Reverend Insanity: Verse 772: Headache headache

The Wu Family Base Camp.

In the study, the light is dim.

Wu Yong’s face was iron-blue, sitting straight, like a stone statue.

The channel maggot in his hand, so there is still some residual temperature in the previous urge.

It was just another high-level meeting inside the South Xinjiang Road. It was as if it were a vegetable market. Xia and Ba’s Xianxian were almost screaming and shouting. Their voices were clearly panic and helpless.

The vast majority of people are talking loudly, almost arguing, and seemingly venting shock and panic.

“How is this possible?!”

“Fang Yuan ambushed us, he won a great victory, and all our immortals were captured by him!”

“What to do now? There is no such precedent in our southern Xinjiang history.”

“If this thing spreads out, our southern Xinjiang path will be reduced to the laughingstock of the Five Realms!”

“Fame is not important anymore, what is important is our people, now he is being held in his hands !!!”

“Are the channel maggots left by Fang Yuan, didn’t you say that we were waiting for his offer?”

“Yeah, but he didn’t send any new news at all. Are we … just waiting so hard?”

Wu Yong’s ears seem to echo the conversation of these people.

“Hum, a group of incompetent people, what can we do now if we just discuss it?”

Wu Yong grunted unhappyly, his eyes narrowed, and his already slender eyes seemed to be more slender.

The gloomy cold mang flickered in his eyes.

His fists couldn’t help holding it.

“This is trouble.”

“Fang Yuan has taken the absolute initiative!”

“Even if my family refuses his extortion, Xia and Bajia will certainly not. They lost too much elders.”

“The arrangement of the heavenly court has also had no effect. Huh, I have also specifically notified Ziwei.”

“However, this is not cowardly in heaven, but Fang Yuan’s performance in this battle, it is too shocking!”

“Under such terrible results, if we look at the right path in southern Xinjiang, Chiqu will be slightly better, and we will not be in danger.”

Wu Yong clearly remembers that in the discussion just now, it was Chi Qu who was sedated with a look, and for the first time, he proposed to take the initiative to attack, and still wanted to pursue a plan to kill Fang Yuan.

Although there are few responders, this is the right way!

Wu Yong didn’t know at all, Chi Quyou just forced to calm down, and his heart was filled with deep shock and panic.

He deliberately proposed this plan to continue hunting Fang Yuan in order to hide himself.

“Fang Yuan actually won?!”

“Fang Yuan not only won, he also captured two eight-turners and several seven-turners!”

Is this a joke?

If it was before the war, Chi Quyou would think it was a joke.

But he can’t laugh at all now.

Chi Quyou couldn’t believe it, but Lu Weiyin’s evidence was so strong that he couldn’t believe it.

This battlefield source won a great victory, which not only caused the chaos in the southern Xinjiang, but also held the handle of Chi Quyou!

Because Fang Yuan’s winning strategy is a dream.

And these dreams are so good that Chi Quyou traded him!

In other words, Chi Quyou is Fang Yuan’s biggest assister in this battle, and also the biggest traitor in the South Xinjiang Path!

Before Chi Quyou, of course, I also thought of Fang Yuan using these dreams to deal with the South Xinjiang Zhengdao.

But his thinking is limited.

At first, because of the transaction with Fang Yuan, the Chi family benefited too much. This temptation of heavy profits shrouded Chi Quyou’s vision.

Secondly, Fang Yuan also used pure dreams to seek the real body to explode to help him escape successfully. But during the whole process, Fang Yuan was embarrassed, because Fang Yuan couldn’t manipulate freely because of the dream after the explosion. Therefore, Chi Quyou feels that the threat of pure dream seeking self-explosion is relatively low.

“But never expected that Fang Yuan actually set up a super fairy array of Zhou Tao!”

“Without this fairy array hindering the transfer of Xianxian Teng, how can dreams work?”

“Zhoudao Fairy Array is actually not terrible. The terrible thing is that this fairy array is actually hidden to the deep. It was not launched by Fang Yuan and it can’t be seen.”

Chi Quyou’s brain hurts.

He is the Grand Master of the Front, and he certainly knows about the Front.

Every genre has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of the Cosmic Immortal Formation is that it can affect the time flow in the formation. Fang Yuan relies on this and fights for a few days and nights in a large array. The outside world just passed a few hours.

The advantage of the Cosmic Immortal Formation is not hiding!

Big arrays that are good at hiding are undercover, virtual, and change.

Once the Taoist Immortal Formation is laid, the pestle is there, at a glance, it is clear that it is not easy to hide yourself.

Why did Fang Yuan hide it?

Chi Qu is temporarily troubled by this question, at the same time, the Lagerstroemia in the heavenly court has found the answer to this question.

She just finished a deduction, and there is still some purple light in the central hall.

The crape myrtle sighed deeply.

“It should be the legacy of the Shadow Sect.”

“Yingzong once distributed in the Five Realms. Under the guise of Zombie League, he secretly found a natural tributary of time, and used the traces of the surrounding Taoism to arrange it.”

