Reverend Insanity: Section 10: Tomorrow!

Booming …

The sound of explosions is endless, and soot rises in the sky.

Here is the construction site where the Shiren dug the Grand Canal.

The stone people themselves feed on the soil. Many stone people are parasitic on maggots and can be used.

“Matriarch, you can’t do this anymore! Yesterday, three more clan people were exhausted. They died miserably, not even one offspring.”

An old stone man fell to his knees in front of Yan Yong and wept loudly.

Once the Shiren is exhausted, the soul disappears and disappears completely. There will be no remaining soul to form the little stoneman.

Yan Yong stomped his chest and yelled, “How could I not know? How could I not know? My hero has died again! For the bright future of our tribe, a better tomorrow, they dedicated their lives. “

“Because of this, we can’t be more lazy. We have suffered many times from the start of the fox group. The size of these fox groups is getting larger and larger. Xianren, is constantly recovering Xianyuan! We must continue to work hard to dig the canal and let him lose his foundation of power!

The old stone man froze: “But patriarch …”

“You are a good stone man, you are thinking for my clan, I understand. These heroes will not die in vain, look over there, I have erected tombstones for them. In the future, children and grandchildren will be memorialized They are grateful to Dade. “Yan Yong pointed to the distance, and the tombstones standing there were densely packed.

The old stone man looked at the tombstone group and sighed.

The Shiren masses are exhausted. When he first appeared, the new patriarch Yan Yong ordered people to build these tombstones.

The low morale was immediately encouraged. Every day, stone people are overworked to death. But it is still hot.

“Everyone is dead. What is the use of these tombstones?” The old stone man was a rare sober member, and he was deeply worried about it.

“Our patriarch.” He persuaded again and again, “We also pay attention to inheritance and reproduction of these stone people. The souls of these exhausted stone people have completely dissipated, not even descendants.”

Yan Yong’s face remained unchanged, he didn’t speak.

Among the little people around him. But someone shouted, “You old guy, are you afraid of death!”

The old Shiren immediately cocked his neck: “Boy, what’s the matter? I’m old. But I’ve always been a Shiren. How could a Shiren be afraid of death?”

“Since you are not afraid of death, what are you talking about?”

“Yeah. We are contributing to the tribe!”

“What is personal sacrifices for the sake of the collective?”

Yan Yong’s side. There are a group of little stone people. At this time they yelled.

“Old senior, if you feel tired, take a rest first. It doesn’t matter. I have a tight schedule and need to rush to other places to monitor the progress.” Yan Yong patted the old stone man’s shoulder, Cross him and continue on his way.

A group of little stone men followed behind Yan Yong, and hey. Expressed their disdain for Lao Shiren.

Being counted by this group of juniors, this makes the old Shiren feel uncomfortable. Qi Qi made smoke.

He wanted to retort loudly, but saw large slate standing everywhere around the construction site. Various signs were engraved on the large slate.

“Don’t die!”

“As long as everyone has the same heart, within three days, a grand canal can be built!”

“The boldness of the Shiren, the more productive they are.”

“Creating a bright tomorrow for the stone people!”

“Long live the Clan Yong!”

“Dedicate life and youth for the bright future of Shiren!”

The enthusiastic atmosphere shrouded the stone people. Even the tired Shiren, before his death, his face was smiling.

The old stone man wanted to speak, but opened his mouth a few times, after all, he said nothing.

He knelt on in place for a long time, suddenly raised his fist and hit the ground fiercely.


The old stone man stood up, without a word, carrying his back, and walked towards the construction site.

Yan Yong arrived at the next section.

The river has already seen its scale, and a large number of adult stone people are digging in the river. Next to them, the small stone people with a weak labor force formed a patrol squad. Some are supervising the construction site, some are carving slogans, and some are setting up heroic tombstones.

These little stone men, collectively known as the Rock Guards, were formed by Yan Yong.

“Report to the patriarch!” Five or six little stone men immediately rushed to Yan Yong and reported loudly the results of the labor these days.

“Report the great patriarch, we have cut another fifty miles on this site!”

“Reporting the great patriarch, we regret to have sacrificed 120 people here, all of whom are heroes of my tribe!”

“Reporting the great patriarch, we actually found three lazy sleeping tribe in the construction site. This is a shame for our Shiren tribe! We must fight!”

“Very good. You are all good! Remember, you must make a monument to the dead heroes. At the same time, tie up those shames and show them to the public, criticize them in public, and let them be ashamed. Brave. “Yan Yong cares.


“You are all my family’s future. Seeing you is like seeing my family’s bright tomorrow. You must continue to work hard,” Yan Yong praised.

People were so excited that they shivered.

“Everything is for the stone people!”

“Dear Iyong Patriarch, you are our glorious banner!”

“We are united by your side, and we are walking towards a bright and bright future together!”

They yelled, their eyes were wild.

