Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 32: The collapse of Shen Xuan!

Chapter 32: The Fall of Shen Xuan!

“What is the saying? The speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional, so I arranged for someone to investigate. My father’s old men, where was the person and how was his life? In the investigation After a month and a half, all the results tell me one thing: these people, along with their parents and children, disappeared mysteriously at a certain time … “

“Then I went to investigate headless cases in various areas during that time period. I found that during that period, there have been countless tragedies of homicide and corpses, and these tragedies have all become clueless. The headless public case! All corpses are the same, and it is long unclear who they are … The only thing that can be determined is that those corpses are either old or adults, but there are no children, and no child’s body … “

Jun Moxie’s voice became grieving and vicious: “So from then on I was wondering … who are the children that Huang Huatang has mutilated? If those children really are orphans of the veterans, then Explain that these children are just a disaster caused by my monarch’s family. Then, the master messenger behind Huang Huatang must have great grudges against my monarch’s family, but who is the master messenger behind the scenes?!

Jun Moxie met Xiao Buyu’s revengeful eyes, and his own eyes also became resentful and fierce. When he met Xiao Buyu’s eyes, he took a step forward and asked, “Er Xiao Xiao, I heard you are Xiao family.” The most intelligent elder, can you tell me! The main messenger behind Huang Huatang … who is it?!

“Who is so devastated?”

“Who hates so much hatred against our monarch? How could he be so madly angry at innocent people?”

“Er Xiao Xiao, tell me, who is that person?”

Every time Jun Moxie asks, he moves forward! Every time you go further, the Murderous Qi on your body gets stronger and stronger! His eyes were as knives as Xiao Buyu.

Under Master King ’s obsession, Xiao Buyu’s eyes finally turned away. He never dared to look at him anymore. With Jun Moxie step by step, he was unconsciously step by step retreats. . Shen Ning’s gaze has always seemed a little puzzled and distracted, and the dignified and powerful man was a little overwhelmed by the question of Jun Moxie!

Jun Moxie’s unusually heavy footsteps sounded into his ears, approaching step by step, like a nine-day drought thunder, beating Xiao Buyu’s heart again and again.

“How does the old man know who it is? What inexplicable weird words are you talking about?” Xiao Buyu asked angrily, but his voice was trembling. The voice of a powerful **** would tremble, as long as he had a little knowledge People will find the strangeness in it.

“I was just skeptical, but after eradicating Huanghuatang, Xiao Han came to Tianxiang City shortly after, and took the initiative to go to the Jun family to find my uncle … Why did he come so fast? Why did he come so coincidentally? Grandpa Xiao … Can you answer me? Is wisdom as you think of it? “Jun Moxie looked at him fiercely.

“You doubt me? How could my husband do such a thing! What evidence do you have!” Xiao Buyu shouted loudly.

“I have doubts about you. The snow and clouds of Fengyin and Silver City are also well-known characters. They will never do such things! So many tragedies, so many headless cases, two together. The all-wireless cable also barely makes sense, but so many cases have no clues. This is very interesting. What kind of force does this need to suppress these many cases? Evidence? You actually asked me Want evidence? If a person with a heart wants to do so, how can he leave evidence? “

Jun Mo’s weird smile: “But I have another doubt. Why do you ask me ‘You are doubting me’? Instead of asking me, ‘Are you doubting our Xiao family?’ Or maybe you ask me ‘You Doubting Xiao Han? ‘? Well, wise Xiao Buyu, Xiao Xiaoye, I remember this sentence, I was talking about Xiao Han clearly, but why do you get involved with yourself? What about yourself? “

Xiao Buyu snorted retreats again, his head sweating, hissing and screaming: “A nonsense! You have no evidence at all! Just so empty-mouthed and framed a good man, framed my Xiao family, what is it? “

“Er, you are wrong again! I just said it was Xiao Han, but you said that I framed your Xiao family? What does this mean? Can Xiao Han actually represent the entire Xiao family?” Jun Mo Xie was pressing hard, chasing after victory, and the sharp light in his eyes became more and more intense.

Until now, Jun Moxie ’s methods have worked step by step.

Xiao Buyu is confused!

No longer the desperate mentality of fighting with the enemy!

First, he fights, then he uses the hand of Eagle Fighting to hurt him in one fell swoop; then he abuses Xiao Han to open up a gap in Xiao Buyu ’s defense, and then talks about the horrific Huanghuatang, completely destroying Xiao Bu Rain mind defense!

