Reverend Insanity: Version 195: Ambush on the wall

This dragon’s breath is so sharp that it hasn’t shot yet, Wu Yihai feels like acupuncture on his face.

He was so terrified that he had no time to avoid.


A crisp sound of golden iron and iron transfer, a small golden round shield emerged in front of Wu Yihai at the moment of life and death.

Jianguanglong breathed on the golden shield, and in a blink of an eye, he broke the golden shield, and then shot at Wu Yihai’s face unabatedly.

But Wu Yihai has this shield from Jin Dun, and finally he has won precious life.

He is worthy of being a seven-turned magpie with a thin name in Donghai. At this time, he drank aloud and performed a change of tactics.

Blinks of light, Wu Yihai disappeared in place, but replaced by a giant turtle.

The giant tortoise’s limbs, head and tail are crouched in the shell.

The sword light dragon’s breath hit the shell of the giant tortoise and immediately imprinted a long mark.

“Awesome dragon’s breath! The horned tortoise that I changed out is an ancient beast with a hard crust. It is also among the top ten among the ancient beasts in the East China Sea.” Wu Yihai was shocked in his heart, “It seems that this time the enemy is stronger than all the ambushes in front! Now it depends on Uncle Zhang and the cold brothers.”

Wu Yihai is a changing Taoist fairy, but the horned tortoise he changed out is huge in size and has a good speed in the sea. On land, it was slow and numerous times.

The combat effectiveness has also fallen many times accordingly, and the military relics only use the strong defense of the horned tortoise.

Protection against high attack and weakness, although Wu Yihai saved his life, he completely lost his initiative on the battlefield.

Of course, he also has other means, which can be changed into other forms. But don’t forget, there is a major drawback to the change of Taoism.

That’s it: it can’t change immediately. There must be a certain time interval between the different forms of change. After all, Xianxian wiped out the temporary trace marks on her body before she could continue to change.

Fang Yuan owns the Supreme Immortal Wren, that’s a special case. He was once mistaken for Qi disaster and got the true biography of the savage demon, and he can change the form at will.

So, when Wu Yihai turned into a horned tortoise, he saved his life. But within a short time, no decent counterattack could be made.

But Wu Yihai did not panic.

Because he knows that beside him, there are two Qizhuanxian strong men.

One is Uncle Zhang. The other is the Leng Brothers. Although Wu Yihai does not know the names of the two, he knows that these two were sent by his mother to **** him to southern Xinjiang!

Along the way, these two magpies also showed strong combat capabilities. Very reliable, helping Wu Yihai to fight back several waves of ambush along the way.

Wu Yihai pinned his hopes on Uncle Zhang and Brother Leng, but Uncle Zhang vomited blood in the mouth.

He has to vomit blood.

Because his golden shield was broken by that sword light dragon’s breath.

This is his uncle Zhang’s defensive killing move. After being broken, Uncle Zhang inevitably received a back bite and immediately spit blood.

Like Wu Yihai, Uncle Zhang is also very shocked.

“In this ravenous wall, any immortal killing moves will be cut by radon. This sword light dragon breath penetrates radon and not only broke my golden shield. It also left on the horned turtle shell Imprint, how strong is that Dragon Breath itself! “

Uncle Zhang is vomiting blood, while the cold brothers flew up.

The cooperation between the two is quite tacit.

This young man named Lianxian, who knows cold, knows that Zhang Shu’s defensive killing strategy should not be broken, and he needs to adjust his interest and rest.

He was violent and aggressive.

In a blink of an eye, he transformed from a human figure into a Thunderman Wolf.

The Lemur Giant Wolf is an ancient beast with blue fur all over it, and the tip of the wolf hair is transformed into a strange blue crystal. It emits a slight electric light.

As soon as the Lemur wolf appears, it illuminates the dark purple radon.

It spouts along the dragon’s breath, forming a channel, rushing forward.

Four claws. The mighty wolf muscle burst out, giving Leng Xingxian a powerful speed.

During the sprint, countless electric snakes also appeared on the body of the Lemur.

The electric snake condenses into a stream, straddling the top of the Lemur wolf and shooting forward.

This is Leng Xunxian urged Xiandao to kill.

See this scene. Zhang Shu’s heart settled immediately.

After a few breaths, he squeezed the injuries in his body, and his whole body shone brightly.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a golden saber-toothed tiger, which was twice as big as the Leman wolf.

It turned out that he was also a change of Tao.

This is of course the intentional arrangement of Wu Duxiu.

Because of the five walls, the environment is quite special. To cross the boundary, each genre has no distinction. But if you fight in it, it often changes that Dao Xian has an advantage.

Yunxian is in the wall. Every time he uses Xiandao to kill, it will cause the shock of Xianqiao. It can be said that he does not hurt the enemy first.

However, if Xunxian turns into a fierce beast and simply uses his body to fight, he avoids this disadvantage and has a more continuous fighting ability.

