Reverend Insanity: Sect 652: I refuse

The blue dragon and whale is in the sky, and it is a holy city.

In the room of the inn, the atmosphere is depressed and solemn.

“What to do?”

“The next test, Zhao Lu’s followers will be on the field. That man is a well-known figure. With him, we have no chance at all.”

Both of them are sinking like water.

Su Yi, a white-scale cricket, sits on the main seat, holding a cup in his hand, and looks at the tea in the cup as if in a bun.

“Miss, don’t hesitate anymore.”

“Yeah, until the sea **** festival is carried out, we and Zhao Lu remain, and the rest are wiped out. And after the next test, it is the final test. As long as we overcome this difficulty, we can The final sprint on the throne of the Virgin. “

The two anxiously persuaded.

Su Yi sighed, “But what can we do?”

We hurried forward and came to Su Yi.

“Miss, our family has also invited the strong, can we match each other.”

“Yes, as long as we ask this strong man to take a shot, although it may not win, the gap will never widen to be eliminated.”

Su Yi’s eyes have been staring at the tea in the cup, sighing quietly: “I know very well the suggestions of the two uncles. But there is one thing that you may have forgotten. I compete for the maiden, and there are only four followers We are now full of these places. Even if a strong person is invited from the family side, we will not be able to get it. “

The two puppets stared at each other, both eyes flashed.

“That’s the case, Miss had already planned this, but she couldn’t say anything about it.” They knew immediately.

Zong Rongyi whispered: “Miss, it’s difficult to say, it’s easy and easy to say. We just have to abandon one of our followers!”

“Yeah.” Another concubine continued, “According to the rules of the Poseidon Festival, followers cannot give up at will. But as long as one of them has stains such as corruption, selfishness, crime, etc., for the Poseidon Festival and The purity of the virgin, we can justify expulsion from it. Can’t we place the strong one invited by the family? “

Su Yi suddenly changed her face and refused, “It’s not right. In such a big celebration of the Poseidon Festival, such a scandal has occurred, and the parties may be contaminated with a lifetime of stigma, and they can no longer be cleaned up. Now, including your four followers, how much help me, how can I revenge? “

“My young lady, what can happen to those who do great things?”

“I suggested to find that Charlene. She is very shallow and clear at a glance. She is a little niece who has not been seen before. I don’t know what luck she took, and she unexpectedly got a five-turn oil extraction maggot.” Seeing Su Yi’s expression unpleasant, Rong Hong immediately said, “Of course, we are not planted and framed. Instead, we use reason and affection, and Charlene is a good and reasonable girl at first sight. Miss, you might as well Leave this to me to deal with, I’ll talk to her, and it’s okay to pay some price. Compared with the position of the virgin, it’s clear that everyone cares! “

“This …” Su Yi showed hesitation.

Another concubine immediately commented: “Miss, this is not our persecution of Charlene, nor does it harm her. It is our cooperation, then, what is the reputation of Charlie? Charlene was born from a poor child. More Pay attention to material. It is most likely that she heard our idea, and she may be very happy. She was eager to make a deal with us, lost some reputation, and exchanged huge profits! “

“You step back and let me think about it …” Su Yi frowned lightly, and issued a guest-order.

The two puppets looked at each other and had to step back.

A few days later, rumors and rumors about Charlene have become overwhelming.

“It’s her, the shameless niece, in order to climb the rich, he betrays Su Yi, who has kindness to herself!”

“No wonder Miss Su Yi has always been at a slight disadvantage. I didn’t expect to have an inner ghost.”

“I want to cramp her like this villain!”

“She still has the face to come to Su Yi! It’s really shameless.”

Xia Lin closed her lips tightly, and walked up the stairs of the inn with the everyone’s pointing.

“Stop.” Halfway to the end, Rong Yao stopped Charlen with a look of indifference.

“I was wronged. I want to see Sister Su Yi!” Xia Lin looked up, looking at Rong Hong, with an anxious expression on her face.

Rong Yue sneered: “Xia Lin, what else do you want to play? Miss you is very sad. At this critical moment of the Poseidon Festival, you still want to see Miss Su Yi? You are so vicious and vicious The thought is to disgusting our young lady, let’s play abnormal next? “

“That’s not true, Rong Hong, listen to me …”

“What else to say? Anything to say! You shameless scum, we blinded you and accepted you. You give me away!” Rong Hong lost his patience, his voice was sharp and aggressive.

“You don’t believe me, but I believe in Sister Su Yi. I will never leave without seeing her!” Xia Lin’s eyes were red and stubborn.

