Reverend Insanity: Version 229: Rebirth of Happy Land

Xingsu Xianzun glanced through Wanli, carefully looked at the ruins of the tomb of Letu, and finally nodded in satisfaction. Novel.

She put away the mother array, and the Celestial Zhuxian took charge of gathering all the child arrays.

The members of the heavenly courts gather together, and move again with Xingsu Xianzun.

Since the metaverse has disappeared, the eighth and ninth layers have been easily shuttled.

They left the eighth floor and entered the ninth floor.

Xingsu Xianzun personally ordered to point the way forward. Qin Dingling, Che Wei, Fang Zheng, and others stepped into the madness, and eventually stopped, guarding a factual ice floe.

Xingsu Xianzun also detailed the methods of manipulation of the immortals. She herself went deep to the center and faced the fact that the center was floating.

“Master Xingsu, what do you want?”

“If you insist on sabotaging, let us use practice to destroy this fact ice floe now!”

Not the three immortals were alarmed. Among them, Fat Mountain and Secret Man immediately appeared, and they threatened Xingsu with contempt.

Xingsu Xianzun smiled slightly: “To be honest, it is beyond my expectation that the three of you can take charge and practice puppetry. Wuji has been fully sealed by me. I did not expect that he could still capture the three of you. But , The reason why I sealed Wuji is just in case. “

“Next, I will fully promote the madness array. Wuji’s initial arrangement of this array was indeed stunning and brilliant, the peak of the world. But he is after all a lawful and immortal, not a wise one. Of course he also realizes this One point, if not, how could he attack heaven and bet on me? “

Fat Mountain and Secret looked at each other, the latter thought for a while, and dared to ask: “Since the Lord Xingxu Xianzun has the same idea as us, why don’t we come in? We Sanxian are willing to give up our practice.”

Xingsu Xianzun smiled slightly: “This is not necessary. This place is the core of the madness array. It is easy to enter and difficult to get out. It is also related to the final result of the deduction. If I want to go out, forcibly break through, I am afraid I will Broke this fact ice floe, destroying this millions of years of deduction.

“I have already controlled more than half of the madness formation, and it is only my leaders outside the heavens, who are ready to take action at any time, and always be prepared for unexpected situations, to push the madness formation to the extreme.

“I already know the ambitions of the three of you. Don’t hesitate, go and sculpt the facts.”

Fat Mountain, the secret planner gritted his teeth, and the source under his eyes disappeared. Since Tianting controlled the situation, these three immortals could not go out, so it was calculated. It must not be Tianting’s opponent, so they had to continue to plunge into the facts and continue their previous work.

Xingsu Xianzun began to gradually move the array.

Under her influence, the madness formation has changed from time to time, and the efficiency of deduction has been soaring.

Many members of Tianting each control a factual ice floe, always cooperate with Xingsu Xianzun, obey her dispatch, and constantly dispatch the factual ice floe.

The world on the eighth level has multiplied several times.

Many facts on the fringes of Madmen’s Frost are starting to melt and shrink. The most central fact is that the ice floe has grown in volume with it.

In the end, there will only be one final piece of ice floe left.

If the Promise arrangement is successful, whoever occupies this factual ice floe will have eternal life!

Success has been cast because of the fact of eternal life.

“It is indeed Lord Xingsu Xianzun. In such a situation, constantly fighting, and eventually I won in heaven.” Qin Dingling sighed.

“There is such a person who leads the heavenly court, and I die when I die, but I die without regret.” Mei Gong and others exchanged, very open.

“No one is more suitable for eternal life than Master Xingsu Xianzun! With her leader, our heavenly court must be the supreme existence again, and we will unify the five realms, just as we unified the three realms of the Madness Cave.” Began to look forward to a better future.

When there was no immortal enshrined in heaven, the court has always had the tradition of Zhidao Zhuxian as a leader.

Past experience has proved the wisdom and advancedness of this system.

Now the creation of Zhidao, and now is the Supreme Master of Zhidao. The first person in the world, Xingsu Xianzun, is in charge of heaven, and there is no objection from heaven to heaven!

Even if Yuan Shizun and Yuan Lianxian respect life, Xingsu Xianzun is better than them for eternal life.

In the door of life and death.

“You are all going to die … why aren’t you dead yet?” Ghost Devil sat on the ground, and the Anhun Lake in front of him was just a flood of water, and Fang Yuan and others were as small as ants.

But it’s this group of ants that makes the ghost demons anger and hate.

Boom boom boom!

Countless giant arms strike like lightning, hitting and suppressing these ants.

Lu Weiyin, Qi Jue Mo Xian, and others are desperately fighting against them. They are the top fighting forces behind Fang Yuan, Ju Yang Xian Zong, and Xing Su Xian Zun, but they are extremely scary here.

If Fang Yuan and Juyangxian often help each other, someone has already fallen here.

The Ghost Demon is originally nine revolutions. After being transformed into the spirit and beast essence, the realm has been elevated to the state of the Supreme Master, and it has become the Taoist master.

I have just become the lord of the Taoist master, and have not yet walked the world. Refining the Dao marks belonging to his own genre, his strength still needs to be improved.

But at this gate of life and death, this is the old nest exclusive to the ghost demon, which has long been used by him.

The gate of life and death has the most soul traces in the world, so even Fang Yuan and Juyang Xianzhang have fallen into a disadvantage.

The longer you drag on, the more unfavorable you are. Fang Yuan and Juyangxian knew this, and they searched for a way out while fighting.

