Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 60: Everything has me! (Two)

Chapter 60 Everything has me! (B) (“”)

This sentence is more like a vow of the mountains and rivers as the exhaustion of winter, thunderstorms, summer rain and snow, like a solid shoulder like mountains and mountains, leaning in front of Guan Qinghan!

Guan Qinghan’s eyes are shining!

Her lips were pursed twice, and she flinched to pull her little hand out of this warm palm. Although she didn’t want to.

But instead of letting go, Jun Moxie tightened his grip. Say it again.

“Don’t be afraid! Everything, there is me!”

Guan Qinghan no longer struggles, just let him hold his hand, his lips move twice, without saying a word, but leaving two lines of tears!

These hands are really powerful! OK … warm!

Guan Qinghan’s tears are like rain!

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