Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 479: The horrible cannibalism eats the soul!

Chapter 479 The horrible cannibalism eats the soul!

Long-term continuous fighting, of course, Eagle Strike’s physical strength has declined, and he has suffered a lot of injuries, but the opponent’s mad swordsmanship is not easy to go!

Through a series of engagements, they all felt sharply that the small army with only three hundred men in front of them, although not a heavenly punishment mysterious animal, was just a normal human metaphysical person, but no matter their physical fitness or mystery The energy must be too strong! Not only is it a little worse than their most taboo, Xuanzong Warrior, it is even better! Not to mention that the lowest cultivation has the third-level strength of the Emperor. Even if it only says brute force, it is surprisingly large!

As long as you are hit with a head-on punch, even a master who has reached the level of the ghost ghost must fly out five or six feet away and smash a large piece of himself! If there were no crowds, some people even worried that such a punch would directly send the human body that he had been flying back to his hometown …

Under such strong punches, if the skill of the middle mover is lower, the hearts of the two bodies will be blown together!

This amazing power, among the warriors of all ethnic groups, only the bear-type soldiers can have such a terrorist power, not even every bear-type soldier can have this level of strength!

Everyone can do this small army of three hundred!

This is a bit scary!

At the beginning of the war, under the command of unified leadership, the number of aliens occupying an absolute advantage did not even take this small group of people into consideration, and most of them did not mobilize. Because they know that already, behind these people, Correct is the most terrifying Scourge!

They need to be well-prepared in order to deal with those monsters who have terrifying combat power.

As for the ordinary humans in front of them, there are still masters to deal with. One person can drown them by spitting! Even if they are not weak, they can be solved by sea tactics!

But as soon as the two sides meet, the masters of the alien race will notice. All the ideas just now, as well as the confrontation strategy, are very wrong!

Each of these three hundred people is an extremely perfect war fortress!

It’s like a natural killing machine, shouting and fighting in the midst of thousands of troops, and there is no one to match!

The combat power of non-Guan warrior alien soldiers is too weak, but these people are really too strong, so strong!

If a hundred mice do n’t count at all costs and no casualties, or they can kill a cat, but a hundred ants must not defeat a tiger!

Don’t say that ordinary alien soldiers are killing them, they do n’t even have the ability to attack them, and even their speed can’t be hindered!

Before they were exhausted, the tactics of sea of ​​people was just a joke for such soldiers!

An extremely cruel, extremely **** joke!

All of them looked cold and looked at the living people as if they were corpses. Dozens and hundreds of lives were overdone under their hands, and their eyes did not even blink a bit!

Deep in the eyes and deep, only the killing intention of excitement and satisfaction!

Three hundred people face tens of thousands of troops, what an unbalanced proportion! Almost a disparity ratio of one hundred to one hundred!

However, these three hundred people rushed up, and in the dark night, it was easy to tear a tight lineup carefully arranged by aliens to a **** mouth!

Especially the knife they used at the beginning, when the knife was down, it was lightning.

The weapons of aliens are under their sword, as if tofu is vulnerable.

Once the weapons of the two sides come into contact, with a soft sound of “嚓”, their weapons already should be cut into two sections. As the upper half of the truncated blade flew out, there were two upper bodies of the aliens staring at the incredibly large eyes!

Be caught off guard!

Only these four words can be described more accurately!

On the battlefield where the two armies are facing each other, there will be such a surprise. If this is said, I believe that no matter what country the soldiers are, they will probably laugh out of their teeth, but now, at this moment, it is incredible. Scene, it really appeared in the formation of aliens!

General battles between the two sides, the alien soldiers who are behind the more than a dozen platoons, have no time to react to it. already found the comrades in front, and the comrades who were still alive just now. Now all of already have fallen. , And the sharp steel knife that took the life of his comrade-in-arms came to his throat before already again!

It’s so fast!

It’s so sharp!

A total of three hundred Tiantian Soul Eaters are like hard-working and skilled farmers holding sickles into mature wheat fields, and a super harvest! The crowd waved their butcher knives for harvesting their lives in excitement, as if they didn’t know the fatigue at all, only the joy of harvest!

Wait until the butcher knife in the hands of these three hundred people is finally unbearably chopped and finally broken, under their hands, already harvested more than 10,000 lives! Do not forget, this is an alien race, everyone has two bodies! If it were calculated simply by the head, the more than 10,000 lives here would have to be multiplied by two to be the correct answer!