Yan Yong, however, subconsciously avoided their eyes. The fanaticism of these little stone people made him feel terrible.

He looks into the distance.

In the distance, various river sections are being dug in full swing. Yan Yong can see many stone people’s wide ridges facing the loess and the sky.

The river, which is dozens of feet wide, stretches out of view.

What a magnificent project!

Whenever Yan Yong sees such a scene, the tide will surging-as long as they are united. How powerful the stone people are, they can change the world!

But when Yan Yong thought of Fang Yuan again, the most terrifying devil ever. His surging tide was like a cold wind blowing, and it suddenly turned into a white glacier.

Whether it is a small group of foxes traveling around, or a slogan on the slate, the organized rock guards are all conspiracies of that demon.

With so many approaches, we have simply reduced the rebound of the Shiren clan to the minimum.

Iyong did it all by myself. Watching the canal take shape day by day, the fear of his counterparts grew deeper.

The male immortal not only possesses terrible force. Even more desperate is that his cunning and insidiousness is so unfathomable.

Yan Yong feels that he is sinking and is moving towards the abyss.

He is humble like an ant, behind him. It is as tall as Fang Yuanshan. Looking down at him.

He looks like a walking dead and a puppet. He manipulates the silk threads of his hands and feet and holds them in Fang Yuan’s hands.

Every day, as he watched the deaths of his clan, his heart was as painful as a knife.

Seeing the tribe’s enthusiasm, the canal being dug hard, he felt a kind of desolate sorrow.

“If possible. I would rather not know the truth, maybe live in a scam. Will I look happy?”

Yan Yong looked away, beckoned, and took the small stone people to rush to the next river.

“This is the last estrus, go.”

Zhenyuan is already infused. Fang Yuan flicked his finger and shot the green bean-shaped puppet into the air.

The estrus bursts, and it turns into a pink light powder, which splashes into the fox group below.

The entire fox swarms these powders into it, and immediately stirs up.

Soon, numerous male foxes lie on the back of the female fox, shaking constantly, injecting the essence of life into the female fox.

The fox’s pregnancy varies. For example, a golden fox can give birth to a baby fox in about two months. About three to four per child. And three-tailed foxes and other wild animals, hundreds of years of pregnancy are not enough.

In general, the stronger the beast, the longer the pregnancy will be.

However, in today’s Fox Fairy Land, the fox group is more common and the pregnancy period is shorter.

From the stone man’s excavation of the canal, after getting on track, Fang Yuan used his estrus every day to spawn little foxes and grow fox groups.

Fox Fairy has no fairy owl. During the fifth natural disaster, she was directly killed by the charm blue movie, so none of her main set of slave maggots was left.

But in her soul palace, there are still a lot of puppets left.

For example, auxiliary maggots such as funeral toads, consumptive maggots such as estrus maggots, and some spare maggots on slave roads are mostly fox maggots.

In order to strengthen his strength as soon as possible, Fang Yuan has used these seventy-eight.

With his efforts, the number of fox groups has skyrocketed several times.

Although foxes are omnivores, the land of foxes cannot support such a large number of foxes. In less than two years, many foxes will starve to death because they cannot find food.

But Fang Yuan can’t control that much anymore. All he thinks now is to survive the sixth disaster.

A few months passed by.

The canal was dug and traversed the northeast.

The white water, along the wide river, billows and billows all the way.

Hey …

Big water flows into the burning fire pit, the forces of water and fire collide with each other, and the river evaporates, forming a large amount of water mist, rising upward.

When the river calms down, most of the black flames have been poured out, leaving only the edges and three places left.

In this way, water and fire reconcile, and the water in the north subsides, exposing the ground.

A large amount of flowing water flows along the canal, and is successively poured into dozens of huge craters in the east, forming lakes.

Although there is still a lot of silt in the north. The east has also become scorched soil, and the grass is not growing, but the water and fire are reconciled, as if a bleeding wound has a scar.

As long as time passes, the East and North will gradually come back to life.

Under Fang Yuan’s secret instructions, Yan Yong took more than a hundred stone men and returned to his southern homeland with scars.

“Master, what do we do with these clouds?” Xiao Fox fairy looked at the sky, a thick layer of clouds, and was in trouble.

Despite several heavy rains, water vapor is still suspended in the air and condenses into clouds.

The clouds block the sky, and envelop the vast land in the east in the darkness, which is very annoying.

Know that there is no strong sunlight or strong wind in the blessed land. These clouds will seriously affect the ecology of most parts of the east.

“Don’t worry about it.” Fang Yuan glanced at the sea of ​​clouds, then retracted his gaze.

The appearance of the sea of ​​clouds had long been expected, but it was just a little detail. Today’s focus is still the sixth disaster!

As soon as you stand up, Yun Hai slowly handles it. Can’t stand it, everything is hugh. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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