Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 72: Episode of Ye Guhan

Chapter 72 Night’s Epiphany Epiphany

“Isn’t it?” Jun Mo stared at him fiercely and evilly: “Don’t think that your kid is full of money. I don’t know. This time it’s just a little lesson! One hundred bottles, the auction price is basically one hundred One thousand and two pieces of silver, you used 50 whole, doubled it is the amount of a whole bottle! You have to obediently spit out 120 million pieces of silver! “

Tang Tong said, Tang Yuan fell to the ground on his back, spit foam and twitched …

Jun Moxie ignored it and said, “I counted to three. If you don’t get up again, I will double it again! As long as you have the money turned in, it won’t matter for a long time.”

This time, Jun Moxie can still count in the future, and Tang Yuan jumps up very flexibly. “I do n’t need to count as much as you, can I still recognize it? Three young, you are so cruel, your mouth will be 100 million! I have less than 300 million in total …” Having said that, Tang Yuan suddenly felt that he had missed the word …

“What? Three hundred million ?! Fuck! You are so bullish Tang Yuan, you are so full of food! I do your uncle! You actually greedy 300 million privately! Now I give you Two choices, first, spit out all of your 300 million yuan of corruption, and second, accompany me to Dugu Aristocratic Family at night! “Jun Mo was wicked and cruel.

If you look at this guy ’s shares, he owns 20%, and the aristocracy has 90 million silver, then Tang Yuan has 180 million. Jun Moxie did not expect that the fat man secretly made a whole three. Looking at the entire Tianxiang Empire, billions of net worth may not be able to have a few people with such a terrible net worth … If such a fat pork is not exploited a little, it will be abnormally uncomfortable in my heart …

“That’s not easy to choose? Let’s have two brothers in one generation. Naturally, I will go wherever you go. Even if it is Longtan Tigers, I am incumbent! Isn’t it just a lonely Aristocratic Family? I go! Uh, ah ?! Tokgo Aristocratic Family … “

Tang Yuan patted his chest impatiently and hurriedly promised. After I finished speaking, I realized that I was talking about Dugu Aristocratic Family. I couldn’t help but slap another slap, and faced up: “Three youngsters, it’s not brothers who are not vindictive. I really have something to do at night, I must deal with it …”

“What’s the matter? I believe it can be done cheaply! I also believe you will be with me.” Jun Moxie laughed.

“There is something wrong, I can’t delay it!” The fat man laughed when he saw it, thinking that things were turning for the better.

“Since you have something, I’m not going to be a tough guy, it’s worth 300 million!” Jun Moxie stretched out three fingers.

Brother, I ’m all a trivial matter, hey, it ’s so trivial … It ’s the business to go with you to Duguo ’s house, can I say no! I ’m not going to go! Fuck … I ’ll just take this All the fat was sold to Dugu Aristocratic Family. Can it really eat me up? “Tang Yuan’s expression of grief went to justice.

“It’s almost the same. See you startled, I almost think you are really …” Jun Moxie clapped her hands and smiled: “Since that is the case, the hundred and twenty silver …” Tang Yuan Suddenly the spirit was refreshed. If I accompanied Jun Moxie to a solitary Aristocratic Family, even this one hundred and two would be avoided … how good it would be.

Then it ’s worthwhile to be abused in Dokko ’s house …

He looked at Jun Moxie with anticipation, and only heard Jun Daxian said, “… then it will be fine tomorrow, I think Dugu Aristocratic Family may not be able to eat all your fat.”

Tang Yuan swallowed a spit with a grunt …

Seeing that it’s still early, Jun Moxie arranged Tang Yuan to wait in his own courtyard, let him accompany Ye Guhan to chat, and then he slipped …

Because chatting with Ye Guhan is really a very hard job. Because this guy always talks to himself and ignores anyone at all. And when he talked about it, he could n’t do it without the audience … It was going to get angry. His old man is now a crippled man with a mysterious power. If you want to fight, even a fat man may not be able to beat it, but you can really bear it. A handicapped hand? If you ca n’t bear it, listen!

So, Jun Moxie pushed Tang Yuan up today. Tang Fat was very excited at first, but the lonely night that night was a passionate dream that had been circulating among the young people in Beijing for a long time.

The persistence of Ye Guhan, the deep affection of Ye Guhan, the legend of Ye Guhan …

But Tang Yuan regretted it within five minutes …

Ye Guhan is clearly immersed in his own world, telling again and again that the words from beginning to end are all told to himself. He didn’t care if anyone listened, he was only responsible for saying … but if the opposite fat man left, Ye Guhan would be unhappy, stare and yell at him, don’t look at the other person’s disability, and it’s quite fair Full of anger.

