Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 432: Nine Xiaoying is crying with blood!

Chapter 432 Nine Xiaoying is crying!

After this sentence, Eagle Seventeen never spoke again. Not even looking down.

A total of eight hundred black eagles, with a loud tweet! A long eagle hawk, through the clouds and fog, straight up to the sky! Immediately, the 800 Hidden Eagles raised their heads and shouted again at the same time!

In the turmoil, the top-ranked Eagle XVII suddenly lifted his head and flew high! Posture, proud and determined!

800 Hundred Xuanying, while following him at the same time, pierced into the clouds!

When flying to the extreme, the flocks of eagles in the sky have become a small black spot; Eagle Seventeen suddenly stopped rising first!

Then, with a savage sound of breaking through the clouds, he shone with golden flashes and dived down! Wang, here I come! If you go, how can you not take me! We said that we will follow you until we live forever!

Nine Xiaoying screams the blood, burns the heavens and extinguishes the mysterious eagle soul!

This is a taboo move that the Eagles are absolutely banned!

Every time you cast, you need more than a hundred nine-level peak Xuanying to work together to get it out!

Once it comes out, it’s death with the enemy!

The power is so great that it naturally far exceeds the explosion of ordinary mysterious beasts!

It is also the only way for the Eagle Guards of all generations to see off the King of the clan!

Only the Greatest Eagle Kings of all ages can be treated like this!

Before that, thousands of years ago, this kind of thing happened only once! That time, it was eight thousand years ago!

“Don’t !!!” Xiong Kaishan screamed with despair, shaking like a sieve!

At this moment, the one who wants to die most is Correct him! It is still him who wants to accompany his brother underground!

But he can’t die yet! The mission for this trip has not been completed! Behind him, there are still more than a thousand bear clan brothers looking at themselves. Xiong Kaishan absolutely believes that as long as he dies, the more than one thousand bear fighters will follow him like the Xuan Ying now!

As for the battle to win the sky, or what is happening on the mainland, they are not on their hearts!

The absolute loyalty unique to this Correct community!

This kind of thing only happens in the mysterious beast!

So desperate! Such pride, such an obsession!

So, Xiong Kaishan cannot die! At least not this time!

But his teeth, already bit his own lower lip fiercely! Blood comes out! Tears blurred! Heart, already shattered into pieces.

He knelt on the ground, clutching the ground with both hands tightly, shaking with convulsions, trembling, suddenly leaning down suddenly, opening his mouth, biting a large mass of **** dirt on the ground, choking, endless Tears ran down the cheeks …

“My king is mighty! Heaven punishes eternity!”

Following Eagle XVII, the head-to-head Xuanying is shining with golden brilliance, and dives straight down without hesitation!

Flying posture, still proud and chic, stable and calm!

The formation is still neat. Although the king is gone, he must not be shamed! Even if you die, be neat and tidy. To facilitate access to another world, you can immediately form a powerful combat power!

Fight for the King!

A group of ten, still observing the position set by the king for them. The direction of their dives is scattered, but the landing point of each place must be the densest place for aliens to gather!

Facing such suicide attacks from heights, no one can dodge them at all!

Extremely violent explosions, one after another. Far more than any other self-explosion before this!

This terrible attack method shook the heavens and the earth, overturned the Qiankun, and the earth was shaking and shaking. There were still countless golden figures in the sky, and they resolutely rushed down from the highest point in sequence, silently With the loyalty to the king, he rushed into the dense crowd of aliens in turn, launching the most terrifying and violent explosive attack!

The Eagles officially use this unique and powerful way to see off the greatest king of this family!

Use your own life to compose a song of loyalty, which will always be followed in heaven and earth!

The lives of tens of thousands of aliens!

Sacrifice for the eternal king of the sky!

The king’s male body still stands proudly, indifferent and indifferent, although the eyes of the hawk are already dull, but still sharp! Seems to see through the endless void in front of him, opening a spacious road for his brother!

The exploding explosion finally came to an end.

Since the center of the explosion, there are no people within thousands of feet!

There is nothing left!

In this unprecedented and violent continuous explosion, at least more than 50,000 aliens have completely turned to ashes!

Nine Xiaoying is crying with blood,

Burning Heaven and Earth, Xuanying Soul!

The power of this ultimate taboo, passed down for tens of thousands of years, is frightening!

Yes, 800 Hyun Eagles, with their flesh and blood, have created a strong loyal hymn!

Even if they die, even if they decide to blow themselves up, they are afraid of hurting the bear brothers who fought side by side with them before, so they chose to be far away! Their explosion actually split the entire battlefield into two parts!

Only the ends!

Whether they live or die, they can’t let go, they still only have their own brothers!

Same as the one from heaven … brother and foot!

In the sky, a blood color suddenly emerged, slowly condensing into a blood-red eagle, vacated leisurely, and disappeared calmly into the clouds.

