Reverend Insanity: Section 654: Life and Masks


Fang Yuan struck again.

Everything around suddenly changed from stillness to activity.

The shy couple, holding hands, moved on.

Between the bargaining two in the shop, the splashing foam finally fell on the customer’s face, but the customer didn’t notice it.

The puppy’s three claws fell to the ground. It smoothly threw the blue-scale cricket on the side of the body behind it, and continued to shuttle between the legs and feet of the jungle, extremely flexible.

Xia Lin’s eyes widened and she looked at all this with amazement.

This is amazing!

“Master Chu’s method is really good! I’m afraid this is the five-round killing move of Zhou Tao?”

Charlene guessed in her heart.


The human tribe master who was crooked by Xia Lin fell to the ground and implicated the person behind him, causing a little chaos.

“How can a big person like this go?” someone complained.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” The strong Terran Master was very kind and quickly apologized. After all, this is the holy city of Tatars. At the same time, the radon in this paradise is much lower than the outside world of the Five Realms.

“I walked well, how could I fall? It’s strange.” The Terran Master looked confused, and quickly got up, following the flow of people away.

Xia Lin put out her tongue, looking at the back of the Terran Master, and apologized softly.

It’s weird, there are some mischiefs in her heart. Just when she was about to review herself, her hand was grabbed by Fang Yuan.

“Follow me!” Fang Yuan dragged her, accelerated a few steps, and ran to the front of the lion dance team.

The people of the entire lion dance team first danced, and then they danced more happily.

“Our people are finally here, haha!” Someone laughed loudly.

“Can you jump?” Fang Yuan smiled, shake his legs and feet first, he plays the filial son of lying ice, his movements are simple and smart, don’t have a sense of beauty.

People around him immediately applauded in unison. Fang Yuan danced in front of Xia Lin while following the flow of people.

“It’s your turn.” The next moment, Fang Yuan’s voice secretly reached into Charlene’s ear.

Charlene’s heart pounded, she was so nervous. Although she often practiced this opera as a child, she has never performed in a large public court under such circumstances.

She started dancing, her movements were stiff.

Fang Yuan laughed, stretched out her hand, held her hands, and led her to dance.

The method of Zhidao was secretly called out by him, and Charlene suddenly felt gradually agitated, and the dancing postures in her mind about the opera emerged from memory, never more clear.

The two sang and danced along the flow of people.

The members of the lion dance are all wearing colorful costumes and weird masks, and several people cooperate to play a giant golden sea lion. Everywhere you go, everyone’s eyes are first on them.

The protagonist, who is the core of the team, is the focus of attention.

Xia Lin was very nervous at first, but as she got better, she became more confident. She was immersed in the joyful atmosphere, and the grieving feeling of injustice had been forgotten. People’s applause, shouts, and whistles were often heard in her ears.

Even if Xia Lin did something wrong, it just attracted good laughter.

Crowds are crowded, and along the way, the lion dance team is leaving and some are joining.

Unconsciously, Charlene laughed, as crisp as a silver bell.

An unprecedented happiness and joy filled her heart, which she never felt when she came to the Holy City.

She is immersed in this happiness, unable to extricate herself, and at the same time there is a fear hidden in her heart. She asks herself that all this is true?

“It really seems to be dreaming!” Xia Lin’s gaze stuck to Fang Yuan’s body all the time, and her heart was filled with emotion.

“It’s time to leave.” Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s action changed, dragging Charlene to take a big step away from the drama team, and walked to the street.

Xia Lin was caught off guard and was brought to her arms by Fang Yuan.

She bumped into Fang Yuan’s chest, and a strong masculinity suddenly blew her nose. Charlene’s mask was almost knocked off. She quickly supported her and covered her red face with her mask.

“Go this way.” Fang Yuan dragged her again, walked tightly, and entered the alley.

It’s another alley, with dim light, garbage and odor, no one cares.

Fang Yuan let go of Charlene and ran forward.

Charlene suddenly felt empty, and quickly followed.

The two walked one by one in the long alley, Fang Yuan didn’t say a word, and his monotonous footsteps rang in the alley.

The noisy and flowery streets, the sound of turbulent crowds, are getting smaller and smaller, and Charlene is left behind.

A lonely and lonely atmosphere penetrates into Xia Lin’s body and mind from the surroundings.

The previous joy and happiness are like leaking barrels, following Xia Lin all the way, leaking all the way. Gradually, the trouble found her again, and the previous gloomy mood hit her heart again.

Xia Lin would like to find some words and talk to Fang Yuan. But Fang Yuan always walked forward without turning her head. The depressed atmosphere made Xia Lin dare not speak at will.

Finally, we are going to the alley exit.

Although the street here is not as lively as before, it is also crowded and very noisy.

Fang Yuan stopped suddenly and turned to ask Xia Lin: “Are you okay?”

Xia Lin froze: “Think, what do you think?”

Fang Yuan smiled and pointed at the mask on Charlene’s face: “Do you want to take it across the street, or do you want to walk in front of the public in the courtyard?”

Charlene is stunned again.

Fang Yuan continued: “As soon as I entered the alley, I abandoned the mask on my face, but you kept wearing it. Why? Do you feel embarrassed? Afraid to see people in true face? Worried about face to face Will you lose your joy and happiness in your life? “

Xia Lin was at a loss, unable to answer a series of questions.

For a moment of silence, she seemed to realize that she took off the mask on her face and revealed her true content: “Master Chu, I know what you think, thank you, thank you very much. I am just a Ordinary niece … “

Fang Yuan stretched out her palm and interrupted her: “I said that a large part of your current situation is caused by me, and I should compensate you.”

“Master, what do you say. You can give me oil extraction, which is the kindness of God. You don’t owe me anything, in fact, I owe you too much!” Xia Lin quickly distinguished.

“This is your idea, not mine.” Fang Yuan shook his head, his expression became serious. “Look, you have been ridiculed by others before, but you have just been welcomed and encouraged by the people. The difference is very big, what is it? Is it because of this mask? Actually, from the beginning to the end, you are still yourself, aren’t you? “

Charlene nodded.

Fang Yuan looked at the street outside the lane, pointed at the walking crowd, and said, “Look now, these people are not trying to explore your essence, who is Charlene really, when we sing and dance, They don’t even want to figure out our names. They just show their attitude, and it really doesn’t matter to them. The general public often pursues the truth just because they are unwilling to be fooled. “

“So, we are not important to them, and their attitude is just the same to us.”

Xia Lin took a deep breath: “Master Chu, thank you so much for persuading me, I really do n’t know how to thank you …”

“I haven’t finished. Since the attitude of outsiders is not important, what is really important in our lives?” Fang Yuan asked with a smile.

Xia Lin stunned for the third time: “Master, excuse me for being dull …”

Fang Yuan smiled, pointed at Charlene, and pointed to herself: “It’s us, it’s our truest heart. Ask yourself, listen to your own deep voice. You want What do you want to be, who do you want to go there? You can get the answer in your own heart.

“If you want to travel, then travel around the world. If you want to treat your family well, treat it well. If you want to try to fly, you may wish to raise money and prepare for the acquisition or refinement of flying maggots. . “

Fang Yuan pointed at the alley again, and then pointed to the street: “If you want to stay in the alley, you just keep it. If you want to join the street and have fun with the crowd, then go out. Don’t just go out because of them Attitude, but aggrieved yourself. If you often aggrieved yourself, then you will reap regrets, you will often wear a mask and become another person, anyway, is not the real you. “

Xia Lin heard the words, and she felt very clear in her heart, such as the chanting, the sadness and melancholy before, and the real swept away. r

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