Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 272: Nothing comes!

Chapter 272 comes to an end!

From the second day, Dongfang Wenxin waited for everyone’s future, even the lonely Xiaoyi who was tired of Jun Moxie was waiting at home. After all, such **** scenes are still insufficient for them.

Or the world is always rare and peaceful …

A sudden burst of horrible momentum suddenly emerged from the crowd, and this amazing momentum was mixed with surging anger. Jun Moxie felt for a moment already, narrowed his eyes, looked up slightly, two cold lights came out from his squinting eyes!

In the crowd, the two figures are particularly noticeable. No matter where they go, they are like a water boat passing by, and they make way one after another.

The first person, tall and erect, looked like he was in his 30s and 40s, and was in his 50s and 60s. He could n’t clearly distinguish his actual age, his face was thin, his eyes were cold, his head Wearing a tall crown and sackcloth, he was walking towards himself step by step.

As for the people behind him, Jun Moxie knows it. Xiao Jincheng, the throne of the Three Pearls of the Supreme Jincheng!

The status of the person who walks ahead seems to be higher than Xiao Weicheng’s status in Supreme Gold City!

There is still a distance of twenty to thirty feet between each other, Jun Moxie felt a terrifying chill on already!

Behind Jun Mo’s evil body, Ying Bokong and Feng Cunyun both showed an amazing look at the same time.

The strength of this person is obviously beyond already‘s surprise!

Jun Moxie leaned obliquely on the chair of the teacher’s chair, his face and posture remained the same. He watched the two step by step, but his eyes became more and more gloomy.

“You baby is Jun Moxie?” The man was expressionless and expressionless, as if looking at Junmo Xie as if looking at the air, he asked with an indifferent tone. This gesture is like a **** in the sky talking to a mortal, full of condescending, noble and noble, it is like ‘I speak to you is to give you face’.

Oh?, don’t you know that I am Jun Moxie? Then you can guess, who am I?” Jun Moxie rolled his eyes and looked at the man stunned.

“Boy’s mouth!” shouted this man, a majestic momentum like a mountain that suddenly came down. This majestic momentum was aimed only at Jun Moxie, not even the Eagle Strike and Wind Cirrus behind him!

This precise control, the control means that is so wonderful, is really amazing.

Unfortunately, Jun Moxie still lay on the teacher’s chair so lazily, smiling like a smile, inadvertently revealing a wicked chic, he did not launch his own momentum to counterattack, but just slanted Leaning on the chair seemed to notice nothing.

Imposing attack? But it really scared me.

With Hongjun Tower in hand, what Master Ben is not afraid of is the momentum attack …

No matter how powerful you are, can you beat Hongjun Tower? Shame it!

The man only felt that the majestic imposingness of the mountains was downright and magnificent, but it was like being pushed into the sea, and like being pushed into the air, without any force. The unsatisfactory means of suppression that I tried a lot did not work. This taste is extremely uncomfortable.

The fleece of the robe sleeve suddenly disappeared, and the astonishing demeanor of the mountain suddenly disappeared. The man’s icy face was still impassive, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: “It really is good! It is indeed the Supreme Master Mei Fancy you, you are so good. “

Jun Moxie slowly raised his eyelids and asked indifferently, “Who are you?”

His voice and expression were even more indifferent than the look of this Mai Yi, and he was also proud and dismissive. If the expression of Mai people is the **** of heaven, then Jun Moxie at this moment is directly Jade Emperor Great Emperor

“Crazy enough! This seat is forbidden!” Put an end to the sword-like eyes and look at Jun Moxie’s eyes, saying, “Here is the Lord, it is me!” He did not turn around and raised one hand, Pointing to the stage, he said lightly, “Wen Cangyu, it’s my person.”

He is waiting, waiting for Jun Moxie’s face to look surprised!

Stop the Lord!

This is a legendary name that can make the situation change in the annual report!

Although his already is far away from the worldly already for nearly two hundred years, many people may not know the splendor of the name already, but he believes that Jun Moxie must know it.

Because Jun Moxie has a mysterious master and a confidant who is also a respected fellow!

“It turns out that you are an end.” Jun Moxie’s lips twitched slightly: “No wonder the throne of Xiao is behind the bottom of your **** and dare not even breathe, Lord of the Road … it is really prestigious! Your Excellency came here in the moment, and you also found Jun in front of you. What is your purpose? Tell your true meaning!

