Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 293: Holy Lord

Chapter 293 The Lord and the Holy One

“Yes! I have never loved it, and I really don’t know what it is! So I can’t get through the seven emotions!”

Mei Xueyan’s face turned red, but she spoke frankly. “At that time, I was helpless and came out and killed the Shixian Palace directly, to discuss a statement; I fought in the Shixian Palace, and battled Palace Host with the Shixian Palace all day and night. Although everyone was evenly matched, the others showed more. It was the home field again, and I finally reluctantly retreated; but on the way, I encountered a desperate siege above the top ten! At the time, I wasted due to the war, and my own merits, already was not as good as 80% of the peak, plus the fatigue of the long battle , But also refused to fight hard, and finally succeeded by them, hit hard to this day! “

“The serious injury at that time almost made me utterly lost. Although I had been recuperated for many years, the injury had not improved and I could barely suppress it! Until recently, although I healed the injury because of you, my strength was only Reaching the peak of the second floor, it is still impossible to break through! After returning to the day punishment, I … missed day and night … “Mei Xueyan’s face turned into a big red flower, but she bravely said it. Because she knows that these are all experiences of rushing through the customs. If it is not clear, if everyone at the time will rush through the customs, it will inevitably go astray.

“I … I missed day and night, I couldn’t sleep, I finally understood the kind of deep-seated … Acacia taste! From this, I know what love is! At that moment, that night, I was suddenly Instantly broke through the emotional barrier and stepped into the third level of His Holiness! “Mei Xueyan said in a panic.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all felt that the matter was very strange. A breakthrough in such a high and deep realm requires such a unique encounter. There is nothing strange in this world.

“So, what is your perception, love, now?” Jun Moxie turned his eyes and asked with a smile.

Mei Xueyan smiled and didn’t answer. Naturally, she wouldn’t say such a question to the public, but her face was a little softer, and looking at Jun Moxie’s eyes, she became more nostalgic. Kindness, the tender feelings, the inexhaustible strands, it seems that Jun Moxie’s whole heart is entwined firmly …

Although Mei Xueyan didn’t say anything specifically, Jun Moxie became clear instantly. Mei Xueyan’s love is the kind of desperate love! I can change for you, I can do nothing for you, don’t care about anything! I only want you!

The only love!

In fact, it doesn’t need to be said that everyone can also imagine how passionate and sincere the love that can support her directly to break through the Seven Feelings from the second level to the third level of His Holiness!

Jun Moxie’s heart was inexplicably hot. There seemed to be a sudden melting of the ice in his heart, and he quietly stretched out his big hand, holding Mei Xueyan’s little tenderness like white jade and holding it tightly.

Mei Xueyan passed a rare tenderness on his face, letting his tenderness be held by Jun Moxie, feeling the temperature in his palm, smiling gently, saying: “Go further, His Holiness the third pass. The number of robbery in the fourth level is related to the power of the heaven and earth! “

Jun Moxie’s body shook and suddenly thought of something, and her gaze asked, “Related to the power of heaven and earth? The power of thunder and lightning?”

Correct!” Mei Xueyan said: “From this level, it is truly a step into the forest of the strongest peak! But if you ca n’t bear it, it ’s the ash fly, The soul is lost! And from this point on, every upgrade is accompanied by a thunderbolt! And the higher the achievement, the stronger the power, the more the number of thunderbolts accompanied by it will be more and more violent. Remember the time when the Holy King broke through , I heard that the thunder and lightning lasted for a full day, and the Lord and the Saint beastmasters who protected the Holy King barely survived after being wounded for almost half of them! And he himself almost had only one breath! ”

“Holy man?” Jun Moxie keenly picked out the word.

“Yes, saint level! Above the saint, it is saint! It is also divided into four levels, but at that level, I ca n’t even reach it now, I do n’t even think about it! But According to old tradition, the promotion of each level of the Holy One is hundreds of times more difficult than that of His Holiness! “

Mei Xueyan sighed, with some sad words: “Three holy places must have saint-level master existence! Those people are legendary characters who have participated in the previous battle for the sky, and even some people are even more Witnessed two battles to win the sky! Our Venerable Sage and Seniors of the Heavenly Punishment Forest were trapped inside the misty fantasy house by a mist of fantasy house, guarding the nine mysterious realms! If not, the three holy places How can I have the courage to start working on me! “

“So, the Holy One is not the highest level yet!” Jun Moxie meditated slowly.

