Reverend Insanity: Section 812: Fantastic Ants

The dragon man’s move to hide his dreams has attracted four dragon generals.

If it is a human race, the four dragons will inevitably flock and attack, but Fang Yuan’s dragon person is a genuine dragon person, whether it is the flesh or the soul, it is all authentic, without any flaws.

The four dragons will be identified accordingly, this secret surprised Fang Yuan secretly.

He was in the last life, but at the last moment, he saw Bai Ningbing driving the Dragon Palace and Emperor Zangsheng to participate in the final battle. He did not see the four dragon generals.

“It turned out that Rong Po, the four eight-turned magpies, was actually a servant of the Dragon Palace and was conquered by the Dragon Palace and became a dragon general!”

“The water here is really deep.”

“Do I have to do it myself?”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts kept coming and going, and he quickly calculated.

According to his current strength, at the same time to deal with these four eight-turn Zhuanxian, great grasp.

Fang Yuan’s strongest is already the airway means. Aside from the others, just talking about the scale of the airway marks makes these four East China Seas far behind.

“But in the end, the opponent is also eight-turns. I can win and even kill the opponent, but there must be a lot of movement during the period and I can’t win quickly.”

“Referring to the battle between the previous dragons and these four people, the fairy palace dragon palace itself also has wisdom and can fly away by itself.”

“If I am a strong player, I am afraid it is not beautiful, and I will end up in the same situation as the previous dragon dragon.”

Fang Yuan immediately estimated to the most likely situation.

He is here to collect the Dragon Palace in secret. If such a big noise is revealed, his strength in eight repairs and airway will be exposed, which is not consistent with his original plan.

Fang Yuan thought of this, and then looked at the cooking pot above his head.

The purple dragon Qiyun next to the cooking pot is completely covered and submerged by the black cloud, but his teeth are grinned excitedly, and he is about to move.

Especially in this dark cloud, there is still a trace of blue and purple air, looming.

“The inexhaustible bluish-purple luck is so expensive, so wonderful, it represents the possibility that the Dragon Man will become the Lord of the Dragon Palace.”

“The dragon person’s clone only has seven rotations, and the four dragon generals are all eight rotations. I didn’t find me, so the possibility of deception is very small.”

“If the Dragon Man came in accordance with the rules, after exploring the dream, he passed the test. Not only did he get the Dragon Gong, but also the four eight-turn Zhuxian fighting power!”

“It seems that this dragon palace must be a slave to the fairy house. It is really amazing to be able to enslave four eight-turners at the same time!”

“According to the information of the previous life, I have plenty of time.”

Remembering this, Fang Yuan decided to keep his body pressed, and let the avatar try to explore the dream and participate in the test.

This is undoubtedly the plan for maximizing benefits.

The dragon person was secretly entrusted by the body, and immediately returned the dream.

This move eased the faces of the four dragon generals a lot.

Among them, Rong Po said: “To participate in the test of the Dragon Palace, you must have the physical body and soul to enter the dream together. Only the courage to be desperate can you become the master of the Dragon Palace.”

The dragon’s avatar can’t help but look slightly changed, but considering that the main body is constantly monitored above the head, he nods again and promises to fit into the dream.

Into a dream, he suddenly fell into a thick darkness.

“Wu Shuai, wake up, wake up.” Someone around him pushed the dragon’s clone.

The dragon person opened his eyes and saw a dragon girl, pure and lovely, with a helpless expression, and said, “Why are you sleeping again? The big guys are waiting for you. Don’t forget Yes, today we and Vice Chen and Zhang Shuang have agreed on their gambling time.

“It turned out I was Wu Shuai. Um … I have the practice of turning three masters.” The dragon’s clone immediately checked his situation.

“Hurry on, hurry on.” The Dragon Girl couldn’t wait, and Fang Yuan opened his eyes and immediately dragged him to run.

Sprinting all the way, the two came to a school ground.

There are two piles of men and women in the school yard. They are divided into east and west directions, and they face each other clearly.

The piles of people in the west are all human teenagers, there are men and women, and both of them lead the youth with pride.

The east gangs are all dragon men and youths. The number is much smaller, and the dragons are without heads. They are being run by the human race boys and are at a disadvantage.

Seeing the appearance of Fang Yuan, the Dragon Boys immediately cheered up, some cheering, and others blame Fang Yuan for being late.

“Wu Shuai, you have finally dared to show up. I thought you were timid and didn’t dare to gamble.” One of the two teenagers, who was headed over the Terran side, shouted loudly.

Dragging the Dragon Girl that Fang Yuan ran over, she immediately retorted: “Vice Vice Chen, don’t be arrogant, now Wu Shuai is here, the custody will make you fart!”

“Gossip less, Wu Shuai, let’s go! This time, Zhang Shuang must wash away the shame that I lost to you last time!” Another juvenile teacher stood out, obviously an acute, can’t wait Come to invite battle.

“Slow.” Fang Yuan waved his hand, deliberately delaying time, “Since it is a gamble, where is the bet?”

As he said, he looked at the school field.

The school yard is beautifully arranged, and it is an immortal array!

This shows that where you are is not a trivial matter. Since there is a fairy circle, it must be the scope of the super power. And where Fang Yuan is now is also the place of this super power. A school field can form a fairy formation, which is not a general emphasis.

Looking at the service of both sides, they are all similar, obviously a martial art.

“This gambling fight appears to be fighting between teenagers.”

