Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 478: Dead without regrets!

Chapter 478 died without regrets!

“The atmosphere here is not good, it’s too stuffy!” Jiuyou 14 snorted and said, “This Young Master is out for a stroll.”

Do not wait for others to speak, a flicker of your body is gone.

“Who the **** is this product! I didn’t ask for leave without going out, it’s really unorganized and undisciplined! If my third uncle this time, the manager must have cut him off!” Jun Moxie frowned. Everyone looked up at the sky and did not hear it.

Yah, you still expect that there is no organization and discipline in Nineteen and Fourteen! ? Then you might as well just keep the **** and make it easier to lay eggs. This guy was able to come here, and without any further chaos, already is very much a face to the mainland coalition forces, which is very surprising!

Even if Jun really does not intend to lead, can he kill someone? Do n’t bother, what kind of knife can kill this product? !!

“Okay, let ’s go back and prepare for each one.” Jun Moxie waved his hand and said, “I have only one request. Participants in the three holy places must strike again at the right time! This is our joint effort. Agree on the specific fighter; by then, the communication will be very easy, only one shout! “

Gu Han nodded, stopped talking, stood up, and led the three holy places out.

Mo Wudao went to the end. When he was about to go out, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Jun Moxie.

“Master of the Mansion, Mo has a word to say.” Mo Wudao said heavily.

“Say.” Jun Mo is evil.

Mo Wudao is not Gu Han. With the current strength of Jun Moxie, he has not put it in his eyes. As for the strategies and calculations that Mo Wudao is good at, it is impossible to get up in the current battle. What a role, Master Junda really has no time to deal with him, but now the two sides are in the alliance, no matter how unwilling to deal with him, you have to deal with a few words!

“At first, because of you, my only brother died, and I and you are already destined to live together!” Mo Wudao’s eyes turned into a stern flash of lightning, staring at Jun Moxie’s face, showing a piece on his face Heartfelt sadness continued, “However, in this life, Mo is destined to have no chance of revenge. It is not only your Excellency, but even the thief warrior who has ruined the three holy land foundations. It’s up! “

“Not only did not have a chance; instead, Mou even sincerely prayed to heaven …” Mo Wudao’s cheek muscles twisted painfully, as if exhausting all his strength, said bitterly: “… … I hope God can bless you for a long time to live! Because if you die, there is really no hope for this continent! It is really ironic! However, the world is so helpless!

Religiously pray to heaven, and bless yourself with a long-lived peace with a big enemy …

What is it like to do this?

Jun Moxie may never need to put Mo Wudao in his eyes, but at this moment, Jun Moxie clearly sees the pain of Mo Wudao in front of him!

“I will live for a long time.” Jun Moxie’s dismissive eyes refocused at this moment, and at the same time, they became a little softer. No matter what, the other person’s thoughts are worthy of respect.

“Speaking these words now, or already is too late, it is completely useless, but the old man still has to say today. For some things that the old man has done before, here is all mystery to His Holiness Mei and Tian Xuan Forest. The beasts express their deep apologies.

Mo Wudao smiled bitterly, then raised his head, and said loudly, “Seeing today, the old man admits that he made a mistake that day, but the old man does not regret it! If time can go backwards, you can do it again; As long as the old man does not know that it will develop into such a grim situation today, let alone that Tianzhu Mountain will collapse … Then, those things, the old man still has to do! “

“I don’t regret it! I have no regrets!” Mo Wudao said so.

“At this moment, you don’t have to apologize to me anymore, because I won’t forgive you! Just like your regrets! Your regrets!” Mei Xueyan said lightly: “As an old enemy of the past, today’s ally , The only thing I can do is to wish you a good journey! “

Well taken this way, it is naturally Huangquan Road.

Although Mei Xueyan didn’t say it explicitly, Mo Wudao naturally knew it!

“There is one last word!” Mo Wudao straightened his body, stared straight into Jun Moxie’s eyes, and said loudly: “I know that you are not satisfied with many of our three holy places, more to us It ’s never good! You think we have a reputation, arrogance … But the old man still has to tell you that even if we do a lot of things, even if we hurt a lot of people, our original intention is only one! That is Maintain this continent and protect the world! “

“Even if you die, you are wrong! No one can take away this glory that our holy place holds!”

Mo Wudao finished speaking, his eyes glowed, and he walked out so boldly.

