Reverend Insanity: Section 42: All ruined!

Huawen Dongtian.

“Xiao Bai, just send it here.” On the mountain path, Mr. Jiang stopped his horseshoe, and Li Xiaobai said to his side.

Li Xiaobai’s face was full of sorrow, showing a strong feeling of reluctance: “The students can survive in Kyoto, thanks to the advice and help of the teacher. With this kind of kindness, the students remember the five within, and never forget it. Just say goodbye this time, I don’t know when I will see you! “

“You.” Mr. Jiang sighed lightly and patted Li Xiaobai’s shoulder rarely, encouragingly, “You failed to participate in the World Poetry Fair this time, but the name of the poem has been passed on. Your talent really deserves the title of top ten talents. In addition, Su Qihan has already returned, and Kyoto will be your stage for talent exhibition. Go back and look forward to your performance as a teacher.

Li Xiaobai is crying now, goodbye to Mr. Jiang.

Riding on a horse, Li Xiaobai walked in the tree-lined mountain road and began to ponder his own future.

He lost the World Poetry Association, although he performed very well in the early stage.

But, as he had expected before, he bumped into Mr. Jiang in the back. This made Li Xiaobai fall into an embarrassing situation. If he defeated his mentor, he would be accused of morality and character, and he would inevitably be criticized.

Li Xiaobai originally wanted to use the next opportunity to continue to break through. As a result, I met my teacher again and again.

Mr. Jiang is also very helpless. In fact, he does not want to always step on his students and succeed. But he had to seize every opportunity, because he also explored the significance of the world poetry society.

Li Xiaobai ran into Mr. Jiang repeatedly, causing him to fumble with his hands and eventually lose the election.

Although I feel sorry, Li Xiaobai also feels lucky: “My previous performance was too good and I’ve gone too far. If I really want to go through this level successfully, I will definitely provoke a detailed investigation. Even if the investigation passes, but I have no roots Wu Ping is not a long-established person, and I am afraid that he may also suffer a secret calculation. How many people stare at this immortal opportunity, how could it fall into the hands of a small person? “

The selection of the World Poetry Society seems to be extremely fair, but in fact, where there is someone, there is a shadow and there is peace.

Only by looking at the list successfully selected by the World Poetry Association this time, it is either the nobles or celebrities. Even the so-called dark horse has an extraordinary foundation and background.

“This time the world poetry conference was not selected, but it doesn’t matter, it is likely to be selected a second time in the future.”

“Even if there isn’t a second World Poetry Fair, can I rely on myself and I can’t drill into the camp and become a fairy?”

“Well, what smell is so delicious!”

Li Xiaobai is thinking, suddenly interrupted by a tangy fragrance.

This scent is very smelly, the smell is like the ink of a book.

Li Xiaobai suddenly became curious. How could this mountain jungle have such a fragrance?

He runs lightly, following the fragrance, tracing the source.

After a while, there is a thick bush in front of the road, and Li Xiaobai has to dismount and walk.

Li Xiaobai is smelling more and more scent when walking through the mountains and forests, knowing that he has no difference in direction, he is getting closer to the source of the scent.

Finally, he poked away a forest leaf, and finally found a pine tree.

This pine tree is full of pine cones, and it is the strong scent of these pine cones. And on the branch of the pine tree, there is a small and chic brown tree house.

“Did anyone live here? What is a hermit in the mountains?” Li Xiaobai approached cautiously and shouted, “Student Li Xiaobai accidentally visited the treasure land, and took the liberty to visit. Please also ask the mountains to be good.”

But there was no sound in the tree house.

Li Xiaobai shouted a few more times and found that there was no one in the tree house, so he walked towards the pine tree.

Walking under the pine tree, Li Xiaobai made a new discovery. It turned out that the tree house was not built on the pine tree, but was integrated with the pine tree, as if it had grown directly.

Li Xiaobai wants to go into the tree house to find out, but spares the stump, but finds that the tree house is a whole, there are only windows, but no lintels.

“How is this good?” Li Xiaobai thought, and unconsciously put his hands on the trunk.

Suddenly, the bark squeaked and changed constantly. In a blink of an eye, a rotating spiral escalator extended upward around the trunk and finally led to the tree house.

The portal also appeared on the tree house.

Li Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, then raised his footsteps, stepped up the stairs, and entered the tree house.

There are three rows of bookcases in the tree house, standing against three walls. There are many maggots in the bookcase.

“The book is overflowing, the talented Fang Wen. The bookstore is inherited and left to fate.” At this time, a message was conveyed to Li Xiaobai’s mind.

Li Xiaobai checked and couldn’t help rejoicing.

“It turned out to be a channel heritage.”

“Although it is only a teacher-in-class inheritance, there are no fairy magpies, but there are many four- and five-turn maggots, and there are detailed practice contents to form a complete system, which is right for me.

“Speaking of which, my recent fortunes are constantly improving. It seems that the situation on the ontology side has gradually stabilized.”