“Yes! It is because our predecessor the Holy King successfully broke through the fourth level of the Holy One and reached a new height, an unprecedented height!” Mei Xueyan showed a respectful look, saying: “And as far as I know , There will never be anyone taller than his cultivation, or there will be misty fantasy palaces and nine mysteries, but they … after all, will not appear in this world! “

“That is to say, the Holy King is not the highest!” Jun Moxie’s voice was very firm! He said in a calm voice: “Above the Holy King, a higher level, or many more! I can be sure of this! But … that will be a very distant and far-off thing for us ! “

Everyone looked at each other in solitude. Only Mei Xue nodded and felt the same way: “I never thought you would have said this. According to legend, after the breakthrough of the Holy King, a sentence was left. . “

“What’s the matter?” everyone asked hurriedly.

“Unexpectedly, I finally started today! That’s what the Holy King said.” Mei Xueyan slowly spoke this sentence, but after everyone heard it, he fell into a state of speechlessness at the same time.

Holy King is just getting started!

What’s that ridiculous!

He’s just getting started, so what are all the people sitting now?

“Hehe … the world is infinite, endless, why are you so persistent. Do you guys know, how far is that from us?” In a speechless moment, Jun Moxie laughed suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pointed Asked the brightest star in the sky.

“How far? It must be very far! Who in the sky can say anything!” Everyone glared at him, thinking that the young and old are adjusting the atmosphere for everyone.

“Yes, it’s really far away. I can guarantee that even the fastest mystic that keeps flying can keep the fastest speed from birth, and it won’t stop flying for ten thousand years!” Jun Mo Xie smiled slightly, and Shi broke into shock: “But, I can also guarantee that there has been someone in that place, definitely someone, even though time is difficult to determine!”

“!!!” Everyone was shocked! This time, even Mei Xueyan showed her unbelieving gaze.

“Don’t be so surprised, that person is not necessarily a person from the Xuanxuan continent. Or someone from a place you don’t know and have never heard of.” Jun Moxie sighed and said, “Or I say something that you do n’t believe; but there are people like this who can lift the entire Xuanxuan continent with one hand, and with one finger they can make Xuanxuan continent no longer existence! These are not bragging … “

As for Jun Moxie’s words, everyone inadvertently treated the kid as having a fever and talking nonsense. Jun Moxie just laughed and never distinguished. After a long while, he asked again: “In this world, since the strong are like clouds. So why has Supreme become the pinnacle of the earth? This is the question I want to know the most.”

“First, because of the limitation of the battle for the sky, the three holy places continued to select masters to enter. Second, above the Supreme, basically there is not much to be interested in this mundane world, so everyone They have also evaded the world. Third, after entering the three holy places, like you, “

Mei Xueyan looked at Ying Bokong and Feng Cunyun: “Everyone of you in this world is incomparable and arrogant and unrestrained throughout the world! But if you suddenly arrive at a place, you find that everyone’s cultivation is there It ’s higher than you, and even some masters can hit you hundreds of people alone … What do you think? What will you do? “

Ying Bokong and Feng Cunyun glanced at each other and said without hesitation: “Of course it’s the practice of concentration, what’s the matter of being stepped on by someone?” The sentence came out, and they both realized at the same time!

That’s it!

As long as there is a person who has achieved considerable achievements, no one will be willing to be stepped on by others forever, especially if they are masters who have swept the world, even if they know to step on their heads The former so-called legends, legends, miracles will not be truly reconciled!

So when you see this situation, once you feel your own smallness and shallow strength, you can understand the feeling of redoubled hard work in order to climb the peak again, and once you fall into this mentality, Which one has a leisure time to wander around?

You can find countless opponents when you practice, you do n’t have to worry about having no opponents, even if you do n’t want to find someone, they still want to find you …

So the masters on the mainland are basically extinct because of this …

On the secular continent, the reason that only the “Extreme” state is enough to dominate the world is also derived from this. It is not so good, so-called “there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called the king”!

“Of course, there are restrictions on the three holy places! The three holy men who created the three holy places at the beginning of the year were all three bright and well-behaved benefactors! They once said, know Above you, the boundaries of the secular people have been healed, and it is forbidden to participate in secular disputes!

Because once you reach the level of knowledge, if you are dealing with ordinary soldiers, a person can basically deal with thousands. Even if you take the head of a million soldiers, it is easy to grasp, and the lethality itself is relatively scary. Once acted recklessly, it is very likely to cause catastrophe in the world!

In fact, the powerful people above Zhizun are also human beings. Once they are stimulated, it is not impossible to do such tragedies as the Holocaust. Throughout the ages, there are many precedents, so the three holy places have this obligation to regulate humanity! Although the three holy places have become … too much power and power in recent years, fortunately this principle has remained unchanged. “

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