Looking at him coming out, everyone in the three holy places glowed with light!

Even if you die, even if you are wrong, no one can take away the thousand years of glory that our holy place holds!

Everyone suddenly felt that the belief that had disappeared in their hearts was like a tide rising back!

Until a group of people in the three holy places stepped far away, Jun Moxie’s voice seemed to be thinking, and came from a distance: “Although I still have prejudices about your holy place until now! Although I killed you Many people have grievances with most of you. Although you have done a lot of wrong things, I am destined to never forgive you … But at this moment, I apologize for having doubted your intentions! “

Jun Moxie solemnly said, “I apologize!”

Jun Moxie’s “apology” is especially serious and sincere.

After hearing these three words, everyone in the three sacred places heard everything. They could n’t believe the dignified monarch, and they would apologize to others, or so solemnly!

Thanks to these three words, many people burst into tears! There were even a few people who snorted heavily with nasal sounds, only to feel that their eyes were blurred!

Apologize from the evil monarch!

Although the evil monarch has said it more than once, he never puts the world in his eyes and in his heart, and the world is never his responsibility! But at this moment, the only person who can say this on behalf of the world is only Jun Moxie!

Only Jun Moxie!

At this moment, this sentence from Jun Moxie is acknowledged by the world!

A true word!

Mo Wudao turned around suddenly, everyone stopped at the same time, turned around, and held a fist to the big account!

“Dead without regrets!”

This is the common aspiration of all the three holy places!

Speaking from Mo Wudao, although there are only four short words, the complex feelings contained in it may not be experienced even by ordinary people’s rebirth, let alone experience it!

Then, all the people waited for Qiqi to turn around and stride away without turning back.

The wind in the sky is sobbing …

After half an hour, Jun Moxie sent thousands of humble paper bags.

Command, or only one request: put your belongings, no more and no more expensive, or just a piece of placket and a strand of hair into this paper bag; then on the paper bag, Write down the names of each of you! And what I want to say most.

Jun Moxie did not specify the specific role of this paper bag, but everyone in the three holy places knew exactly what the paper bag could do and what it could carry.

Everyone handed out a paper bag. At this moment, these rude paper bags are extremely extreme. Usually, maybe a penny can buy a dozen! But now, in the eyes of thousands of holy masters, this is undoubtedly the most precious thing!

The traces of existence have been proven in this war!

Even if it ’s your own life, it ’s not as important as this paper bag!

Yes, everyone takes the paper bag in their hands, attaches it to his face, and puts it on his chest.

The whole camp in the Holy Land is quiet and solemn!


At this time, on the battlefield ahead, the battle situation already has become heated.

Eagle’s black coat, now already has become a blood coat. On the right face, there was a blood-stained knife mark, and on the head, blood faintly flowed from time to time. As for the body, the chest, back, and thighs did not know how much already had suffered.

But his erect figure is still flying like wind, arrogant like an eagle!

At this moment, the original long sword held by Eagle Strike in the hands is unknown already. already changed to a special sword for aliens.

In countless hacks, the long-bodied sword already, which can be regarded as a series of magic weapon weapons, has been turned into powder. As for the handle on his hand, he also snatched already. The sixth weapon!

Even this knife now has a sawtooth shape in already and may not be able to support it for how long!

The eagle **** gave a low drink, his body abruptly lifted up, his left claw was like a hook, and the cricket rang continuously. More than ten heads were crushed under his magnificent claw, and his right sword At that instant, the throats of thirteen alien soldiers were wiped, and the blood shot was extraordinarily gorgeous and beautiful, showing the most magnificent brilliance in the dark night, but it was the last bloom symbolizing the fall of life!

There was a sudden fluctuation in the air machine beside him, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared beside Yingbokong. The figure had not yet appeared, but the sharp long knife already stabbed him.

Ying Bokong’s body twisted strangely. It seemed that he had eyes behind him. He actually clamped the long knife that should have penetrated his back to his armpit without looking back, and then quickly retreats with his right hand. Holding the knife, the blade edged across the throat of an interracial male and female twin, and his right elbow also hit the throat of the savage knife, and his wrist turned over. Flash, the other head of this keen sword endured to fall!

A hit will kill, a hit will kill!

This already is the thirteenth tortured by Eagle Strike!

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