Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 81: Brother! (1)

Chapter 81 Brothers! (A)

Father is really angry this time. He is roaring and roaring, his face is full of excitement, and he is full of anger.

The lone invincible general is also indignant. The muscles on his face are spasm and the muscles on the cheek are beating suddenly. The daughter Xiaoyi finally found Ruyi Langjun. At this time, it seems that Jun Moxie is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among the people. Although Dugu Wuji is hard-spoken, already is allowed in his heart.

Not to mention her own daughter, but she got into the city gate with her stomach. Who would dare to ask except Jun Moxie? After a lot of toss, I finally managed to do this. Weng Yue was drinking happily over there, and Jun Moxie promised to treat the old injury for his father … This is a double happiness for Dugu Aristocratic Family. Good days for Tianxi!

At this critical moment, the nephew actually pushed his new son-in-law into the Mao pit … Dugu invincible wiped a cold sweat! Fortunately, it was Tang Yuan who made the mistake and pushed forward. If Jun Moxie really pushed forward …

Dugou Invincible can hardly imagine what will happen! At least one thing is for sure. The thoughts of the youngest girl, Dugu Xiaoyi, must have been completely beaten, and the old father ’s ills for decades have no hope. As for Junzhantian … that is one percent Hundreds of soldiers will attack! How can Yi Junzhan’s temper allow his grandson to suffer such a great shame?

It’s a shame to kill a soldier!

The two are bound to be the worst and worst of your lives!

The father and son snarled for a while, and saw the chaos in the inner courtyard, and a group of women soldiers hurried out. “Early in the morning, what’s crazy between you and yours?” The old lady questioned.

“Lao Tzu is not only going crazy today! He is also killing people!” Du Gong jumped up and scolded, “What!”

The old lady glared and was about to get angry. Suddenly a woman with a luxuriously dressed and beautiful face behind her rushed out, panicking: “Liu … Liu … what happened to you? Lying on the ground? “

Having called for a long time, when Huang Shuliu was unconscious, he raised his head in panic: “Master, what’s going on?”

“What’s the matter? Ask your nephew to go! You Huang family, but good children and grandchildren of education! I really did not expect that your Huang family is so far-sighted! Good intentions, good calculations!” Don’t hit one spot, chilling reprimanded.

Jun Moxie saw that their family was noisy, and they were impatient. Moreover, he was still an outsider at the moment. He walked out and took two steps. He stopped suddenly, turned around, and turned his fingers toward the yellow book on the ground: “This person, I am here to give Dugu Aristocratic Family face! I will not do it myself! But he must die! There is absolutely no room for negotiation in this matter! If the Huang family is not convinced, I am willing to talk to them anytime, anywhere Theory! “

“He shouldn’t have framed my brother like this! I don’t care what he has done before, or whether he was kind and kind before, but for today’s end, he can hardly blame already! My brother Who dares to insult? Cangtian won’t do it! In addition, I don’t know how the fat man will return to him and the Huang family. The fat man’s mind will not guess, I will only support it unconditionally, and that’s all! “

The tone is calm, cold, and cold; his faint words, just like the supreme king, announced a decree to kill a person!

No one saw it. From his finger, an invisible, shadowless, and silent sound current flowed into Huang Shuliu’s head. Even if the lonely Aristocratic Family wanted to be selfish, this person would never see it. Tomorrow’s sun!

No room! Leave no room!

I won’t give my enemies any hope of getting up again!

My brother’s enemies, too!

After saying these words, Jun Moxie went forward indifferently. Everywhere he went, everyone involuntarily gave way.


The second lady actually stood up coldly: “Jun Young Master, you are the future husband of Xiaoyi girl, everyone is not an outsider. How did my nephew offend you? Let you be wrong Want to put him to death? Should you give me an explanation?

Jun Moxie didn’t turn around, and said quietly: “How did he offend me? You can ask the General Dugu General. I am very glad to tell you that today, if you are not in Dugu Aristocratic Family, if not in Dugu Aristocratic Family … … Before sunset this afternoon, the Huang family will die out! Chickens and dogs will not stay! “

Jun Moxie set off and said coldly, “You should be glad!”

After that, Jun Moxie is gone! Whoever it is, don’t touch my brother! If you move, you have to pay the corresponding price.

It’s hard to pay!

What else do the two ladies have to say, General Dugu Slaps up and slaps: “You **** dare to entangle, the face of Du gu’s family has ruined you, needless to say.” , You **** married Lao Tzu at first, and the purpose is definitely not simple? “

The two wives are also intelligent people. In just a moment, the whole situation in front of them figured out the beginning and end of this matter, and they were even more blinded by the slap of the general.

“Jun Moxie, Master Jun! I beg you! Please let go of my nephew!” The second lady cried out in tears, but for a moment, she did not think of any reason for asking him to face Jun. What are the conditions for a giant like home to get them on the Internet? The second lady thought for a long time, and suddenly remembered a family legend, shouting desperately: “King Young Master … King Young Master! My Huang family … My Huang family also has an ancestor in the boundless sea of ​​blood …”

“Boundless blood?” In the distance, Jun Moxie paused and said slowly: “As long as he moves my brother, even if his dad is now the throne of Ling Xiao Bao Dian, it is useless!”

Finally ignore it …

“You **** haven’t rolled back into the room for Lao Tzu? It’s ashamed to be here! Go back to the room and think behind you, hurry up!” Du Gu invincible shouted loudly. In his heart, he still loves this one. The second lady’s, therefore, agreed to her nephew’s request to stay here, and did not even investigate the last time to bypass herself and ask the old man and his wife directly for marriage, but how could they never have imagined such a big thing!