“Are you trying to force the old man to shoot?” Rong Hong said ruthlessly.

“Stop it.” At this time, Su Yi finally appeared and drifted down the stairs slowly.

“Sister Su Yi!” Xia Lin was overjoyed and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Rong Hong with her arms open again.

“Xia Lin …” Su Yi looked at Xia Lin in a complex tone.

“Sister Su Yi, believe me, I’m not a betrayer!” Xia Lin distinguished.

“Does it require our investigation?” At this moment, a group of sloppy people broke into the first floor lobby of the inn, and all eyes were immediately drawn to it.

The team walked straight to Xia Lin: “Xia Lin, right? I’m the sacred city supervisor. Someone reported that you took a bribe, betrayed Su Yi, tried to defile the sacred Poseidon sacrifice, and controlled the selection of the maiden. We are now Just to arrest you, come with us and make everything clear.

“No, I’m innocent!” Charlene paled in shock and retorted.

“Is it innocent? It is up to the results of our investigation.” The surveillance kept his face indifferent.

“No, I won’t go with you. I was wronged. Someone planted me and framed me!” Xia Lin looked terrified and kept shaking her head.

“You don’t want to follow us? Huh, this can’t be done by you! Come, grab her back!” The supervisor made an order, and the people behind him were going to do it.

“Slow.” At this time, Su Yi spoke.

“Sister Su Yi!” Charlene’s eyes lit up with hope.

But Su Yi shook her head slightly: “Sister Charlene, I don’t believe you will betray me. But now that the ambassador has arrived, we must also believe in the justice of the holy city! I firmly believe that they will return you an innocence . Follow them, as long as the investigation results come out, just to prove your innocence, right? “

“Sister Su Yi …” The light in Charlene’s eyes faded.

“Go, go.”

Xia Lin lowered her head and walked to the inspector: “I was wronged, but I will follow you.”

Surveillance makes a satisfied smile: “That’s right, let’s go.”

Xia Lin was quickly taken to the interrogation room.

“These channel maggots are real evidence. Take a closer look. I advise you to avoid any luck!” The inspector smiled and pointed at the only table in the room. Where the channels are martyrdom.

Xia Lin dived into her mind and read them one by one.

Soon, there was a strong shock on her face: “These images and sounds are fake, I never said that!”

“In the face of this evidence, you just want to explain it in the past? Who can believe you?” The surveillance sneered.

“I never said that! I …” Charlene was anxious.

Supervisor raised his palm and stopped Charin’s discrimination directly. He laughed: “I know you were wronged.”

Xia Lin froze, “You, what do you say?”

“You have been wronged,” the inspection repeated.

Xia Lin was blindfolded, and after blinking, she said, “If so, why are you …”

“Because this is Miss Su Yi’s request.” The inspector smiled again.

“What do you mean? You don’t want to provoke alienation!” Charlene was angry.

“You little girl is really naive. Then I will talk to you. Do you know who Miss Su Yi’s father is? Do you know what the situation of the Poseidon Festival is now … “

Supervisor made Xu Xu speak slowly, and she was stunned by what she said.

It took a long time for her to respond: “I don’t believe that all this is Sister Su Yi’s scheme! Since she wants me to abdicate, I will quit. As long as she and I make it clear, I will not reject her. “

The watchman looked at Charlene sarcastically, and immediately retorted ruthlessly: “The Poseidon Festival is for you to retreat and retreat? If everyone can retreat at will, then the competition for the position of the virgin is purely against family and power . There is only one case, the follower will be forced to withdraw, and at the same time, his or her position will be vacant, and you can plug in again. “

Xia Lin dumbly said: “This is my situation …”

Monitoring laughed: “Yes. Are you smart? Well, there are two ways before you now. The first way is to deny the evidence and insist that you are not guilty. Of course, the evidence cannot be obliterated, and no one will believe you. “

“The second way is to cooperate with us. You plead guilty, although there will be some loss of reputation, but we will still give you a considerable amount of compensation. Choose one.”

Xia Lin smiled bitterly and buried her head deeply.

Do she have any other choices?

The other person designed her so that she would be seduced into the interrogation room. This scenario was to prevent her from refusing.

Even if she refuses, she will be framed and convicted.

She doesn’t have the power to resist at all, let alone the right to refuse!


A long silence.

The supervisor whispered softly: “Charlene, if you don’t speak anymore, I will choose the second way by default. The truth is before me, I believe that smart people will make this choice. This is for you and us both. Good, isn’t it? “

“I refuse.” Charlene suddenly looked up and said. r

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