Uncle Zhang Xian glanced behind him, knowing the defense ability of the horned tortoise, and told Wu Yihai a sentence, he followed the line of the giant wolf and rushed over.

Soon, Uncle Zhang saw the Lemur Manwolf running away!

Behind the Lemur wolf, swords and dragons breathed, spraying over, and in the thick dark purple suffocation, the sound of the dragon beast roared.

“What’s going on?” Uncle Zhang was very surprised. He knew that the young man with a cold family name Xun Xianxiao was brave and warlike and would never run away without any reason. Now he must do this for a reason!

“Don’t fight, retreat.” Leng Xingxian saw the golden giant and immediately uttered words.

Uncle Zhang is even more surprised, why the Leng surname Yunxian must avoid the war.

He was about to ask, at this time he finally saw the culprit who attacked them.

A sword wren penetrates the dark purple radon and appears in his vision.

Silver white dragon scales, densely packed. The dragon pupil was pale, the dragon horns spiked into the air, the four claws of the dragon were terrible, and the teeth of the dragon flickered coldly. And immortal breath on the body!

“Is it a wild ancient sword!” Uncle Zhang’s eyes widened, unbelievable.

But iron facts are right in front of him, and he has to believe.

In an instant, he finally understood why Leng Xianxian, who didn’t frown when he went to the sword mountain and the sea of ​​fire, actually retreated abnormally.

Because he came across a wild ancient sword cricket, and this sword cricket is not from the Five Realms, but lives in the day or the dark.

Why does Uncle Zhang judge this way?

Because this ancient sword slaps in the wall of radon air, it moves forward and backward freely, and the movement stretches smoothly without any influence of pulling force or repulsion.

For Xixian, there must always be regional distinctions. Therefore, entering the boundary wall must be greatly affected.

Only the life that was born and raised in the daytime or the dark of the ancient times can move forward and backward in the boundary of the Five Realms.

Uncle Zhang didn’t hesitate, and then turned around and ran away.

Unaffected by the wall, this advantage alone is great. Wu Xian’s strength in the boundary wall must be only 50% to 60%.

Even if he was sitting outside and facing the ancient sword cricket alone, or the ancient sword cricket with wild fairy pheasant, Uncle Zhang was not sure. What’s more, today is in the special environment of the boundary wall?

“How can we be so unlucky? Coincidentally, we encountered a wild ancient sword cricket, wandering in the wall?”

“I guess, it is very likely that this ancient sword cricket was deliberately attracted by some magpies and blocked us!”

During the flight, Uncle Zhang and Leng Xingxian quickly communicated.

Soon, they merged with the sea of ​​the remains of the horned tortoise.

Wu Yihai also knew the situation in advance, and he quickly rumored: “Try not to get entangled with this ancient sword-pump. Maybe it was deliberately brought in, just to let us fight with it and consume us Fairy and combat power! “

“What should we do then?”

“Retreat, stay away from the ancient sword crickets. Try not to anger it, but also to show our great strength. The beasts are not intelligent enough, but when they know this prey is too threatening, they will give up.” /

The three Wuxian quickly discussed the countermeasures.

Small offense and more defense, let the ancient sword hang on the back of the three of them, and continue to breathe the sword light dragon breath.

The three magpies slowly backed away, and were ashamed by Jianguang Longxi, basically unable to lift their heads.

“What to do, it seems that this ancient sword-head is eyeing us!”

“Maybe it was me, I used Thunder Road to kill him and angered him.”

“I have a fairy way to kill the anger of such beasts. Just need to change the kill.”

Sanxian quickly consulted, and decided to defend by Leng Xingxian and Uncle Zhang, while Wu Yihai changed its shape to heal the anger of ancient swords and swords.

Wu Yihai carefully transformed into a human form.

He hid behind the other two immortals, urging his means to quickly remove the marks on his body, and prepare for the next change.

In the end, the ancient sword was a wild beast, with low wisdom, and blindly attacked the giant wolf and the golden tiger.

As a result, Zhang Shu and Leng Xunxian have withstood the fierce offensive of ancient Jianjian, and their defense is quite difficult. There were already more injuries on their bodies, but in order to expel this ancient swordhead as soon as possible, they did not use any attack on Xiandao to prevent the situation from deteriorating and fell into the calculation of others.

“It’s almost there. I remember this immortal killing but … uh!” Wu Yihai’s happy tone suddenly turned into an exclaim.

Because he saw, the golden giant tiger transformed by Uncle Zhang was run through his head by a stroke of immortality, and died on the spot.

Kendo killing moves in the dark!

Everything came so suddenly, there was no sign of it.

Then, the ancient sword stunned in an instant, with an incredible speed, suddenly like a silver lightning, leaving a gorgeous light and shadow in the eyes of Sanxian, disappeared in place .

Leng Xingxian was shocked!

“Anyway! Oops !!!”

He turned and looked back, only to see Wu Yihai’s crushed skull fragments and white brain. And his headless corpse was caught by the ancient Jianyu, and then stuffed into Xianqiao. (To be continued.)

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