The old man who was alone and face-to-face arranged for him, and suddenly yelled at his son: “Your boy is a bastard, do n’t care about your woman! Crying and crying, what a system! Duguhao, hurry and send your mother back to the room! Tokgo is invincible, are you still **** here? Don’t you go to see Tang Yuan? “Speaking of the last sentence, the old man was almost lame.

Dugou Invincible suddenly realized that in the final analysis, the key to this incident is neither Jun Moxie nor the Dugu family, but the key is Tang Yuan.

Jun Moxie first came to Tang Yuan ’s reputation, and secondly to the solitary family. After all, the two are now future in-laws. Jun Moxie has to worry about what he said. As for his family, these people met. Confidentiality is still certain.

The key is Tang Yuan. If this matter can be covered up, since it will be a great success, even if it cannot be completely calmed down, it will never be publicized. Once Zhang Yang went out to let Father Tang know, the consequences would be serious at home! So Dugu invincible promised, and quickly chased after thinking about the direction of Jun Moxie.

But through this incident, both father and son understood one thing.

When the news of Jun Moxie’s killing Mei Gaojie and Kong Lingyang came, the lonely father once said: “Jun Moxie is a man with a hard heart and a decisive way of doing things. It is a personal thing. After that, no matter what Do n’t mess with his woman, his family! “

Jun Moxie’s woman and Jun Moxie’s family is undoubtedly his inverse scale! Dragons have inverse scales, and they are angry when they touch them! A rage bleeds three thousand miles!

Looking at it now, there is another enlightenment: in addition to his family and women, he can’t move his brothers! Especially his recognized brother!

For my brother, I dared to be so noisy when I first went to drink at my father-in-law’s house!

Don’t leave a bit of dignity to Dugu Aristocratic Family at all!

Unfortunately, this pair understands that the father and the son have ignored another one, an important thing, or that their grandfather overestimated the weight of their own family, even if the young and old would not be held accountable, the fat man would not. Don’t you hold it?

Wealth and fortune can also be magical. In most cases, money is omnipotent!

As a fat man’s current net worth and the status of the newly-increased capital of wealth in Beijing, can this matter be understood so easily?

Looking at the six grandchildren who were still busy, (Duguohao sent his mother in, not here) The grandfather Dugu sighed and whispered, “I’m more than half of my mind about Xiaoyi. Now, if at any time, you can also let Jun Mo evil recognize you as brothers … how much to reassure my husband … “

Father Dugu sounded very soft. The six brothers didn’t hear him clearly and asked with their ears sideways: “What? Grandpa, what do you say?”

“Nothing, quickly chop this kid and throw it out to feed the dogs! I’m upset when I see this kid!” Du Gong was a little interested. Jun Mo was so furious that he couldn’t even bring up a little bit of anger …

Men, so be it!

Brother, don’t be afraid of blue sky! This is the blood of men! Men’s morale!

The father of Duguzhuang remembered Jun Moxie’s last sentence: Is there boundless blood? As long as he moved my brother, even his dad is now in the Xiaoxiao Palace, it’s useless!

What an arrogant kid! What a cute kid!

How did I think he was a puppet before?

The old man shook his head and was puzzled. Is he really confused?

“Grandpa … Really kill?” Du Gujie raised his face bitterly and asked, looking up. He has always been the closest to the youngest solitary solitary lord, and he is also familiar with this distant cousin. .

“Kill! Do it now.” Du Gong’s eyes flickered and he said, “This is a military order!”

Six people stand up at the same time, stand upright, and say, “Follow orders!”

When Dugu was invincible in the past, Tang Yuan was still awake.

Jun Moxie saw him coming in and knew what he meant. He said, “Tang Yuan drank a lot yesterday, and he may not remember it.”

“That’s the best!” Dugu Wudi took a long sigh, his black face was reddish, and he coughed a few times before saying, “It’s all … it’s …”

Jun Moxie smiled in surprise. It seems that the old man would apologize unexpectedly, saying: “Relax, even if Tang Yuan remembers, I will tell him not to let him speak.”

“That’s better!” Dugu Wuji wiped his sweat again, and then thought of asking: “Did Tang Yuan not know these things just now? You did it yourself? Not Tang Yuan to find Are you complaining? “

“Brothers are paying attention. If I have to wait until my brother finds me before I go to work … what brother is that? Is it still a brother?” Jun Moxie smiled slightly: “The kid’s goal was originally It ’s me, Tang Yuan has carried a scapegoat for me, and has done nothing wrong … If I still remain indifferent, then I will not be called a brother. “

Jun Moxie smiled slightly, looked at Tang Yuan’s sleeping face, turned his head to look out the window, and calmly said, “The brother’s business is my business!”

Dugu is invincible, and it is instantly struck by lightning!

Jun Moxie’s sentence reminded him suddenly of his most revered Brother, who has no regrets, and the second brother has no dreams. I still remember the days when the brothers set foot outside Tianxiang City. Just in the prime! At that time, Brother was standing on the top of the mountain without regrets. He looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance and felt that the world was misty. He patted his shoulders and said, “Invincible, you are my brother, and no dream. It ’s my brothers who are unintentional! ”

To this day, Tokgo is invincible and still remembers that when Jun Wugui spoke, he stood on the top of the mountain, proudly facing the vast sea of ​​clouds! Deep brotherhood in that indifferent tone!

That’s an unrepentant vow that would rather compete with God!

Brother! These are two sacred words!

That sentence will make Dugu invincible for a lifetime!

Now, when Jun Moxie said this sentence, the expression on his face revealed the style, which was exactly the same as the indifferent tone and determination of Jun Wu Regret in those days, generally the same! Even from the side, this is simply Jun Wu Regrets talking!

Even the look is exactly the same!

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