Reverend Insanity: Section 602: Nanlian


The burst of buzzing sounds, the dazzling radiance is like a sharp needle, deeply inserted into the body of the demon ghost.

Although he shrank into a ball and tried his best to resist, he still couldn’t resist the power of the large array.

The Lagerstroemia indica eyes closed slightly, and while concentrating on manipulating the large array, he condensed all kinds of information from the ghost of the monster.

Until the large array made an overwhelming sound, the Ziwei Fairy stopped intently and took a deep look at the ghost of Mozun.

Even the deadly enemy, Fairy Lavender has to admire the stubborn will of the demon ghost.

Obviously he is in a desperate situation with no hope at all, but he still resists to the end. It is indeed one of the esteemed lords in the world.

The Lagerstroemia indica said nothing and left here.

Returning to her main hall, she immediately began to make all-out calculations. With the help of the star board, her estimation ability reached the highest level in the world.

Huge thoughts rushed up and down in her mind, like billions of stars flickering fast. Her thoughts constantly collided, and even bumped out of her mind, flew out of the body, and turned into countless purple light spots, covering the whole body of Fairy Lagerstroemia, spreading quickly, flooding the entire grand hall.

For a long time, the purple thoughts gradually gathered and dissipated, and finally calmed down. The Ziwei Fairy took a deep breath, took the means, and slowly opened her eyes.

She has a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, and her whole body is weak and her brows are frowned.

“Where on earth will you go to Fangyuan?” Ziwei fairy murmured.

She has worked hard, and has repeatedly searched the soul from the ghost of the monster, to collect the internal information of the shadow sect. Especially those layouts that remain in the five domains are most concerned about the Ziwei fairy.

Before, Fang Yuan relied on the arrangement of Yingzong to wipe out all the wanted teams in the south of Xinjiang. If Fang Yuan crosses the calamity, he is likely to rely on these arrangements of the Shadow Sect, and he has no reason to let them go.

The Ziwei fairy has been closely following Fang Yuan’s repair progress. Since the Langya offensive and defensive war, she has calculated that Fang Yuan is not far from the eight-turn level.

Seven turns and eight turns are totally two different levels!

Nine turns, eight turns is the pinnacle of the world.

Once Fang Yuan reaches eight transfers, it is really difficult for him to stop and become a huge trouble in heaven.

“Fang Yuan’s last catastrophe is the key. If he can kill him here, there will be huge benefits for heaven and for the world.”

The Ziwei fairy doesn’t miss any chance to kill Fang Yuan, but when she does it, she finds it very difficult.

Because she didn’t know the exact time and location of Fang Yuandu’s robberies.

Fang Yuan herself has Yan Emperor’s killing tricks, to guard against death, she won’t give her a chance at all, she can’t calculate at all.

Fang Yuan has very rich means of cosmos and Tao, it is very convenient to change the time flow rate of Xianqiao, so it is impossible to estimate when it will be the last catastrophe.

Fang Yuan also masters Dingxian You. He is a place where he can cross the whole world. How do you call this Ziwei fairy?

At most, she can exclude the dark and the day.

Because the blessed land crosses and robs, it absorbs more ground gas, so it is often in the Five Realms.

Of course, black and white are less likely. But it is not without it. After all, there are so many places, the atmosphere is extremely rich and very special.

But what about the remaining five domains?

It doesn’t look like a long river of time. In the final analysis, this is just a secret world, so the Lagerstroemia indica can set up a fairy house to prevent death.

Within such a large area of ​​Five Realms, thousands of fairy houses are not enough. Moreover, in the court of heaven, there is never enough manpower to dispatch to the Five Realms to prevent Fang Yuan from robbery.

The Lagerstroemia sighed, and she had no good way.

Today, she only has to desperately search for the soul of Mozun, and use these valuable clues to guess where Fang Yuan might cross. On the other hand, she actively communicated with the forces of the Five Realms and released the news that Fang Yuan was about to cross the robbery. Heaven can’t reach the other four realms. Only by leveraging it can we hope.

The news that Fang Yuan was about to cross the robbery quickly spread across the Five Realms.

Not only are the Taoist clan and martial arts in each realm, but even the Tao and Sanxian are heard.

To this day, Fang Yuan has been known to the world, shaking the Five Realms. Although he only had seven transfers, his record was extremely sturdy, and he has been recognized as the first person under eight transfers. Nianxian Realm is recognized, even Feng Jiuge is not as good as him. He is the strongest star in the past hundred years, and its growth rate is startling. Just when Nianxian Realm has reacted, he is already a Mighty Magnificent Magnificent.

