Reverend Insanity: Sec. 291: Double Ten Peerless Nine-turned Demon?

If the creator did n’t name it, Fang Yuan named it: Life and Death Fairy Rebirth.

The value of this method is absolutely inestimable!

Once circulated, it will inevitably shake the entire practice world and change the situation in the world. Numerous magpies, whether hidden or eight-turn, will study hard in the first time and start practicing.

Once it is truly mastered by most Xianxian, then from now on, the number of Xianxian in the entire five domains will surge and skyrocket, showing unprecedented prosperity.

Because of the mystery of life and death, the mystery of containing life and death can reduce the power of the disaster. And the extent of weakening is as high as 50%!

What is this concept?

Yunxian practice has always had two difficulties.

One is life span, the other is disaster.

The higher the revision, the longer life will not be able to be achieved. Xixian can only find other ways to extend the survival time by every means.

Not to mention it.

Focus on disasters.

Yunxian has to go through disasters every so often. The disaster was like a machete suspended over the head of Wuxian.

In times of peace, most of the immortals died of calamities. Countless historical facts, and examples around, remind the immortals at all times, how terrifying and deadly this threat is!

Disasters are not only hard to figure out, but the power is not static but increasing.

Yunxian has to work hard to improve his strength if he wants to survive.

Practice is not an empty vernacular, but it requires real practice resources. Such as fairy wood. Fairy tales, fairy road kill tricks, fairy tale houses and so on.

Xianqiao is the best place to cultivate fairywood.

Because the environment is unique here. There are many road traces, and according to the situation of Xixian, it is possible to cultivate relevant fairy materials suitable for Jixian. And in Xianqiao, time flies fast, much faster than the Five Realms, and the number of mature harvests of fairywood also becomes more.

One more thing is to cultivate cultivating resources in Xianqiao. More convenient to carry and more secure.

Place it outside. Too unsafe.

Not only is it easy to be seized by humans, but it can also be destroyed if you encounter strong men such as the Sky Witch.

However. Every natural disaster that has occurred will have a huge negative impact on Xianqiao.

It’s not easy for Xixian to survive the disaster. It is almost impossible to take care of Quanxianqiao.

Xiangxiu resources stored in Xianqiao often suffer great losses.

If you want to continue your practice, you must rebuild your resources. What’s more, it is almost self-made.

As a result, a vicious circle is formed.

Accumulate resources. Practice, increase in strength, survive the calamity … re-accumulate resources. Practice, slowly grow in strength, and survive stronger calamities …

Catastrophes are getting heavier and heavier, but resources need to be re-accumulated, which greatly delays the growth of Wuxian’s strength. Many Xian people have insufficient growth in strength, and even stand still. How can we cope with the increasingly horrible disasters?

So from ancient times to the present, countless magpies have been defeated by natural disasters. Death died.

Fox Fairy is a typical example.

She survived the previous four plagues, and on the fifth time, she encountered the charm blue movie and failed. The obsessive formation of the earth spirit, leaving the fox fairy blessing, was eventually obtained by Fang Yuan.

Of course, there is a way to transfer the resources of Xiuxian out ahead of time.

Fang Yuan did this before.

But in fact, it ’s rare to do that.

Of course they are not stupid. but why?

The reason is that the disasters are targeted. For example, before a wooden road was sent to Xianxian to rob, all the wooden road resources were relocated. As a result, Yandao disaster was caused.

After the successful crossing, Xianqiao suffered a huge impact, adding a lot of traces of inflammation, and the landform temperature has changed drastically.

Mu Daoxian relocated the resources of the previous practice, and many resources were not adapted to the new Xianqiao environment and could not be cultivated at all.

Conversely, if the wooden road resources are left in the blessed land, it will lead to wooden road disasters. Eventually, the track marks of Xianqiao increased, and although the resource loss was heavy, the environment of Xianqiao was better.

Countless examples of successes or failures and countless summaries of the experience of the sages show that it is more wise and more conducive to Xixian’s practice to leave resources to robbery than to remove resources in advance.

Fang Yuan did so before, but the result was a blood disaster, which was not conducive to the cultivation of the original resources.

However, Fox Fairy Land doesn’t match his genre, and Guan Guan is not big.

After that, Tai Baiyun Shengming knew that the loss of resources was great, and he would stay in Xianqiao to cross the robbery. It is because of the immortal land he lives in, that is his fundamental immortal land.

