Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 49: Is it … him? !!

Chapter 49 … Is it him? !!

“Ye Guhan’s injuries are too severe. I tried my best to make sure that I could completely cure them. Also, even if the injuries recovered in the future, his right hand was broken, no matter how difficult it was to hold a sword, and all his martial arts would be. I went to seven or eight of ten. So … in order to avoid some trouble, you still announced to the public that Ye Guhan died at this moment already, and even if you want to see him in the future, you must say hello in advance. I ’ll make arrangements and you do n’t have Do you disagree? “

Lingmeng Princess bit his lip and nodded. She naturally knew what Jun Moxie meant by ‘in order to avoid some trouble’. After all, there are some things that the two people can understand without saying a word. Needless to say.

Seeing that Dugu Xiaoyi was crying sadly, Lingmeng Princess sighed, walked over, took out a handkerchief, gently wiped her tears, and said desolately: “Silly sister, sister … won’t argue with you Yes. Isn’t it our sister … so desperate? Are you so worth it for this … Is it worth it? “She wanted to say ‘this scumbag’, but when she thought of her oath, she didn’t say it.

Dugu Xiaoyi cried a little, and opened her tearful eyes: “Really? Then you just …”

“Of course it’s true, wasn’t it that I just couldn’t help …” Ling Meng Princess smiled softly. At this moment, this young girl who is only a little bigger than Dugu Xiaoyi seems to have suddenly grown up a lot. , Said: “At best, after you pass through the door, good things happen, I will ask the father to marry and fulfill this promise, but it is just a … promise; just take the oath, isn’t it?”

Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly blushed, but burst into tears, and hummed twice, saying, “You are older than me, or you first …” Having said that, anyone can see It’s insincere to say this little girl …

Jun Moxie walked over and sat next to Ye Guhan. Hearing these two words, he almost fell to the ground.

Now the horoscopes haven’t gone away. What are these two women talking about?

I haven’t planned to find a daughter-in-law. Two of them are rushing to marry me?

We don’t have any plans in this regard now!

Pure vitality penetrates Ye Guhan’s body, Jun Moxie looks indifferent, eyes closed slightly, and coldly opens: “Sun Young Lady!”

Sun Xiaomei whispered apologetically: “No need to say, I know what you want to say. I won’t do it later. Sorry!”

“I read that you are the fat wife and sister of the little girl. Stop it this time, but if there is another time, I will … kill you! What I hate most is … betrayal!” Jun Moxie’s eyelids rolled over, and the stern and sharp killings flashed through. The thick Murderous Qi spurted out, and the three women were all cold in an instant!

Jun Moxie’s sentence is full of decisive decision, no one will doubt, let alone anyone to challenge, he can certainly do it!

Sun Xiaomei said silently, she knew that Jun Moxie didn’t laugh at herself, not at all. Shicai, Jun Moxie and Jun have no intention to talk to Dugu Xiaoyi in their own right, and have no taboos. This shows that he believed in the two of himself, but he leaked the matter to Reimu without his consent. If it was betrayed or the word was too heavy, but strictly speaking, it was betrayal. Not too much.

After all, no matter what position or reason, this fact has not changed!

Do you still ignore Jun Moxie’s character? This young man’s own character is a kind of … the character of the overlord who perishes against me and the perpetrator who perishes against me! Suddenly, Sun Xiaomei was shocked. She was taken aback by these eight words that she suddenly thought of.

Jun Moxie, would you be that kind of person? !!

Lingmeng Princess opened his eyes in surprise: I do n’t know when this Jun Moxie has such a strong momentum? Is it … he’s really different than before?

Is that why Dugu Xiaoyi loves him so much?

Lingmeng Princess was not at ease, crept up to the bed, watching Ye Guhan’s thin and pale face, could not help but feel a sore heart, and burst into tears.

“Xiaoyi!” Jun Moxie closed her eyes and tried her best.

“What’s the matter?” Dugu Xiaoyi’s personality is cheerful, no matter what the mood or emotions, come and go faster, at this moment already wiped away his tears, and felt embarrassed that he actually cried loudly. Hearing Jun Mo’s scream, he jumped up.

“You let the third uncle immediately send someone to the aristocratic hall and take a few medicines back.” Jun Moxie casually said a few herbs names, saying: “The sooner the better, I have great use.”

Dugu Xiaoyi nodded his head and went away.

Lingmeng Princess made Jun Moxie very close. This was the first time in her life that she was so close to Master Junda. Looking at him with eyes closed, his face turned out to be an indescribable chill. The unbounded look of his heart is more like a transcendent feeling of contempt for all beings in the world.

At this moment, a faint familiar feeling suddenly appeared in Reimu Princess.

Yes, it ’s very familiar, and … kind and safe! This feeling, incomparable warmth, and incomparable comfort, where has it ever been?

Why do I feel this warm? Reimu Princess frowned, thinking hard …

Suddenly there was a flash of light in my head. This Aura … how so familiar …

Lingmeng Princess can’t help but get closer to the Supreme Master. The closer you get, the clearer the feeling in your heart, slowly seems to remind yourself of something, but it can’t be imagined. What is this?

