Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 318: Am I gentle?

Chapter 318 Am I gentle?

“Woohoo … who wants me to treat this woman, woohoo … I will also lose at least half of my life and blood …” Lord Holy Tree cried sadly: “These are my 10,000 years. Savings … wow … you burn me, I’m not alive, I have no way to live … “

“Ahem … even if you really haven’t survived … then you have to bother her first, then say that you ca n’t fart anymore, especially if you are a big man such as Lord Shengshu …” Jun Dasuo comforted: “Don’t cry … even if you want to commit suicide … then you save her first and then give birth to a successful seedling, then you commit suicide if you love suicide …”

Is this comfort?

Sacred Tree is so popular that he almost jumps up and fights against this shameless bastard! Is this still human? If I had done it all for you, what else would I have committed suicide?

“Relax, the emperor is not bad at hungry soldiers, you will not lose money on this transaction …” He smiled, chaotic fire was burning in his right hand, and the tender green light ball in his left finger took off Come out …

“Wow … wow …” When I saw this green ball of light, what “the power of the growth of thousands of trees”, Master Shengshu cried even more sadly … If not for this thing, I can fall Is it such a miserable situation?

It’s pretty good now, my family’s bottom is almost gone, and I still haven’t eaten anything …

Besides, the role of this gadget is only to speed up my growth, and it can not accelerate the accumulation of my life and blood … Even if you give me this green ball of light, I ca n’t give birth in a short time So much life and blood …

Not going to suffer? If this transaction is completed, it will be a complete loss …

“Grass! You said that you also lived for more than 10,000 years old monster, like a little girl, what are you crying?” Jun Moxie was a little impatient, this goods actually cried endlessly, without saying first Answer the question: “It’s okay to say something to you. If it doesn’t work, I won’t embarrass you. For those who are useless, I won’t be embarrassed …”

It’s not difficult to say, but Chaos Fire jumped up and caught somehow, and then jumped up and caught again …

“You still ca n’t embarrass me? … How can it be embarrassing me? … Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh …” The holy tree master on the verge of collapse just thinks he’s living too sadly … Not bragging? This guy actually carried a half-corpse with a soul close to his body … He blew it out when he bragged, is it guilty? …

The guy in front of him has a fierce look, Murderous Qi is vertical and horizontal, and it is not difficult to speak for himself. In fact, he knows clearly. As long as he says nothing, he may turn gray in the next moment, that black flame. It ’s too scary, it ’s definitely a 10,000% buster …

Does this … do you have any sense?

How can there be such people in this world?

“Okay? Hurry, give me a good word, I don’t have much time, hurry up!” Murderous Qi on Jun Moxie’s face became more and more dense. If this guy is flickering himself and letting his hopes be empty … Master Ben really burned you alive into a pile of charcoal kebabs …

“Okay! Really! Sure! Absolutely!” The holy tree stunned for a moment, scared to even cry, and immediately replied loudly. He already heard the killer in Jun Moxie’s tone, how dare he say no?

You have to fight for your life …

Although I am so depressed that I want to commit suicide … But isn’t the problem so desperate … Besides, who wants to live who wants to die, although the price to pay this time is really too great …

“Hurry up! Crying, you’re upset.” Jun Moxie found that this guy actually eats hard but not soft, and he can’t help but have a worse tone. Treating such goods, and further exerting pressure Necessary …

“Uncle …” Lord Shengshu looked at the evil star in front of him resentfully, begging: “The power of Manmu growth … you must give it to me …”

“Well, I’m not the same as you. Uncle Ben talks, that’s always arithmetical, one sentence is one sentence!” Jun Moxie said first.

“Hmm … Thank you, Grandpa.” When Master Shengshu said this, he just felt that he was really shameless. The man in front of him drew up his old man, and he even said thank you to him … What is the truth?

Calculating the gains and losses again, Master Shengshu nodded unwillingly and agreed …

“Ah ~~~~ Ah ~~~~” Turning his head, Master Shengshu made another miserable cry.

“You are shocked? You are shocked! The magic barrier is over?” ?

“This … this … I don’t want to live … I really don’t want to live …” Lord Holy Tree pointed at the Holy Tree Embryo in the pool, almost exploding with anger. This gave birth to the saplings, which only needed to be soaked for a little while, but just patronizing the talk, patronizing the sad and crying, actually forgot the stubble …

Now, the seeds inside have absorbed at least ten times the total blood and blood that gave birth to a holy tree seed … this seed must be strong, but the holy tree has really distressed and almost vomited blood. …

The house leak was overcast and rainy, and the broken ship encountered head wind again!

