Reverend Insanity: Section 105: The Great War

“Tang family! The shame of that time, today I want to double it again !!” Wang Jiang looked grim and whispered, his whole body swelled violently, like a black bear, slamming into Tang Fang fiercely go with.

Tang Fang saw that he was furious, and was even more furious.

Dan Huo!

A push from his right palm, an orange flame, shot at Wang Jiangfei.

The flame crossed an arc of light in the air, quickly approaching Wang Jiang’s face. Before he shot, Wang Jiang felt a scorching heart.

But with a smirk, he didn’t mean to dodge, and opened his mouth directly.


He opened his mouth and swallowed Dan Huo in his stomach.

“This is-four turns to swallow the fire!” Tang Fang’s expression shook.

Eating fire is not an attack, but a storage. But my teacher always uses one’s heart, and he always has one mind. Who said that storage puppets cannot be used for combat?

The maggots of the Tang family are mainly maggots of the fire channel. It took Wang Jiang a lot of money to acquire a four-turn swallowing maggot, one day to deal with the Tang family.

“Wang Jiang, we’ll help you.” At this time, two more mentors arrived, both of whom were three-turn series.

Tang Fang and his second son from the Tang family have a complexion. Originally swallowed the fire, they were extremely restrained, but now the opponent is three dozen and two, taking a great advantage.

“Three young men, hurry up, I’ll stop them!” Seeing that the situation of the Tang family was critical, they took the initiative to stand up and give Tang Fang a chance to retreat.

Tang Fang is not a son of a sister-in-law, he gritted his teeth, turned and left: “My old family supports me, and I will move to the army immediately!”

“Chasing!” Wang Jiang naturally did not want Tang Fang to retreat safely, but he did not want the Tang family to stay, but he was a defensive puppet, and he had a rare three-turn puppet named “Slow Step”.

This name, as the name suggests, can slow the speed of the teacher for a period of time.

The three Wang Jiang were dragged by him, and they could only abandon Tang Fang and besiege the Tang family with anger.

Tang Jiajia’s old double fists are difficult to fight against the four hands. Although there are slow steps, they can’t resist. First he hit Wang Jiang with a punch, then he was hit by the wind blade, and his arm was broken. Finally, a snowball hit an ice lolly and was killed on the spot.

“Old man!” Tang Fanghu eyes tears. When he arrived with reinforcements, he could only collect the body for this old man.

The flame of revenge burned in his chest, but he could not find the enemy for a while.

The chaos on the battlefield is turbulent, and a large number of wolf packs are raging. In addition, there are fox packs, war crabs, fox packs, bats, and so on. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, dark … all kinds of attacks cut through the sky and landed on this land, or they were smashed by dirt and turned into flames, or burned with flames , Or the spread of frost, or the glare of thunder …

Yan divisions shouted and snarled, some were attacking, some were retreating, some were rescuing, and some were standing still.

Hundreds of thousands of people are fighting in chaos, covering thousands of miles.

Wow! …

Suddenly, a blue majestic huge wave engulfed the sky, and when the evil spirit came down, it crashed down.

A large number of wolves and puppeteers were swallowed up by the huge waves.

This battlefield was emptied instantly, and several large puddles accumulated on the wet green grass. A guru laughed wildly and stood proudly in the middle of the field.

“It’s the Water Demon Hao rapids!” Tang Fang’s pupils shrank and he recognized the person.

“Retreat, this person is a four-turn high-level powerhouse, an infamous old demon.” Many surviving three-turn mages immediately chose to retreat wisely.

The Water Devil’s gaze was raging, and after a quick glance, he fell on Tang Fang, the largest number.

In the eyes of the Water Demon, these three-turned puppet divisions are a bunch of active combat skills, which represent a generous reward after the war.

The water demon sticks out his scarlet tongue, licks his dry lips, and his face is full of bloodthirsty killings.

“Meet you, you’re out of luck!” The Water Devil laughed and shoved his palms.

Four turns, the waterfall falls!


In a short time, a huge torrent gushes out, rushing to Tang Fang and others with an unparalleled impact.

In the face of such a mighty offensive, Tang Fang just felt as if he was alone, facing the tsunami. There was a great disaster, but he felt isolated.

“Three young boys, let’s hold on, you’re going to withdraw!” Several accompanying elders clenched their teeth and kept Tang Fang behind him.

They shot together and finally blocked the waterfall.

“Come on !!!” The urging of the family members made Tang Fang succumb.

“You hold on, I’ll ask my father to rescue you!” He gritted his teeth fiercely, but he finally chose to leave.


The Water Devil laughed wildly and fought with several Tang families. His offensive was fierce, and the water was overwhelming. He overwhelmed people by his potential. Although there were many people in the Tang family, they fell into a disadvantage and resisted very hard.

After a few rounds, an old man is killed in the hands of Water Demon.

After more than a dozen rounds, only one family member remains, and the rest have sacrificed their lives.

The Water Devil smiled, and was about to kill again. Suddenly a slaughter of murder came to his face.

The rich combat experience has already made Hao Liuliu an instinct for crisis. He didn’t look at it, and immediately flew back, cleared up, and directly discarded the upcoming combat skills, without any hesitation.


With a soft bang, at the moment he just exited, a four-leaf wind blade cut through the air and passed him by.

