Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 402: Yanhuang blood, dancing in the sky!

Chapter 402 Yan Huangxue, Wu Changkong!

The distance of one hundred feet is just a snap of effort for the reincarnation in full speed. This idea popped up in my heart, but already has at least rushed to within 80 feet!

Just then, the world suddenly changed color!

A sword without a sharp edge, with a huge sword-mantle that connects the heavens and the earth, heads towards the reincarnation of the war, splitting his head to cover his face!

At the same time, within this entire area, eighteen space confinements were thrown out in a row by people quickly to the extreme!

Jianguang is like electricity, covering the sky!

In front of this dazzling sword light, it seems that the sun in the sky has lost its color!

Become dull!

This sudden Jianguang is as brilliant as it is, as in the deep night sky, there suddenly appears a magnificent electric light that is grounded in the sky!

The reincarnation of war reincarnation is totally unprepared for this unexpected abrupt change. The world that the whole eye can see is already filled with this earth-shattering swordman!

This sword came unexpectedly, came inexplicably, it came without warning, and it was hard for anyone to predict and watch out for!

At the last moment, my heart was about to escape the joy of being trapped. At this moment, there is only one powerful sword in the future that can kill any existence. Such a powerful sword is not only decisive, but also decisive and decisive. life and death!

A life and death!

The reincarnation is also startled, but how can his tens of thousands of years of mental experience be as leisurely as possible, quickly responding to it, yelling loudly, keeping his moving speed constant, but the direction of travel has suddenly changed. Straight and horizontal, suddenly raised at least ten feet!

Jun Moxie had previously arranged and hoped that he could evade the space. The total of eighteen space imprisonment was not affected by the reincarnation. It was almost an understatement! In addition to breaking the barrier, they even came directly to a space jump, climbing ten feet out of thin air, and the speed of the forward rush could be kept constant, with almost no impact!

Fortunately, the reincarnation of war is not a god. Almost no impact is not equal to no impact at all. The moment he changed his direction, the glorious Jianguang also changed its direction, and the sword head jumped slightly. Then he lifted up and rushed up with the potential to follow the shadow. The power has not diminished, even increased!

The chariot’s face sank and finally stood still!

If you did n’t have that momentary block, but at your own speed, you have the confidence to get rid of this kendo, but if you still insist on walking away at this moment, you will be attacked by Jian Guang, even if the speed of the person is fast , Can’t be faster than the Sword Qi cast by the same level master!

At this moment, although no one is still in front of you, the reincarnation knows clearly that you are definitely meeting a rival now! This person’s degree of control over the sword, obviously already has reached a quite horrible level, which is enough to say that it is a generation of masters!

The reincarnation evaluation of Jun Moxie is obviously very high. Faced with such opponents, most of them give birth to cowardly concessions, which will undoubtedly cause regrets in their own completed state of mind. Wu’s former conflict entered a static state, and then his two palms met the vast Jianguang’s frontal attack!

The bright sword light is flying like Changhong! The original situation is unchanged, rushed straight up!


The palm wind is like a flash flood, and the sound of a bang is collided with the brilliant Jian Guang!

However, metamorphosis regenerates-

The Emperor Long Sword makes a soft squeak, and suddenly rotates rapidly in midair, just like a spiral drill bit, breaking through the thick palm winds of the battle cycle one by one ***, it is almost at the throat!

The reincarnation only felt that the throat suddenly became cold, and was excited by the spiral square Sword Qi, and unexpectedly a layer of goosebumps was formed.

He yelled, his body quickly reversed, then stood up. Rushing up to 50 feet of space! At the edge of life and death, at the very moment of death, I got rid of blade edge‘s death ***, and after confirming my safety, I found that I was sweating!

Fortunately, I did n’t underestimate the enemy just now. I overestimated my opponent as much as possible. I saved a little bit of strength when I shot, so I could evade in time! Otherwise, this body is afraid that the already will become a corpse after that, and it may not even be a corpse. It is not a rare thing to directly turn into crumbs or powder.

For thousands of years until now, war reincarnation is the first time I have encountered such a sinister situation!

A real death!

The sword again traversed a mysterious trajectory full of heaven and earth, and once again rushed aggressively.

But at the moment of the reincarnation, already has mobilized all of its profound strength and is ready to go. Through the contact just now, the opponent ’s strength is certainly very high, but the real skill is even worse than yourself. If it is a head-to-head confrontation, the odds are better. Can still be said to be holding!

Unfortunately, the only thing that can really affect the situation in front of you is not only the imaginary goddess who is like a demon and a demon!

Because at this moment, there was a sudden wind blowing in front, a black narrow sword with a whole body, mixed with an indescribable evil flavor, and it suddenly appeared in front of him! It’s like a grudge, with infinite resentment rising!

