Reverend Insanity: Version 155: Borrowing


“Fang Yuan’s family is really young and promising, it is a model for the younger generation!”

“Working together in the future, I really look forward to the old style of Fang Yuan’s family, ha ha.”

A lot of people around Fang Yuan were talking beautifully.

Xuetang always stood outside the crowd and looked at Fang Yuan, his eyes were very complicated.

He never thought that one day, Fang Yuan would be promoted to become a family member. In that session, he was most optimistic about Founder, followed by Chicheng and Mobei.

I don’t think the first one who is promising is Fang Yuan.

“How can my little accomplishment compare with your predecessors. I can still have today thanks to the cultivation of my family. I am an old school student, and I have always kept my teachings in mind.” Fang A gentle smile appeared on Yuan’s face, humble and cautious.

Xuetang’s family did not expect Fang Yuan’s thorn, and took the initiative to greet him.

He froze, his face showing a reassuring expression, saying: “It seems that you have matured a lot these years, Fang Yuan is old and work hard. The family needs new blood like you, I am proud of you! “

Fang Yuan once again expresses his sincere thanks to the schoolmates, and at the same time, he copes with other family members.

He has five hundred years of experience, and it’s almost impossible to catch such a show.

His advancement and retreat is well-founded, his words are gentle, and his attitude is humble.

Guyue Chilian looked coldly at the side, the more chilling he looked. This Fang Yuan dealt with the response, every word was so old-fashioned, is he really only a teenager? Is he a born politician?

Xuetangjiao was surprised. He thought that when he was in the school, Fang Yuan was so unruly and even exploited with the window. He felt a headache for this and did not expect that there would be such an earth-shaking change in Fang Yuan.

It’s Gu Yue Mo Chen. It’s not surprising that the other party’s source behaves this way.

He has long experienced Fang Yuan’s scheming.

At this time, watching Fang Yuan’s gentle and elegant, became the focus and center of the crowd, more and more lamented Gu Yuechi practiced a good move.

This exchange is just flying around, it’s not long. But no matter what the family members have in mind or stand, they can’t help but look at each other. Lamented in their hearts, the rumors were really unreliable!

Finally, Fang Yuan politely quit some invitations from the family members, smiled with Gu Yue Chi Lian, and left the House of Lords.

“Hum, are you satisfied now? You have toppled Gu Yue Yao Ji and dragged our Chi family into the water!” In the study, Chi Lian finally stopped posing and the smile on his face was replaced by anger.

Fang Yuan sat opposite him, and laughed leisurely: “Speaking of this, you still have to thank me for this matter. When Gu Yue Yao Ji fell, your red veins took advantage.”

Gu Yuechi’s eyes flickered: “Well, young man, you think too simple. Although Chi Zhong is a member of my Chimai, his wife is a member of Yaomai. The patriarch appointed him temporary The old post of Yaotang family just wanted to balance the internal struggle between Chimai and Yaomai. How on earth did you know about Chicheng? “

Finally, Gu Yue Chilian suddenly asked.

His eyes were staring at Fang Yuan tightly, flashing a sharp light like a hawk.

Fang Yuan shrugged in disapproval, but said: “Old man, I don’t have enough stones, please give me 3,000 yuan first.”


Guyue Chilian took a hard shot of the desktop, and he lowered his voice and yelled, “Fang Yuan! Don’t think you know that secret, you will fix my red veins. I am old, not much I can live at my age, so I wo n’t give up this life! Huh, I can accept cooperation, but I will never be threatened!

“Today, this kind of thing, I will never allow it to happen again! If you make an enemy again and then drag my red veins into the water, you will definitely regret it afterwards! You really think that secret Can destroy the entire red vein? Oh, don’t be naive. “

Fang Yuan was silent, his eyes were faint, and Gu Yue Chilian reprimanded himself.

After Gu Yue Chilian just took a picture of the table, the momentum was astonishing, but the more he talked about it, the weaker it became, until finally he became very weak and lacked energy.

Fang Yuan smiled leisurely until he stopped talking: “Old man, don’t you be so angry. I did have a tight hand recently. I didn’t ask you for these three thousand yuan stones. I borrowed them from you.” I can give you an IOU. “

Gu Yue Chilian snorted slightly, “You won’t lack Yuan Shi. You have just become a family member, and you don’t know the family’s preferential treatment for family members. As long as they are family members, there are 100 yuan a week Yuanshi subsidy. This is the amount in peacetime. Now during the wolf tide, you will have a subsidy of 300 yuanshi per week. “

“Not only that, you can also get a three-turn roundworm for free. At the same time, the family’s recipes will be open to you from one to three turns. You can choose the secret recipes to make you better. There are some other privileges, such as: the ordinary magister can only marry a wife. After becoming a family member, he can marry a wife and two maggots.

“That’s the way it is.” Fang Yuan knew the nature well, but on the surface he had an expression he heard for the first time.