The soldiers belonging to Cantian Soul Eater still maintain a cold attitude and continue to move forward. In such a fierce battle, the formation of the entire team is still orderly and orderly. After harvesting the enemy’s life quickly on his hand, he still maintained a steady propulsion frequency under his feet. Occasionally, a whip leg went out, and the flying human body would knock down the enemy team in front of him, and then stepped on indifferently , Occasionally stepping on someone’s belly is like stepping on one hydrogen balloon.

So with dripping blood, trampled on the numerous stumps and limbs, the warriors who belonged to Soul Eater still moved forward indifferently!

These people were iron soldiers who followed Jun’s unintentional southern and northern battles. For war, for killing, and for death, they were already commonplace and accustomed to.

After receiving Jun Moxie’s **** training, my mind is more firm.

Continuous bandits, continuous slaughter, continuous killings, they have not stopped at all in this year and a half.

Especially at this moment, we are facing aliens, a metamorphosis who can never coexist with humans in the Xuanxuan Continent! More killer relentless. Led by the two captains of the killing series, this war has been turned into a killing race directly!

Yes, it’s a killing race!

On the road that the three hundred people advance through, there are only countless corpses behind them, not even half-dead ones. One shot will kill, one will kill! Jun Moxie’s personal killing technique is always simple, accurate, sharp and direct!

Once you start, do n’t be lucky with existence! There are no missing fish!

Three hundred people, on the battlefield of such enemies, are the dragons and the sea tigers into the mountains!

The front-line commander of the alien race this time is Gou Sheng; he is not only a master of swordsmanship, but also an excellent commander. As many as 50,000 people are assigned to him.

Correct In his judgment, he gathered all the ghost ghosts in the team, especially the knives, in one place beforehand. Except for the necessary captains and vice captains, all the elites are tangled together and attacked at any time. Just wait for the critical moment to break through the enemy and build great achievements!

As for the general army of His Majesty, although there are as many as 50,000, there are a lot of them, but these are just cannon fodder! He believes that as long as he can defeat this battle beautifully, even if the 50,000 troops are all dead, the soldiers can be replenished quickly!

So, he doesn’t care about sacrifice at all, especially for ordinary people!

At this moment, he was staring coldly at the Cantonese Soul Eater on the battlefield, with cruel colors in his eyes! Waiting for the key moment when the other party becomes slack because of tiredness. As long as the fighter plane appears, he will send all the elites out in the first time, tearing up the small army of 300 people completely!

Even if you are a hard-hitting person, it is impossible for such a long time to kill!

Manpower is sometimes poor, which is the hardest thing to do in ancient times!

However, as the battle continued, the original look of this dog-bearing Gou Sheng gradually turned into a shock, and the once wise and sharp eyes became shocked and incredible, and there were even a few Faint fear!

Because the battle already went on for a short period of time, this small group of three hundred people killed at least thirty times more enemies than already, but they did not show any signs of tiredness! Despite the momentum, the combat power is still full!

How is this possible!

Inu Yang Gou Sheng ca n’t believe this result. Even if he is as strong as himself, after such a full output, he may not even be able to lift his arm after such a period of time. But this group of people still does not have the slightest sense of tiredness!

This is just unreasonable!

Gou Sheng will never know what kind of rigorous training these people have experienced before! When they were at the level of Yinxuan, they would continue to lift logs weighing hundreds of kilograms for endurance training every day.

In a stroke, it’s all morning! Hold whatever you do …

At the beginning of training, I was able to break through the limits of my body almost every day!

Later, as the realm gradually improved, until now, the training equipment already has been transformed into a huge pig iron weighing several tons! A few tons of pig iron are held for one morning without saying, but the right hand still needs to do sword training. Even when eating, you must put that pig iron on your head …

Under such a high-intensity cruel training, already has trained the endurance of Cantian Soul Eater to a horrible level!

It’s enough to crash anyone!

As far as the level of slaughter is concerned, as long as it is not fatally injured, the team members of Can Tian Tian Soul Eater are absolutely confident. It will not be a problem to persist in such a slaughter.

Not to mention, it seems like less than half an hour now …

It ’s far from the limit …

But, General Kenji apparently felt that already couldn’t sit still.

But at this moment, he finally found a line of “dawn”.

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