Reverend Insanity: 132th Festival: Cedar Nuts

The main peak of the towering snow mountain is soaring into the clouds.

Around it, the rest of the peaks, like the stars and moons, surround it.

The sky is light blue. The torrents of fine snow were trembling.

This is a white spot, even the buildings on the mountain are decorated with ice crystals.

Here is the blessed land of Daxue Mountain.

Northern Modao’s old nest, with dozens of people, occupying the peaks of the snow mountain.

On a snow-capped mountain peak covered with green pines and cypresses, there is an ice crystal seven-tower pavilion. On the plaque of the pavilion, there are three large letters on it-“Cedar Pavilion”.

The cedar nut, the owner of this place, is Kitahara’s famous magic road six-turned magpie.

He is tall and thin, with a light blue gown and white long hair falling to the ground. At this moment, he is on the top floor of Songxue Pavilion, looking down at the foothills of this snow mountain.

His eyes are blue, his eyes are deep, he penetrates thousands of miles, and inspects his territory.

“The cedar is growing well. The snow willow that had been transplanted the previous year has expanded to tens of thousands. This year’s tapeworms have also produced nearly 300 five-turn maggots. These water channels and ice channels are used for research In addition, there are balances that can be sold, and at least two or three pieces of cents can be exchanged. “

“Of course, my main input now is still the snowman’s slave trade.”

On the branches of Cedar Nuts, there are six alien tribes, all snowmen.

Snowman is a kind of stranger, living in the cold environment of snow. Their skin was white, their eyes were blue, and their hair was blue. After their death, their flesh and blood body became ice sculptures.

Snowmen generally don’t cry and laugh, tears are even more rare. The vast majority of snowmen have never experienced tears of joy or sadness throughout their lives.

But the tears left by the snowman. Will freeze into tears in an instant. Tears of ice is a precious material for refining lotus roots, which has won the joy of teachers.

After a few inspections, Cedar nodded with satisfaction.

The snowman may seem expressionless, but in fact, in the view of Cedar, it is a stranger whose spirituality is closest to human race. Many Xunxian raise snowmen, often tortured in order to obtain tears. Inhumane torture.

Tear ice, a material for smelting tincture, is used in many places. In Bao Huangtian, the transactions about tears and ice are all hot.

Many magpies, in order to gain tears and seek profit. Use all means to slaughter and torture the snowman.

Cedar nuts have also done this kind of activity before, but soon he found that the market for the tears to obtain the tear ice was originally much greater.

Since then, he has been raising snowmen and selling them to Bao Huangtian. Let the other Xunxian torture the snowman.

The snowman shed tears at most three times in his life. Add up to sixty. With each tear, the snowman’s life will be greatly reduced, and the essence of the destiny will be a lot of losses.

The snowman sheds too much tears and ice, which will quickly age and accelerate death.

But the cost of raising a snowman is much cheaper.

With the cedar nuts, I have this branch. It is convenient for planting cedar and snow trees to support snowmen, so he sells snowmen, but earns more than selling tear ice.

He has a good fortune. Over the years, his business has been booming, and he has accumulated a lot of immortal stones. Can be regarded as the rich among the immortals.

But he has one of the biggest regrets-he has been a six-turn magpie for decades. But there is not yet a fairy owl.

No matter how many celestial stones he can buy, he won’t be able to buy maggots. Because the fairy is the only one, others will not sell it even if they have it. At best, it’s the exchange of centipedes for centipedes.

“Now the Ma family has reached its final step. If we can defeat the black family and settle in Wang Ting, maybe I will be the first fairy in my life, then I can get it from the 88-point Zhenyang Tower … Huh?”

Cedar is thinking about things, and suddenly feels in his heart, he just moves.

Space breaks open, and a letter owl flies.

Cedarius took a look and it was Ma’s letter of help.

“Finally, I still can’t stand it.” Cedar’s mouth showed a smile.

He has been keeping an eye on this Wangting dispute, and he has known about the Ma family’s defeat. Previously, he got in touch with the Ma family, but the Ma family couldn’t make up his mind. Now that the situation is tight, the Ma family sent a letter of help, waiting if he agreed to his previous request.

“In this case, it’s time for me to take a shot.” Cedar nuts gradually gathered their smiles and urged God to read.

Three gods of thought flew away and shot into the three snowman tribes on Xuefeng.

After receiving the divine thoughts, the three snowmen puppet masters stood up immediately and rushed to the top of the mountain.

After a while, they all bowed down to worship at the door of Cedar Court, and they said, “Snow tile, Xue Mi, Xue Ming, see the fairy!”

The cedar nuts did not show up, but took out some maggots and flew into the hands of the three snowmen.

“You take these maggots and the T-shaped war department, go down the mountain to the outside world, find the horse’s house, and help them win in the war.” Cedar nuts passed on another thought.

“Yes.” The three Yeti puppet masters quickly took orders.

In the hands of Cedar Nuts, there are four major war divisions, all of which are elite soldiers who draw the six snowmen tribe.

Three snowman puppet divisions, led by a T-shaped elite soldier, came out of the Daxueshan Blessed Land, and before they reached the Ma family, they were noticed by the black family puppet immortals.