The wind blade spins endlessly, without a hit, draws a long arc on the battlefield, wherever humans and beasts are cut, blood is splattered, and broken limbs fall.

The pale green wind blade circled a long arc in midair and flew back to the original owner’s hands.

“Is it you? Wind Devil Tan Wufeng!” The wild smile on Water Demon’s face gradually converged, and there was a dignity in his eyes.

Tan Wufeng and him are also known as Feng Shui Double Demon, and they are also four-turn high-level practice.

In the past, the Water Demon straddled the eastern part of the North Plains, and the Wind Demon raged in the western North Plains, echoing each other. But later, Dongfang Yu Liang used tricks to capture three winds and three winds to conquer the wind demon. Tan Wufeng became a follower of Yu Liang from the East, attached to the Oriental family.

“Water monster, your laugh is too harsh, the son ordered me to end you here.” The wind demon Tan Wufeng sang in Tsing Yi, suspended in midair, holding the wind blade that just flew back.

Consumption all the way, only the three leaves of the wind blade left, after the re-instillation of the wind demon, actually slowly repaired, and restored to the power of the previous four leaves.

Generally, once the blades fly out, they cannot be recovered. The wind demon grasps the wind blade, like playing with a small toy, showing that he is far beyond ordinary people’s wind control.

“Huh, it seems that you have been fine-tuned by your master over the years, and you have become empty-headed.” The Water Devil chuckled, staring at the Wind Devil like a hawk.

Feng Mo’s face suddenly became gloomy. With a flick of his palm, he shot a four-leaf wind blade sharply, and at the same time his body was like an arrow, shooting straight at the water magic pen.

“Come on!” The Water Demon was not afraid, and a huge wave was set at his feet. He stepped on the waves and crashed into the air.


In the fierce explosion, howling winds and turbulent waters started the fierce battle of the fourth-class powerhouse.

The puppet divisions around me hurriedly backed away, widening the distance, and soon vacated a dedicated battlefield for Feng Shui two demons.

It’s not just the two of them. After a period of intensive cross-talk, the four-round masters have found their opponents.

During the chaotic battlefield, more than a dozen battlefields have been opened up. The circle of war is not fixed, but slowly swims with the warring parties.

As the high-level combat power is fixed, the entire battlefield gradually becomes clear.

First of all, the four-turn powerhouse catches and fights, opening up a great circle of war. Around the big war circle, there are various small war circles, and the three-turn martial arts divisions are fighting hard. In the outer periphery, there are two divisions and one division. They form a team and cooperate with each other.

Fang Yuan took this opportunity to keep gathering wolves.

A confrontation between the two armies resulted in a stalemate.

Often at this time, whoever breaks the balance first and takes the initiative can accumulate advantages. After the accumulation of advantages is sufficient, it can be further transformed into a victory.

Whether it is Hei Loulan or Yuliang Dongfang, you know this.

So they set their sights on the elite soldier in their hands.

These elite soldiers, either three or four hundred, or five or six hundred, have a uniform maggot configuration and undergo the same rigorous training. They can burst into a powerful force in an instant. It is the weapon of the battlefield, and the hole cards in the hands of the commanders of both sides.

Not every family has the ability to form elite soldiers.

Hei Loulan has five elite soldiers. In the hands of Yuliang Dongfang, there are six.

Yu Dongfang first dispatched a hundred flower soldiers.

This is the elite soldier of the Hua family, weaker than offense and defense, and is good at healing.

As soon as this elite soldier was dispatched, a large number of wounded were immediately treated, the situation was stabilized, and a huge aid force was given to the grassroots divisions of the Eastern family.

Hei Loulan stayed high in the king’s tent. When he saw this scene, he snorted and ordered the blue butterfly elite soldiers to attack and kill the Baihua elite regiment.

The blue butterfly elite has five hundred men. After avoiding the battle circle of the four-turned puppet division, they easily cut through the thick battlefield and killed the hundred flower elite.

When we saw that we were about to succeed, we suddenly rushed into three elite soldiers from the east, south, and west, forming a trend of encircling the blue butterfly elite soldiers.

It turned out that Yu Liang of the East had already been set up, using Baihua Jingbing as a bait, and set up such an ambush.

Hei Loulan naturally did not want to see the death of the Blue Butterfly elite soldiers, and immediately dispatched the remaining elite soldier teams to rush to rescue.

The elite soldiers of the two sides quickly gathered together to form a circle surrounded by several layers inside and outside, and the battle situation once again fell into a deadlock.

“Lord Matriarch, let me lead the army to attack them, kill them personally and turn them over!” Dongfang She could not bear it, shouting for battle.

Dongfang Yuliang shook her head slowly, without permission.

Dongfang She is the commander of the elite arrows and arrows of the Dongfang tribe.

But as long as the black flag soldiers of the black family are not dispatched, this feather arrow soldier can only suppress the scene.

Yu Dongfang glanced slowly at the battlefield and gave an overview of the overall situation, soothing the Orient shot: “The old shooter is calm and restless. You don’t need to play at the moment. The situation today is as long as I expected.”

Speaking, he smiled slightly, turned to the other side, and taught the three slaves: “Three, it’s time to show your strength.”

These three are E Xuanming, Wei Xin and Jiang Wanshan. (To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!)

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