Reverend Insanity: Section 880: Medium-sized tasks

Small tasks with merit rewards between one and ten. For medium-sized tasks, specific merit rewards are within eleven and one hundred.

Fang Yuan has redeemed a “good guy” name, and he can pick up medium-sized tasks from now on.

The medium-sized missions are entirely at the level of maggots. The tiger king maggots that Fang Yuan cleaned up this time are six-turned beasts, but in fact the combat power has reached seven revolutions.

The difficulty of such a task is definitely not acceptable to mortals.

The difficulty is high, and the natural harvest is also high.

“So, my reward for merit this time is ninety …” Fang Yuan knew, “The reason why I did not reach the limit of one hundred is because I took away the corpse of Tiger King. If it was If you stay there, the traces on the body will escape, greatly raising the standard of the surrounding environment. “

Fang Yuan did this on purpose.

He is very curious about the cause of the tiger king riot.

So, bring this corpse on your body for further research.

People in the temple of the last generation encountered such a situation many times, and they worked hard together to find out no specific reason. This time Fang Yuan wanted to try it for himself.

Qunxian looked at Fang Yuan and looked at the list again. His face and mood were just as bad.

They worked hard to complete each task, each task is no more than ten merits. Looking at Fang Yuan’s completion once more, he has ninety merits.

This comparison is really annoying!

Small tasks, although simple, are a waste of time. The efficiency of gaining merit for medium tasks is much higher.

Looking at Fang Yuan as he approached the merit monument, some of the celestial beings present were jealous, others were heart-moving, and some felt a little despair.

According to Fang Yuan’s efficiency, it is as if he is striding forward, but he crawls like a snail. How can he catch up with him? Will only be thrown away by him!

The flower and butterfly fairy looked at the temple **** and wanted to actively ask Fang Yuan, but the temple **** shook her head slightly.

Shen Congsheng glanced at Shen.

Shen smiled helplessly and had to support her smile and approach Fang Yuan.

“Brother Chu.” He arched his hand, his tone was very sincere, and his attitude was very good. “You can set a price, and as long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you.”

Fang Yuan smiled, “You want to know how I gained such a great merit?”

“Exactly.” Shen smiled and arched his hand again. “Please also enlighten me on your brother’s desk. You just talk, and with the knowledge of my dignified Shen family, you will certainly not be disappointed. And you will not only get me Friendship, and the friendship of my Shen family! “

Fang Yuan was persecuted by the Shen family before. As a result, Fang Yuan did not eat this set, and his attitude was strong and arrogant. Shen Xiao changed his mind this time and used heavy profits to seduce. The tactics were unwise.

Fang Yuan smiled: “Okay, just exchange it with the true story of your Shen family.”

Shen Congsheng aside, his eyes brightened, but Fang Yuan did not agree, he couldn’t help but say, “What kind of true story do you want?”

“You look at it, don’t want to give it, it’s all right for me.” Fang Yuan didn’t care.

Shen twitched from the corner of his mouth, to you Xianxian? How dare you think!

After thinking about it, he throws out a channel fan.

Fang Yuan picked up, and the divine thoughts were swept away. There is a true biography of Xunxian in the channel where there is a change of course. Of course, the content is incomplete, there are suspense, and the truly valuable things are still in Shen Congsheng.

Fang Yuan shrugged his lips, and tossed Fan Chongsheng to Shen Congsheng: “Come on.”

Shen Congsheng took the channel Fan Yan, erased the content, and filled a new one. Of course, it is also incomplete.

Fang Yuan took a look and nodded, but threw Channel Fan Yan to Shen Congsheng again: “Change another one.”

Shen Congsheng took the channel Fan Yan, looked at Fang Yuan, Shen said: “Chu Xi, you look at one left and one at the right, this is cheap and can be a good deal.”

Fang Yuan’s face was slightly clear: “Rest assuredly, I act with stubbornness, abide by principles, and ask myself not a villain. It is really stupid to treat others as stupid people. In this way, you can give me a voice still , I’ll tell you why I gained so much merit. “

“Okay, I’ll trust you once.” Shen Congsheng didn’t hesitate, took out a conch from Xianqiao and threw it to Fang Yuan.

This conch is only the size of a palm, and is itself a wild animal.

There is a sound in the conch. This sound is a seven-pass immortal of the sound channel, a special product of the Shen family. It can ring and endlessly over the years.

Fang Yuan checked it, and there was nothing suspicious, so he inserted this fairy material into the Supreme Fairy.

He looked at Shen Congsheng and smiled: “Then I will tell you this secret. But do you want me to tell you alone or to make it public?”

This time, Shen Cong’s turn is astonishing.

But he just hesitated for a moment, and then laughed, “What can be concealed? Please say it directly.”

It is indeed the old river and lake that has been in charge of the Shen family for many years.

As soon as this remark was made, even the goddess of the temple’s gods had a good impression on Shen Congsheng.

Liaoming Shenmiao ’s heart said: “You ca n’t make a covenant here. Shen Congsheng ca n’t restrain Chu Chu at all. Chu Chu is provoking alienation! Since he can tell one person Shen Congsheng, he can tell others in the future. Shen Congsheng knows this , Even if you do n’t want to, you have to choose to make it public. “

“Okay, Lord Shen Congsheng, the festival is admirable.” Fang Yuan turned and put his palm on the monument.