“Brother, this horse family is indeed implicated in Daxueshan’s gang of demon magpies. Now the evidence is conclusive. The Liu family’s surname of magpie Tan Biya is not wrong.” ** In the land of blessing, Heibai was right Heicheng Road.

Both of them are Heijia Yanxian.

Heibo is ordinary in appearance, middle-aged, and clumsy outside. From a young age, Heicheng is a recognized genius of the Hei family, handsome and handsome, but also his own father.

Heicheng took a look at Heibai and said calmly: “Xian brother, you don’t need to worry. The magic road is always immortal. Although Daxue Mountain is strong and has dozens of immortals, it really supports the Ma family. There are at most two or three. “

Heibai nodded: “The elder brother’s solution is good. But the Ma family today is really strong. They did not have the support of the magic Taoxian before. They alone entered the decisive battle. Once they received the support of Xunxian , Will definitely be more powerful. “

Heicheng said with a hum, and asked, “Is there any characters who have identified the magical Taoist gods who support the Ma family?”

“Not yet, but it’s coming soon.”

“Go ahead. Take these half a million wolf, three hundred beast wolves we bought these days. Two wolf empires, thousands of tapeworms, and prepared supplies, all Give it to Hei Loulan. “

“Yes, brother!”

“In addition, you urged Hei Loulan to make him decide quickly. lest extra knots arise.”

Heibai looked clear, nodded, and didn’t say much, and left the ** blessed land.

The fight is not only about human life, but also about the bottom line and the cost.

Wang Ting dispute. In the final stage, the black city and the black cypress, which have always supported Hei Loulan, gradually felt overwhelmed.

Although Fu Xian is rich, she can’t stand such a long time and supports the entire army.

The quantity of those materials and everything is huge. Some are produced in Blessed Land, and most of them consume Xianyuan Stone. Bought from Bao Huangtian.

A lot of immortal stones were sprinkled. Whether it is Heibai or Heicheng, they are secretly distressed.

The battle of Wang Ting is essentially a game. But not all games that Xunxian can afford.

Many magpies, because they want to harvest a magpie, join this bet. At last. The chosen person did not enter the king’s court, so he lost a lot, and there are even examples of family ruin.

However, if you win and get Xianzhu from Zhenyang Tower at 88, then all the investment is worth it.

After all, no amount of immortal stone can buy a centipede.

After ten days. The Heijia and Majia troops fought again.

In the king’s account. Hei Lou Lan Gao sat on the main seat, his eyes stared at the opposite side, expressing his pride: “I didn’t hurt the horses in the first two times, this time let us teach them well. Super clans are not so easy, they can be promoted, hum! Which one is going to fight first? “

Until the voice fell, Shui Mo Hao rapids stood up and said, “Master, your subordinate is willing to be a pioneer!”

Hei Loulan nodded with satisfaction.

Water Demon Hao rapids, from the hero convention, choose to adhere to his strong.

Along the way, I participated in the battle of Wang Ting. To this point, the torrents have beheaded countlessly and the battle has been brilliant.

Although Pei Yanfei, after Liu Wenwu’s failure, he also took refuge in the black family. However, the position of the first general in four rounds of Hao rapids has never wavered.

This is the “veteran” of the Black Army. Coupled with the confession of confession repeatedly revealed by Hao Jiuli, if there is no accident, after the Hei family enters the king’s court, he will be absorbed by the Hei family as a foreigner.

Heijia is a gold tribe, one of the superpowers and one of Kitahara’s giants. If Hao Liuliu joins the black family, he will wait for the big tree. Just like the wind devil Tan Wufeng, he turned to the Oriental tribe.

Hao Jiuli entered the battlefield with a shout, Ma Shangfeng snorted and pointed at him: “This water demon, who will teach him?”

“Master, let me meet with you this time.” A reckless man stood out, and it was the magi general, the four-turn master of change, Cheng Chenghu.

Ma Shangfeng nodded and promised, Cheng Hu couldn’t wait to go down the battlefield and started a fierce battle with Hao Rapids.

Horse rapids are old and hot. The offensive is huge and the current is surging. Because a lot of rare maggots were obtained in battle, Hao Jiuli’s combat power at this time has far surpassed the beginning of the Wang Ting battle.

You and I come and go for more than ten rounds, and the Hao rapids gradually gain the upper hand.

Cheng Hu was crushed and beaten, his heart was dull, and he roared, urging to kill, turning into a fierce tiger.

Hu Wei is fierce and fierce and immediately pulls back the disadvantages.

Hao Rapids is famous for its fierce offensive, but it is also difficult to resist the impact of the tiger at this moment. It can only retreat and change the style of play. From a strong onslaught before the change, it turned into a defensive counterattack.

ps: We are adjusting and adapting to the rhythm of the double more, and strive to write articles that guarantee quantity and quality. But man is not a machine, and what power is needed can be adjusted to the corresponding power instantly. So I gave myself a month to adjust.

Thank you for your care and understanding. I am very touched and will work hard!

Thank you.

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