Reverend Insanity: Section 124: Rescue Hei Loulan

Fang Yuan originally participated in the auction meeting, and already estimated that many clues would be revealed, leaving many people with important basis for investigation.

But the speed of the investigation is still beyond Fang Yuan’s original estimate.

But compared to the gains, these efforts are definitely worth it.

Fang Yuan quickly cleared up his mind, and used the dream in his head to find a dream, and sink into the dream again.

Since he produced the first dream road fan, it is more convenient and more efficient to explore the dream because of the advantages of the maggots.

Dreams are hard, and traps can be everywhere. However, because Fang Yuan had previous memory experience and avoided most of the dangers, only three of the ten dreams at the beginning could make the dream Tao Fanyu.

But with the increasing number of dreams, the success rate has gradually increased from 30% to 50%.

50% of the success rate is already in the forefront of today’s five domains. After all, the dream has begun to manifest, although the major forces have achieved results, they started from scratch and explored step by step.

Within this moment, we kept refining the time, and after half a month of fox fairy blessing, Fang Yuan finally succeeded and made enough dreams. With these dreams, where Fanxie, and the mystery of solving fairy tales as the core, they can barely combine into that one fairy-tale killing trick-interpretation of dreams!

With this hole card, Fang Yuan kept the horse and immediately notified Lishan Fairy.

Lishan Fairy is in the field, and is preparing for the ancestors of Xuehu. After hearing the news from Fang Yuan, she was overjoyed and immediately terminated the task at hand. Regardless of Xue Hu’s ancestors’ punishment, she returned to the third branch.

After meeting Fang Yuan, Li Shan Fairy did not hide the secret, but informed Fang Yuan.

Before Su Xianer died, he left his daughter Hei Loulan with a relationship. Therefore. With the help of this family, we can use the Qingti Xianyuan left by Su Xianer. This also caused Hei Loulan to be a mortal, but he could urge Xianyu when Wang Tingfu land.

Fang Yuan heard this secret, but not surprised.

In fact, the secret of Hei Loulan’s ability to immortalize in the mortal stage. He has long speculated.

Now speculation confirms that Fang Yuan was not unexpected.

Even so, Fang Yuan frowned: “It’s bad! Don’t be emotional in a dream, otherwise it will become more difficult and deeper. Now with this affectionate relationship, my fairy-path killing power will be greatly reduced ! “

“How can this be good?” Fairy Li Shan changed her face, expressing her anxiety.

She is not worried about Fang Yuan coaxing him. Because of the Snow Mountain Covenant, the two sides cannot be deceived.

Fang Yuan did not lie, and the power of interpreting dreams and killing moves is limited. Nowadays, the deeper and harder the dream, the lower the effectiveness of the dream-killing strategy.

Fang Yuan had a heavy look on his face: “Now there is only a reluctance to try it. Alas, I used to have 70% to 80% confidence. Now there are only 20% to 30% remaining. After all, the time is too short, and the number of dreams is too high. Limited. “

“Twenty to thirty percent … what if it fails?” Fairy Li Shan asked immediately.

“If I fail, my soul will be hit hard. However, as a dreamer, Hei Loulan is still immersed in the dream, but it is okay. And there is another benefit. After dream interpretation, this dream will weaken and dissolve a part . For Hei Loulan, it is beneficial and harmless. “Fang Yuan told the truth.

“That’s all right …” Fairy Li Shan exhaled a spit. Take it easy. Suddenly, I felt that my tone was not right. I looked at Fang Yuan apologetically and opened my mouth.

Fang Yuan waved his hand. Stopped Li Shan’s words: “The fairy doesn’t have to say much. I’m not a stingy person. The situation is urgent and our identity is under investigation. Avoiding night long dreams and rescuing Hei Loulan is a top priority. Even if it fails, it weakens the dream, but also Can help the next rescue. Gossip is not much. Please ask the fairy to protect me. “

“This is nature.” Fairy Li Shan made a solemn ceremony.

Immediately, Fang Yuan faced Hei Loulan lying on the bed. Sitting on the floor, one by one raised the dreams in the mind.

These fans are in his mind. Arranged in order, forming a mysterious array.

After launching one by one, the array opens.

The last step was Fang Yuan’s use of Qingti Xianzhu to urge the mystery to solve mystery.

Solving the mysterious fairy is shining in his fairy trick.

Brightness rushes up into my head. After the transformation of the Dream Road, it turned into blue and purple.

Fang Yuan opened his blood-red eyes, and there was a cyan light in the deep of the pupil, which kept blinking.

Xiandao kill tricks-interpretation of dreams!

A loud noise rang in Fang Yuan’s heart.

The vision of the eyes suddenly changed. Fang Yuan still sat still, but the surroundings were not the secret room of Fairy Lishan, but a palace.

“Into Hei Loulan’s dream.” Fang Yuan’s body paused for a moment, and he immediately realized in his heart. Immediately he turned his eyes and looked around.

A wine banquet is being held in the hall.

It is a high-level tribe of the Su family, and entertains a young puppet master.

The head of the Su family raised his cup and smiled loudly, “Hey, please drink this wine.”

Heicheng sits in the forefront of the left, and immediately raises his glasses with both hands after hearing the words: “Xie Su family grown up.”

