Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 47: The power of the world!

The forty-seventh chapter of the world!

“You also said just now, why don’t I know that the four handsome men of the Jun family are loyal ministers and good generals? I really know better than anyone! Such a general is the dream of any monarch, but it is also difficult to sleep and sleep Yes! I can’t be an exception! At that time, we played against the gods Yu Tang and the two Great Emperor nations, and already gained a comprehensive upper hand! As long as I was willing, or Jun had no regrets, I was able to kill them in the capital! The battle already is the last Moment! But I would rather give up the opportunity to dominate the world at that time, and pay a big defeat, and pay hundreds of thousands of heavy casualties! In exchange for the death of Jun Wu Regret and Jun Wu Dream, for a balance, a A well-established balance! Do you think that there is no pain in my heart? “

“Then I don’t understand any more! Since there is a chance to dominate the world, why do you let it go? Not only do you let it go, but also a willing defeat? Are you crazy?” The Queen was really confused this time.

“Unification of the world, of course I think, dreaming, that is my biggest dream besides wanting you to be my wife, my favorite! But if that one dominates the world, what will I do after that? Dominate the world entirely by the power of the monarch, so what reward do I use for that? The only reward for that kind of merit is to crack the land! In this way, the monarch has a terrible number of fiefs. In addition to having a large number of private troops, coupled with the unparalleled influence in the country, it is tantamount to creating a strong opponent out of nothing, a completely unmatchable strong enemy! It is equal to myself driving myself It ’s a dead end! Without reward, it may make the monarch rebellious immediately! “

“It’s for the sake of being rewarded, and it’s unrecognizable? What a ridiculous reason?” The queen mother smiled for a moment before finally laughing.

“Is it really ridiculous? Then I tell you! It’s not ridiculous! It’s not ridiculous at all, do you know that all the generals in the past need tiger charms? And the marshal’s hands have only half of the tiger charms! The other half, in Here I can only mobilize the army if only two tigers match and become one! But did you know at that time? The four fathers and sons of the Jun family, any one of them, have the ability to mobilize the army without tiger charms at all! Wherever the order comes, no one will follow, all the army will follow its orders! Do you know what this means? “

“Ten years ago, Jun Wugui led a military expedition and saw off in person at the school. At that time, 800,000 troops, together with war horses, were as quiet as ghosts! After speaking, the soldiers cheered together, actually with rhythm. Yes! Understand? “His Majesty’s face was distorted, terrified and ashamed!

“I don’t understand!” The queen shook her head.

“The cheering with rhythm proved to be rehearsed in advance! After cheering, the audience was quiet immediately! 800,000 people were dead, do you know what this means?” The emperor gritted his teeth, Said.

“Would it be more to show that the army is disciplined under Jun without regret? You should be happy! Such a fierce battle army can have such strict discipline, shouldn’t you be angry?” The queen was even more confused.

“You still don’t understand what I mean! Do you know what happened when I gave Jun Wugui the tiger commander?” The muscles of the emperor’s cheeks fluttered suddenly, his eyes shot out A look of shame: “At that time, the whole army was cheering, the flags were swaying, and the war horses were hissing. Everything was like the earth-shaking, the mountains and the tsunami, and the sky was eclipsed! It lasted for half a tea! The Jinding Yujue in front of me was turned over by sound waves! “

“I was standing on a high platform at that time, and I saw with my own eyes that each of the 800,000 people had enthusiasm, looking at Jun without regret, the sword was raised, and the sky was cold! It was such a warm scene, Jun Wu Regret made only one move, and the whole army returned to peace again! The silent needle drop can be heard! “

“At that time, he took the tiger charm, raised his head over his head, and turned, facing the generals, his eyes swept like this, such a turning action, such a turning action! You know, this is not a Intentional movements. After turning around, he needs to show a tiger charm, then take a sword and take an oath before he starts speaking.

“But as he turned around, the cheering of 800,000 people suddenly seemed to be cut off by a sword! It stopped abruptly! Quiet … even if a needle fell to the ground, it was clear Hear! The dust in the air is still flying and rising, but on the ground, already is absolutely quiet! He does n’t even need to pull his sword or make gestures, it ’s just a simple turning movement, an unintentional look, 800,000 People are collectively silent! “

“The majestic monarch has no regrets! The majestic white army handsome!” The queen maiden and Reimeng Princess listened to the heart shaking, imagining the grand occasion of the day, and imagining the worldly majesty of Jun Wu Regret, could not help but swim in spirits. , Fascinated!