So, the news that Fang Yuan was about to cross the robbery quickly set off a frenzy in the Five Realms and the Immortal Realm.

“If Fang Yuan’s devil is going to survive the last catastrophe, then he will become an eight-turn maggot, is it okay?”

“Why is magic rising and falling?”

“This person is extraordinary, mastering the spring and autumn cicadas, but he is a rebirth, and has gained a lot of respectful legacy. It is just a catastrophe, and he will not be beaten.”

“I don’t think so. As the so-called multiple injustices must be self-confidence, this devil is so arrogant that if he wants to survive, first ask the heavenly court to agree or not, and the whole world’s right path will not agree.

Some people are bullish on Fang Yuan, and others are not bullish. One thing is very clear, that is, most of the immortals do not want to see Fang Yuan successfully cross the robberies.

“This demon head, but six or seven revolutions will bring disaster to the world. If it becomes eight revolutions, wouldn’t it be a world upset?”

“I don’t care if Fang Yuan crosses the robbery in other places. But if he crosses the robbery in southern Xinjiang, my iron family will never agree!”

While talking about the immortal world, the righteous forces in the southern Xinjiang also actively met, constantly communicated and discussed how to deal with Fang Yuan.

Even though they have Fang Yuan in their hands. However, if it is really possible to get rid of the great scourge of Fang Yuan, the right forces in South Xinjiang are still very enthusiastic and positive.

The reason is very simple.

Fang Yuan is left alone. In the future, he will become stronger and stronger, and the threat will become bigger and bigger. It will always be a cloud covering the heart of the South Xinjiang Road. Maybe one day, some forces will suffer.

More importantly, Fang Yuan has immortal resources, immortal recipes, and inheritance. He has a lot of resources for spiritual practice. He is a moving human treasure. Eradicate him, maybe there will be huge gains. Even if Xian Qiao is ruined, as long as Fang Yuan’s soul is still alive, these righteous forces can obtain the incomplete inheritance of a certain lord through soul searching. This alone is enough to make these righteous forces rush.

Wu Yong groaned: “Our southern Xinjiang is the headquarters of the Shadow Sect. There must be a lot of layout here. Before Fang Yuan was able to capture many fellow immortal friends, he used one of them. Fang Yuanyou has very Most likely, you will cross the border in southern Xinjiang! “

Before Wu Yong said this, he was privately given the instructions from the Fairy Lagerstroemia indica, and he knew the remnants of several shadow sects in southern Xinjiang.

Although Wu Yong’s heart is clear, he understands that this is Ziwei Fairy who wants to kill with a knife. But Wu Yong was willing to be used in this way. Because Fang Yuan disguised Wu Yihai and played him fiercely, Fang Yuan was alive, which is the greatest humiliation to the entire Wu family and Wu Yong!

“Master Wu Yong’s analysis is very reasonable.” Qiao Jiaxian immediately echoed, “Fang Yuan hijacked our Xunxian, and he is the heir of the Shadow Sect. The contemporary monarch is bound to be extremely good. Means of soul-path. When he searches for the soul, he must know the truth of my southern Xinjiang.

“Secondly, I have experienced various changes in South Xinjiang in recent years. Whether it is Sanxian, Demon, and especially my right path, the losses are quite heavy. If Fangyuan Demon is to cross here, the resistance will be minimal. . “

“Even if Fang Yuan was crossing the border in our southern Xinjiang, how can we prevent it? South China is so big, and in which corner is he hiding, to cross the border, who can we know?” asked an uncle.

“This point can be found out clearly.” Xia Jiaxian immediately replied, “As soon as he falls down, he communicates with heaven and earth. This state starts from crossing the robbery and continues until he successfully crosses the robbery. It can only end after the immortality. At this time, he is no longer hidden in the shadows, but there is a trace to follow. Without the help of others, relying on the wisdom and wisdom of our Xia family to help immortals, with the help of the large array, We can work together to figure out his specific position. “

“Of course, if more Zhidao Xianyous help out, we will have a better grasp of Fang Yuan, and it will be faster.” Another Xia Jiaxian continued, “In fact, the real difficulty It is not calculation, but when we know Fang Yuandu ’s position, what can we do in order to get there in time? There is also a premise here, that is, we must assemble a considerable number of magpies to be able to Deal with Fang Yuan. “

Facing this problem, Nanxian Yuxian fell into silence.