Only knowing the above content will truly understand the terrifying value of Life and Death Fairy!

Although Xunxian is high, disasters hang on his head, and he needs to continue to practice. Each stage must be greatly improved, and he must make more progress one time at a time to continue to survive.

But with Life and Death Fairies, it’s all different.

Directly reduce the power of the disaster by 50%!

The power of disasters and disasters has plummeted, and the loss of spiritual practice resources has been rapidly reduced. The Daochen harvest has not changed. All this is enough to make Xianxian’s spiritual practice a virtuous circle.

Accumulate resources, practice, increase strength, and surmount calamities … on the basis of the original, continue to accumulate resources, practice faster, increase strength rapidly, and survive slightly stronger calamities …

With the light of life, the power of the calamity has been strengthened again and again, and the strength of Xixian reluctantly supports. The higher the repair, the more difficult it will be.

Only Xianqiao, which is dead, is constantly crashing, resources cannot be accumulated quickly, and there is no hope for progress.

With the birth and death fairy tactics, constructing a virtuous circle, the strength of Xunxian is like a snowball. The more it rolls, the more confident it becomes!

There is no doubt that this is a cross-generational achievement!

It can change the fairyland, change the whole world, and change the history of the martial arts in the future.

Don’t look at it as a little rebirth, it just has this magic!

More precisely, it is no longer a simple rebirth method, but a practice method.

On the previous basis. It is undoubtedly more superior than the traditional method of cultivating immortals that has passed down countless days and long years!

This initiative. Take the analogy of the development history on earth, that is, the significance of inventing a steam engine, inventing electricity, and inventing a computer!

The traditional martial arts practice method has been passed down from the time of the ancestors, with almost no change.

The rebirth of life and death Xianqiao comes out. It is simply Einstein on earth who proposed the theory of general relativity, “overturning” Newton’s first law!

Replace with other magpies. Maybe it is difficult to accept for a while, and even feel whimsical and upset!

After all, the immortal status is low, but this method respects the death immortality.

But Fang Yuan’s fundamental soul. Originating from the earth, open-minded, and traditional practice methods did not form a deep-rooted authority in his mind.

At this moment, his heart is full of sighs!

“Humanitarian torrents, rolling forward, history is spiraling upwards. Repairs can be regarded as an alternative science that develops with time. Continuous progress.”

“In the past, in ancient times, there were indeed countless talents. We created brilliant and brilliant achievements. But future generations can stand on the shoulders of their predecessors. Brilliant results. “

Like the mysterious immortal power who invented the birth and death immortal rebirth method, he is also standing on the shoulders of the immortal old immortal, using the achievements of the lawless Promise, and combining his talents. In order to finally get this improved cultivation method.

Fang Yuan continued to ponder.

The more he digs deeper, the more he finds this mystery of rebirth tricky. Wonderful.

In a short period of time, Fang Yuan can only “know its nature”, not “know its nature.”

He knew that it was right to follow this method, and the result was good.

But I don’t know what kind of principle is involved in this.

Don’t look at the simplicity of life and death fairy tricks. The reasoning behind them is not understood by Fang Yuan.

The method of rebirth of life and death is not easy, and the content is very complicated.

Because of each genre, it has been subdivided into different methods of rebirth, and different maggots need to be refined.

For example, the rebirth of Fang Yuan’s power requires a lot of hard work, countless disappointments, and various other helpers, and finally builds a set of multiple compound battles.

Fang Yuan tasted it carefully and found it very interesting.

The mortal begins to practice, needs to open up the emptiness with hope. This method requires disappointment and hard work.

No hope, where’s the disappointment?

No disappointment, where’s the hope?

The two concepts of disappointment and hope are opposites and coexist.

It is exactly the same as the concepts of life and death. Without any one, there is no meaning in the other.

Fang Yuan planned in his heart: “Disappointed, struggling, and only asking for the fans, it is not difficult to collect. There are corresponding parties here, and I can order Mao people in the blessed land to refine them day and night. This demand is too large, and I can also complete it in three months. Once it is completed, I can reincarnate immediately, and have a life and death fairy trick! But … “

However, the life and death fairy tactics obtained in this way are somewhat unsatisfactory.

Fang Yuan has collapsed more than half because of his strength. If based on the rest of the death consciousness, the life and death fairy consciousness produced will naturally be weaker. Regardless of area, space, environment, or background, it must be worse.