“Released Wen Cangyu!” Put an end to the cold hands, with a cold look, and use the tone of the command: “Jincheng people, even if they are wrong, they will not be able to punish you; it is not that you can Shameful! Now let him go, the old man looks at your master’s face, he can be the master, and he has never exposed this before! ”

“I never blame it, I am so impressed! I still look at my master’s face?” Jun Mo smiled strangely: “Do you know who my master is? Can he see his face? It turns out his Is your face so big? I am so honored to be able to work for you, such as Your Honorable Lord! “

Elimination of his face suddenly gloomed. He looked at Jun Moxie and never spoke again.

At the same time, an extremely depressed atmosphere formed instantly between heaven and earth, and it was so heavy that everyone present was breathless.

Ying Bokong stood up, stepped forward, and flew backward with a “sudden” sound.

In the face of Venerable Lord, Ying Bokong didn’t even have retreats, let alone fear, but stepped forward!

Although the wind cirrus clouds on the other side did not move, the white robe was self-asserting. A fair hand slowly fell to the sword’s hilt. Five fingers were dry and powerful. Hold the hilt firmly! A pair of eyes glowed sharply like a sword!

Don’t show a slight disdain in the corner of his mouth, he stood so heavy, without any movement, not even raising his eyebrows, but it was like a volcano erupting, sending out the terrifying coercion that shook the world. !!

This horrible coercion is almost visible to the naked eye!

Even ordinary people, if you pay attention to observation, you will find that there seems to be a twisted space between heaven and earth here, which is a subtle and mysterious feeling.

Ying Bokong and Feng Cunyun didn’t move, but sweat was clearly on their foreheads.

Neither of them thought that the cultivation of this venerable lord had really reached such a level of heaven and earth! He has no action, but can use his own aura to mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth, and use it to suppress it!

This colossal power cannot be resisted by myself.

Manpower is sometimes poor. How can it compete with heaven? !!

This is no longer a simple momentum, but it is to put an end to years of understanding, and use its own vitality to obtain a temporary resonance with a wonderful power between heaven and earth, so that you can control this part of Heaven and Earth Strength to attack with a single thought!

This has always been an end to the stunt at the bottom of the box. In the face of Jun Moxie, you did not need to use this extreme method, but you know that you are not dealing with a single Jun Moxie now! Although Jun Moxie is not weak, he has not been seen by him! His power is actually shown to one person-

Master Jun Moxie!

Don’t tell this expert: I want to kill your disciples and destroy the monarch’s house, it’s easy! However, I came here in person and showed more mercy to your disciples, because of your existence!

Whether or not the other person appreciates it, at least he has expressed his position. Generally, to achieve this point, the two sides basically make concessions to prevent people from taking away, so that’s it for the Jun family.

I gave you enough face, you always have to give me back?

This is the plan to put an end to it.

To the legendary master of the Jun family, put an end to jealousy.

Although he is absolutely, he is not stupid!

Ninety masters in the three holy places, who can fight against Mei Zong, dare to try, not to mention he put an end to it?

But the overall strength of such a horror must be defeated under the coercion of the opponent!

Eliminate yourself from being an opponent!

So although he is now aggressive, in fact he only knows when he is a master at this level. Putting an end is showing off!

It’s the best of both worlds that you can get things done without worrying about losing face.

A strange look flashed in Jun Moxie’s eyes, it seemed to be accidental, and it seemed to be … otherwise, then, his face suddenly slumped. He had been leaning leaningly on the chair, now Eventually, he looked up, revealing an unexpected look of horror, and looked at the eradication in front of him! But there is still a look of forcible support by gritting his teeth. Although it seems to be trying to hide it, the careful person can see it at a glance.

Stop snoring, stand with your hands up and ask, “How is it? Can you feel well?”

Jun Moxie seems to have some painful meaning. The blood vessels and pulses under his skin are trembling slightly. It seems a bit overwhelmed but can barely support it. Forcibly make a calm look, use indifference. “I feel so good, it’s really good, no, it’s so cool! It’s so cool!”

Stop snorting softly, sneer softly: “Is that right? Then I’ll make you feel better!” Then, the power of coercion was increased again! It was strange in my heart, why didn’t the superior come out yet?

Eliminate 10,000 reasons to believe that the peerless master is in Tianxiang City! Just at the Jun Family! If this is not the case, how can the Jun family dare to deal with the Supreme King in such a large court? joke!

Is not enough oppression of Jun Moxie? This level of strength is not enough to draw him out? Is he so confident in his disciples?

Jun Moxie snorted lowly, his head seemed to be depressed by his aura, and he could clearly see the blue muscles bulging behind his neck.

This, although coercive, is completely substantive! It is also the means by which the Supreme Class can perform!

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