Reverend Insanity: Section 21: Icedust Stardust

The star-firefly is like a swarm of bees, hovering in the air, blooming with blue stars.

Starlight is pulled by an invisible force, and finally converges into a star gate.

This is a huge circular arch, made entirely of starlight, brilliant and dreamlike, elegant and magical.

With the passage of time, the number of stars in the firefly group has been continuously reduced, and the dead firefly has fallen weakly from the air to the ground.

One foot stepped into the fox fairy blessing from the star gate, and then the whole person walked out of the star gate.

The old man is an old man, with snow falling and wrinkles like furrows, but his eyes are vicissitudes but bright, it is Taibai Yunsheng who has just returned from Langya Blessing.

“Come back again …” Tai Baiyun gave birth to the dust and looked at the heavens and earth in this fox fairy blessing, sighing.

Although he hasn’t lived here long. But he felt that this was his home.

He has a sense of belonging here.

At this moment, Fang Yuan flew up from the sky: “Ha ha ha, old Bai you just come back, come up and see the killing move I just figured out.”

Tai Baiyunsheng saw this familiar figure and immediately laughed loudly: “Oh, right? It happened that I was at the King of Mo Ren, and bought a Yundao defense killing trick. Let ’s have two brothers. Check it out. “

Speaking, he soared up.

Fang Yuan listened and raised a brow, stretched out his right hand, palms up, his fingers spread evenly.

A cluster of starlight quickly brewed in his palm.

“Well? Is this your killing trick, a star killing trick?” Tai Baiyunsheng was surprised when he saw the starlight.

He flew high. A cloud of white clouds appeared around him.

Tai Baiyun Sheng is in the center of the Baiyun circle. Baiyun looks like a huge belt and follows Taibai Yunsheng closely.

Fang Yuan slowly bent his five fingers. Gently hold the starlight in your palm.

“Old Bai, you can pick it up.” He whispered lowly, gave a flick of his finger, and suddenly starlight flashed out.

Stars are small, extremely fast, and quickly pass through the air. Radiographed towards Taibai Yunsheng.

“Good speed.” Tai Baiyunsheng nodded and commented, so far away, coupled with the alertness of the gods. He had a chance to dodge. But at the moment, the two sides discussed, he was willing to test his own Yundao killing moves, so he stood still and resisted the star.

As the star point approaches Taibai Yunsheng. The white cloud circle suddenly turned. Very fast!

Yunhuan successfully blocked the star point.

Tai Bai Yunsheng stopped the ring of clouds, and looked at it with a stare, and saw that the place where the ring blocked the star point has turned blue, and the cold air overflowed, freezing a small layer of frost.

He laughed at the other party source: “It seems that the killing trick you figured out is not good. You know, my killing trick. But it hasn’t been fully agitated yet.”

The corners of Fang Yuan’s mouth split open, showing uneven fangs: “The same is true of me. See the trick!”

He flicks his fingers continuously. Alas, countless stars turn around and hit instantly.

Tai Bai Yunsheng stayed still, with a ring of clouds around his body, turning quickly, and fast, almost circled into a white ball shadow.

Fang Yuan’s star point was blocked by this cloud ring.

Fang Yuan’s offensive kept on, and the light of interest appeared in his eyes. The original white cloud ring was gradually dyed blue by the star point, and the speed was getting slower and slower.

“You have a lot of chills, and you can slow down your opponents.” Tai Baiyunsheng commented calmly, “There is also a change in my kills.”

Speaking, he continued to urge the killing.

The cloud ring almost frozen into blue icicles exploded suddenly. With a bang, the blue frozen gas became round and spread rapidly around.

Tai Bai Yunsheng is slightly happy, boasting: “My cloud ring can absorb the opponent’s offensive and gradually store it. When the storage limit is reached or I urge the follow-up changes in the killing move, the cloud ring can explode and let the enemy Taste the taste of his own attack! Brother, it seems that my killing trick is better than you can figure out. “

Fang Yuan smiled: “Old man, it’s too early for you to say this.”

As soon as the voice fell, he threw his right hand and hit the star cluster in his hand directly to Taibai Yunsheng.

Tai Bai Yunsheng’s heart was stunned, and he quickly urged a killing move, and the five cloud rings suddenly formed. Taking him as a circle, the size of the cloud ring increases from the inside to the outside, and the five cloud rings form five concentric circles, holding Taibai Yunsheng firmly in the center.

The star cluster is about to come. Five clouds quickly rotate around the common circle center, the afterglow lingers, forming a white ball ghost image.

Tai Baiyun gave a laugh, he felt a strong sense of security when he was inside.

But just then, the star cluster exploded.

Ding Ding Ding, Dang Dang Dang …

A large number of star points, diffused everywhere, hit each other. The explosion completely covered Tai Baiyunsheng’s figure, and the cold air filled it.

“The explosive power of this explosion is far beyond the simple superposition of star points.” Taibai Yunsheng’s complexion changed slightly, Wuyun’s ring quickly soaked into blue, and the rotation speed plummeted.

“Come again!” Fang Yuan held his arms high, and his eight big hands looked like strange claws.

The next moment, stars of light formed in his hands.

Tai Baiyunsheng saw this, his pupils shrank, and he did not dare to enlarging, he immediately urged the tapeworms and quickly moved.

Fang Yuan stood still, the eight arms projected in sequence, the star cluster galloped and blasted towards Taibai Yunsheng.

