Reverend Insanity: Section 48: Guild Wars (Chinese)

The attack of the million wolf kings made the Ge family nervous. />

In the distance, Brutal’s eyes brightened: “Does this million wolf king join the war now?”

But soon, his eyes dimmed.

After the Wanlang King failed to kill Fang Yuan, he did not continue the follow-up action, but continued to sit behind the town and dispatched the wolves.

Another thousand wolves swarmed to make up for the blankness of this battlefield caused by the surrender of the thousand wolves before.

The Thousand Wolf King is burning with red flames, and black smoke is blowing in his nostrils.

“This is a three-turn burner.” Fang Yuan recognized a tapeworm.

With this maggot, it protects the Thousand Wolf King, and the light smoke of the wolverine will be burned clean before it falls.

Fang Yuan shook his eyelids and gave a deep glance at the million wolf king in the distance. The million wolf king also seems to be staring at him, reaching the level of the ten thousand beast king, the wisdom will be far superior to his kind. Obviously this is his action against Fang Yuan.

“Ge Guang stayed with the three old men to kill this wolf! Others, follow me.” Fang Yuan turned around and left. It is not impossible to conquer this thousand wolf king, Very troublesome and too wasteful of time.

This doesn’t work, then change it. Anyway, the battlefield is so large, Fang Yuan does not believe that all wolf kings have the means to restrain the wolf howls.

Sure enough, he moved a few places and made a big profit again. In just one hour or so, he conquered seventeen hundred wolf kings and two thousand wolf kings.

Including the previous wolves, Fang Yuan has four thousand wolf kings, more than thirty hundred wolf kings, and more than eight thousand ordinary wolves.

Most of them are turtle back wolves, but there is also a thousand beast-level wind wolf king. There are also Poison Beard King, Water Wolf King and Wind Wolf King among the hundred wolf kings.

Take a paycheck after this time. The comparison of forces on the battlefield is also changing. The original wolves with more than 30,000 heads were partly compiled by Fang Yuan, and they died in countless battles, leaving about 20,000 left.

The battle is in full swing, and the old patriarch of the Ge family gradually frowned, already seeing the hope of victory.

“With Chang Shanyin’s shot, the pressure on our front is much less.”

“A legendary hero in the end, this is really a skill!”

“It’s not surprising that he is a four-turned puppet division. He is also a slave, and is best suited for such a battlefield.”

People praised the atmosphere, and the atmosphere in the king’s account became relaxed.

“Don’t take care, the outcome of this battle has not been determined before the ten thousand wolf kings have been dispatched.” The old patriarch of the Ge family spoke in a timely manner. Warned.

“Master Patriarch is right, you can’t relax yet.”

“But in my opinion, this million wolf king may not participate in the war. It is also very common for the wolf king to lose half of the pack and the wolf king to take the initiative to leave.”

“Huh? Not good!”

While talking, the Thousand Wolf King suddenly screamed. The wolves on the battlefield heard this howl. At the same time launched a crazy attack.

More than 20,000 turtles and wolves fought together and slammed into the camp, for a moment, the Ge family was caught off guard and defeated.

“Order the front line. Quickly retreat to the second line of defense.” The old patriarch Ge Jia immediately ordered.

“The wolf pack launched a total attack!” Ge Guang, who was on the front line, suddenly changed his face.

“You help the frontline division retreat, I return to the ranch to rest and wait for my support.” Fang Yuan’s face was iron.

“Sir. We are ordered to protect you by the patriarch.” Some of the masters hesitated.

Fang Yuan stared. In the eyes, there was fierce radiance, and wherever the gaze reached, the teachers all bowed their heads.

“Ge Guang.” Fang Yuan looked at the patriarch of the Ge family again.

Ge Guang gritted his teeth and said, “I listen to my uncle.”

After he said it, he waved, “All come with me!”

Fang Yuan rushed back to the ranch, surrounded by wolves.

He brought all the wolves together. Nearly ten thousand wolves were crowded with each other, and this temporary pasture suddenly appeared extremely small.

Fang Yuan thought, a strong “water wolf” emerged from the wolves.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a water wolf. But in Fang Yuan’s eyes, it was a white-eyed wolf.

The white-eyed wolf is a strange beast, like the buff in the tiger herd, the thunder pig in the herd, and so on. Any ordinary adult beast will automatically attract wild maggots to settle in, and has a combat power comparable to that of the Beastmaster.

But now the white-eyed wolf is just a child and hasn’t grown up yet. It is covered with fur and water, with a touch of blue, much like an ordinary water wolf. But as long as people observe carefully, you can find that its wolf pupil is black and white, which is very different from the ordinary water wolf.

When it reaches adulthood, its entire wolf pupil will turn white. At the same time, their vision will also greatly increase, comparable to some four-turn reconnaissance badgers. Even in the dark, vision is not affected.

Fang Yuan was at the market and accidentally found that after this white-eyed wolf, he calmly bought the water wolf group where he was.

Now this white-eyed wolf has been successfully planted three turns to control the wolf owl by Fang Yuan. At the same time, in order to accelerate its growth, it took three more crickets.

This caused the appetite of the wolf-eyed wolf to soar, which is thirteen times that of ordinary water waves. At the same time the life will be shortened accordingly.

“Go.” Fang Yuan gave an order in his heart, and the white-eyed wolf had surpassed the speed of the wind wolf, quickly rushed out of the pasture, and reached a high place.

