Reverend Insanity: Section 125: Make a fortune

“Shang Xinci used all the funds to acquire these three types of maggots?” In the study room, Shang Yifan held a paper in his hand.

This document was reported by his mother.

Shang Yifan’s mother is a cousin of Shang Yanfei. The power is huge and the eyes and eyes are numerous.

“One turn to control the dog shrews, two turns to the paper crane sharks, and one turn to the egg dumplings, what’s the use of buying them?” Shang Yifan frowned deeply, thinking hard, but couldn’t think of anything. result.

“I heard that it was Shang Xinci who entrusted the 100,000 yuan to Founder. Although Founder was powerful, he had not previously revealed his talents for business. He made such a hasty acquisition, but only tossed it. Damage my strength. Is it that I overestimated them before? “

Shang Yifan pondered.

Although he is not high, he has also trained his business skills and has a good understanding of the market.

According to common sense, such a large-scale acquisition of roundworms will not be chosen by any senior businessman.

Because this investment has no prospect of return at all!

But Shang Yifan thinks about it, and there is always something wrong in his heart. He felt as if he had missed something. It seemed that behind the madman-like acquisition, the other party’s plan was hidden.

At this moment, the old steward whispered outside the door: “Master, there has just been a major event and I need to report to you urgently.”

“Oh, Zhang Lao invited in.” Shang Yifan quickly called him in.

The general manager Zhang is a capable subordinate of his mother. There are three turning peak repairs, one-sided, rich experience. Naturally, he cannot be treated the same as ordinary people.

Shang Yifan’s mother also took care of him, and asked him to treat General Zhang with courtesy. He also had to ask him for advice in normal times.

Mr. Zhang came in and his face looked dignified: “Master Yifan. Something is not good. The latest news from Sancha Mountain has been detected by the correct way to enter the inheritance.”

Although the three kings passed on to the present, the three beams of yellow, blue, and red soared into the sky. There is no mystery in the inheritance of the three kings, and no one can enter it.

After these days, many crazy people have explored madly, and the methods of entering the three kings’ tradition have been tested.

After hearing from President Zhang, Shang Yifan immediately emerged a strong interest: “Oh, enter the three kings’ inheritance. What to do? Wait, don’t you say …”

Suddenly, his face changed, his eyes involuntarily stared at the information just now.

He thought of a possibility, and he couldn’t help but slowly get up from his seat.

Mr. Zhang smiled bitterly: “Master Yifan seems to have guessed it. There is nothing wrong. To enter the three kings’ lineage, three kinds of tadpoles are required. To enter the yellow king of the canine lineage, you need at least one refining. To control the dog crickets. To enter the Inheritance of the King of the Blue Light Columns, you need to have a paper crane cymbal. To enter the Inheritance of the King of the Red Light Columns, the standard is to master at least one blasting egg cricket.

“How can this happen?” Shang Yifan lost his voice.

He was sitting on a chair with his hips down, his face lost.

He finally understood. The reason why Fang Bai bought a large number of these three crickets is because of this.

Now the news of the Three Kings has spread throughout southern Xinjiang. Three five-turned puppet masters appear together. I don’t know how many people are dying and want to get a piece of the cake.

But to enter the Three Kings lineup, you must have at least one of the three kings.

But now, these three types of puppets in Merchant City. Already concentrated in the hands of Shang Xinci. As long as it is not stupid, you can imagine. Next, how hot they will be in selling maggots!

Shang Yifan is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart, at least a bit smarter than Shang Ye.

“Where did they get the news? It’s so accurate!”

“No, it’s not important to investigate the source of the information now. The key is, how can I stop them!”

In the eyes of Shang Yifan, the yin and mang flickered constantly, and his mind was thinking hard.

After a long while, there was a look of sadness and helplessness on his face.

No way!

In terms of Shangxin’s kindness, I’m very clean. This is a very ordinary and normal investment, but with the help of the Three Kings tradition, it is particularly outstanding.

Although Shang Xinci spent far more than 100,000 yuan in the acquisition, this act did not violate the family rules, but at best only played a side ball.

As long as the Yuan Shi earned is only based on the capital of 100,000 Yuan Shi, there is nothing wrong with it. .

If Shang Yifan wanted to use this as a starting point, he would not have enough confidence. Because he is also playing on the side, he has resorted to many mother influences, such as President Zhang. Strictly speaking, he’s playing a better ball than Shang Xinci.

“Master Yifan, this time the other party has the most accurate intelligence information. After this handwriting, the other party ’s capital can at least triple. We can’t grasp the other party’s handles, it is better not to use dark methods, or hold fast Time, do our own business. With your wife’s connection in the merchant city, three months later, you will have at least 600,000 young masters, and you still have enough chances to win. “Mr. Zhang explained.

“Well, I have to do this …” Shang Yifan exhaled a sigh of sigh, but there were still residual worries in his heart.