After speaking, tilt your neck and drink the glass of wine.

Many elders of the tri-turn tribe beside them applaud the heroic liquor of Heicheng.

Heicheng arched his hands, with a sense of pride in his genius in his speech.

When Fang Yuan observes this, his heart moves and he has an idea.

If you look at yourself again, you will find your identity in a dream, and you will also become a member of the Su family. There are many wooden roads in the empty tricks, and the number is quite a lot. Fang Yuan glanced at it and knew that he was a three-turn wooden path healer.

Fang Yuan frowned. Mu Dao is not his director, or healer.

He sighed and comforted himself: “This is not his dream at all. As a foreigner, it is considered good to have three transfers. Just don’t know where Hei Loulan is?”

I was thinking that a woman came out from the back of the palace, wearing a maid’s costume, with a face exactly like that of Hei Loulan. It’s just that there is an extra piece of femininity and a little hegemony, so it looks very different in temperament.

“It’s Su Xianer.” Fang Yuan’s heart instantly recognized the identity of the woman.

The jug of the Su family is empty. Su Xianer holds the jug and is about to pour wine. But I heard the head of the Su family sulking: “No wink, go and pour wine for our distinguished guests of the Su family!”

Su Xianer responded softly, moving Lianbu gently, to the table in Heicheng.

Heicheng’s eyes were fixed, staring directly at Su Xian’er’s face. It didn’t wake up until the wine was poured.

Looking at the beautiful back of Su Xian’er turning away, he hurriedly stood up: “Haven’t asked Miss Fang’s name yet?”

Su Xianer turned around, gave a gift, bowed her head shamefully, and whispered: “Little girl’s surname Su Mingxian.”

“Su Xianer … Xianer …” muttered in the mouth of Heicheng. It wasn’t until Su Xianer entered the temple that he was out of sight and he sat down.

“Hahaha.” The head of the Su family looked at this scene and laughed, “Xianer is the old man on the battlefield many years ago. The girl who hugged him. The old man’s wife has been bringing her to her side. Watching her grow up day by day, so although she is a maid, she treats her like a daughter. “

“That’s it.” He murmured in the mouth of Heicheng and drank again, but he had no sense of eating.

After the banquet, Black City was arranged to rest in the superior room.

The Su family leader summoned all the elders to discuss the event of beheading the Black City in the back room.

“Patriarch. Do we really want to start? The other party is a black family, it is a super power with a scorpion.” An old family member was worried.

The Su family’s eyes flashed sharply: “What about the black family? As long as this sale is made, our family can move to the Daxue Mountain to survive. By that time, there will be no more disputes between the courts and no more ten years of snowstorms. Disaster. Heijia is a super power, but Daxueshan Blessing Land is the main altar of magic road! “

Family members were evoked by some words. The head of the Su family glanced around and saw that someone still hesitated, and once again said ruthlessly: “It’s coming. What are you hesitating? Even if we don’t do it, we will even turn to the black My family told us. What can we do? We offended Daxue Mountain and they will not let us go! Don’t forget the lives of our family of Su family. They were all saved by that fairy man. Since that fairy man can easily and easily If you live to save us, you can easily slaughter us! “

Surprised by this, there was a bit of coldness in the back room. The old people woke up and finally realized the reality.

“What the patriarch said is! The kid in Heicheng has been drunk by us. I’ll do it now, and I used to cut off his head!” The battle hall family hummed.

“It’s not easy to kill Heicheng. Don’t look at Heicheng alone. In fact, he hides the master behind him and protects him. Heijia is a super power, and Heicheng is talented, so he guards up to five people.” Su The head of the family said the love report.

Fang Yuan is also in the middle. At this time, he heard the string and knew the elegance: “Then please the patriarch to show me, I will definitely follow the order!”

“Yes, you lord, you can order it!”

“Okay!” The patriarch was overjoyed, issued a command and made arrangements. Apparently it has been well thought out for a long time, so at this moment almost blurted out.

Fang Yuan is a veteran of Yaotang and heals the puppeteer. He is both weak in offense and defense. Therefore, the order he received was to work with the other two puppeteers to fight against the strongest guards.

The moment you step out of the back room, the dream changes again and enters the second scene.

The night wind is high and the night wind is howling.

A black family three-turned master stood proudly and looked at the three people around in anger: “You Su family are so courageous, they dare to touch the black city boy of my black family!”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him!”

“Kill him first, then help others.”

The two Su family members attacked and defended the old one, and rushed to the black family master. Fang Yuan was left alone, and stood behind to cope.

“Hei Loulan hasn’t been found yet, it doesn’t seem to be in this scene. According to this situation, it should be to kill the puppet master in front of him before entering the third scene.” Fang Yuan kept urging the wooden road while thinking. Ascaris, heal his maggots.

At first, Heijia Yanshi was strong and had the upper hand. However, after the fierce battle continued for a while, due to Fang Yuan’s continuous treatment, both sides had injuries and gradually entered a deadlock.

Suddenly, the black family master shouted aloud, rushing out with injuries and killing Fang Yuan.

“No, stop him!”

“Yaotang is old, dodge!”

The two teachers of the Su family were furious and confused. (To be continued) r655

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