Especially, Fang Yuan was forced to ascend the immortal in Beiyuan before, and the inherent knowledge of immortality is not high. The ratio of land to 5.18 million acres and the flow velocity of the five domains is one to sixteen.

Inferior blessed land with a radius of up to 3 million acres, which stimulates the tributaries of the small veins of time, only produces more than ten cents per year, and the resources are barren.

Medium blessed land with a radius of 4 million to 6 million acres, which stimulates the tributaries of the time vein, produces more than 20 cents per year, and is rich in products.

Fang Yuan’s strength and strength are just medium blessings. If this time it is directly reincarnated, it must be a low-grade blessing, and it is very likely that it is a low-grade one.

Undoubtedly, this other party ’s future practice is quite unfavorable.

And in this set of life and death immortal rebirth method, there is a piece of content that makes Fang Yuan very excited.

If in the process of rebirth, other corpses with immortal strength are used as immortals and refined in the battlefield. The level of life and death fairy tricks generated will rise upwards. It is not a problem to return to the middle rank from the lower blessed land. As long as you have enough strength to be immortal, it is also possible to become a good land!

After the death of Xianzhao ’s death trick completely, the track marks in Xianzhao fell on Xianzong ’s body. Therefore, the immortal shells with rich traces are unique immortals. If not, Xuehu’s ancestors would not sneak into the cemetery of immortals to perform robberies.

At the end of this content, it is also clearly recorded

If the immortal zombie shell of the powerful real martial arts body is collected and used in the process of rebirth, then the life and death immortality will exceed the superior blessed land and become a special blessed land!

After the immortal rebirth, she will also transform into a powerful real martial art! !!

Because Hei Loulan is a powerful real martial arts body, and has a special blessing land, Fang Yuan knows a lot about it.

“Extra-blessed land with a vast area of ​​more than 10 million acres. The annual output of cents is up to more than 50! The time flow rate is extremely fast, and the precious resource harvest cycle is very short! The power of the battle was shown several times! “Fang Yuan was shocked.

From this point of view, the rebirth method of life and death Xianqiao is also a great way to improve the qualification of Wuxian!

Ten perfection …

Although the power is strong, the disadvantages are even greater!

Because time is too fast, disasters will come faster and more frequently, and mighty power will be more terrifying! This is a taboo for the practice of Xunxian!

Throughout history, we know that none of the top ten lords is ten sacred. Even among the eight-turn magpies, it is extremely rare to have ten unique bodies.

In a word, Shi Jue Shi may be invincible at the same level, or even challenged to the next level, but there is no development potential. Under the blow of disasters, it will not live long.

But the biggest drawback, as far as the other party is concerned, is non-existent!

There is only one reason why he is mastering the rebirth of life and death.

While the disaster and death facing Xianqiao, the power plummeted by half!

This level is completely acceptable and constitutes a virtuous circle.

“Collecting the normal strength of the immortal zombie husk can achieve the best blessing land at most. But if I collect a ten zombie immortal zombie, I can become a powerful true martial arts body, have a special blessing land, and have only half the power of disaster. As long as I give me enough time to practice, my strength will continue to grow, and I may be able to reach the throne of nine turns! “

Fang Yuan’s eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

Nine turn to the Supreme Master, the world is invincible, this is a recognized fact. If it is done from the past to the present, the Ten Supreme Masters have not appeared before, does it mean that the first of the nine masters?

The world is the first on the earth?

“Don’t forget that I still have the first fan art. If the rebirth goes well, I will use this method to walk the cosmic path to transform the first fan art into a special blessing land. By then, I will not only be a strong true martial artist , And it’s still the ancient moon shame! “

Double ten!

Thanks to time, the double ten lords?

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan almost left tears.

500 years in the previous life, this life is exuberant, risking between life and death. Finally today, just at this moment, he found a bright avenue leading to eternal life!

The goal of eternal life is nothing, but without strong strength, it is even more impossible to chase it.

“Li Dao Xian Zong was originally low. I joined the Zombie League again and couldn’t deal with allies. How can I find the strong Zhan Wu Zong Zong? Huh. There is only one best goal right now. That is Hei Loulan! ! “

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed.

“Although I cooperated with you to escape from Wang Tingfu’s land, and later benefited many times, it was more pleasant. But for the ambition in my heart, you sacrificed.”

A silent smile appeared on Fang Yuan’s face.



ps: Welcome everyone to pay attention to the real public WeChat! (To be continued)

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