Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 325: Rich money!

Chapter 325: Rich Money!

It is said that there were two outbreaks of rich landlords from the countryside, who brought 5,000 silver into Tianxiang City, and realized that the wealth was not bad, so they wanted to go to the aristocracy and chic. After they went there, the two men questioned the doorkeeper The guard said, what can five thousand silver play here? How long is it enough to play?

The guard looked at the two outbreak families with a kind of compassion, and pointed with his finger, saying: Did you see it? There, there is an aristocratic tea house. You hand in five thousand two silvers, and then go up and find two seats on the first floor. You can enjoy a pot of tea. Remember, you can only sit for half an hour … and then, You can come out and pat your **** back home …

An additional piece of advice: Be honest when you drink tea. Do n’t ask the little girl who is beautiful when she is tea … As long as the little girl sits down, um, just sit down, once The chair next to your table, whether you have any other requirements, you can’t go out this door without fifty thousand silver …

The two “rich people” took a long time to come to a conclusion: five thousand two silver, enough to drink a pot of tea in the tea house of the noble hall … nothing can be done, even if the money is not bad, Right! So he left dimly, saving that five thousand two hundred white flowers of silver …

Later, this little story came out as a joke. Many people were angrily accusing the aristocracy of being rich and benevolent. But those uncles who can afford it are even more eager! Instead of being ashamed, I was quite proud.

Are you a noble?

Have you ever been to Noble Hall?

Haven’t been there?

What kind of aristocracy are you? fart!

Talking about business?

Yes, let’s go.

What? Can’t afford it?

You ca n’t afford to go to the aristocracy hall. What business are you embarrassed to talk to me about? Then forget it, once you lose money, can you afford it? !!

Are there any objects auctioned from the noble house at home?

No? Then you … so ridiculous …

Aristocracy Hall, only super aristocracy can afford it! Only super aristocrats are eligible to enter! As long as you enter the aristocracy hall, when you come out, although the purse is dried up like the eggplant that has been dried in the wind, you can instantly have a superman feeling that is as smooth as a cloud!

Able to enter the noble hall,

It’s Elite!

It’s the pinnacle!


This is the basic guiding principle formulated by Jun Dasao when he founded Noble Hall! And the slogan is all this …

After Tang Yuan took over, he vigorously promoted this idea, and even more intensively propagated to the entire Xuanxuan continent! Later, with the reputation of the evil monarch more and more loud, the reputation of the aristocracy also rose with the water! It seems that the price standard of the noble hall is rising like a rocket.

But the higher the price, the more people go!

This is something that ordinary civilians cannot understand …

The legendary “stupid effect” …

The already‘s inconspicuous medicinal materials flowing from under the hands of Jun Dashao, when it comes to the noble hall, it will start the auction immediately! Thousands of gold can be bought originally, but as long as it is auctioned from the noble hall … don’t think about it if there is no fifty thousand two gold!

Why? Grandpa is a noble! Ye didn’t come to the auction for elixir, it was identity! Okay? !! Thousands of gold bidding? That really lost the face of the nobleman …

When one pot of tea was fifty-two silver, nobody drank it, but it rose to five hundred and went directly to the court … It went up to five thousand two, so you need to make an appointment in advance …

This tea house is still the epitome of the noble hall industry. It is conceivable that the fat man’s net worth has reached such a terrible level …

The fortune-teller can also be a god!

When the amount of money is really enough to make anyone in the world want to move, even if you don’t have any amazing strength, you are a big man who can shake the world!

The entire Xuanxuan continent is full of enthusiasm, all major forces are dispatching, the travelers are all elites, all of them are full of energy and popularity. This is not only an invitation to go to the evil monarch to open the government, but also a great opportunity to show face to the heroes in the world!

Who will let it go?

The opening ceremony of the evil monarch, let the whole continent boil together! Up to the three holy places, down to the worldly Aristocratic Family! Even some Jiangyang thieves who ran a single gang acted at the same time …

Some people who have n’t received invitations are also actively worried about the gift … If there is a good gift, let the evil monarch fancy … Then it will be a step to the sky …

Whether it’s an invitation or not … at least more than two-thirds are worrying about the gift!

You must not go empty-handed, but what is it good to send?

What to send … can you become prosperous and stand out in front of the evil monarch?

