Reverend Insanity: Section 19: Star Luo Xiaoxian

In peacetime, the magpie raises magpies, and the demand for magpies is not high. Purchasing is only a secondary method, and the main method is self-produced by Blessing Land. There is a difference in flow rate between blessing time and outside time. For one day, blessing time is many days. For a year outside, Blessed Land has been producing for many years. Puxian usually don’t choose bubble fish because the price is too high. They would rather wait for a while.

During the war, the number of encounters between the magpies was increased. As a trump card, magpies were not commonly used. Fan magpies were a common method and consumed a lot. Bubble fish in the Five Realms battle, it has become an item chased by the major gods.

Speaking of it, Fang Yuan also bought bubble fish before to increase the production of Xing Ying.

Unfortunately, at the last moment of Kitahara, he was short of money and had to sell almost all the wolves, foxes, a large number of bubble fish and Mao Min.

Fang Yuan had a chance to make a fortune, but the world was unpredictable. As a result, he lost a little money because he sold quickly.

There are very few bubble fish in Fox Fairy Land.

“Bubble fish still needs to be bought, but it is not now. In a few years, the bubble sea will be repaired, and the price of bubble fish will be reduced. By then, I will invest in Xianyuanshi, and then I can buy it. The next big group. Maybe I should breed this kind of bubble fish in large numbers. When the Five Realms War, Dafali city … “

Fang Yuan just bought more than a thousand star firefly, which is enough for a long time and does not urgently need to increase the production of bubble fish.

“Is Your Excellency Xingluo Xiaoxian?” After a while, Fang Yuan found his target.

Coincidentally, his goal is also paying attention to Bao Huangtian.

“Exactly. What do seniors want to buy? The prices are negotiable.” Xing Luo Xiaoxian’s thoughts came. It seems very enthusiastic, even a little flattering.

Fang Yuan looked at the goods she sold. Not only the amount is small, but it is very common. Basically, no one will ask for it, and it looks shabby and embarrassing.

She is not a fake, but not all of them are rich. Fighting, refining, pursuing, researching, and robbery will all greatly consume the knowledge and wealth of Zhuxian.

Fang Yuan knows from past life’s memory: This star Luo Xiaoxian is a casual nun who just got promoted. The background is shallow, and it is in a difficult period of starting a career.

Xing Luo Xiaoxian is placed in the world, it is definitely a big man in the sky. Attract mortals to worship. But when it was placed in Baohuang Tian, ​​it was very inconspicuous among the big magpies.

“Who knows during the War of the Five Realms. The star Luo Xiaoxian gradually bloomed. By starting to kill cold ice star dust, he quickly accumulated the wealth of war and eventually became a well-known character.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help feeling the magic of fate and time.

According to the three deities, the War of the Five Realms is the beginning of the great era, and this era will give birth to the big dream fairy.

Every major era of nine revolutions has one thing in common, which is the war. Generates a large number of newborn magpies.

New and old alternate, the tide of the times stirs up a wave of shining waves. Between genres. The collision and communication between forces and individuals has led to the rapid development of martyrs, which are changing with each passing day.

Fang Yuan is one of them.

He started with blood, and became a sage of Nakasu. But unfortunately, after only going through the first half of this big era, he had to use Chunqiu Chan to explode.

“Are you killing and selling here?” Packing her feelings, Fang Yuan asked Xing Luo Xiaoxian.

“Uh, I only have one killing trick here.” Xingluo Xiaoxian was a little embarrassed. “This is a trick on the ice road that the juniors got by chance. It’s called Hansha. It costs half a piece of fairy yuan. This is a five-turn kill. The lowest price. “The last sentence was afraid that Fang Yuan would lower the price.

Fang Yuan glanced at the content and groaned dissatisfied: “This cold gauze killing trick requires so many five turns, and the defense effect is a large-scale protection …”

At the same time, a large number of Wuzhuan must be urged. It must be Xunxian. Mortal Master Yuan is limited, which is basically impossible.

The large protection range means that the defense is lower than the average single defense killing trick. But Xianxian often fights alone, unless it is slavery. However, slavery and immortality have their own means of defense, so why choose the ice road to kill?

Xingluo Xiaoxian smiled bitterly, and it was for these reasons that Fang Yuan said that it was extremely difficult to sell Shazhao Hansha.

But there is no way for Xingluo Xiaoxian. She has limited cargo and is in loose repair. She just needs a lot of resources for her practice.

Although she was promoted to Fuxian successfully, most of the tapeworms were destroyed due to the winds of the two sleeves. She set up a detailed plan to plant a large number of shaking trees in her land. Her blessed environment is perfect for trembling trees, but she lacks the most critical startup capital.

She has billions of yuan stones on hand, but she doesn’t have a single yuan stone.

There are only a few sellers of trembling tree species, and many need to exchange for specific materials, or it is Xianyuan Stone. I don’t like the things in Xingluo Xiaoxian’s hands at all.

