Reverend Insanity: Section 102: Two Choices

“Sir!” Wu Zhen put away the five-way wind, and looked very excited. Novel.

Just now, he witnessed Wu Yong ’s sweep of the Seven Ghosts in the fierce gorge, and the methods he showed were unheard of and sharp and unstoppable.

Wu Yong knows the price of using infinite wind to kill in the fate war.

What Wu Zhen did not expect is that Wu Yong’s strength has not risen but has risen in the recent period! Throughout the battle, the Seven Ghosts of the Fierce Gorge had no resistance.

Feeling Wuzhen’s respectful gaze, Wu Yong smiled: “The Seven Ghosts in the Gorge Gorge are only seven turns high. The reason why they are difficult is because they rarely act at the same time. Once they can’t do it all, the previous efforts will In vain. “

Speaking of which, Wu Yong’s face was slightly dimmed: “You just heard the words of Qiqi Xuan Soul Bird. Have any thoughts?”

Wu Zhen suddenly showed a faint expression of condensedness, and analyzed: “Listening to the words before his death, it seems that the Seven Ghosts of the Gorge Gorge are in full swing, and it ’s not just our tactics. There is also Lu Weiyin behind the scenes! Lu Weiyin … he can actually affect the Seven Ghosts of the Fierce Gorge, maybe we can take advantage of this!

Wu Yong laughed, “Well, Wuzhen, you are fine.”

Wu Zhen has already guessed Wu Yong’s next plan. In Wu Yong’s strategy, the first step was to integrate southern Xinjiang.

The biggest obstacle at this moment is Lu Weiyin.

Lu Weiyin is a contemporary successor of the southern Xinjiang. Because of the influence of the happy land fairy, and his own contribution to the right path in the southern Xinjiang, Wu Yong is not good at Lu Weiyin.

I did not expect Fang Yuan to help Fang Yuan in the pursuit of Fang Yuan. This gave Wu Yong the best reason for the crusade, and this time, Qi Qi Xuan Soul Bird actually had Lu Wei because of a secret connection, which could even lead Wu Yong to lead Nanlian and raise the banner of the righteousness of the Mushroom People’s Land!

“You take care of your wounds. The next step is to wait for Lu Weiyin and fight against the mushroom land!” Wu Yong’s eyes flickered and his warfare was aggressive.

Wu Zhen hesitated for a moment, or said: “Sir, is the timing right now? Just after the tide, many inheritances have appeared in the southern Xinjiang. The true story of the corpse emperor on my side is just one of them. Now The major powers of the League of Nations are actively exploring and collecting these true stories. If we rush to assemble them, will there be only a small number of candidates, and the major superpowers will be inferior to each other? “

Wu Yong nodded with a smile: “What you are thinking about. To deal with Lu Weiyin and eradicate the mushroom land, you mentioned one of the difficulties. In addition, there are several difficulties. The first is Lu Because of its deep city mansion, it has a good conspiracy and unique means, which is definitely an unusual opponent. Second, the mushroom people’s land is helped by the fairyland of Zoro, with deep bottoms, no less than me and other super forces. Third, Lu Weiyin helped Fang Yuan got away, we have to deal with him, I’m afraid we will probably fight with Fang Yuan. “

“Fighting with Fang Yuan?” Wu Zhen’s face suddenly became pale.

Today’s Fang Yuan is the world’s first demon. Just hearing about the possibility of fighting with him is enough to make Wuzhen, a seven-turn twirling fairy, uneasy.

Wu Yong laughed, and his tone was slightly raised: “But these difficulties are just difficulties. If you are afraid of difficulties and you do n’t do it, then there will be almost nothing to do. Farmers want to farm, if they are afraid of drought and floods, Disasters without farming are absolutely grainless. If fishermen want to eat fish, if they are afraid of drowning and do not go fishing by casting nets, the fishing basket will be empty. Will our martial arts work shrink due to these difficulties? “

Wu Zhen’s face became solemn, and he quickly smashed his hand: “What adults have learned.”

