Reverend Insanity: 151st: Ability 蛊

Three people are heading to the predicament, this is a real death battle!

The strength of the three is already insufficient, and the strength of this difficult position is unexpectedly strong.

Severe calamities, Sanxian tried his best to pull out the bottom of the box, squeezing every potential.

Heilan Lan’s Youduli Tiger Totem has been maimed, and Huang Zhong’s Golden Bell Totem has been damaged by 80%, which is extremely costly to repair. As for the seven-turned tortoise, wearing a rain eagle totem and thunderfish totem, both lost their combat power, but fortunately, the seven-turned tortoise has the means to combine the two broken totems, Form a thunderstorm Osprey Totem.


Football incense stalemate for a long time, Sanxian finally worked his life and killed the predicament.

Mr. Huang Zhong was lying on the ground, and he did n’t even have the strength to laugh. He could only laugh two times: “Ability is mine! You two are fine, whether you want to join me or not, I am I owe you both a favor. What are you doing !!! “

Suddenly, Mr. Huang Zhong’s eyes widened and yelled angrily.

Because he saw the seven-turned Zhuxian, he quietly climbed a distance, and picked up the ability on the ground.

“What else can you do? Grab the owl.” The seven-turned cymbals in front of Huang Zhong’s ancestor put his abilities into his own chant.


The Huang Zhong clan grew up spitting blood, fell into a coma on the spot, and fell off the road.

Hei Loulan secretly gritted his teeth: “Just one step away, hateful and hateful!”

She also wanted to **** the ability, but unfortunately, after breaking out of the predicament, her position was very bad, farthest from the fairy on the ground.

Therefore, I can only look at the seven-turned Zhu Xian.

Qi Zhuan Xian smiled slightly at Hei Loulan, and then fell off the road.

“I don’t have the energy to explore again.” Hei Loulan sighed deeply. Although she had learned a lot from her trip, she didn’t get the real superb fairy.

Just as she was about to leave the place, she suddenly felt something touching the edge of her palm.

“Looks like an invisible tapeworm?”

Hei Loulan conscientiously distinguished, because she was able to detect the strength of the maggot by contacting this fairy.

“An eight-turn invisible immortal? What is it? Is it …” Hei Loulan was overjoyed, grabbed the mysterious immortal, and escaped from the sky.

The fifth chapter and thirty-fourth chapter of “Ancestors of the People” is contained

The ancestors encountered the most powerful predicament in their lives, so they produced the seventh son Dali Zhenwu. The ancestors were also rescued.

Human ancestors and Dali Zhenwu go together.

Dali Zhenwu asked, “Father, where are we going next?”

The ancestor replied: “My child, you do n’t know what happened, so I ’ll tell you. I originally wanted to save your brothers and sisters, but Fate arranged everything, no Let us reunite. At the moment, we can only reunite with our loved ones unless we get rid of the fate of fate.

After listening vigorously, I can’t help but scream and be angry: “This fate is too abominable.”

At the same time, Qiang Qiang also shouted in his ambitious ambition: “The strongest hate bondage, especially fate.”

The ancestor touched the head of Dani Zhenwu and comforted him: “It doesn’t matter, father, I have already figured out a way. I will use my own puppets, draw strength and wisdom, and then get free puppets, full of freedom from the fate of fate. Now let ’s go to a place called Qiankun Crystal Wall, and look for the wisdom puppets to stay there. “

Strong Zhenwu nodded vigorously: “Then let’s go together.”

The ancestors walked with Dali Zhenwu, the road was undulating, there were many uphills and many downhills.

Qiang Qiang encouraged Dali Zhenwu: “Human, go uphill. Although it is difficult to go uphill, there are usually good things there!”

Dali Zhenwu nodded: “The strongest like to go uphill.”

Dali Zhenwu finally went uphill, he watched from side to side, shouting: “There is nothing at all here.”

“No, it’s at your feet, pick it up,” Qiang reminded.

Dali Zhenwu crouched down, reached out and groped on the ground, and sure enough he felt an invisible hard cricket.

“Sure enough,” Dali Zhenwu smiled suddenly, “It turned out to be hard work.”

The ancestors felt strange: “How do you know my son? Neither of us can see it.”

Dali Zhenwu scratched his head: “The moment I got my hand, I could see clearly how hard I was. As for why I knew it was hard, because the strong should know how hard. This is right. , Nothing strange. “

Other people’s efforts are invisible.

Father and son go on.

“It’s great, I’ve got the hard work now, and it’s helped me a lot.” Dali Zhenwu looked at the hard work as he walked, very happy.

He always chooses to go uphill.

The ancestor asked curiously again: “Is it hard to work hard? Does it directly make you successful?”

Dali Zhenwu shook his head: “Efforts may not succeed, but efforts will always have a result. No matter what the result is, it is definitely different from not working.”