I heard that this man is super irrational … the gift can’t stand out, but if it doesn’t satisfy him … I’m afraid that my life is also dazzling …

So there are a lot of wealthy families, such as theft, robbery, kidnapping, and so on …

No gold or silver, especially rare, hard to see, precious, cherished …

A well-known old rich man has always had a good relationship with the good guys Aristocratic Family, but after this incident, the only son of the old wealth family was kidnapped by “familiar friends” for two days. Times … and the vault in the house was almost cleared by the thieves to the black stone slab floor …

After this incident passed, the old rich man revoked all the mirrors in the house … when he wanted to look in the mirror, he went to the door of the secret room. The ground was bright and visible. It seemed clearer than the bronze mirror …

Wearing big pants and standing in front of the closet door in summer, you can even count how many hairs there are …

But the princes and dads are unaware of the riots in the rivers and lakes.

Now he is walking alone in the mountains and forests …

This time I left Fantasy House and returned to Xuan Xuan, but I did n’t return from the place I entered. When I entered that day, the location was not far from the east Aristocratic Family. When Jun Moxie returned this time, he found that he was I am in a strange place. Although this place is full of mountains and forests, it is very different from the original entrance!

From the top of the mountain, you can see that there are no familiar scenery around. The trees here are so dense that even with the eyesight of Master Junda, you can’t see too far …

But Jun Moxie is not in a hurry, as long as already is returning to the Xuanxuan continent, it just chooses a direction at will and walks forward slowly.

I really do n’t need to worry, just find a place where people are smoky, and find out what exactly is here. Under the direction, rush the road at full speed. Even if the distance is farther, you can get back to Tiannan within a few days!

In addition, since the young and the young began to seek out of the sacred tree blood yesterday, already strongly fed him four or five times of food. At this moment, the king ’s pulse is getting stronger and his breath is getting more and more. It is heavy, and the situation is getting better. It seems that it may wake up at any time …

At these critical moments, how can Jun Moxie delay the desire to wake up the Snake King as soon as possible just to hurry? This poor woman fell asleep for months for herself already

During this period, Jun Moxie has asked himself countless times: he first wanted to control Qinghan, then he accepted Mei Xueyan, and after accepting Mei Xueyan, he couldn’t leave Qinghan anymore, but also With Dugu Xiaoyi, now I have Miao Xiaomiao …

So why ca n’t I accept the Snake King?

This is a world where men and women are lowly and polygamous. Even women do n’t take it for granted. So do n’t they dare to shoulder the responsibility they should bear?

Are you sure to push these ice-snow smart and affectionate women to some ordinary people, can they really find happiness? No, if you really do that, it will definitely not be the so-called happiness for them, it will only completely break them into the abyss, and your conscience will be disturbed all your life!

So, what am I afraid of? Who am I afraid of?

At the beginning, Guan Qinghan was cruelly criticized by the world. It was almost universally criticized. The world scolded him, but he was still able to resist it! Is it possible that my present self, after so many things, will have to tremble with fear?

I am me! I am Jun Moxie!

Every evil in the world, I am the monarch!

Why should I care what others think?

Do what you want! Enough!

As for others’ cold eyes …

How old are they?

I annoyed Lao Tzu and slaughtered your nine families!

Thinking of this, Jun Moxie only felt that his mind was clear for a while, and he could not help but relax …

At the moment of clearness in my heart, I once again remembered the ancestral motto of the monarch’s family: if there is a bird in your Majesty, you must be a man, stand tall, and fuck!

Laughing and laughing, “Go fuck! Really fuck, hahaha …”

Haimai laughed through the clouds and broke the wind, and the panic that frightened the birds in the mountains flew up …

Suddenly, Jun Moxie heard a faint moan from Hongjun Tower clearly …

Jun Moxie had already determined the source of the sound, and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed. Under his body, he suddenly disappeared from the forest, and the whole person already penetrated into the Hongjun Tower …

In the Hongjun Pagoda, the Snake King Xunzheng was holding up his weak body, and looked at the scenery around him with confusion, his eyes full of bewilderment.

“Are you awake?” Jun Moxie returned to his original appearance after leaving the magic house.

Seeing Xun Xun wake up at this moment, she couldn’t help but ask in harmony.

“You …” A quick surprise passed across the King of Snake’s face, and then he looked dark, lowered his head, and whispered, “… brother … where are we? How could I not have died?”

“A brother-in-law is here, and it will make you die! This place is indeed a secret place!” Jun Moxie answered with a smile. My heart is inexplicable. When Xun Xun woke up, Meimou saw his share of ecstasy and contentment with no regrets, and he looked at it all. This woman, Ben, was full of confusion and fear about this strange place, but when she appeared, all the doubts and fears in her eyes became peace of mind!

It seems that no matter where it is, as long as you are there, it doesn’t matter …

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