Reverend Insanity: Sixtieth quarter: Battle power soars

The autumn wind is bleak, and the red leaves are falling.

The weeds are yellow, and red or orange yellow wild fruits are hanging on the branches.

“Hum!” The black wild boar had its mane upright, and its hoofs ran on the ground.

The ground on the mountain has a thick layer of fallen leaves.

The wild boar came crashing into a wind, and the fallen leaves fluttered behind it.

Fang Yuan stood quietly, watching the boar getting closer, his face was cold.


He suddenly took a big step forward, then his legs took turns to take turns, but he did not dodge, and rushed to the wild boar.

The boar’s two white tusks pierce the air and kill.

Fang Yuan sideways passed the cavities, sinking his shoulders and bumping into the boar’s head.

When the collision was about to happen, Fang Yuan flashed a pale green jade light on his shoulder.

Jade skin!


With a muffled sound, the two crashed into each other fiercely.

Fang Yuan stepped back three steps in a row, while the boar stepped back one step.

In fact, Fang Yuan’s strength is still greater. However, Fang Yuan’s two legs are not as good as the support of wild boars and four hoofs. At the same time, the center of gravity of wild boar is much lower and more stable than Fang Yuan.

But the boar was hit hard by Fang Yuan’s head. Although still standing, the fat body was shaking.

Fang Yuan sang and rushed up again. He held the wild boar’s fangs with his left hand and raised his right fist high. The pale green jade light formed a thin light film covering the surface of his fist.


The fist slammed hard, and the wild boar immediately called out, and began to struggle.

Fang Yuan’s left arm muscles agitated, and the blue tendons were violently entangled, like coils of earthworms, holding the wild boar to death.

At the same time, his right fist was continuously raised high and then dropped heavily.

Bang, bang.

Every time a fist hits the boar’s head, the green jade light on the fist flashes once.

The wild boar is smashed with fists, and the strength of struggle is getting less and less.

“Last hit!” Fang Yuan flashed a flash of electricity in his eyes. He stretched his upper body, straightened his right arm, raised it to the highest point, and then flexed his right elbow and crashed down.

The green jade light is tightly attached to Fang Yuan’s right elbow, and as Fang Yuan moves, he draws a green shadow in the air.


Fang Yuan knelt on one knee and smashed the boar’s skull fiercely with his elbow. The wild boar didn’t even have the last scream, and suddenly stopped.

A pig’s head is completely deformed, and the broken white skull pierces the black skin and is exposed. Blood and brain slowly flowed out, rendering a gorgeous scarlet color on the withered layers of fallen leaves.

A bleak autumn wind blows.

Roll up a few leaves and blow off the heat of the pig’s blood.

“Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers. Death is as exquisite as autumn leaves.” Fang Yuan muttered in his mouth, admiring the picture.

The living is strong and brilliant, the dead is quiet and silent.

How intense the contrast is between life and death, highlighting the cruelty of nature and the wonderfulness of life.

“No matter which world, the winner is brilliant, and the loser is defeated. The difference between victory and defeat is the difference between life and death. Because walking the magic path, once it fails, it is often death.”

Fang Yuan leaned directly on the pig carcass and sat on the ground. He releases the white pupa, lets it devour the pork, and then releases his mind and sinks into the air.

The dark green bronze Yuanhai in the air is ebb and flow, and the waves are gone.

When Yuan Hai is full, it takes up 44% of the volume. Just after a fierce battle, Fang Yuan repeatedly used the jade skin to increase his defense. Therefore, Zhenyuan lost, and now 36% of Zhenyuan is left.

If you count it, it only costs eight cents, not even Chengdu. But because this is the peak of the dark green real yuan, it has already been consumed a lot.

The first turn is the emerald green element.

The middle order is a pale green real element.

A higher order is a dark green true element.

A peak is a dark green true element.

Condensation is the essence.

The moonlight urn is triggered once, and it takes 10% of the real green emeralds to convert it into pale green realm, which only takes half of it. Dark green real yuan doubled, so did dark green real yuan.

In other words, 10% of the dark green real yuan is equivalent to 20% of dark green, 40% of pale green, and 80% of emerald green.

Using the jade pimple consumes eight cents of dark green real yuan, and when converted into one round of green emerald real yuan, it is as high as 60%!

If Fang Yuan is still in its infancy, the entire emptiness is only 44% of the true yuan. If you use half of it, Yuan Hai in the emptiness will be completely consumed.

“The higher the master division, the stronger the combat effectiveness, reflected in the true element. The higher the order, the darker the color of the true element, the more durable it is. On the basis of Yuan, it was refined by wine insects. Unlike Fang Zheng, now he has been promoted to a peak. “Thinking of this, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed.