The inscription on the task began to sink and disappear, and then appeared again.

But the new text is completely different from before.

Thousands of soul fog appear on Baimang Mountain, and the creatures are coated with charcoal.

Coral seahorses fight against each other in the Yuma waters. Many of them are rioting and need to be suppressed.

The large array of Hehuan discrete island has been in disrepair for a long time, and the life of the island has suffered serious interference. Please repair the large array.

Yuyuan Island is short of rain. Please go to the rain for three days and three nights.

The immortals looked straight at God.

These tasks are obviously different from the previous ones. For example, Qianhunwu is a seven-turned immortal of the soul, which is very famous. Another example is that each coral hippocampus is a beast of five levels, and the hippocampus is at least a beast.

Shen Xiao’s eyes were shining, and she couldn’t help sighing: “This is the task that Wuxian should take.”

The previous small missions were confined to the level of mortals. Compared with these missions, they are really weak.

Shen Xiao also learns from Fang Yuan and puts his palm on the face of the tablet. The result is astonished: “How can I not take up these tasks?”

“Of course I can’t pick it up. I took a hundred merits to get these tasks,” Fang Yuan laughed.

Qunxian froze their ears at once.

Fang Yuan kept silent.

Shen Xiao was anxious, and the other side arched his hand: “Please also enlighten me, Brother Chu.”

Fang Yuan looked at him, raising his brow slightly, with a slight mockery: “Why should I tell you?”

Shen laughed and condensed: “We did the transaction.”

“Yeah. You want to ask me how I gained a lot of merit. I have completed the transaction and I will tell you why I took these tasks. As for how to take these tasks, that is another question “Fang Yuan said.

Qunxian is dumbfounded.

Shen Congsheng’s face became gloomy. The Shens of the Shen family began to glared at Fang Yuan one by one.

Shen Xiao froze and laughed again, but this time was obviously mixed with anger: “Brother Chu is really doing a good job. With just one question, I have harvested a seven-turned fairy tale that is unique in the world.”

Fang Yuan nodded: “The Shen family ’s voice is still the same, it ’s really the only one in the world, and the Five Realms only see it. I made a profit from this sale, but I did n’t deliberately deceive you, nor did I deliberately throw any fake news to you. I Chu Chu is not such a villain. “

Fang Yuan also has a conscience and a bottom line, but it makes the immortals even more hateful.

Shen Cong’s voice was angry.

Eight turns in his righteousness, but he is so playful by the unspoken Qizhu Sanxian, such as Chu Yi. What’s his face?

“Out of the dragon and whale playing field, my husband must spoil you fiercely!” Shen Congsheng spontaneously ruthlessly, but with a smile in his mouth, there is no gloom on his face, applause, “Well, you know the machine front. It ’s still your own ability to make the sound of the waves. Do n’t worry, will my grand Shen family pursue such a trivial matter? Come on, let ’s make another sale and tell me what you have exchanged to get these tasks. ? “

The immortals could not help showing envy in Fang Yuan’s eyes.

It’s too easy to earn immortals like this.

However, from the perspective of Shen Congsheng, his family has a great career, and if he loses one or two points and seven revolutions of immortality, he can obtain such precious information. This is an absolutely lossless exchange.

Fang Yuan shook his head: “I don’t plan to sell this, you can try it.”

Shen Congsheng stared: “Chu Yi, I hope you think about it!”

Fang Yuan ignored him. The white light flickered and disappeared again.

Shen Congsheng’s complexion suddenly turned blue and he couldn’t get off the stage at all.

“Don’t let me catch you outside, Chu Chu!” Shen Congsheng secretly ruthlessly. He also saw for the first time that there was such a Qizhuanxian, so he didn’t take himself seriously.

Fang Yuan needs to maintain and expand his merit list, which is beneficial to his overall strategy plan.

“As for the group of Shen Congsheng … Oh, I don’t believe you can still be united.” Fang Yuan sneered. He only provoked Li Jian to no avail, which was superficial, but this time he dug a hole and never jumped in.

In a way, Fang Yuan needs help. It is necessary to divide this group of people.

Mid-sized tasks can be completed by themselves, but on top of medium-sized tasks, there are also large-scale tasks.

This kind of task often requires the cooperation of different Xunxian and cooperation.

Although there are a lot of subordinates of Fangxuan in Fangyuan’s Xianqiao, it is useless. In this dragon and whale paradise, the paradise of the paradise of paradise is firmly limited to this.

It seems that only after being tested by the outside world and being brought to the island in the lethargy, can the immortal be qualified to enter and exit here, to pick up and complete the task.

After Fang Yuan left, the atmosphere under the merit monument was solemn.

Because Shen Congsheng made a rather tough request, he forced the surrounding sages to consume their merits to redeem some suspicious rewards.

Shen Congsheng hopes to bet on the rewards redeemed by China Fangyuan!

Since Fang Yuan didn’t tell him, he tried it by himself.

Miao Mingshen and others are very reluctant, but there is no way, they have to consider for the future, do not dare to offend the eight-channel sound power in front of them.

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