As for the competition of young masters, this has just begun, and the other party gave him such a “surprise”. I don’t know what other moths they will make next.

Shang Yifan, who was already full of confidence, began to feel a little hesitant.

The three kings refer to the king of dogs, the king of letters, and the king of explosions.

His origins go back 300 years.

The three kings come from the royal family. Wangjiazhai was seized by the world’s enemy Wu family, and all were wiped out, but three children of the Wang family were accidentally missed.

The three children, two men and one woman. The oldest is only eight years old, which is the future dog king. The youngest is only five years old, but he is the king of explosions. The girl was later the King of Faith and was only six years old at the time.

The Wu family is busy annexing and digesting everything in Wangjiazhai. What are three little children? Even the division masters were not counted, so they didn’t care, and issued a hunting order at random, so they no longer care about the three of them.

The chaser is also a lazy man, killing three children at will to impose an impostor to cope with the mess. The orphans of the three royal families were lucky to recover their lives.

They have endured hardships, been tortured, barely survived, and struggled to survive. In mutual support, a deep emotion was developed.

As they get older, their hatred for Wujia is getting deeper.

But after the Wu family annexed the Wang family, its strength expanded and it was a big family with three famous mountains. After all these years of operation, power has become deeply ingrained in the locality. The orphans of the three royal families did not even have the opportunity to open up. To deal with the Wu family, revenge and resentment is simply heaven and earth.

But in the world, wonder is wonderful in the impermanence of fate. You never know what your destiny will be the next moment.

Once risking their lives, the three kings were accidentally involved in an ancient tradition while collecting medicine in the mountains to make ends meet.

This inheritance is not trivial, but it is left by a mysterious six-turned fairy.

Three kings, therefore, the fate is turned. They each inherited a part of the inheritance of Liu Zhuanxian, worked hard and practiced hard for nearly a century.

The three encourage each other and work together. When they practiced together to the Five-Transition Realm, they felt that the time was ripe, and they went out of the tradition to rush to Wujia to take revenge.

At that time, the Wu family was at its peak and flourishing.

The three kings didn’t use any conspiracy schemes, and directly went to their homes. The head of the Wu family is a Wuzhuan division, but how can the enemy get the three Wuzhuan divisions to join forces?

Especially these three five-turned puppet masters have inherited the ancient tradition.

The King of Dogs drives the dogs of Man Shan, and with a big wave of his hand, it is a majestic army. The herd of dogs, such as the vast river, swept Wujiazhai.

Xin Wang’s speed is quick, he is haunted by ghosts, and kills the senior members of Wujia backbones, making the dragons headless and chaos in command.

The explosive king is fierce and fierce, but he does not take any action. As soon as he takes the shot, he is shocked by the earth, causing a big landslide.

The Wu family, which was strong for a time, was annihilated by the three kings within three days.

On the three famous mountains, Yuanquan was destroyed.

The Wu family was completely pulled out, and the three kings paid a heavy price.

But they can revenge, and they are willing to pay these costs.

Big revenge, the three kings feel that life is simple and boring. They also do not want to rebuild the royal family, and a strong family cannot resist the real strong.

They lived in seclusion and never returned. It was like three meteors that instantly shone, doing something that smashed southern Xinjiang, and then the rapids retreated and disappeared.

No one knows about the three kings after this. Until recently, their heritage has suddenly emerged.

“There are at least three five-turn dog-controllers in the dog king’s hands. With it, you can control the beast king, command the herd of beasts, and conquer the world!”

“Xin Wang is good at refining crickets. She has developed a unique set of maggots from the ordinary two-turn paper crane crickets, making it easy for her to steal information. It is because of her that the King of Dogs and the King of Boom knew Wujiazhaizi. Defense loopholes. The three kings can wipe out Wujiazhai, she contributed. “

“There is also the explosive king. He has a fiery temper, and every time he shoots, it is a big explosion that shakes the mountains. The mighty power is overbearing, and if he can get his inheritance, he must be able to cross the world!”

“Three passes and five transfers. If you get one, you can fly soaring into the sky. If you get two, you will be famous for history. If you get three, you will be successful!”

“This is a great opportunity. You can’t be reconciled without working hard.”

“I must catch up as soon as possible, otherwise I will be one step behind and taken away by others, I will regret it for life!”

With the spread of the Three Kings’ methods, countless people are boiling in the merchant city.

“I want to buy pop egg clams.”

“I want paper cranes!”

“I want to control dogs, and paper cranes, and popcorns!”

“What, why are these puppets so expensive? The price is more than three times the price !!”

“Cut, go without money to buy. Most people want to buy.”

“Abominable … I bought it!”

“I bought it too, I have to buy it!”

Countless people gritted their teeth while secretly cursing the unscrupulous adulterer, and at the same time distressed and fleshed out his pain and money. (To be continued)

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