With the Grand Master, Zhenxian Zhen will be able to make use of the natural traces directly.

However, the arranged array will have different advantages and disadvantages due to the distribution of natural track marks. The array of magpies can only be fine-tuned, so it is not as free as maggots.

“The Zeudao array on the south side of the border is very good at hiding and is used by Fang Yuan.”

“He added other cosmic battles in it, and finally used the dream to wipe out the southern Xinjiang team that hunted him down!”

The Lagerstroemia indica is full of haze.

She regrets a little.

I knew it would be like this. She should tell Chen Yi and Regui Zhenjun of the death of Nanxian Jixian.

The Battle of Langya Fudi was defeated in the Heavenly Court. The Ziwei Fairy just chose a part of it and made it public.

As long as the southern Xinjiang is aware of the deaths of Chen Yi and Reggae King, they will definitely pay more attention to Fang Yuan, and will never send only two eight-turn Zhuxian. (Lu Weiyin took the initiative to join and was not under the control of South Xinjiang Zhengdao.)

Of course, this is not the mistake of Lagerstroemia indica, but she has also considered it before.

In the beginning, the Ziwei Fairy still kept her expectations, and felt that Chen Yi and Reggae could still survive. Therefore, only the secret of Fang Yuan was disclosed to the world, and this part was concealed.

Later, the Ziwei Fairy understands that Chen Yi and Reggae Zhenjun should be killed.

She chose to continue to hide this news. One is that she does not want to promote Fang Yuan’s prestige, and the other is that she is worried about the other four realm’s companions.

Fang Yuan has the power to murder Ba Zhuanxian. This is a qualitative change!

The other four domains are not like Zhongzhou. They have staggered forces and mountains, which can be called a piece of scattered sand. They can be easily broken by Fang Yuan, and it is easier to reach a deal with each other and compromise in secret.

The Lagerstroemia indica is correct at all, as is the case in the Tang Dynasty in the West Desert and the Jia Family in the South Xinjiang.

The Ziwei fairy concealed this fact, prompting the other four realms to actively deal with Fang Yuan. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, they must consume each other, and no matter which side loses, it is a good thing for heaven!

At the same time, the intelligence and clues exposed by the two sides can also make Heaven’s Court just sit and watch and gain a lot.

When the time is right, Tianting will determine the exact position of Fang Yuan and give it his best shot, and there will be a chance to eradicate this devil!

The Lagerstroemia indica’s plan is very good. She has set her sights on the future and has begun preparing for the Five Realms.

But it still greatly unexpected her.

Fang Yuan actually won a great victory and captured all the immortals of southern Xinjiang!

“Although Fang Yuan only had seven transfers, but last time, he used the heritage of Langya Blessing Land. This time, he used the shadow of the Shadow Sect.”

“The result of this battle was completely one-sided, and none of our arrangements took effect.”

Lagerstroemia indicatus hates itching teeth.

Fang Yuan is too cunning!

It’s getting harder and harder to deal with him.

The Lagerstroemia indica began to feel powerless.

Mingyuan Fangyuan only changed his practice for seven, but there is no way to take him.

One reason is that he has too many genres.

For example, wisdom.

Fang Yuan’s wisdom is profound.

Even if Ziwei Fairy tries her best, she can’t figure out his position. She can only try to find relevant clues.

Generally speaking, it’s not the Zhixian’s magpie that can easily be calculated.

There are a lot of magic Taoist immortals in the world, but why do so few people behave like Fang Yuan?

Once they did this, it meant that they would be a curse to the Quartet, and the right way would soon find Zhi Dao Xun Xian, make a calculation, find out their location, and hunt for them.

Like another practice.

The Langya blessing land is not so easy to swallow, and many of them cannot swallow it.

Even some Ba Zhuanxian cannot.

Because of the annexation of the Langya Blessed Land, which requires seven revolutions, at least a master-level state of practice is needed!

Like another dream.

Fang Yuan has been reborn from the future. There are many ways to dream.

Yi Tianshan dream battle, he relied on these means to escape from danger and escaped from birth.

Also like this ambush.

Fang Yuan showed his accomplishments.

Able to make use of the Dao Dao formation to such an extent that his realm is at least a great master!

“Of course, this may also be a large array of shadows. But why did Fang Yuan not use it before? This is less likely.”

“Another possibility is that Fang Yuan annexed the Langya Blessed Land, among which the alien Xunxian has the realm of the great master.”

“Not enough clues …”

The Lagerstroemia indica reaches out and presses on his own head, his eyes flashing.

She immediately got up, left the central hall, and once again came to the place of the demon ghost ghost.

Soul Search!

Later, Lagerstroemia indignantly nodded slightly.

She accurately searched out the memory of Mozun ghost, there are secrets about the great formation of the Cosmic Dao.

“Sure enough, it is a large and hidden array, and it does not summon the power of Nianbei to fight. The latter should be added by Fang Yuan.” The Ziwei fairy was immersed in thought.

The gloom in her eyes, which was originally only a touch, has now quietly spread into a film. 8)

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