From ancient times to the present, the righteous forces in southern Xinjiang are lined with mountains, and no one is convinced. If Fang Yuan is to be eradicated at this time, these righteous forces need to work together.

This is almost unprecedented.

Actually, Fang Yuan’s combat power is eight turns, but he is alone. Most of the righteous forces, alone, can make Fang Yuan in the robbers unable to eat and walk, failing the robberies, and even die.

Because these righteous families either have eight turns of Zhuanxian or they own a house of Xianzhuan, they can resist eight turns. They usually have been in operation for thousands of years, and have a profound heritage. In comparison, Fang Yuan’s rise was still too short.

But is it possible for a super family to deal with Fang Yuan alone?

Not possible.

This is a jungle. Each righteous family is a fierce beast. Let this beast leave his territory to deal with another beast, even if this beast has not yet fully grown up, but it has minions.

It’s too risky.

Even if the opponent is removed, the beast leaving the site is very likely to be injured. Once the injury is too serious, it will cause other beasts to invade.

Of course, invasion is the essence, and on the surface it is covered with a layer of righteousness. There will always be various excuses. There are layers of contradictions between the South Xinjiang’s right path. After so many years of accumulation, still worrying about finding an excuse?

Even if you ca n’t find it, then “help” it, for example, take the initiative to help “establish a greater Southern Xinjiang co-prosperity circle.” You see, how helpful I am. Are you sorry to decline? You want to refuse, do you have that power?

So, the real difficulty in dealing with Fang Yuan is not in Fang Yuan itself.

Is Fang Yuan strong?

Indeed, it is very rare in history to be able to fight with seven revolutions and eight revolutions.

But compared to a super power?

Fang Yuan is not strong, and his comprehensive strength is incomparable. Head to head, Fang Yuan will touch his head and bleed.

Some of the southern Xinjiang Xianxian could not help laughing, because they realized that the situation in front of them was a little ironic, and what really restrained them was themselves. They fear each other, they restrain each other, they have huge territory, they guard against each other, so they need to be separated.

For a long period of silence, the Tiejia’s Wuxian suddenly said, “In fact, there is a way to solve some problems. As we all know, my Tiejia has a fairy house beacon.”

Yunxian in southern Xinjiang continued to be silent, but the silence did not last long. A voice came out suddenly: “I agree with the Iron Family to establish a beacon platform.”

Zhongxian was startled, because this person was not someone else, it was Wuyong, the elder Wuyong!

Even the Tiejia who has just turned six rounds is very surprised. Wu Yong actually supports the Tiejia to build a beacon.

The immortals are still in shock, Wu Yong speaks again, his voice is slow and powerful, word by word is like a boulder in the hearts of the immortals.

He said: “It’s time to make a change. Haven’t you noticed yet? The tide of the big age has arrived and the boundaries of the Five Realms are slowly dissipating. If we don’t make changes, then we Will be drowned in the tide of the times. “

The immortals are silent.

The second person stood up. He was the elder of the Bajia family and always wanted to win the position of the first force of the Wu family.

He spoke rarely, and his words were astonishingly endless: “My Bajia family supports Wu Yong. We need to look forward, everyone, there is a heaven in the middle continent, and a long life in the north, what do I have in the southern Xinjiang?” >

He paused, and then he said some philosophical words: “Although there are many mountains, each one will be conquered by others in turn. Therefore, I support Wu Yong and I also support iron. Home laying a beacon. “

Soon after he finished speaking, Tai Chishang, the elder of the Chi Family, also spoke immediately, expressing his support.

Later, Luo Jia, Hou Jia, Chai Jia and other high-weight Nuxian all spoke in turn, expressing a strong willingness to unite.

The immortals of the southern Xinjiang suddenly realized in shock that the significance of the discussion this time will definitely be included in the history of southern Xinjiang!

Never before, the righteous forces in southern Xinjiang will join forces. This is by no means a sounding propaganda language in the past, but really close cooperation!

The atmosphere is warming like never before. The immortals of the southern Xinjiang are full of excitement, and they are all excited to participate in the historical moment!

“Let Fang Yuan be our first sacrifice in southern Xinjiang, and then … the other four realms!” Wu Yong’s final remarks did not conceal the ambition in his heart.

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