Wu Yong’s gaze was deep, and he continued to point out: “Right now is the best time to deal with Lu Weiyin. Lu Weiyin, and other people, the more time he has, the more preparation he will make, and the more fun he will get It ’s not easy to attack. Fang Yuan flees, obviously there is no shot. If we miss the opportunity and wait for him to recover, there is no hope of destroying the fun of the mushroom people. “

“As for those super powers who are righteous and violent? Huh, do they think Nanlian is so good at joining? As the leader of the alliance, I ca n’t find the opportunity to remediate the Nanlian up and down.

Wu Zhen listened to these instructions, and no doubt in his mind, he was completely convinced by Wu Yong’s idea: “Subordinates are willing to follow the Lord, fight the Quartet, and defeat the mushroom people.”

Wu Yong nodded, and left a sentence before leaving: “Well take care of your wounds first, and the Wu family will conquer the world, and your contribution is indispensable.”

At the same time, Tokai.

Xia Family Base Camp.

The atmosphere in the ceremony hall is somber.

More than ten strangers are faintly forming two groups of horses, facing each other.

Floating to the left, headed by the King of Ice Crystals, the Lord of the Stone Cave, the Lord of the Stinky Cave, and the Lord of the Maoguai Cave are crowded.

A group of people on the right side is supplemented by Xiao Hejian’s leader, Aomori Daisei and Dazhi fairy.

There is also a third group of horses, all of which are human beings, including Guan Tianshen, Shen Huaizi, and Cai Shixian.

Fang Yuan was abandoned by Fang Yuan during Fang Yuan’s chase war. After leaving Tian Tian, ​​he fled and returned to the East China Sea.

Without Wu Shuai presiding over the whole situation, these two days of the cave master are uneasy all these days. These days, they are still thinking about how to solve the disaster of qigong fruit in their cave, but there is no little success.

“Xiao Hejian, Master Wu Shuai is back, are you ready? I’d like to see how you can explain to the leader of the Alliance, why did you promote Han Gray Fairy Aunt repeatedly!” The King of Ice Crystal Fairy took the lead.

Xiao He’s sharp face was sinking like water. At first, he promoted Han Gray Fairy Aunt to gather magpie immortals and strengthen his power to compete against the ice crystal fairy king. Unexpectedly, Han Gray Fairy Aunt is actually the ghost of the ghost demon! Not only that, Mozun Ghost also started at critical moments to hunt down Wu Shuai and Fang Yuan, and destroy the Dragon Palace.

The ghost of the deities has caused such a huge loss to the two-day alliance, and Xiao Hejian’s responsibility is of course great.

Xiao Hejian faced blame, his face was blue, and he looked at the King of Ice Crystal immortal: “How much responsibility I have, it’s not you who cares. King of Ice Crystal, don’t forget, you and I are both deputy leaders and status Quite! How big a thing I have committed, I know to myself, I am willing to accept how Master Wu Shuaimeng punished me. But this matter is not just my responsibility. Do you have no fault with Ice Crystal Fairy? Think about it, Han Who brought the gray fairy aunt to my alliance? Wasn’t it you? You not only attracted the ghost of the deities, but also introduced the night wolf Tianjun in the heaven court into the alliance. Your responsibility is much heavier than mine. ”

“You!” Ice Crystal Fairy was full of anger.

Xiao Hejian realized that his situation was worrying long after the defeat. This time he has come to the meeting, he has already been fully prepared.

“Hehe. Speaking of it, not all humans are in trouble. Whether it is Hanhui Xiangu or Ye Tianlangjun, they are all human beings. Human races are not credible!” The mother of Dazhi immortal was speculative.

She is a Moxian fairy. The leader’s Dazhi Dongtian has been invaded by heaven and suffered heavy losses.