The alien team, which finally survived in such a horrible attack mode, adds up to less than 10,000 already, and has lost all its hearts and souls, and the fighting spirit has disappeared! The remaining bear fighters have enough power to cope. The alien army that had been aggressive before and had absolute superiority in number had already become a piece of scorched earth!

So the warriors of the clan are assured to go! They are assured to stay with their king and continue to gallop! Soaring into the sky, killing everything!

“Revenge for the Brothers of the Eagles! Revenge for the Brothers of the Eagles! For the King of Eagles! For all the sacrificed Brothers of the Eagles! Everyone kills …” In the distance, the bear soldiers were violently slain, all tearful , Crazy hunting down the remaining aliens!

So far the big picture is set.

But they still will not let any enemy down!

All Scourge fighters look tyrannical and crazy!

The only remaining alien warriors with less than 10,000 are all frightened by already and run away. All the enemies in front are annihilated by the bear soldiers. In the end, it is impossible to escape the doom! The remaining thousands of aliens on the other end are fortunate, after all, the two are far apart, and they are fortunate to return to the alien continent …

It’s terrible! This is directly a nightmare!

These punishment fighters are more terrible than rumors, much more terrible than nightmares …

Xiong Kaishan slowly got up, looked at the stubborn corpse of the eagle king, looked at the good brother who accompanied him all his life, suddenly burst into tears. With tears, he staggered over two steps, and took the eagle king’s broken body into his arms very carefully and tightly.

I seem to be afraid of hurting my little brother.

Although Eagle King early already doesn’t have any feeling.

“Xiaoying … wait, Brother Si will take you home and take you back to the hometown of heaven punishment.” Xiong Kaishan carefully and carefully hugged the king of the eagle and laid it flat. Touching the King’s hard face with regret, he whispered: “Little hawk, these aliens who hurt you, I’ve caught them all, what do you want to do with them?”

He tilted his head, seemed to be still talking to his brother, seemed to hear something, and nodded: “Well, I know, with your habits, your hawk habits, you must tear them alive. I understand! “

“Xiaoying, the fourth brother is angry for you and revenge for you!” Xiong Kaishan smiled suddenly, stood slowly, turned his head, and looked at one of the aliens with fierce eyes, one hand A violent suction pulled the trembling shameless front mad knife over. Hold one’s body with one hand, slowly extend the other hand, pinch his fingers, and slowly pull his fingers slowly with a little force … Eventually, he pulled it off. !!

The screams of strangers are stubbornly different from human voices, which is directly shocking!

His mysterious work already was abolished before, facing the cruelty of Xiong Kaishan, there is no room for resistance, and even death already is an extravagant hope, even if you want to faint, you ca n’t faint. Because he was dizzy, Xiong Kaishan put in a mysterious energy, stimulated his nerves, and made him wake up immediately. To ensure that all the tortures he sustained remained the most sober mind.

Only one scream and one curse.

Xiong Kaishan remained indifferent, reached out and grabbed another finger, slowly tightened, and smiled with a memory: “Xiaoying, once, when we were drinking the monkey king’s wine, you once said Ever, when will we reach the top? “

He smiled, and tore off the fingers of the stranger again in the scream, and said to the King of Eagles: “Remember I said at the time that one day we can all reach it! Then you laughed and remembered At that time, because of stealing alcohol, the head of the monkey king who was under the monkey king’s head was broken, and it was a shame, shame, the eagle was broken by the monkey cub … “

He smiled happily because of the memories. It seems that the King of Eagles is still sitting in front of him, drinking the stolen monkey wine with him. There was blood on his head, but his spirit was flying.

He just remembered the bits and pieces of the past, little by little, in front of the eagle king, tolerated five violent swords that hurt the eagle king, torn clean, piece by piece.

Then he moved his body and sat next to the King of Eagles. He said quietly: “Little eagle, brother already has avenged you, but why didn’t you wake up? Why didn’t you wake up yet? Brother Si I ’m not arguing with you, just scold you, okay? You sit up fast, you get up fast, Kitty … “

“Xiaoying, you get up quickly, the fourth brother tells you that you won’t **** anything from you in the future, the monkey wine, let you drink first; the brother-in-law’s wine, the fourth brother gives you; you get up … Get up quickly … “Suddenly, Xiong Kaishan fell to the ground and cried in tears:” What do you want me to do before you wake up? You said! You said! You said! I promised you all! Can’t get up yet … “

Several bear fighters came over with tears in their faces, and said sadly: “King, please mourn! Lord already, the eagle king, is eternal … please the king … mourning and mourning will be smooth.”

These words, with thick nasal sounds, were talking and they burst into tears.

Xiong Kaishan suddenly burst into anger, jumped up, kicked the bear-bear warrior to the ground with a kick, and shouted wildly: “Put your mother’s fart! What? What **** you just said What? already is eternal! Asshole! My brother is not dead! My brother is not dead! No death !!! “

“My brother will never die!” Xiong Kaishan growled! Blood burst into tears! But yelled, “Never die!”

Then, he suddenly sprayed a spit of red to the eye-catching blood, and his huge body suddenly fell down!

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