Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 524: Magic House closed

Chapter 524 The Magic House Is Closed

Dongfang asks nothing wrong, she knows Correct best!

With the arrogance and remorse of the Emperor of the White Clothes, how to be willing to be alone?

So many brothers have died for themselves. They have been already for so many years. Now you have been resurrected without regrets?

Jun Moxie sighed. Who does n’t have a wife and children to take care of? Who doesn’t have high parents who want to be supported?

“Mo Xie, you don’t need to say anything about this. Go ahead and do your own business!” Dongfang asked sitting quietly, looking at Jun Mo Xie’s face, showing a gentle smile: Be careful and take care. “

Jun Moxie nodded, he could fully appreciate his mother’s kindness.

“Wait for you to come back this time, and host the wedding for you in person!” Dongfang Wenxin’s face glowed with happiness and smiled, “No more delay, mother waited for that day, but waited for a long time , Wait so hard … “

Jun Moxie’s heart rushed into an indescribable sour taste, almost no tears came out.

“One more thing is the people on Tianguanling. Last time I sent someone over to get them back, but they were unwilling anyway. I sent someone in already for a living purpose. Du, already sent people to warn the mainland countries. No matter what happens, don’t be alarmed. My mother thinks, is this satisfactory? “Jun Moxie said carefully.

“Your uncles, have a deep relationship with your father. They will not leave; they … just wait for that day.” Dongfang smiled lightly: “Let them, you do this , already is very good, very good. “

Out of the door of Dongfang’s questioning room, Jun Moxie suddenly felt that he had a sense of ignorance, and felt that all things in this world are like this illusory …

On the afternoon of the same day, Jun Moxie brought Mei Xueyan, Miao Xiaomiao, and a Qiao Ying together. The four of them were dressed lightly and out of Xiejun Mansion, all the way to the entrance of the magic house connecting the two borders!

Miao Xiaomiao is undoubtedly needed to find the entrance to the Magic House; Mei Xueyan is the greatest supporter of Jun Moxie; as for bringing Qiao Ying out, it is to distract her. After all, among the daughters of Xiejun Mansion, Qiao Ying is the poorest.

Qiao Ying has witnessed the fierce battle situation of the two races before … it will inevitably leave numerous shadows in his heart.

Jun Moxie is a person who has passed through the past from modern times. He has a good understanding of these psychological knowledge and understands that Qiao Ying’s heart hurts. He must try to resolve it as soon as possible.

Qiao Ying’s own cultivation need not be said, it has already reached the beginning of the sacred cultivation. After arriving at the evil monarch’s palace, Jun Moxie can be described as a strong elixir at the expense of blood. Now the already has risen to the fourth level Realm, just one step away, step into the level of the Holy Monarch.

Miao Xiaomiao has also made rapid progress during this period. She originally only had the third rank of the Supreme Master, but now already has been upgraded to the third rank of the Holy Emperor! Over a dozen steps, in a short period of time, the little girl consciously dreamed like a dream. Such a speed of promotion would be a good thing that would never have been dreamed of before.

How could there be such a practice in this world? A swipe … is the emperor?

忒 Unbelievable …

Women, it ’s most practical to find a good husband!

Of course, if this husband loves himself, he who loves himself is perfect!

The cultivation of these four people is horrible, and their foot strength is also first-rate. If they ride horses, they might as well walk faster.

Four people marched hurriedly along the road, and the speed was truly amazing. Pedestrians on the road occasionally met. Three young women like Tianxian came from a distance with the same **** of wind and jade, but they had to see clearly in the future. With a look of flowers in front of them, the four of them disappeared at the end of the world behind already, like an immortal, no trace …

A total of just three or four days before and after, it is in the barren mountain and dense forest that connects the two borders.

Also, where Correct Cao Guofeng and other seven people brought Jun Moxie into the place at this moment, look at the smooth stone wall at this moment. Jun Moxie’s thoughts were stunned, and there was a strange feeling of time going back.

Miao Xiaomiao consciously considers himself a “professional”. When he walks in front of the stone wall, his white palms are lightly attached, and his power is hidden, and a bright light group appears slowly on his hand. The light is extremely soft and clear, it seems to be doing some penetration into the stone wall …

As the aperture grows wider, a layer of ripples appears in the slow air. It seems that a small stone is thrown into the calm lake, and the ripples are getting bigger and bigger. Slowly rippling.

In the faintness, a portal emerges faintly, the desire is not apparent.

Miao Xiaomiao’s forehead and cheek gradually exuded sweat beads, and her eyes were full of surprise.

In the past, it didn’t seem to work so hard!

Why is it so hard this time?

I used to be only when you had the power of the Supreme Master, and it was only a moment when you opened it. Now you have made great strides and started the Secret Path. !!