This is really the grandfather who hit that way …

These worse things almost made Master Shengshu distressed and rolled his eyes …

I scooped up the seed in the pool and found that this seed was a bit crumpled. Now already is full and full, and even some places are still full of bubbling. It seems I’m full …

“I really …” Lord Holy Tree almost wanted to throw this seed out and shatter it!

“Huh ?!” The gentleman on the side made a sound of warning in a timely manner.

Master Shengshu trembled, turned around slowly, and smiled charmingly: “Uncle … Uncle, this seed already … OK …”

“Okay? I have to check a little? See if yours has cut corners!” Jun Moxie was rude and took it as soon as he reached out. Naturally, the left hand is extended. The power of that wood is also put away …

“Well, then you can save her now.” Jun Dasha raised his eyelid and said.

“Yes … Uncle!” Master Shengshu wrinkled a bitter gourd face, and his large hands full of branches carefully lifted the body of Xun Xun and dropped it into the pool.

“Be careful, be gentle.” Everyone chanted again and again: “Slowly, gently …”

Master Shengshu’s heart is tired and crooked again: You do n’t worry about coming by yourself, you snoring … Seeing your nervousness, you know that this woman is not your wife, and I do n’t know where to pack one Xiaomi … don’t be proud, there will always be a fire in your backyard …

Severely cursed in my heart, the body of the Snake King Xun Xun finally sank completely into the sink.

“Sinking down like this … okay? You have to breathe …” Jun Moxie asked uneasily.

“Do you understand or do I understand? Do you rule or do I rule?” Master Shengshu finally couldn’t bear it, and came to an extreme outbreak, turned his head and asked fiercely, “Would you like to come by yourself?”

“I fuck! I’m against you!” Jun Dajue almost jumped, pointing at this huge nose: “You have a seed, please tell me again?”

“I … Grandpa … You are my uncle … I was wrong … Am I wrong? Is it okay? …” Master Shengshu was startled and immediately remembered his sinister situation. Suddenly softened.

“Do you know what’s wrong? Huh! If you can’t cure it, you just have to wait to change the charcoal! How dare you yell at Uncle Ben, it’s really timid …” Jun Mo’s evil-looking big A roar, eyebrows raised, fierce.

To deal with this kind of deceitful and scary goods, we must be harder than him, and much harder, we must maintain absolute strength!

Master Yan Shu’s slave Yan Yan’s knee-to-eye guarantee: “It must be cured! It must be cured, don’t be so fierce …” My heart regretted that this guy was unreasonable at first glance, I just told What is he shouting about? Really asking for trouble …

Master Shengshu is a bit accustomed to his situation already

“Well, what are you talking about? I ’m awful there? I was just teaching you the truth about being a man!” Master Jun said coldly.

“Yes, yes, Grandpa, I don’t understand your trivial meaning!” Shengshu Master.

“Then you say, I’m gentle ?!” Master Jun asked strangely.

“Hello gentle …!” Master Shengshu is crying again …

“Well, you continue to cheer!” Jun Moxie waved his hand, and then consciously immersed in the interior of Hongjun Tower. The most important thing right now is to fully exert the power of wood in the Hongjun Pagoda to promote this tree species, and then it is best to spawn the first group of fruits. If you leave this place, you will find it A soft egg tree has to play tricks on itself and give a seed that is useless, and it can not bear fruit at all, then the real chicken is flying, which is greatly worse …

Selected a large open space in the inside of Hongjun Tower, and then planted this seed in the center of the open space … Then he manipulated the rich Spirit Qi in Hongjun Tower to scream towards this side Coming into the soil …

The soil in the Hongjun Pagoda is naturally more likely than the outside world … it’s all filled with Spirit Qi spirits …

Sure enough, just a short while later, a verdant tree bud emerged from the ground, then shook in the wind, and swiped with a swipe of a foot full of height …

It stands upright like a bamboo pole, and then the tree slowly begins to grow leaves …

Jun Moxie waved his left hand, and the power of the wood flew towards the tree with a slight amplitude. A light green halo immediately enveloped the small tree inside.

I’m afraid that this tree will be spawned too much. Jun Moxie didn’t dare to use his strength. Master Jun’s principle is still understandable.

Sure enough, once the power of the wood is output to the inside of the small tree, the small tree immediately grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye or even dizzying.

The sprouted leaves “brushed” and grew, and then the branches slowly pulled out. The trunk whistled as if it were blowing up and thickening …

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