Tang Yuan is so full of tears and tears … Lao Tzu paid 102,000 silver, and then promised San Shao to accompany him to break into the nightmare of Dugu Aristocratic Family, everyone in Beijing … It ’s irrational to chat with an emotional lunatic …

Finally, the accidental “knife” Feng Jian wind from the outside caught Ye Guhan ’s attention. Ye Gu Han stood up, looked in front of the window, and then he could n’t move his eyes, then simply Go straight out quickly.

Outside, there are two children practicing martial arts there. One sword and one sword. The action is very astringent and unfamiliar. At first glance, it was just after learning martial arts.

And the one who really caught Ye Guhan’s attention was the kid with the knife.

The kid used a left-handed knife!

It’s the simplest and purest one-armed sword! Because there were several knives, all of them were cut along the direction of the right arm. If there is a right arm existence, it will inevitably be cut off by itself.

Ye Guhan is an expert in martial arts, and naturally he saw it at a glance. This set of swordsmanship must have been created by a one-armed strongman. Otherwise, no one in the world will be able to create such a method of hurting themselves.

But he was also cut off with his right arm, and he was also a disabled who had to move his left arm! Since the right hand was gone, Ye Guhan knew that he was finished. He had a sword as his companion in his life, and lost his right hand with a sword. He was superb Sword Skill and did not use it. The meridians in the body are sullen and confusing, and Tian Xuan’s power can no longer be mentioned, and a series of blows gradually make Ye Guhan desperate.

But this time, Ye Guhan suddenly found new hope! Others can create this set of left-arm knives, which must have come to mind after being injured. Why can’t I create another set of left-hand swords that suits me? In this way, wouldn’t it be more powerful if it could perfectly fit the mysterious intention of the sword going away?

Ye Guhan just watched that stubborn teenager constantly training his sword, waving his sword again and again …

I’m so stupid …

The knives who practiced the knives did not seem to be able to do it all the time. They were in distress, but they heard a human saying, “This trick should be like this …” Then one hand took his own knife , And did the trick before.

With what I’ve practiced, I don’t know where Gaoming is skilled.

Also, this person is using his left hand.

Looking back, the man Correct was lonely at night.

Ye Guhan’s face glowed with an unusually enthusiastic glow. Looking at the knife in his hand, his eyes gradually turned red … for a long while, he quietly attached the knife to his face. Whispering: “Thank you! Thank you for letting me know, I’m still useful! I’m not a complete waste yet”

He then stood up and stood upright!

The pride and lofty spirit of Qianyun, who once killed thousands of miles, returned to him again!

When Jun Moxie arrived, Guan Qinghan was obviously a little flustered, and even more at a loss.

“Are you okay these days?” Jun Moxie smiled and sat down on the chair beside her.

“It’s okay.” Guan Qinghan smiled gently.

“Actually, when we are not facing, we will always think of him too terribly. But when we really reach our heads, when we really face it, we will find that it may not It ’s scary. In fact, there are no obstacles in the world. Everything is as vain as shit! When you are no longer afraid, it will be easier. ”Jun Moxie thought,“ This time No exception, understand?!

“Yes, I didn’t really think of it, and I never dared to have such extravagance. This incident would have passed in such a situation.” Guan Qinghan nodded softly and smiled gently, “” I originally thought that this level would never pass, at least I couldn’t. “

“No, this time is not all over.” Jun Moxie smiled: “Because you haven’t finished the level that belongs to you alone! Now, Uncle San is preparing for the grand gathering of his daughter. Ceremony. The third uncle will officially announce the matter to the world! Afterwards, because Guan Qinghan will be the daughter of the monarch’s family, no longer the grandson of the grandson. Kill the enemy! Since it is the enemy of the monarch’s family, you must accept the fate of being ruthlessly destroyed! “

“The righteous father is really hard-working …” Guan Qinghan sighed. Liang Jingjing’s eyes looked at Jun Moxie, “It’s you … it’s too ill-considered to do things …”

“Where does this come from?” Jun Moxie stunned.

“I heard that Mei Gaojie and Kong Lingyang were killed. Did you do it?” Guan Qinghan looked at him with some blame: “The two old gentlemen are human or somewhat pedantic, but their personalities are extremely upright. People, and they are brilliant, straight-headed, and devoted to their country for the rest of their lives, killing such good people is too much.

“Hehe … you still don’t understand! Sometimes, especially when the good guys are doing bad things, no matter what the purpose or the original intention is, the impact he has has is huge! The rotten Confucianism, the better the character, the greater the calamity. They even directly and indirectly hinder the progress of the entire human race … I said this, you do not understand. “Jun Moxie sighed, could not help but think of his own Deeply nostalgic for the motherland.


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