This inheritance is a top-level succession of magpies. Not only is there a large number of maggots, but the pine tree itself is a very good Fan fang shu shu.

Li Xiaobai collected the bookstore and returned in the same way. He successfully found his horse, rode down the mountain, and drove to Kyoto.

In the middle of the mountain, there are two figures standing.

One immortal.

The immortal is Hua Song, and the mortal is Mr. Jiang, a five-turn master.

Mr. Jiang witnessed Li Xiaobai’s inheritance throughout the process, and couldn’t help thanking him: “Teacher, thank you for promoting my students.”

It turns out that Mr. Jiang’s teacher is Hua Song.

Hua Song laughed: “He is your student. According to the relationship, he is my apprentice. He is a member of our department. Would I ignore it? As soon as the poetry society of the world started, I found him. . He obviously has the ability to break through the barriers, but because of meeting you, you have to hide. I originally expected that both of you and the teachers and students can successfully pass through the barriers together. As a result, he was unlucky. He always met you at critical moments. Eventually eliminated. “

“The student is ashamed.” Mr. Jiang bowed his head.

“Hahaha.” Hua Song patted Mr. Jiang’s shoulder. “You are very good and can teach such excellent students. If this Li Xiaobai really ignores the teacher for the sake of his fame, and defeats you in public, I He will secretly punish this child secretly. But Li Xiaobai respects his teacher and has a very good heart. Although this time he was defeated, what’s the matter? “

“It’s a blessing to be able to enter the eyes of a teacher. Just the teacher, why don’t you …” Mr. Jiang hesitated.

Hua Song sighed: “Although the World Poetry Association is hosted for the teacher, if the teacher is false, he will certainly be accused by other immortals, and eventually he will lose points in front of the Chinese-speaking master.”

“Also, Li Xiaobai is still too young and lacks polishing. Sudden promotion to immortality may well lead to trouble for blessings. Let him take some more paths in the world. Jade is incomprehensible.

“The teacher said that the students were shallow.” Jiang was grateful and surrendered, and he was grateful. “The teacher’s hard work, the students also understand. The teacher did not want the students to bear guilt, so he gave Li Xiaobai such a dislike. A major heritage? “

“It’s good if you know.” Hua Song smiled. “You are my student. If you succeed in this selection, you will be cultivated as an immortal. Then you must concentrate on it, don’t be distracted by other things, and practice by one’s heart. Do n’t fall into the face of a teacher. “

“Yes, teacher, students must do their best!” Mr. Jiang bowed his hands in worship, with a solemn expression.

Although Huawen Dongtian adheres to neutrality and does not want to participate in any power struggle, it also understands that a troubled world is approaching, so it really does not spare any effort to cultivate its own fairy.

Mr. Jiang was quickly resettled properly, with abundant resources, and was taught by a number of Wuxian himself.

Mr. Jiang studied hard and practiced daily, and he was extremely fulfilling.

Although he did his best to learn and perform, he still ranked only in the middle and lower levels, which shows the qualities and talents of these teachers.

Even the Wu Xian who taught was secretly very satisfied. This group of people is indeed the essence of Huawen Dongtian, the excellent seed of the pudding fairy.

After more than half a month has passed, Mr. Jiang and others will usher in the most critical moment in life.

“There are many teachers guarding the road, and the success of Shengxian is great. Once I become a fairy, my life structure will completely subvert and sublime!”

Mr. Jiang is looking forward to it and working harder.

However, when the first of them was about to rise to the immortal and robbery, there was a loud bang, and the whole Huawen Dongtian shuddered fiercely.

Afterwards, an evil dragon resembles a mountain, tearing the wall, descending wildly, and flooding the sky of Huawendongtian.

A large number of enemy Xunxian appeared in Huawen Cave and shot at the same time, setting the flames on fire.

Mr. Jiang is even more the target of attention here.

“All die for me!” Wu Shuai manipulated the palace to suppress it directly.

“It is the fairy palace dragon palace, unstoppable! Quickly retreat!” The fairy goddess guarding here was horrified and had to retreat.


After a while shaking the mountains, the smoke billowed and the earth and rocks were flying.

This carefully arranged academic palace was completely ruined. Mr. Jiang and others had no time to dodge, they were crushed into flesh and bones, and died on the spot.

The immortals who taught them saw this scene and felt so much blood. The teachings of the past few days are about to bear fruit, and Huawen Dongtian’s greatest future potential has been destroyed by this blow.

All ruined!

“Wu Shuai, I am neutral in Huawen Dongtian, and never embarrass you. Today, you assaulted my land and slaughtered innocent people. It is utterly unreasonable and sinful!” The old Chinese fairy was shocked and full of anger The roar rang through the world.

Wu Shuai laughed at the Dragon Palace, and then laughed aloud: “Chinese old fairy, you do n’t know how to advance and retreat, you do n’t know how to do it! The lord of the alliance has written to you three times or five times to invite you. In my eyes, today I will let you understand, let all the people in the world understand what the end will be for those who violate the will of the Alliance! Kill me! “

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