“I knew you would think so! A pair of idiots!” Her Majesty the Emperor said furiously: “Ke was also there at the time, where did you place him in this scene? Where did you place your authority? The soldiers cheered Jun without regret, at least a hundred times more than me! Even more! At that time, I had a feeling, even if Jun Wu Regret suddenly ordered these 800,000 people to let them collectively If you commit suicide, 800,000 corpses will appear immediately and neatly in front of you! If you have no regrets and order these 800,000 people and let them besiege the palace, then the palace will become a pile in no time. Rubble! He doesn’t even need to order it himself, just a simple action, a casual look, all this will become a reality! “

The queen queen took a sigh of air conditioning, and finally understood where the emperor’s doubts came from! Jun Wu Regrets such a huge influence is really appalling! Gong Gaozhen’s main already is terrible, but the life of the emperor is under its threat, and that ’s why you really have to die!

“Now do you understand?” The emperor smiled bitterly: “At that time, the Jun family had a battlefield army of 1.55 million! And Dugu Aristocratic Family was lonely and invincible, and the worship of the king without regret was also worshipped in the bones of already. Everything is based on the fact that the king has no regrets. With the 250,000 troops of the Dugu family, the Jun family has a powerful force of 1.8 million! In addition, the Jun family retired and placed in the city defense army over the years. Duhufu, no less than 200,000 soldiers and horses in various generals; among the Royal Forest Army, no less than 30,000 soldiers and horses that the generals can mobilize! At that time, the total strength of the whole country was only 200. 600,000! The monarchs accounted for more than two million! And the most elite of the battle-hard divisions! The rest are all brand-name troops! That is to say, the army dispatched by He is only less than 600,000 Even the most optimistic estimate! “

“Will you reassure me? How can I be reassured? If you are me, can you be reassured? Can I not know the loyalty of the Jun family? Can I not know that the loyalty of the Jun family is never rebellious, never Disapproval? But! Even if I am sure that the monarchs will not rebel, I still have to do it, I have to do it! “

His Majesty frowned in pain: “Just because I am an emperor! And because of such threats, I can’t stand it! No, I believe that any emperor can also stand it!”

Admittedly, which emperor would endure such a situation? The tiger amulet that controls the entire army has lost its due effect directly! There are four handsome men in the Jun family, and they all have the appeal to directly mobilize the army without tiger charms!

This is equal to the possibility of changing the dynasty anytime, anywhere!

“Jun ’s family may not be rebellious, and do not want to change the dynasty, but this does not mean that others will not think so! You must know one thing, when the emperor Taizu was up, he did not think of rebellion, too Faithfully supported the foundation of the Tianyou dynasty in those days! But if the people want him to rebel, it is too easy! It only takes a mutiny, a yellow robe to add him! You can drive him to the imperial road that cannot be turned back! Now, do you still want me to sit with naive fantasy and wait? “

The voice of Her Majesty is sad and angry. “Did you know that Murong is a descendant of Murong Aristocratic Family?

The predecessor of the Tianxiang Empire is the once brilliant Tianyou dynasty. At that time, the ancestors of the Yang family had a brilliant record, just like the shock of Jun Wu Regret. They were invincible and they were loyal to the royal family. However, his general, Murong Aristocratic Family‘s ancestor Murong Qianqiu, persuaded him that his rebellion could not succeed, and led his troops to attack the imperial city at night, cutting the Tianyou monarch and the prince under the sword!

Since then there has been no retreat, and the wind and rain have been killing all the way, and today’s Tianxiang Empire has been established from the blood of the dead mountains!

It was that mutiny that contributed to the current Tianxiang Empire! The Murong family also Correct, because of this “Jackie Chan” work, today’s Murong Aristocratic Family scenery!

“At that time, there was only one Murong Qianqiu under the account of Taizu! But how many Murong Qianqiu would there be under the leadership of the four handsome men of the Jun family? How many people are more powerful than Murong Qianqiu at that time? More serious? I tell you! There are at least twenty people who can have such an influence and can be desperate for the monarch’s family! And these twenty people need only one person to stand up and the heavenly kingdom is finished! Do you understand? Your Questioning is simply the kindness of a woman! “

His Majesty roared in a low voice, and in his voice was full of helplessness and pain.

“A monarch without such regrets, any emperor hopes to earn His Majesty, battle the North and expand the territory! But I have to run out when I have such a talent. All means to destroy him by all means! Do you know how painful my heart is? As an emperor, who doesn’t want to be a king? The whole world is the land of the king; the land of the land is the land of the king! The order, the world shivered; in a word, the world trembled! Order the world, do not dare not! Who doesn’t want it? I want it too! But I have to give up! “

“But have you ever thought that the power of the monarchy was originally given by you! If you hadn’t given such authority in the past, how could they reach such a level?” Murong Xiuxiu said only half Just stop.

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