While full of suspense, a sudden “bang” sounded a muffled sound, Miao Xiaomiao grunted, and the whole Jiao body was blown out by a mighty force.

Jun Moxie responded at an extraordinary speed, flew out and grabbed Miao Xiaomiao, who had not yet landed, in her arms, and instilled her vitality in the first time to prevent Miao Xiaomiao from being injured. The faint portal in the nothingness flickered for a while and disappeared without a trace.

“What’s going on?” Mei Xueyan and Qiao Ying surrounded at the same time. They did not know the inside story of the fantasy house portal, and thought that it was Miao Xiaomiao’s own skills that had not arrived, or that the way to open the portal was wrong, so that the door could not be opened!

Jun Moxie has experienced this portal before. On the same day, Cao Guofeng and other seven people took Master Jun to enter the fantasy house. This is also the portal, and there is no effort. Miao Xiaomiao’s current strength is even better than Cao Guofeng. People, how can there be such a sudden change, although Jun Moxie has not yet learned about the changes in the situation, there is an ominous hunch under his heart!

Miao Xiaomiao’s mouth had a hint of blood stained on her mouth, but she was instilled by her spirit. Although shocked, it was not a big deal, but her expression was very dignified, she said: Can’t open it! “

“Can’t you open the magic house?”

“In the past, I only had the supreme level of strength, and I was able to sneak out and play with this method. To open this door, I only need to know the know-how to open it, which is not difficult.” Miao Xiaomiao said puzzled: “But Once, I now know that already has reached the level of the emperor, but I still can’t open it with my best efforts! I am afraid that something happened in the magic house.

She groaned for a while before she said: “The entrance to the magic hall is the same. According to my speculation, if it cannot be opened from the outside, I am afraid that the passage from the inside to the outside will not work.”

The expression of anxiety on Miao Xiaomiao’s face: “In other words, the current fantasy house can neither come out nor enter! It is completely isolated from the Xuanxuan continent!”

The three are dumb at the same time!

The three also realized at the same time, why there was no news in Huafu for so long! I don’t know what the reason is, this misty fantasy house is completely cut off from the Xuanxuan continent!

In other words, even if they want to enter the Xuanxuan continent, they can’t do it!

“What should I do now?” Miao Xiaomiao looked at Jun Moxie helplessly, and her heart was full of fear. It seems that these problems can be solved only by the right person in front of him.

Jun Moxie is also scratching his head. Although Master Junda is confident that he has great powers, he still doesn’t know anything about this field. What can be done for a while?

“Well, how many passages does Xuanfu connect to the Xuanxuan continent?” Jun Moxie asked.

“There are six similar passages. Here is one of them. There is one on the grassland north of Tianxiang City, and the others are all located at six locations on the edge of this continent.” Miao Xiaomiao Explained: “Because our people appear suddenly, it is easy to get shocked, so we choose to be in inaccessible places.”

Jun Moxie’s black line: “So, if we find other channels to try to enter, maybe we want to walk around this continent?”

Miao Xiaomiao rubbed her placket and said weakly, “Almost … almost the same meaning.”

Jun Moxie stunned and almost fell to the ground: “Sister, do you know how big the continent is at our feet?” Mei Xueyan and Qiao Ying are also a little funny, and do n’t say anything else, even if it is Jun Moxie The current skill exerts YinYang 遁 to fly quickly and circle the whole continent, but it takes at least two months!

Also, you ca n’t waste time by flying at full speed without eating, drinking, and drinking, so you can complete it …

“Well … Niu, you guess, this channel can’t be opened suddenly, is it artificial or accidental Tianli?” Jun Moxie scratched his head, and suddenly felt the scalp itching after hearing the news.

“It must have been caused by man!” Miao Xiaomiao affirmed, “It has been more than 10,000 years since the establishment of the fantasy house. What kind of power closure has been there? How can this be true!”

“If it is caused by man, we can still try to try it out.” Jun Moxie sighed helplessly: “Only hit the luck. Man-made closure, no matter how strict, will still leave some flaws; now we only I can try my luck. See if any door is sturdy.

“However, this hope may not be very great.” Jun Moxie said: “If it is artificial, then it must be war madness to do all this! Only the heaven and earth such as Nine Fantasy Quicksand can make the magic The government channel is completely closed! The old style of warfare will definitely not leave any flaws. Therefore, you should not hold too much hope. “

Miao Xiaomiao just raised her hopeful face, and it was suddenly bleak again …

“This time, let ’s go to Tianxiang to watch it, and it ’s relatively close there.” Jun Moxie said, “But this time, you don’t have to rush the road so desperately. Tour the mountains and look at the water all the way Let ’s go. If you get to Tianxiang North, the passage still wo n’t open, so it ’s meaningless to go to another passage, we just wait there. ”

The three women also agreed.

So four people came along to Tianxiang along the way.

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