“The teenagers here have at least two transfers. Depending on their appearance, I am afraid they have just practiced shortly. They are really of high quality.

“The highest cultivation is me, and the opposite Terran leader Chen Fu and Zhang Shuang are all three transfer cultivations, a proper young genius. Below this is the dragon who dragged me. It ’s a girl, and she has the peak of two-turn cultivation. “

“Wu Shuai, you must despise me, I bet on it long ago. You see!” Vice Chen said, pulling out a maggot solemnly from the arms.

Fang Yuan took a closer look. It was a five-turned-pump, named Jiaoshuai.

The commander-in-chief looks like a saw-tree man, which is a divine bee.

Tennis has a long cylindrical body with a slightly flat back and two long antennae on its head. The same is true of this handsome tadpole. The body is like a place of sapphire. The pair of tentacles is very slender, ten times longer than the body, like two long red ropes.

Dragons are slightly surprised in their mind and body.

Fang Yuan has a lot of immortals, and Fan Ji has long ignored him. However, this commander is different. Although it is a fancier, it is a humane maggot and a slaver. It has been extinct in history in Zhongzhou.

According to rumors, the commander-in-chief’s effect is very good, and there are other similar maggots that match it and match each other.

The realm of Dragon Man’s avatar communicates with Fang Yuan’s ontology.

Fang Yuan’s ontology has the realm of humane masters and slave masters, as does the dragon person.

As long as it is a master level, it can produce the corresponding intuition.

At the moment, the dragon’s clone has an immediate intuition: “As long as I pass this dream, I can get a good commander.”

“No wonder my lucky little purple dragon is eager to try! This slave dream is indeed my chance!”

Remembering this, the dragon avatar couldn’t help eagerly in his heart.

Although he just ran over, he found out how many and what Wu Shuai ’s roundworms were, and he had some preparations for the means he could use.

He just doesn’t know how to gamble.

Fang Yuan smiled immediately: “That’s the case, then come on, I’ll let you make it, you will be the first to shoot.”

Zhang Shuang was run like this, and the young and tender face immediately expressed anger: “Okay, Wu Shuai, since you are so big and look down on me, I will complete you!”

He took a dozen yuan stones from his arms and scattered them directly on the school ground.

The school yard itself is an immortal array. Yuan Shi fell to the ground as if it had fallen into the water and was immediately engulfed by the ground.

Later, ants were drilled from the ground.

Zhang Shuanggu stared at his eyes, actuated, and began to enslave these ants.

The dragon man’s clone was surprised again: “This ant is not an ordinary ant. There are natural patterns on its back, forming a human character. Is it a legion ant in transit?”

Dragons are not born in nature, they are artificial alien races.

Legion ants are similar in nature to dragon people, and they are not naturally produced, but created by the fairy immortal.

The conversion of such legionary ants to slavery divisions has greatly eased the feeding problem.

A small number of legionary ants can be used for weekday training, and a large number of legionary ants form ant waves, which are also powerful.

Zhang Shuang has good strength, and soon enslaved a dozen yellow ants.

At this time, a new ant was drilled from the ground, slightly larger than the previous ant, and the body was black.

Zhang Shuangxi is overjoyed, quickly shifts his attention and begins to enslave these black ants.

Yellow ants have natural characters.

The black ants also have natural grain soldiers.

Seeing this, the dragon men are in a hurry, and the dragon girl next to Fang Yuan shakes Fang Yuan’s shirt directly: “Brother Wu, hurry up and start. If you lose this bet, you can make it I lost all my fate. The other side is despicable, and there are already a dozen worker ants and three soldier ants. “

“Okay.” Fang Yuan smiled and sat directly on the ground, staring at the ants on the ground.

He urges a kind of killing, which is based on the method of witnessing and enslaving ants, which is very effective.

A few breaths, dozens of ants on the ground, all gathered around Fang Yuan.

Among them, there are worker ants and soldier ants.

As a result, it quickly surpassed Zhang Shuang.

The Terran youths exclaimed suddenly, the Dragon race youths were shocked, and they were all cheerful and cheering.

Zhang Shuang looked at Fang Yuan unbelievably. When he saw Fang Yuan’s ants growing more and more, several times as many as him, his face became pale as paper.

“I’m defeated!” Zhang Shuang also simply, “But what killer trick are you using?”

The killing tricks are exquisite, and the power is good. What’s more important is that Fang Yuan’s soul is very strong at the moment, much more than mortal masters, let alone such young people.

Fang Yuan himself didn’t know it, he just made it, so he avoided talking: “Since you lost, what about the bet?”

Zhang Shuang Leng hummed, handed the commander-in-law to Fang Yuan, and then turned and left.

Vice Deputy Chen Qing faced, leaving a harsh word when he left: “Wu Shuai, I didn’t expect you to be so insidious, secretly turned into a powerful slavery trick. Don’t be too proud, we will sooner or later in this place Find it back! “

“Yeah! We won, Wu Shuai, you are so good!”

“Well worthy of Wu Shuai.”

“Haha, it’s so funny, the faces of Zhang Shuang and Vice Chen just now are really ugly.”

Fang Yuan smiled, and was about to respond to the leaping teenagers around him, but suddenly he saw these teenagers with their eyes widened, their expressions and actions suddenly stiffened, and they looked at Fang Yuan behind him.

“Father …” they all whispered.

Fang Yuan turned around, and saw a dragon man with a gloomy glance, staring directly at him.

Fang Yuan could not help but shake slightly: “Dragon Man?”

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