“Jun Moxie, your blood spurts! You said that my Xiao family, can there be evidence? If you have a tongue like a sword, it will be difficult to plant this crime on my Silver City Xiao family!” The sweat on Xiao Buyu’s face On his feet, the muscles on his face were twisted and transformed, like crazy.

“Credentials? I’ve said it more than once, no, nothing at all! I just doubt it, but doubt that already is enough until now!”

Jun Moxie’s eyes are as cold as a knife: “Xiao Buyu, do you think … what evidence of **** is needed until now? In the world, who else can let the great prince willingly let out of the hospital without revealing A little bit of wind? Which forces can suppress such a lot of headless cases? And which forces have great grudges against my monarch’s family! “

In the last sentence, Jun Moxie lowered his voice and could only hear a few people not far away. Jun’s unintentional complexion twisted unexpectedly, and the twisted face turned out to be so terrifying!

Although these are only Jun Moxie’s speculations, Jun Moxie also admits that those are just speculations, but these speculations are very reasonable. All the inferences and speculations point in one direction!

Jun inadvertently shed tears in his eyes … At this moment, he just wanted to put his wings back and fly back to the capital, and arrange the poor children well …

“Did you know? I accepted a commission from a person not long ago, and I took her money and vowed to completely extinct Huanghuatang!” Jun Moxie’s eyes seemed to appear again helpless The face of the young girl, as well as her brother’s tiny body, are still in her arms, half a copper coin …

That’s my own reward … Now that you’ve been paid, do it to the end!

Jun Moxie’s voice broke out: “Xiao Buyu, you can rest assured that I will never kill any Xiao family … because I will abandon all your Xiao family, one by one, cultivation, Cut off your tongue, ears and nose, knock out your mouth full of teeth, pick off your tendons and hamstrings, chop off the roots of your children, and finally smash your spine, and put all of you in the jars to keep them alive, to the end of your life One day … let everyone in the whole world come and see, this is the fate of the despicable man! This is the fate of the extinct human! Are you satisfied with my arrangement? “

“You … How dare you!” Xiao Buyu took another two steps, his eyes were scattered and helpless, and he yelled again, “You dare!” But everyone scorned the eyes … only to find out My voice is so weak! No deterrent effect at all!

This strong man of Shenxuan Sipin, the strongest who is closest to the supreme rank, is finally completely defeated by Jun Moxie! Little by little, even though he was not involved in the affairs of Huang Huatang, this did not mean that his conscience paper was not guilty after all! Because of Xiao Han, Correct his grandson …

And these tragedies, if he refused to support Xiao Han’s cold-blooded revenge, then none of this would happen!

Everyone has his dark side in his heart, no matter how deep or perfect he hides, as long as these dark sides are lifted out and made public, no matter how despicable and shameless he is Deep, how hypocritical, is unbearable!

Xiao Buyu completely collapsed!

From spirit to body, there is no resistance at all …

Elders, three, six, and nine have different faces, some are ashamed, some are resentful, and the seriously injured Yincheng Seven Swords people’s eyes have changed from unbelievable to extreme disdain. They never dreamed of it, Xiao family actually made it Such things as extinction and madness!

Han Yanmeng also woke up from a coma at the appropriate time, and unexpectedly heard this shocking news. She could not help shivering, looking at the eyes of Xiao’s family, all filled with disgust and hatred.

Anyone with a little conscience will not be indifferent after hearing about such terrible things!

From Jun Moxie’s step by step questioning, and then from Xiao Buyu’s reaction, if everyone no longer sees a clue, then he can really die …

“Xiao Buyu, I asked you, how did your Xiao family sneak into the million army? You must know, tell me!” Just when everyone was thinking about it, Xiao Buyu was a little unwilling. Mo Xie suddenly yelled at Chunlei.

“Who is the insider?!”

It’s a big drink again, this roar already concentrates all the current fine Divine Strength amount of Jun Moxie! All the pure spiritual power that can be mobilized! The sound is so loud that it is like a lion roar of a Buddha door! The torch bounced around neatly, and everyone felt a shock in their hearts! Some cultivation are relatively weak and suddenly feel the consciousness blurred for a while, and the past is full of things …

The first shocked Xiao Buyu was shocked, his eyes were confused, and suddenly it felt like he was standing in front of a supreme deity who ruled everything, sending spring thunder to him in infinite majesty. Drinking and asking, deep in my heart, suddenly there was a feeling that I absolutely couldn’t violate …

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