Sitting silently, silent, thinking hard.

Sun Xiaomei sat beside her with a look of annoyance.

“Sister Xiaomei, why did you get to the monarch’s house?” Sitting idle and nothing happened, Reimu Princess suddenly remembered this and couldn’t help asking. My heart is bitter, blood vows have been issued, what more do I want to do?

“After you were arrested, Xiaobai led Jun Sanshu and Jun Moxie there …” Sun Xiaomei said briefly, “Then Jun San took us and the seriously injured Uncle Ye back. The king’s family is here, and Jun Sanshao goes to inquire about your news alone … “

“What? Jun Moxie went to inquire about me alone?” Lingmeng Princess suddenly asked aloud suddenly, standing up, shocked!

At this moment, she had been thinking about something that suddenly seemed like a cloud of sky, suddenly a gap was opened by the sun, and her heart was bright for a while.

Today, there is a mysterious master who first rushed out of the crypt holding himself, that is, the mysterious flying knife master, who has always guarded himself! And in the arms of that person, what I feel is very much like … I just felt around Jun Moxie …

Did it-

But how is this possible? !! Lingmeng Princess shook her head fiercely, as if she wanted to wave away this very nonsense thought, but her heart became more and more certain, and the two figures gradually began to coincide in her heart …

Remembering that he was assassinated last time, Jun Moxie was also there … and suddenly disappeared so much …

Is it really him?

Lingmeng Princess jumped up in his heart. Looking at Jun Moxie in amazement, suddenly a kind of feeling came out in his heart: he was actually handsome … Suddenly his face was crimson!

At this moment, Dugu Xiaoyi jumped to complete the task and came in. The little girl has not returned to her heart until now. She is very happy in the heart: he just called my name ‘Xiaoyi’. How many more screams, hehe …

“Sister Xiaoyi,” Lingmeng Princess restrained the excitement in her heart, and said plainly in a strong tone: “I heard that Jun Sanshao once created a sword for you? Is it the last time you held it? The one to show off, it is said that there is a nice name, just make ‘Red Sleeve Tianxiang First Sword’? Can you give your sister some insight? “

“Last time I said I wanted to show you, you were so dismissive, but this time you wanted to see me again, okay, let me show you …” Dugu Xiaoyi muttered, but He still rolled up his sleeves and untied the thin blade.

Jun Moxie accidentally glanced and almost fainted.

“Dugu Xiaoyi! I gave you this knife for you to chop people, but it is not for you as a guard arm, violent heaven!” Jun Moxie yelled, and could not get angry.

The girl actually tied the knife firmly to her arm. She just unwound it just now, and she unwound for a while! How is this different from the arm guard? In such a tie, when confronting the enemy, I am afraid that when I pull out the knife, the battle is over …

Dugu Xiaoyi’s face was flushed, and he hummed twice, twitching, “This is what you … give me … the token, I … I’m willing to use it there, how can you blame me? … “

Speaking, a pretty face lowered his head in the fire, rubbing his horns, but the cowardly mosquito hummed and asked: “… my piece … Yupei, you Are you … still wearing it? “

Lingmeng Princess vowed a blood oath, of course, not from the heart; but the little girl felt a great threat from already from Lingmeng Princess, feeling that her position was swaying in the wind and rain. At this moment Jun Moxie asked, and finally ignored the shyness. Carry out the word ‘messor’. That means telling Lingmeng Princess: No matter if you are willing or unwilling, I am in front of you. Look! We even have tokens of love.

Hum, when it comes to this, even a good sister … that can’t give way. I am alone and want to compete for my love! Hum, annoy me, and I swear blood! You are not voluntary, but I am willing, who is afraid of who!

Yu Pei? Keeper? Jun Moxie was stupefied for a while, where did this start? That piece of jade looks like it was taken away that day and I put it aside … now I can’t remember where I put it …

The Lingmeng Princess didn’t notice the words of Dugu Xiaoyi at all, his hands were trembling slightly, and his eyes gave out some strange and overwhelming surprises. After taking the sword, just a glance, one thing was confirmed for already: this The handle knife, and the flying knife in his own arms, are very obviously from the same person!

Whether it is the forging process, the craftsmanship of the maker, or even the pattern above, or the originality and sharpness of the knife’s casting, all of them have announced this very clear fact!

The blade is light and compact, which is good for gripping, chopping, and stabbing, but it will never hurt your hands, the tip, the blade, the back, the blade, the blade, the handle, or the knife … Every aspect, including the blade Every curved radian of the is a well-thought-out, well-carved and fluent, all of which indicate that the person who cast the handle of this handle spent a lot of energy and effort for this handle!

In addition, the blade of this handle is slightly shorter. Obviously, the size of this handle was taken from the time of casting. already decided that this handle was specially made for women!

The whole knife shimmers, and the moire is twinkling, like the stars in the night sky are constantly shining, and like a galaxy in the sky, it falls down on this. The entire blade is a flowing river of light!

Looking at it, Lingmeng Princess suddenly raised an jealousy inexplicably … He was really good to her … good …

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