Boom boom boom …

The sound of explosions is endless. Wu Yunhuan reached the limit in turn and successively blew himself up. The power of bleeding really helped him a lot.

Tai Bai Yunsheng quickly filled the Wuyun ring, and despite Fang Yuan’s bombing, he always maintained his own line of defense.

“Okay.” Fang Yuan suddenly stopped.

Tai Baiyun was angry and panting, and slowly flew to Fang Yuan: “What’s the name of this killing trick? How much power did you use?”

Fang Yuan replied politely: “I named it Icedust Stardust, which is my original creation. When I urge it fully, I can play six times the size of a water tank-sized star cluster, but the larger the cluster, the faster the speed It ’s slow. Because the more stardust inside it, they collide with each other and consume a lot of speed. “

“So, you haven’t even used 50% of your power! Why is your killing power so great? Although it’s not as good as Xiandao’s killing, it’s far more than most Fandao’s killing.” Tai Baiyun Stunned.

Fang Yuan laughed with a smile: “When I was in Wang Tingfu’s land. I found a lineage from the famous poet Yuan Minjun in the North Plains. He took a different approach and created a new type of starfish. This starfish can grow stars. The attack power of Dao maggots will be reduced if the version is more effective. When I calculated the killing move, I integrated this kind of star moth, so the power is so great.

This is why Fang Yuan chose the star path to kill.

Tai Baiyunsheng then realized suddenly: “That’s the case. I said, my defense killing trick, called Jiuyunhuan, when it is fully triggered. There can be a total of nine cloudrings. Not only is the defense strong, but it can also be at any time. In addition, the enemy’s offensive can also be countered back. It took me two whole celestial stones! “

Fang Yuan nodded: “You are definitely worth the price for this killing trick. Even in Bao Huangtian, you will sell two and a half cents. The King of Mo Ren sold you a love.”

Tai Baiyunsheng laughed: “I understand in my heart that he has fancy my rivers and mountains like a fairy. He is also a fairy and wants to cross the robbery. The blessed land will be damaged in the future. I definitely want to ask me to repair it! Rivers and mountains are the way to make money in the future.

“Lao Bai, your business will grow big in the future, and it will surely be welcomed by a lot of magpies. Come, let’s say while flying.”

Fang Yuan and Tai Bai Yunsheng are flying towards Danghun Mountain.

Tai Baiyunsheng glanced back and saw dozens of blue nebulae left over the battlefield just now. From inside these nebulae, there is a constant crackling sound, apparently caused by the collision of star points.

The cold air oozes around the nebula. It fades over time.

“Brother, you are amazing. You kill the icedust Stardust. To sell to Bao Huangtian, you must sell at least four immortal stones.” Tai Baiyunsheng sighed.

“How could I have endless inspiration without wisdom?” Fang Yuan replied calmly.

In fact, relying on wisdom alone, if there isn’t an ice path to kill cold yarn provided by Xingluo Xiaoxian, and a small kill to move six or nine stardust, Fang Yuan can’t calculate the ice diamond stardust.

Before the rise of Xingluo Xiaoxian, one was poor and two were white. With the help of the East Wind of the Five Realms War, with his own ice star dust killing tricks, he gradually accumulated wealth and emerged to fame.

Fang Yuan took the attitude of trying and bought the predecessor of Frost Stardust from her now.

When he saw Han Sha and Liu Jiu Xing Chen, he guessed that these two killing moves were the cornerstone of Xing Luo Xiaoxin’s own killing moves.

After he spent time buying the Celestial Yuan Yuanshi, he rushed to the side of Wisdom, relying on the halo of Wisdom, constantly calculating.

The wisdom halo brought him infinite inspiration, Fang Yuan is a rebirth, and has seen the power of Frost Stardust with his own eyes. In this way, he has the most critical direction, instead of making calculations aimlessly.

In the end, he combined Du Minjun’s heritage to figure out the ice diamond stardust killing tricks.

This killing move is obviously different from Frost Stardust and has a smaller area than Frost Stardust, but it is undoubtedly more powerful.

It can be said that relying on Du Minjun’s inheritance, he has slightly exceeded the ice star dust.

“Nine turns to wisdom is truly extraordinary. It’s really hard to imagine, it is the scene when it is fully motivated. To be honest, I have a little bit of envy now. You turned into a zombie, which can actually have such a benefit “Tai Bai Yunsheng looked enviously at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan shook his head: “Becoming a zombie has many disadvantages. First of all, I have to thank Honglian Xianzun. Secondly, I can do this step, and it is also a coincidence. If it was not the case at that time, I reached an agreement with Zhiyi. Otherwise, I How can I get the halo of wisdom? “

“Yeah, if there isn’t a red lotus fairy to break the fate, our souls will be sucked away by the gate of life and death, and we will always be intoxicated. Where can we perish in the world and form zombies!” Tai Baiyun Grow a long sigh.

“Well, before I leave, I tell you that you want to knock out the information on the lane next to Langya Earth Spirit. I don’t know if you will come back this time, what will you gain?” Fang Yuan asked.

Since he knew that when the ancestors of Mao Mao and Juyang Xianzun talked for seven days and seven nights, he had moved this mind.

Langya Diling is easier to deal with than Mo Yao’s will.

But Taibai Yunsheng shook his head, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “I repaired several rivers, and I was urged to leave by Langya Diling. He was very busy taking medicine and tablets . “

“Take the medicine and shards?” (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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