The ancestors were very worried: “My son, you were just born, so don’t be fooled. I have been fooled by wisdom. I see that every time you go uphill, you are tired. Sweating and panting, I haven’t seen any help from the hard work. I have also heard rumors that hard work sometimes lie. “

Dali Zhenwu shook his head and wiped his head with sweat: “Father, you can’t see my efforts, so you are a bit misunderstood. You can’t appreciate how much effort I have put into going uphill. Actually, hard work The result is right at my feet, allowing me to go higher every step. There are many good things on the uphill road, and people ca n’t get it without hard work.

“Is this really the case?” The ancestors were doubtful.

Renzu and Dali Zhenwu continue to walk.

Dali Zhenwu always went uphill, his status became higher and higher, so he got power and determination.

Later on the road, he found humility and forgiveness one after another.

The two maggots actively follow Dani Zhenwu.

Dali Zhenwu asks them why, and they take it for granted: “Because modesty is the privilege of the strong.”

Because Dali Zhenwu always goes uphill, he suddenly has an ability puppet.

Dali Zhenwu pointed at his ability and said to his ancestors, “Father, look, this is the result of hard work. It is that it opens up my potential and gives me my own ability!”

The ancestor asked, “So what’s the use of this ability?”

Dali Zhenwu shook his head: “I don’t know very well. Only when people use their abilities can they know what their abilities are and how strong they are. But it will definitely be useful and it will help me for a lifetime.”

The ancestor shook his head, he always felt that his child had been deceived.

The ancestors and Dali Zhenwu continue to walk, and the road conditions are getting worse.

It is easy to go downhill, but there are fewer and fewer downhills, and more and more uphills.

Not only that, but also more and more dilemmas on the road.

“Is there no better way to go?” Renzu was helpless.

Thoughts flew back to the ancestors again: “Human, there is no way. The higher the value of what you are looking for, the more uphill you have to go and overcome more difficulties.”

The ancestors and Dali Zhenwu had to continue their trek.

Sure enough, as the thoughts have said, their dilemmas are getting more and more, and they are completely blocking the way.

The ancestor said: “Don’t be afraid of difficulties, we always keep hope.”

“But hope alone can’t defeat the predicament. At this time, I need it.” Dali Zhenwu’s ability spit out.

Dali Zhenwu used his ability to defeat many difficulties.

The ancestor was surprised: “My son, your ability is so great, you actually did this step. It seems that I underestimated your efforts and ability.”

Dali Zhenwu laughed: “Many times, we are not short of ability. What we are missing is only the opportunity to exert ability.”

Qiang Qiang shouted excitedly in his ambition: “Kill them and eat them all! In this way, we will become stronger.”

Dali Zhenwu killed many dilemmas and began to suffer.

“Is this suffering? It’s really hard. But I feel stronger.”

He suffers again.

Dali Zhenwu immediately spit out the loss: “The strong do not like to lose.”

He also eats hard meat.

Qiang has become bigger, and Dali Zhenwu has become stronger than before.

Qiang Ye is satisfied with the change: “In this world, as long as you are strong enough, you will not be bullied.”

Dali Zhenwu also distributes the meat to the ancestors: “Father, you can eat a little, too thin.”

Human ancestors are so thin that they only have bones left.

Finally, Dali Zhenwu throws his capacity into disaster.

Ability is full of hardships, but it is getting bigger and stronger.

All calamities and tribulations are opportunities to exercise, stimulate, and increase capacity.

A few days later, the East China Sea.

Fang Yuan looked at the two eight-turned centipedes in his hand, and he was truly determined and capable!

“This time, the War Department duo did a really good job and made great achievements.” Fang Yuan rejoiced.

It turned out that shortly after the fateful battle, Fang Yuan arranged the war department to the beast mixed color sky.

Fang Yuan already knows about Wanshou Mixed Lottery. The memory of the past 500 years ago has relevant information. Ma Hongyun once penetrated into it and embarked on the road to heaven, and finally won the force of determination.

Although the Wanshou Mixed Lottery is secret, there are also some ways to enter it quietly. If not, so many outsiders would not be sacrificed in the sacrificial ceremonies.

Before annexing the Langya faction, although Fang Yuan knew the information of Wanshou Mixed Lottery, he had no way to enter.

The Langya school has a way.

Langya Diling once wanted to attract Chu Du, but also wanted to achieve this through Fang Yuan’s efforts. It is because the Langya School also mastered this approach and wanted to send Chu Du to go deeper into it and gain benefits from it.

Which is the most popular in Wanshou Mixi Tian is the esophagus, strength, and change. Among them, the immortal who specializes in strength is more like a fish.

After Fang Yuan annexed the Langya pie, this road is naturally his.

He used this path to insert War Department Duan.

The harvest is far greater than expected.

“Dingli 蛊 has a great use for me, and the ability has been developed, and the prospects are broader. As for Hei Loulan, she took refuge in Changshengtian, which seems to have been reused. Unfortunately, the War Department duo had no strength to eliminate it She is. “Fang Yuan did not have much regret.

Hei Loulan is not the key. The key has always been in the crazy devil’s cave.

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