The Alliance organized rescue in the next two days, but at that time, the King of Ice Crystal Fairy was worried about his own ice crystal cave sky, and put Dazhi cave sky behind him.

As a result, the Great Mother Zhizhi had a gap with the King of the Ice Crystals, and was then noticed by Xiao Hejian and recruited. The great wisdom of the great wisdom fairy has become Xiao Hejian’s support.

The other great Aomori saint, who is also a villain, has the same family as Xiao Hejian and has a natural closeness.

There are two people who fully support Xiao Hejian. Xiao Hejian can barely compete with the ice crystal king Wang Yibo. But it’s just barely.

This time the ghost raid on the monster, caused great trouble to Xiao Hejian.

So, Dazhi Fairy Mother can’t see the eyes, so she turns her attention to the identity of the human race.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the support of other strangers.

“Yes, the human race is deceitful, you can’t believe it.”

“In my opinion, our two-day alliance should be a pure human race!”

“The performance of these Terrans in the war is really bad!”

The strangers and immortals were resonated, and they looked at the members of the clan in the hall with unwilling eyes.

Guan Tianshen Jun, Shen Huaizi, and Cai Shixianfei have iron faces, and they stand closer to each other.

After two days, the alliance was short-lived, and the time for its establishment was too short. Losing a powerful leader at this point is immediately on the verge of disintegration.

At this moment, a magnificent voice resounded throughout the blessing base camp.

“Okay, don’t bother!”

Later, a golden mang looks like a tianzhu and shines down.

The golden pillars dissipate, revealing two immortals.

A white robe with dark hair and dark eyes, the other is handsome and tall, with handsome hair. These are Gu Yue Fang Yuan and Wu Shuai.

In the hall, the immortals are shaken physically and mentally.

Headed by the King of Ice Crystal and Xiao Hejian, the celestial beings are kneeling on the ground one after another, and they all say, “Subordinates welcome the Lord!”

After hesitating for a while, he chanted in unison: “I’ll wait for Master Fang Yuan.”

Wu Shuai raised his hand: “Everyone gets up.”

He is standing next to Fang Yuan, who is sitting upright in the position of the leader.

Wu Shuaigan’s stance for Fang Yuan’s subordinates made the fairies look different.

Wu Shuai bluntly said: “You don’t need to suspect. Although I am a dragon, I am essentially a clone of Fang Yuan.”

The immortals were stunned, but they immediately reacted, and their faces became more complicated.

They are not too surprised at this relationship. Since the court announced the results of the battle, there has been widespread speculation about the relationship between Wu Shuai and Fang Yuan. After all, in the war, Wu Shuai and Fang Yuan cooperated too closely and trusted each other too much, which is very abnormal for the magic Taoist fairy.

The two cents of the Alliance have heard these rumors. Although they are loyal on the surface, they also have a lot of suspicions in their hearts.

So Wu Shuai is now calm, Qunxian is not difficult to accept.

Wu Shuai went on: “The reason for convening you is to reorganize and try to dominate the industry, on the one hand, to eliminate the internal problems of qigong in the sky.

The immortals are shining with both eyes, and one of them blurted and asked, “Did you have a solution for the Lord?”

Wu Shuai laughed: “Of course I can’t help it, but the ontology is there.”

Zhongxian looked at Fang Yuan carefully again.

Fang Yuan was expressionless, his eyes were indifferent, and he said for the first time: “Now, there are two choices before you. The first choice is to let me annex your caves. Only in this way can we help you lift qigong Internal fruit. “

The immortals are discolored. Some people are angry, but they dare not attack.

For a moment, the field fell silent.

Cai Shixian broke the silence and respectfully asked: “I don’t know, what is the other option?”

Fang Yuan relied on the back of the tall and wide chair, narrowing his eyes: “The second option is that you are all killed by me, and then all the cave days are swallowed up by me.”

All the immortals turned pale and died.

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