Wolf Gu!

Fang Yuan stretched out his hand, covering his right eye, and only watching the white-eyed wolf with his left eye. At the same time, he urged Zhenyuan to infuse Changshanyin’s reconnaissance magpie.

In a moment, the vision of his left eye has changed. It was as if he was standing high alone, overlooking the battlefield ahead.

This is the effect of Wolf Gu Yan, which shifts the vision of a wolf to the eyes of the Master.

Fang Yuan opened his right eye again, and two different pictures came into his mind at the same time.

On the left is the battlefield, allowing Fang Yuan to keep an eye on the situation. On the right is the ranch, and the wolves are crowded together.

Fang Yuan summoned the wolf kings one by one, searching for the tapeworms on them.

If there are rare tapeworms, Fang Yuan will withhold them to avoid damage in the battlefield.

Of course, his focus is on howling.

The Wolverine is a one-time consumption puppet.

Catching so many wolf kings, Fang Yuan also consumes a lot of wolves.

In general, the Beastmaster may be parasitized by the corresponding Beastmaster.

Sure enough, Fang Yuan searched from the wolf kings to find a three-turned wolverine. Five two turn to control wolverines.

As for the other tapeworms, they are more ordinary, and there are also one or two fine products, but Fang Yuan has been inconspicuous and simply stays on the wolf king to save their fighting power.

Wolf smoke!

Fang Yuan urged this four-turn healing puppet, which was specially used to treat the wolf’s injury. The billowing smoke covered the entire pasture for a long time.

The true Yuan sea surface in Fang Yuan Kongqiao. It descended rapidly and quickly reached the bottom.

Healing so many wolves all at once consumes a lot of real money.

After Zhen Yuan bottomed out, Fang Yuan took Yuan Shi again and responded as soon as possible.

So he was treated twice more. Fang Yuan saw the elders of the Ge family leading a group of elders and hurried to the front. After a while, a violent explosion came from the front.

Fang Yuan observes that the ten thousand wolf king who hasn’t moved can go off the battlefield through the picture in his left eye. The old patriarch of the Ge family and others are entangled with it.

The debut of the One Thousand Wolf Kings has a huge impact. Driven by it, the wolves were even more crazy.

The entire second line of defense of the Ge family was also breached.

Fortunately, there was a canal blocking the road, and most of the divisions of Ge Jiayu retreated smoothly. Retreat to the third line of defense. For a time, the atmosphere of war was so solemn and trembling.

The third line of defense is the last line of defense, followed by mortals with low combat effectiveness. Once lost, the consequences are unimaginable!

“There is no time to heal again.” Restore Jiu Zhen’s true element to 90%. Fang Yuan glanced around.

After these three treatments, the serious injuries on these wild wolves turned into minor injuries. The slightly injured wild wolf was completely cured.


Fang Yuan screamed from the sky, and roared like a wolf king.

The wolves in the ranch, under the action of the maggots, are swollen a bit, their energy and spirit are extremely exciting, and their combat power is soaring!

Fang Yuan laughed loudly, riding a camel wolf, his heart moved a little, and the wolves suddenly shouted.


At this moment, the sky is full of blood, the wind is fierce, and the battle flag is rising. The howling wolf suppressed Xingyun, and it spread thousands of miles away.

“Huh? Chang Shanyin is finally going to shoot!” Outside of the battlefield, the expressions of brutality and arrogance became dignified.

The Ge family is very happy.

“Changshanyin is an adult in Changshanyin!”

“We have Lord Changshanyin …”

“Master Changshanyin, come to support us, everyone stands up!”

“Get out of here, make way for Master Changshanyin.”

For a time, Ge Jiajun’s mind settled and morale skyrocketed.

Fang Yuanduan sat on the camel wolf, with a big wave of his hand, ten thousand wolves rushed across the simple fence around the ranch, but instead of directly supporting the north, he rushed to the south.

As if the dam collapsed, a torrent came out! The entire wolf pack rushed out of the camp quickly, with the twelve Beastmasters as arrows, and crashed into the battlefield fiercely.

Wolves have been fighting for a long time and have been exhausted for a long time. Under the impact of such a large force of fresh forces, there are countless deaths and injuries.

With just one shock, Fang Yuan collapsed the Turtle Wolves’ offensive in the south of the camp.

Your wolf! Wolverine! Wolverine!

Fang Yuan shot in succession under the protection of the wolves, and the three wolves drank into light smoke and fell down, instantly attracting three beast kings.

“Turn left, charge!” He thought, and the entire pack of wolves turned slowly, rushing towards the southeast front of the camp.

Fang Yuan’s eyes were like an eagle, and soon he locked the thousand wolf king on the front.

The Thousand Wolf King howled and tried to mobilize the wolves. But most wolf packs are at the front, making it difficult to turn around for a while.

This thousand wolf king, only transferred hundreds of wolves, was drowned by Fang Yuan’s army.

Three turns to control the wolf howl!

Fang Yuanzhang was on time and a light smoke fell. The Thousand Wolf King may have been frightened. With a sob, there was no resistance in his soul, he turned to Fang Yuanzhang.

This is the fifth Thousand Wolf King!

The wolves that originally fought with the puppet divisions turned their guns and merged into Fang Yuan’s army.

The southeastern front is calm.

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