Listening to Fang Yuan, Xingluo Xiaoxian’s heart no longer has any expectations.

For months, she’s used to disappointment.

But the next moment, Fang Yuan said, “I’m currently studying the star path killing trick, this killing trick cold yarn, I have a bit of interest. But half a cent yuan stone, it is too expensive! If you still have here What a small killer, it’s more novel, add a little bit, maybe I will buy it together for half a piece. “

“A more novel little killing trick?” Xingluo Xiaoxian rekindled hope, she immediately thought of her starry killing trick “Six Nine Stardust”.

“Six-nine Stardust” is her original creation. It always uses six three-turn cymbals and nine four-turn cymbals, but can attack more than five turns.

She was proud at one time, but then her eyes widened and she became humble when she realized that the world is big and people are in it.

Xingluo Xiaoxian only hesitated, her desire for Xian Yuanshi in her heart completely prevailed.

“There is indeed a little trick here in the younger generation, I’m afraid it’s hard to get into the eyes of the seniors.” She said carefully.

Fang Yuan’s heart slammed, his tone remained calm: “Oh? Tell me.”

After watching Liu Jiu Xing Chen ’s killing move, Fang Yuan held back his heart and commented, “Well, killing move is not good, but it may bring me new inspiration. Whoever makes me feel good today, take care of it You newcomer. Hahaha, this is a half stone! “

“There is finally half a block, half a block away!” Xingluo Xiaoxian was overjoyed, and when she separated, she blessed Fang Yuan with a lot of good words.

Fang Yuan spent two pieces of celestial stone and bought a large amount of refining materials and maggots.

It took two more to introduce a group of old Maomin.

Mao Min is almost always the highest price of all slaves.

Although these old Maomins are old and will die after a few years, they are all masters of refining.

Fang Yuan also plans to make a few sets of Xingmen 蛊, but the success rate of this 蛊 , is very low, and even Langya Diling shot that time, and failed many times. If Fang Yuan were to take the shot himself, it would undoubtedly waste a lot of his time. He was going to hand over these characters to Lao Maomin and let them practice for them.

Zhongzhou, Xianhemen, Fuhu Blessing.

Founder is full of seriousness and walks into the tunnel.

The tunnel is very large and spacious. Every hundred steps, there will be an elite guard of the stone man. The defense is very strict.

These stone people are carefully honed by the owner of the blessing. Each of them has at least four turns of combat power, and is particularly good at soil worms.

Every thousand steps, there will be a giant stone man, who is three times taller than a normal stone man. The wide tunnels seemed narrow, and they could only squat on the ground.

However, it is natural for the stone people to burrow and sleep in the ground, so there is nothing uncomfortable for these stone people.

Every time Founder passes through this tunnel, he will feel awkward. Especially when he often feels these giant stone men, his body is filled with the surging breath of Wu Zhuan.

“Our strength of Xianhemen is really too strong! These five Zhuanshi people will be released all together, and it is estimated that they will scare the other schools.” Fang Zheng secretly passed by a boulder. Whispered to the soul flea.

The soul of the Heavenly Crane Master is parasitized in the sentimental flea, saying: “This is not the case. Which sect does not have the hidden details? Especially the other nine ancient schools are not inferior to us. Door. But the master who is in charge of Fuhu Blessing is our master Shanglonglong Tiger Devil. The stone man slaves he cultivated are the first in Central China! He is the best in Baohuang Heaven. His power and wealth, Mortals like you and me can imagine. “

Fang Zheng couldn’t help but be intrigued: “What kind of realm is Xianxian, it is amazing to be able to support so many stone people!”

Tianhe replied, “Each of Xianxian is a handsome man of heavenly talents, and each has his own chance. They are all practiced by mortals, and you are already five. Turn around, maybe one day in the future, you can become a fairy! “

Fang Zheng shook his head more than that: “Master, I know what I know. Most of my five transfers are practiced by the martial arts with the relics. The martial arts cultivated me carefully and tilted the resources towards me. My five turns It ’s not as good as the five revolutions you practiced step by step. And I do n’t think it ’s unusual now. You see at least thirty megaliths in this tunnel.

“Founder, you can remember that Xianhemen cultivated you and was grateful. That ’s good. But you do n’t have to be arrogant. Human beings are the spirit of all things, and strangers are just covered with herringbone. People are powerful and mighty, in fact, one-on-one, they can’t match the five-turn combat power in the gate, they are better at group battles. “Tianhe Master laughed.

“Is this so?”

Tianhe Shangren said: “These stone people are very stupid, and they happened to run into a rich master to make such achievements. Do you think these stone people can be compared with the elders in the door? I’m alive, and I can deal with more than a dozen megaliths by one person. Well, the blood pool has arrived. “

Founder hears the word Blood Pool, and his muscles can’t help tightening for a while.

He opened the door in front of him and entered a cave. (To be continued …)

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