This kind of attack, such an evil feeling, is so familiar to the reincarnation …

Only those who came out of that place could have such an attack …

“Nine quiet and fourteen young?” The reincarnation this time is really a surprise! The Yuxu Shenfeng just killed himself by surprise and frequent dangers, but through the brief confrontation just now, the war reincarnation is sure that he still has a certain degree of control to get rid of the entanglement of the master of the Shenfeng, but at this moment nineteen and fourteen Suddenly stepped in, but he lost his confidence!

Folding your hands in your busy schedule, a shiny sword finally appeared in its hands!

Even in the face of the death siege of all the strong men in the Heavenly Palace, no weapon was taken out from the reincarnation against the enemy, but once the Nine Youhan Blade appeared, the reincarnation immediately pulled out the sword!

Nine quiet and fourteen attacks, but not so good!

Before the war of reincarnation, he had already played against one of the nine lonely youngsters. In that battle, even with his advanced cultivation, he had to die several times to resurrect. Naturally, I knew the insaneness of these lunatics!

A loud bang, the reincarnation of the war rebirth was staggered by dozens of feet under the pinch of two swords!

Jun Moxie’s cry ‘Nine You Fourteen Young? ‘ ’The exclaiming was also startled; eh? I’m relying on it. It’s obviously this master attacked you … what does it have to do with that lunatic?

However, this kind of “benign” misunderstanding will be more beneficial to the young and old. Misunderstanding? The worse the misunderstanding is, the better! If he is not killed today, let this guy go to fight with Jiuyou and 14th younger one day. Anyway, that guy is idle and nothing to do …

Idle is also idle, for the safety of the continent …. Isn’t it good to do something? !! Um, when did Master Ben become so kind and righteous …

So Jun Moxie became more and more proud, and remained silent, staying in stealth attack. The Nine Youhan Blade in the hand is Ten Thousands Transformation, sometimes it is directly dozens of handles Nine Youhan Blade attacking at the same time, killing the reincarnation of the battle cycle, depressed, roaring again and again!

In addition, there is also a self-attack of Yan Huang’s blood with a complete self-attack consciousness. The chakras are immediately suppressed to the downwind. Only the fight is over. There is no power to fight back. There is really no power to fight back. The prerequisite is that there are targets and targets to fight back. At this moment, what about target targets? !!

There are also two types of attacks, which are really weird!

It’s weird enough to use the knowledge of war reincarnation, and it is necessary to completely understand the second monk!

What exactly is this attack?

Both swords are made by means of Imperial Sword Skill, but how can the Imperial Emperor sword be so agile and change so subtle, the former Imperial Emperor’s Feng really exudes ease, moves forward and backwards, just like one ** * The sword is average, and the change of Jiuyou Hanblade is even more weird, it seems like someone has personally controlled it, but there is no one around!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the judgment of war reincarnation is very correct. All the phenomena are like the master *** controlling Sword Skill at a long distance, and his analysis is not wrong-

The Nine Youhan Blade was indeed used by people, but the people who used it were invisible to the reincarnation.

As for the blood of Yanhuang …

Jun Moxie this time let go of Yan Huang’s blood to attack himself completely. Since he devoured the blood of several saints, Jun Mo Xie used the power of gold to continuously train Yan Huang’s blood for three or four. all over.

This is a good time. The blood of Yan Huang, who has become a peerless soldier, has begun to pack up. He flew around in Hongjun Pagoda at every turn, and that one was called a quick one.

Furthermore, the most recent tempering was Jun Moxie’s use of the spirit and heart training method recorded by Hongjun Tower to inculcate his own understanding of kendo and the sword tricks in his memory. Go in.

Do people understand swords or swords?

Jun Moxie has got the most complete and full explanation here!

This result actually directly caused the blood of Yan Huang to surpass Jun Moxie’s master on the cultivation of Kendo! And this trend is constantly expanding. After all, Master Junda has too many foreign affairs and too many chores, but the blood of Yanhuang is truly “except for swords, nothing else” …

Every time I see the painstaking effort of my painstaking effort to fly in front of myself, and from time to time, I play a lot of my own swordsmanship that I ca n’t think of and ca n’t think of it. The young master has a feeling of wanting to hit the wall. !!

Ma Di, despised by a sword, depressed …

The current blood of Yanhuang has only developed to the level of mental intelligence of a 14-year-old boy, but its understanding of kendo is even for those who have been immersed in kendo for decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years. It is also incomparable!

If the sword demon is alone here, he will certainly lament under this sword: Shengsheng Yu, He Shengliang! Life is defeated, He Shengyanhuang!

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