Juyangxian’s deadlock calculations are good, the other side sighed bitterly: “Not good. Before Xingsu Xianzun left, the ghost demons actively opened the channel. He has completely refined the gate of life and death and became the master of this place. . We are going to imitate Xingsu Xianzun to evacuate here, there may not be any! “

Fang Yuan condensed, staring closely at the ghost’s body: “I didn’t expect Xingsu Xianzun to be able to manipulate the ghost’s body into a puppet. Juyang Xianyou, you know, when I lived five hundred years ago, the ghost With the Supreme Immortal Body, Mozun has become the biggest black hand in the Five Realms chaos, lurking in heaven and overhead heaven. Now, Xingsu Xianzun can be regarded as revenge for heaven. “

Ju Yangxian’s face looked stiff: “It’s useless to say these things now. Our hope is still on you.”

Fang Yuan nodded: “In fact, I have already begun to calculate!”

He knows what Juyangxian refers to.

At that time, when the ancestors fell into the gate of life and death, they wanted to go out of the way of life, and they encountered three difficulties: Dangling Mountain, Luopo Valley, and Countercurrent River.

The ancestor was defeated in the river against the river. If not, he would have been able to escape the gate of life and death.

Now, Fang Yuan is the fairy who has the most secret world in the world. It is in his hands that he has Danghun Mountain, Luohu Valley, and Opposite River!

As long as these three obstacles are met, and then the road of life is formed, they can pass the road of life, escape from the gate of life and death, return to the crazy devil’s cave and Xingsu Xianzun to start the final fight.

Fang Yuan’s face showed a bitterness, saying: “Estimation takes time, but more clues. I don’t know anything about this path of life, only these three levels are at hand. And this gate of life and death has long been Reconstructed by the ghost demon, self-contained, and there is a big difference with the records in “Ancestors of the Humans.” The ghost demon is unconscious, attacking, and I am always scoring. “

Juyangxian sighed with a sigh: “The ghost monster’s accomplishments on the soul path are amazing, and the door of life and death is improved, which is far more outstanding than before! This is the situation, and I hope that you will be reluctant to do it.”

At this point, Juyangxian’s expression changed: “Here it is again, follow me!”

He hurled out of the doomsday.

Xiandao kill tricks transfer Cotai Strip!

A bright golden light path is instantly formed.

The celestial beings know what’s going on, and quickly set foot on the light path, letting the light path lead them up.

The next moment, countless soul-thunders flew down, each one was as big as a mountain peak, dragging its tail.

The giant Soul Soul thundered spontaneously, the power was horrible, and it was swayed violently by the Golden Avenue, and soon faded.

But Qunxian also passed the light path, and smoothly separated from the soul thunder group.

They have already suffered a loss once, and the Shenxian and Qixian Moxian were blown seriously on the spot. Fortunately, Shen Injury specializes in humanity, has long been a disease, and has excellent treatment methods. It takes advantage of the humane genre to quickly heal the injuries.

Since then, every time the soul thunder swarms down, Juyang Xianzhang relies on the transshipment of the Golden Light Avenue to kill the immortals.

This killing trick is so extraordinary that it can open up a life in a desperate situation.

Surrounding the Cosmic Beast, the soul beast stormed, and the soul thunder spontaneously detonated. Many offensives canceled each other out, but instead escorted the Cosmos Avenue.

If you switch to the past, Juyangxian has long relied on this trick to get out of trouble. However, this gate of life and death is very unusual and extremely difficult to entangle. Even if the giant Yangxian urges to retransmit Cotai Avenue again and again, it cannot succeed.

“Be careful!” Qi Hai’s ancestor warned loudly.

After the soul thunder, another soul river descends from the sky.

Countless undead souls and ghosts form a black river, souls and ghosts mourn, cry in pain, and the sound of miserable hatred makes the immortals’ thoughts stagnant.

The range of the soul river is extremely vast, directly covering thousands of miles!

The celestial beings have been unable to dodge, and each show their abilities, and they have been tormenting and suffering in the soul river for a while.

Fang Yuan protects his body, his body is full of black light, and he can use other rainbow light silk threads to tie other Yaxianzun to prevent the immortals from leaving the team.

In such a dangerous situation, once Yaxian Zun has left the team for a little longer, he will die tragically here.

The key is dead here, Yaxianzun’s soul will be immediately used by the ghost demon, and then deal with the rest.

This is the thing that Ghost Demon is best at.

So, Juyang Xianzhuang and Fang Yuan help these people, but also help themselves.

“In such a war situation, I can’t help myself, how can I quickly calculate, so as to arrange the way of birth?” Fang Yuan looked at the soul river around him, unable to help himself.

The situation is deteriorating. As time goes by, Fang Yuan’s odds are getting lower and lower.

If the delay in the gate of life and death is long, maybe Xingsu Xianzun has won eternal life, the strength has risen, and he has returned.

By then, if there is no improvement, Fang Yuan will not only be defeated, I am afraid that he will lose his life here!

Just then, a yellow light suddenly lights up in the world on the eighth floor of the Mad Cave.

Huang Guang shrouded in ruins.

It is the tomb of paradise!

Huang Guang exploded violently, rising into the sky, and turning, he flew to the door of life and death.

A fairy is condensed and formed in yellow light.

“Sinking Loess for 100,000 years,”

“Tomorrow I will dust my clothes again.”

“I only wish that all human beings are equal,”

“Thousands of souls race against each other.”

After a long yell of Wuxian, she said, “Ghost Fairy friends, and the door is open, the land … come to visit.” ——

s ——>

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