It’s late, and it’s late autumn.

It has been more than two months since the assassination of Wang Da.

Fang Zheng was poisoned and fell asleep for seven days and seven nights. After waking up, he seemed to be a different person. Become very hard, practice extremely hard.

Some people say that every tribulation in life is a golden treasure.

Whether or not this statement is correct, Founder did learn a lot from this ordeal. He is like a jadeite jade. After polishing, he has exposed the gorgeous jade inside.

He was the first student to be promoted to higher ranks. Not long ago, he was the first one to reach the peak of a turn and once again left his peers behind. The brilliance of the first qualification began to bloom on him.

“I’m not far from the peak, at the latest ten days and a half months. Speaking of which, I have never stopped warming up the air every day, but there is really no way to compare the qualifications of Class C with Class A and Class B. At the same time, there is another reason … “Fang Yuan thought of this, grinned, and made a silent wry smile.

Every so often, he hunts jade-eyed stone monkeys and feeds them. At the same time, he must continue to search in the stone forest, in order to find clues to the next strength of the flower and wine walkers.

The topography of the stone forest is quite complex, with huge boulders vertical down from the top wall. Fang Yuan paid little attention, and would be too close to a stone pillar, which caused the attack of the jade-eye stone monkey group.

Several times, Fang Yuan was chased by dozens of jade-eyed stone monkeys. The most dangerous one was during the retreat, stepping into the cordon of another stone pillar, triggering two stone monkeys with hundreds of hunts.

Fortunately, these jade-eyed stone monkeys have the nature of a house, and each time they hunt down, they will not chase too far. After chasing a distance, they often return to their homes and continue to house.

Rao is so, and Fang Yuan has been put to life and death several times. At the critical moment, the Yupi magpie played a good defense role.

This exploration has to make Fang Yuan invest a lot of time and energy, which is the biggest reason for his slow progress.

“But even so, it ’s much better than my previous life. The exploration of stone forests is not without results. At least I already know that the surrounding stone walls are no problem. Preliminary estimates are that the power is passed on. The next clue should be somewhere in the stone forest. “

Fang Yuan is thinking, at this moment a dark shadow stepped over the dead branches and approached.

This is a wandering old wolf.

It has a brown-yellow fur, stomping its feet, and one eye on its face is broken. Only the left eye is exuded with cruel and alert green awns.

It stared at Fang Yuan tightly, his nose twitched. Like a dog, a wolf always has a keen sense of smell. It should be attracted by the **** smell of pigs.

Wolves are generally group animals, but there are also such stray residual wolves. There are also competitions within the wolves. In order to maintain the vitality of the entire wolves, some disabled old wolves with low fighting capacity will be eliminated.

Fang Yuan stood up quickly and looked at the old wolf quietly.

In the past, when he killed a wild boar, there was very little real money left in his body, and the combat effectiveness dropped sharply. When encountering a beast that was disrupted, he would choose to avoid.

But these months, his combat power has increased rapidly, and now there is a jade hide in his hand to deal with a residual wolf, which is more than enough.

The leaves of the mountains are red.

Evening sunset.

A man and a wolf were fifty steps apart and looked at each other quietly.

In the wolf’s eyes, the green awns flickered, showing a cruel but cunning meaning. Fang Yuan’s eyes were deep, dark eyes, showing coldness.

Bai Yan drilled out, it was full, and contentedly flew back to Fang Yuan’s emptiness.

The old wolf glanced at the wild boar on the ground. Only the bones and pigskin were left. The meat was almost eaten by the white pheasant.

The green light in the wolf’s eyes shrank. It stepped back a few steps before turning its head into the bush.

This old wolf can survive to this day, and naturally has a certain amount of wisdom. It is keenly aware of Fang Yuan’s horror and carefully chooses to retreat.

It came suddenly, and hurriedly.

There is no tumult of wild boars running, no noise of tigers grinning and snarling.

The confrontation with Fang Yuan begins in silence and ends in silence.

“Under the theme of life and death, nature doesn’t know how many wonderful things have been bred.” Fang Yuan stood on the spot without killing. On this old wolf’s body, there is no place for him to shoot.


But at the next moment, the tragic sound of the old wolf suddenly came.

The howling sound suddenly erupted, and suddenly stopped abruptly. In the meantime, there was a strong breath of death.

Kaka Kaka.

There was a sound of stepping down on a dead branch over the bush.

The sound was unbridled, and Fang Yuan’s pupils shrank as he got closer.

“In a matter of seconds, the sly old wolf can be solved …” His eyes grew colder.

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