face turned pale, and combined with information, he had a small five-domain map in his mind. At this moment, the key places were all shaking.

Boom boom boom …

A series of earthen beams of light emerged from the storm clouds. The beams of light hit the ground and went all the way down to the ground.

The cloud robbery surged, and a large number of cloud robbery quickly penetrated into the column of yellow soil. The beam of light lit up suddenly, and the beam of light flew off suddenly, and reached the ground along the beam of light.


The loud noise came out, and the earth shook fiercely.




The earth-shattering beams located around Xiaowuyu continued to make troubles, and the earthquake shudder became more and more fierce.

The shock waves of terror continue to spread. Everywhere you go, the ground is violent, mountains are collapsing, rivers are diverted, and the sea is whistling.

“This method of Juyang Xianzun is a way to target the resources of Xianqiao. Now these resource points are either destroyed or seriously damaged, so the ground veins stand out!”

“So, there are so many terrifying skylight robbers that just surround all the ground vein nodes and want to eliminate the ground vein.”

Wu Shuai looks like ice.

Although the disaster caused by Juyang Xianzun has no intention to co-ordinate the overall situation, there will be such changes later. Etc. has largely made up for the lack of leadership.

“However, do you think I will be so easily destroyed when I wait for the hard-working ground?”

Wu Shuai sneered, resolutely rousing a large array.

The large veins of the earth started, and the grand and magnificent momentum spread quickly. The raging underground shock was severely suppressed.

Then Xunluo sent the Celestials to various locations and launched an attack on the celestial column.

Tianguang Juzhu broke down one after another, and the Xunxian of the Supreme Xunxiu joined forces to overcome the immediate difficulties.

Jieyun has changed again. This time, animal disasters have formed in various places. A gold-steel gopher of the Archaic Beast series, siege nodes in all directions from all directions.

Eight or eight nodes were lost to the earth vein nodes, which killed these golden steel gophers, and a small part of them was enslaved by Wu Shuai.

Jieyun has changed again, and still targets the ground.

The immortals stick to the ground, go all out and cooperate closely.

Although the ground vein nodes are decreasing, the scene is gradually getting better.

Although catastrophes are still ever-changing, the target they are targeting is always the ground vein. This is the controllable factor, which brings a lot of convenience to the immortals.

There have been more than a dozen disasters against the earth ’s veins. After being defended by all the immortals, the cloud that originally covered the entire Supreme Immortal has disappeared.

However, when all the immortals thought they were going to pass, a breath that made all the creatures in the Supreme Immortal feel heart palpitations appeared suddenly!

At first, this breath was very small.

But soon, the breath quickly grew in the deepest part of Jieyun.

In the horrified eyes of the immortals, a cloud of flame burned in the depths of Jieyun.

Black flame!

As soon as the black fire appeared, the remaining stubborn robbery was burned out.

The black fire m grew rapidly, and the black fires continued to fall. Everywhere they went, both the ground and the sky were burned into nothingness.

Qunxian took a sip of air-conditioning, and the black fire might be so horrible, as if it were all the nemesis and natural enemy!

“Isn’t this black fire the kind of blue dragon whale cave sky? It will actually appear here! Juyang Xianzun is really a good way.” Wu Shuai’s heart ** jumped, Rao is his existence, also from The ultimate threat was felt in the black fire.

There is nothing to say, the immortals have shot against the black fire.

However, all methods are not easy to use.

Even if the wonderful fairy and the white rabbit girl use all their strengths and exert all their efforts, they will only damage the black fire fur.

And once the black fire is damaged to a certain degree, it will change its form into black water and black electricity, which will make many immortals caught by the black disaster on the spot.

At the critical moment, He Chunqiu started to shoot.

“Pause! The ontology also anticipated such a situation and ordered me to respond.” He Chunqiu said, urging a humanitarian battle.

There are thousands of wish trees in the humane array, and there are also people in the world.

Bang Bang …

Balls of white light flew slowly from the array.

These light clusters are very huge, flying to all parts of Xiaowuyu. Whenever black fire spreads, white light flutters on it.

The black fire dissipated quickly, and then changed its form, but no matter what kind, it continued to disappear in the package of white light.

The effect of white light is very good, but the black fire keeps colliding and the scale is getting larger and larger.

“It’s awful to go on like this!”

“Although humanitarian killings have a good effect, they are not as good as the growth of black fire.”

“What should I do?”

The immortals panic **.

“Not good, black flames appear in Danghun Mountain and Luopu Valley!”

“A large array of earth veins has also been burned by black fire!”

The situation is rapidly deteriorating, and He Chunqiu, Wu Shuai and others can’t help but change color.

The scene is out of control!

Fang Yuan’s humanitarian array is not easy.

What to do?

These garrisons stationed have tried their best, but there is nothing they can do.

Only rely on Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan’s body was constantly dodging. At this moment, he was bathing in blood, his hair spread, and one arm was severed.

Facing the two-respect team, he did not counterattack at all and regained the opportunity to take the initiative. The Five Forbidden Mysterious Lights were forced to stop. A word used to describe Fang Yuan at this time is accurate, that is, to survive.

Juyang Xianzun’s method is really powerful, it can be described as a bottom-up salary.

The immortals who remain in the Supreme Immortal Qiao are already powerless, and can only hope that Fang Yuan will take the shot.

But Fang Yuan still couldn’t find such an opportunity.

The two seniors joined hands, such as the storm, and the ensuing one, almost making him unable to breathe.

“You must solve the black fire!” Fang Yuan gritted his teeth. If he let the black fire leave him, his supreme fairy trick would be finished.

Xiandao kills move Ang.

Suddenly, airway kills exploded, temporarily blocking a Venerable.

This is Qi Hai’s second shot, he finally scrambled for restraint.

“I’m here too!” War Department Du Changxiao screamed. Without the responsibility of protecting Qihai, he was also liberated, rushing all the way, and killed in front of Juyang Xianzu.

Fang Yuan’s main body retreated.

Xiandao kills fireworks on earth!

He urged to rescue the humanitarian array first. Then cooperate with the humanitarian array to overcome the scattered black fire.

A group of burning white flames entangled with the black fire, tearing them hard.

The ontology shot was truly extraordinary, and the growth of black fire was stopped immediately.

However, the ancestors of War Department and Qihai were redoubled by double clicking.

“Land allies!” Fang Yuan retreated and flew to land.

Land takes a deep breath, and once again displays Skynet’s resurgence.

With his help, Fang Yuan has a respite again. When Shuangzun broke the Skynet, the other side of the war department, Qihai ancestors supported him again.

Since the war, Shuangzun has never taken Fang Yuan’s life, both frown.

The madness array is becoming scarce, and His Holiness is gradually letting go.

The offensive became more and more frightening, and Fang Yuan could only flee.

Senjoya Castle is built!

Fang Yuan hid in the fairy house, and immediately urged a killing move. The core of this move was the ability to draw the power of black fire!

The stalemate of Supreme Xianqiao finally began to improve.

Fang Yuan was supported by Antu Zhongshan Fortress for a moment, and was broken by the joint efforts of the two respects.

“Give me death!” After fighting for a while, Juyang Xianzun suddenly cast a savage killing move.

“Protect me!” Fang Yuan was doomed and exclaimed.

On the occasion of a swift attack, the War Department flew over to resist the killing with the flesh.


With a loud noise, the war department was torn apart and died on the spot.

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