“However, even so, I still want to borrow three thousand yuan stones. You also understand that I have just been promoted to three revolutions. Combining three revolutions of roundworms naturally requires a lot of yuan stones.” Fang Yuan ” Sincerely “authentic.

Guyue Chilian mourns silently.

He pondered: “Yi Fangyuan’s old identity will not cause him to owe debts. What about his reputation? Just in case, if he died in the wolf tide, then my three thousand Didn’t Yuan Yuanshi drift? Wait, isn’t it better for him to die? Chicheng’s qualifications can continue to be concealed. But how did he know this secret? What other people know? May wish to lend him first, lower his defense, and then test him. “

Remembering this, Gu Yue Chi Lian no longer insisted, and immediately took out the pen and paper.

Fang Yuan wrote the IOU and drew a handprint.

Guyue Chilian called the housekeeper and ordered him to continue. A few full money bags were quickly picked up.

Fang Yuan stunned every purse and found no problem.

He really needs this stone.

He spent almost all his accumulation in order to concoct the human and beast funeral. These 3,000 yuan stones are regarded as a timely rain.

Three rotations have just begun. He needs to work out three rounds of maggots in order to truly have the combat power and survivability of the three rounds of maggot divisions.

He already has a general plan for this. Three thousand yuan stones may not be enough.

But it doesn’t matter, Chimai will be his big money house.

This time I borrowed Yuan Shi, it was just the beginning. There will be a second time at the first time.

As for debt repayment, haha ​​…

With this Yuan Shi, Fang Yuan did not rush away, but smiled, “I want to borrow another thing.”

“You’d better not have to make an inch.” Gu Yuechi’s face sank, but after all, “Say, what is it?”

“Purified water is sloppy,” Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes and said frankly.

A caravan was once sold in the caravan. If anyone is most likely to buy it, it is probably Guyue Chilian.

Because he used his true element to support his grandson, Chicheng Wen, to raise his self-cultivation. He has a different kind of breath in his emptiness, and it must be removed with water purification.

“This is absolutely not possible!” Gu Yue Chilian flatly refused.

He did buy the purified water pupa, but this pupa was prepared for his grandson, Guyue Chicheng. If you want to buy it again, you have to rely on some opportunities.

“Don’t say so absolutely.” Fang Yuan grinned. “A reputation for clean water and red veins is very important. I believe that the adult Gu Yue Chi Lian, as the owner of the red veins, naturally Can be clearly identified. “

Gu Yuechi’s face completely sank, and it was cold and cold. He stared at Fang Yuan fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, “Fang Yuan, you have to figure out what you are doing. You are extorting me, extorting blackmail.” The owner of the pulse! “

“No, no, no, I’m not extortion, it’s negotiation. I just borrow clean water to use it, and I will give you a new one in the future. I can also owe this.” Fang Yuan smiled, but his tone was Very firm, showing his determination to get it.

“Don’t think about it!” Chi Lian’s attitude was also very firm.

After half an hour, Fang Yuan left Chijia with 3,000 yuan stones and a water purifier.

And Gu Yue Chi Lian, sitting in the study, looking at the two floating notes written on the desktop above the source, the feeling of depression and anger in the heart is like a stream of rivers, endless.

Fang Yuan’s handle is held by Fang Yuan, which puts Chi Lian in a very passive state. Fang Yuan’s victory is also reasonable.

After three days.

Fang Yuanpan was sitting on the bed, with white light on his face.

A white light cluster suspended in mid-air—the conglomerate maggot has come to an end.

Fang Yuan maintains the light group with his consciousness, and throws pieces of elementary stones into the light group one after another.

The light mass suddenly disappeared, and a brand new maggot flew into Fang Yuan’s palm.

It looks like a big ladybug. The semi-circular milky carapace is dotted with black spots.

It is relatively large and has the size of an adult’s fist.

Three-turn canopy!

“Finally, it is finally combined.” Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, this is his second combination.

The tentacle maggot is a combination of two-turn white jade maggots and a water line defense maggot.

Fang Yuan’s first refining, using water hood and white jade. As a result, the blending failed, and the water hood was killed.

The water line used to defend the maggots this time was replaced by Fang Yuan with the last point of battle.

However, this canopy maggot is not Fang Yuan’s first three-round maggot. His first three-round roundworm was taken directly from the family.

After being promoted to Sanjiao, the family will reward a Sanjiao worm for free.

So, Fang Yuan chose Thunderwing.

This is the loot that the old men got after killing a crazy electric wolf. Can gather a pair of thunder light wings, so that the division has flying ability in a short time.

With Thunder Wing’s assisted movement, Fang Yuan’s last piece of combat weakness is also filled.

(ps: I will change it today, I will start writing at more than eight o’clock, and Kavinka will make me alive.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, you Support is my greatest motivation.)

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